Bacon is the only food that goes great with absolutely everything.
Bacon: It's the most important thing on the internet.
Welcome to /r/bacon
/r/Bacon has only the common sense rules: No PETA animal torture videos. You CAN post bacon videos you've created on your own Youtube Channel! If it's about bacon, we want to know! If you've created a bacon product of any kind, share it! We just don't want referral links from affiliate sites.
We're always behind on local bacon events around the world. If there's one coming up in your area, please post about it! I catch them from newspapers and Facebook sometimes, but it's always too late for people to get tickets and show up.
/r/Bacon pictures of any kind that you don't already see here, please share with us!
We LOVE bacon in all forms, but you'll get more Karma for belly bacon pics than back bacon pics.
Bacon is always safe for new users to post. We do not require any karma to post or comment here, but please keep it clean. There is bacon porn out there, and it's just not that good.
Want more pork? We've got it right here!
/r/meat - All Things Meat!
/r/FoodPorn - Ooh La LA!
/r/ribs - With or without sauce? That is the question.
/r/ham - The new breakfast meat, again.
/r/chorizo - Cerdo Caliente!
/r/catswithbacon - What could be better than bacon?
/r/Smoking - Smokin'!
/r/AskCulinary - Someone has the answer!
/r/Steak - Never dare go above medium rare!
/r/pelletgrills - How are you cooking your bacon?
10lbs, 200F for 4 hours with smoke tube for added goodness.
So, I had purchase too much pork belly for a camping trip and at the last minute decided to cut down and cure one slab for bacon.
I cut it down to about 3-ish lb bricks and tossed each brick into its own brine vacuum sealed and put in the fridge… then promptly basically forgot about it.
It has been in the back of the fridge since oct 3rd. Is it a waste of belly now or do you all think it would be ok to smoke?
I used Prague Powder No.2 for all of brines along with some other spices and what not.
Just like momma used to make, but with bacon.
Local grill chefs recipe he gave me in NW Sau Paulo. Bacon: Molasses/Black Pepper powder style. Hickory smoked.
I’ve made a few batches of bacon now using my pellet grill. The downside is it doesn’t do well at holding a low 130-140 temp. I’ve also got pellet tubes, but have never tried a 100% cold smoke. Any recommendations on a dedicated cold smoking setup?
Better than the steak
I did these ribs hot and fast, sauced them then coated with crispy bacon crumbles and back on the grill for a few minutes.
I saw these online and they put icecream in them. Naaa, not for me. I filled them with boudin and topped with a fried jambalaya ball and covered with homemade remolade sauce.
Black Label Jalapeño! Hands down the absolute sit down and eat an entire package, best bacon, absolutely ever. Does it make the air spicy while you cook it? Yep, but pain is temporary haha. Arkansas is the only place I've ever found it. Thanks for the help. BTW, Jalapeño poppers with Jalapeño cream cheese wrapped in Jalapeño bacon is the ultimate snack.