
Photograph via snooOG

The /r/FastFood subreddit is for news, reviews, and discussions of fast food (aka quick-service), fast casual, and casual restaurants -- covering everything fast food from multinational chains, regional and local chains, independent and chain cafeterias and all-you-can-eat restaurants, independent and chain diners, independent hole-in-the-wall restaurants, convenience store and gas station prepared food, food trucks and food carts, the neighborhood taqueria, street vendors, etc.

This subreddit is for news, reviews, and discussions of fast food (aka quick-service), fast casual, and casual restaurants from around the World -- covering everything fast food from multinational chains, regional and local chains, independent and chain cafeterias and all-you-can-eat restaurants, independent and chain diners, independent hole-in-the-wall restaurants, convenience store and gas station prepared food, food trucks and food carts, the neighborhood taqueria, street vendors, etc.

Know of any good specials, new menu items, expansions into new regions or countries, etc.?

Tell us about the fast food and street food in your country.

This sub is primary for fast food customers. If you have questions or comments or posts about fast food employment or for fast food employees, you should look at one of the chain-specific subs or other subs below.

What is your favorite type of fast food?

Burgers, tacos, burritos, fried chicken, fish and chips, doner kebabs or shish kebabs, pizza, sandwiches, hot dogs, curry, falafel, chinese take-out, chicken nuggets, breakfast burritos, french fries, onion rings, gyros, sausage roll, currywurst, poutine, sandwich wrap, salchipapas, taquitos, samosas, shawarma, empenadas, banh mi, pierogies, sushi, croquettes, meatballs, frikandel, dumplings, crepes, frikadeller, arepas, gorditas, pupusas, empanadas, chicken wings, curly fries, or ????

New and limited-time fast food items

Fast food news

Fast food reviews

Fast Food MultiReddit

Some restaurant chain specific reddits:

Other fastfood/fast-casual subreddits:

Copycat recipes:

Plus a rather random collection of more food reddits:

For road trips:


Posting rules:

  • Basic sub rule: Be civil
  • Please follow reddiquette and reddit rules.
  • No Text Posts
  • Posts and comments must be specifically about fast food, fast casual, or casual restaurants or food.
  • No insults, profanity, incivility, trolling, or bigotry. Nothing rude, vulgar or offensive. Nothing gross or disgusting. Nothing NSFW/NSFL.
  • No editorialized or click-bait titles.
  • No memes or image macros. No spam. No reposts.
  • No infographics.
  • Original sources only. No blogspam or rehosted/republished articles.
  • No websites with hard paywalls or that require registration or subscriptions, unless the OP includes an archive link or https://12ft.io link.
  • No streaming, podcasts, animated GIFs.
  • No Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, blogs, or other social media.
  • No polls, surveys, petitions, fundraising, or school projects. No contest or game posts.
  • No satire or parody, nor AI-generated content.
  • No slideshows or multi-page articles.
  • No posts using the redd.it shortlink and no links to other posts or threads on reddit.
  • All posts must be in English.
  • Do not post links to articles as a text post.
  • This sub is a politics-free zone for both posts and comments.
  • Only or mostly posting one website is considered self-promotion and is banned from this sub.
  • No ALL CAPS words or text, no bold text, and no #Headline text formatting! This is like SHOUTING and is considered rude.
  • No ALL CAPS TITLES, even if the original headline was in all capital letters. No emoji. 😟
  • Fast food is international. If it is not in the title, please add the country in brackets like this: [Japan]. Often there are regional differences as well, so add the city, region, or state in the title if it might be important.
  • Reddit is not Twitter or txt messaging. Complete sentences and proper spelling are expected. No #hashtags.
  • No URL shorteners, archive links, bookmarking links, redirectors, link disguisers, or other websites that hides or changes the final destination URL or source of the original article.
  • Any posts about new items, special offers, limited tests, etc should include listing the major restrictions or details in the title.
  • Posts should only be about fast food restaurants and chains, and their food. Plus issues that will affect many customers, such as data breeches.
  • No posts about employee or customer freakouts, arrests, crimes, problems at individual stores, offbeat news, celebrity news, or other things that just happen to occur at or near a fast food restaurant.
  • If a post is about a fast food chain, or an item from a chain, the name of the chain must be in the title. If it's not in an article title, add the name in brackets, e.g. [Burger King].
  • No posts that are primarily fast food company business or stock news.
  • No fast food employee rants — about customers, other employees, managers, etc. Post those to /r/TalesFromFastFood.
  • No customer rants — about fast food employees, bad food, missing or added items in an order, etc. Complain directly to the store or corporate headquarters.
  • No rumors without some form of official backup confirmation.
  • Additional posts on the same topic with no new info will be deleted.
  • For discussions/reviews of popular new fast food items that already have one or more posts, add your comments to the most recent discussion instead of creating a new post.
  • A discussion topic needs to be at least 4-6 months old before it can be repeated.
  • No "what should I eat today" posts.
  • If you are going to do a personal review of a restaurant or menu item, you should include a detailed description along with explaining why you did/did not like it.
  • Questions that can easily be answered by a Google search or searching a fast food chain's website will be deleted.
  • Do not include the name of the website in the title. If the website adds their name to the title (such as "- Chew Boom"), please delete it from the title if you use the "use suggested title" when submitting a post.
  • Please use descriptive titles. No vague, misleading, or click-bait titles.
  • Don't modify article titles except to add a location in brackets unless the title is excessively misleading, vague, or clickbait-ish. Don't rely upon reddit's "use suggested title" feature.

Custom snoo and header created by /u/ninjartist


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