Taco Bell. Live Mas!
Welcome to the subreddit for people who have been wronged by Taco Bell! Remember shreddded chicken, mexican pizzas, etc? Taco Bell doesn't!
EX-EMPLOYEES: Message the mods for an ex-employee flair.
I’m quitting my job today. Do I need to give notice or can I just no call no show?
The past few years were filled with joy and whimsy as I constantly wondered why this unbelievable value of a fast food meal still exist while menu prices everywhere just keep going up. It was the sole beacon of light during this inflation of darkness.
Well folks, all good things come to a close. The BYO veggie cravings box (online only), $6 at my tbell, was my go-to during this era of inflated prices. It has been replaced with the evil BYO lux cravings box at almost 2x the cravings box price.
The regular lux cravings box is still a good deal, but it will never be the same again. May we all feel comfort of those days long past gone yonder.
Very generously packed full
They were incredibly tiny. Not worth the price, and looked like a pile of 🤮
I was thinking of doing a beef soft taco minus lettuce, add pico but I'm not sure if you can ask for a taco to be steamed. Can you ask that? I've seen other people suggest a cheese roll-up add beef and pico but I don't know how it would be rolled.
Crazy not even Dasher tip. They have lost their minds
So when I reach hot tier, I get a reward but my points go back down. How do I reach Fire tier? Do I just save up points? And then if I spend points in Fire tier, do I go back down to hot or do I stay as Fire? Someone please explain!
Being back volcano menu!! 😋😋😋😋😋
Diablo sauce is more spicy to me than ghost pepper hot sauce. Ghost pepper is mild to me. I have a high tolerance, but Diablo sauce is really hot still.
5.99 for these two dingleberries?!?? Taco Bell needs to get their poop in a pile before its too late. :(
This happened at around 7:33- 7:38pm, mind you, I was scheduled until 7:30pm.
Let’s call them Manager A (Hiring Store Manager) and Manager B (MIC)
I explicitly told Manager A these exact words: “What do you need me to do before I am able to leave” and he said “Wait until someone comes to- nvm, you can leave” and I said “after this order?-“ and he said “okay” then after the order I am abt to leave, to which he says “bye”, so I went and clocked out, but then I go ask Manager B if I can take home a freeze, she says “Yeah but, you have a lot of orders so-“ to which, I was abt to say Manager A said I can leave but he literally got ahead of me and said “I told him he can leave” which much emphasis on “can”, then I asked Manager B “so do you want me to clock back in?” And she said “No but just for next time if there are a lot of orders make sure you finish them before you go” I then said “ok, have a goodnight” and idk why my naive self said “sorry” to Manager A while to which he basically replied “🤷♂️” and then I left.
I’m very conflicted about this, 1.) I felt thrown under the bus by Manager A and 2.) Are they even allowed to hold me past my scheduled time? I looked it up and apparently in my state, an At-Will state, they cannot, but they may find a reason to fire me if I do, atleast that’s what I understood.
I’d like to know what you guys think and how I should proceed, im considering putting my 2 weeks in, this is so much more stressful than the other minimum jobs I’ve had, and the stress inducers are literally not even the job itself, but the management, and environment created by the co-workers.
Oh and we had like 3 pages of orders, which begs the question, when am I supposed to even leave if not my scheduled time?
This year I’m trying to cut down my tbell addiction
This year I’m trying to cut down my tbell addiction
any promo codes that can be used as of right now?
No longer serving breakfast.
So basically I got a few boxes of soft tacos and another thing I noticed is we were missing two tacos. But then when I took a bite of my second taco it tasted bitter, like battery acid kinda.. it made my tongue tingle it was bad.. I tried looking in the taco but couldn’t find anything I guess I had ate whatever it was. Anyone have any answers? I didn’t have this taste anymore after eating the rest of the taco. Only two bites in the middle of the taco tasted that way..
I was recently at a Bills game and met a guy with “Live Mas” on his license plate. When I complimented, it he said his OTHER car’s plate just said “Taco Bell.” We had a great chat so if that dude is here, HELLO!
Bonus question: which three items do YOU prefer the most?
I used a free item coupon I got after receiving a messed up gordita crunch last week, and this time was even worse. It feels malicious now. Never going back lol
I think im eating too much or i order too many and just eat what i get over 2-3 meals. i order like six things like a total glutton button. To be fair, I always order excess food (or just eat half of my food) when I eat out so that I can bring some home and continue my meal at another time. How many do yall get for how many meals?
edit: yall are freaking bella hadids
I'm an American expat here and this horrifies me but now I'm wondering, do Taco Bells in other non American countries have mayo too??
I have a question I used to work at Taco Bell and left when will I get my w-2 form it's not in the mail