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Outsmarting a Demon. Is it possible?

Hi Occult! So I was excited to come to a realization that a Deal with a Demon is still a Deal. Even with a demon/devil. Deal has it's conditions of exchange binding for both parties.


Like "If you do that, I will in return give you this. Do you accept?" If another party doesn't like the conditions it will not accept, over. But if it does - because for some wicked reasons it sees it beneficial, they you got a deal. You know "one man's garbage is another man's treasure" kind of stuff?

Anyone has free will and choice you, demon, devil etc.

So it boils down to imagination about the beneficial conditions. While entertaining this thoughts, and liking to write music I came up with a song about it (The clip is here https://youtu.be/-dhn6hnZiJ4 and should also be a link to the post. Haven't figured out how it works here yet.). It's intended more like as a mental joke, but only as partially.

My question to you for a discussion - is it possible to outsmart a demon?

06:30 UTC


What is the purpose of life as an occultist?

Hey there good evening to everyone. I have been off and on interested in esoteric beliefs and occultism for a while now. I've looked at this sub and the things talked about I generally agree with and it seems right down my alley. There is just one thing I want to know, because this is the sole reason I left Christianity and came to explore other topics. I want to know what the meaning of life is to an occultist? Is it different for everyone? Why are we here? A god, no God, or what? That's all I really wanna know. Oh, also how do I get started? How do I find a practice ? Thank you for your time. 🙏

04:34 UTC


Non Beginner Book Recommendations

Hey everyone. I've been practicing for a decent number of years. I'm curious to explore a few different topics.

First would be anything cunning folk related. You know, the rural kinda Christian kinda not folk magic?

The next will seem silly, but it's not an area I've really worked. A non traditionalist (I'm not trying to spend 5k on really hard to aquire evocation tools) system or book on angelic... possibly even planetary sphere type....summoning.

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

1 Comment
04:16 UTC


Asking Ai: What is Universalism-Omnism? Is it true it is tied to various strains of Mysticism and Esotericism?

03:11 UTC


Journeys to Famous Ghost Ships

I have been making astral and controlled dream journeys to the ghosts of famous ships of the past, especially and most specifically the Titanic but others as well. My target is not when they were destroyed but their unending astral or etherial form that continues to sail the oceans on a never ending voyage of spirits. I was wondering if anyone would be interested or even, perhaps, would like to join me (not on an endless voyage, of course; just visits in astral form.). I can take a few people along, not everyone and it's a lot of effort so no idle curiosity, please.

Anyway I thought I'd see if there is any interest out there. I

02:56 UTC


This happened just 5 min ago. I am well built 33 M. Behind my bed is my study table & entire night I had a feeling that something was sitting on the table I woke up 8-9 times but nothing was there now early morning my body was frozen & a giant force was crushing my back in bed I was unable to move

Or make any voice then that thing rolled over my body and came next to me on bed all I saw was grey orb. With all the strength I woke up & ran to next room to tell the incident to my brother barely able to speak & gasping for air lying on ground like a dead body. When I narrated everything that happened ; I woke up in my bed I didn't went to my brother. I feel drained & my body hit by truck & first thing I did is to ask you people what just happened with me. Please help me I am begging you uptill now in my entire life I have never felt such pain & fear. Please help me understand what just happened with me.

02:53 UTC


Can I use this invocation Pslam utilized in Key of Solomon in the Seventh Pentacle of the sun for just one of the Angels in the pentacle in a standalone ritual?

I just want to work with Phorlakh specifically not the others. The Pslam in the book says Psalm 16, 17.

I'm just curious whether or not that will work if used in conjunction with his sigil alone?

02:47 UTC


Supernatural experience in the woods, what is this rock?

I was walking through the woods in North Carolina, I saw some stones, I went over to them, it looked like it was a stone grave site, and there was this stone in the shape of a lightning bolt that was white and maybe marble or coarser granite, and it seemed like it was placed there very intentionally, and I told myself I wouldn't take it, but then I said, okay, I'll take it, research it, and then I'll put it back. But as I was walking out of the forest away from that, the more I kept walking, the more I started to hear a young child, a girl, I think, crying, and it was very sad, and I didn't want her to keep crying, and I kept hearing the voice in my head. It was so surreal, and it was getting dark, and I was getting spooked and freaked out, so I thought, wow, I should probably just put this rock back, and I did, and then the crying stopped. It sounded like it was coming from in my head almost. It was very strange, and I can't explain it other than that. It was very surreal.

02:12 UTC


Lilith Entry-Level Invocation Ritual: Awakening the Dark Feminine

What You’ll Need:

 • A red or black candle (symbolizing my energy) • A small bowl of water (for cleansing and reflecting the emotional body) • A sigil of Lilith (drawn by hand or printed) • Lilith oil or any floral oil blend (optional, for anointing) • Incense (dragon’s blood, sandalwood, or patchouli) • A comfortable space with minimal distractions 


 1. Cleansing the Space

 Before beginning, cleanse your space by lighting the incense and allowing the smoke to drift through the area. As the smoke fills the space, say aloud: • “I cleanse this space in preparation for the divine presence of Lilith. May all that enters here align with her energy and power.”  

  1. Setting Intentions 

Sit comfortably in your sacred space and place the candle and bowl of water before you. If you have Lilith oil, anoint your wrists, throat, and heart with it, on opening these areas to receive her presence. As you do so, state your intention:  • “I call upon the ancient power of Lilith, Lady of the Night and Queen of Wisdom. I seek to open myself to your energy and presence, to feel your guidance and strength.” 

  1. Lighting the Candle

Light the candle, focusing on the flame as a representation of Lilith’s energy coming into your space. Visualize the flame growing stronger with each breath. As you watch the flame, speak the following words: • “Lilith, mother of shadows and light, I invoke thee. Come forth and be present with me, as I open my heart and soul to your energy. Guide me, empower me, and help me awaken to the mysteries you hold.”4. Gazing Upon the Sigil Take the sigil of Lilith and hold it at eye level. Gaze upon it softly, allowing the shapes and lines to fill your mind. As you gaze, repeat the following chant three times, feeling her presence grow stronger with each repetition: • “Renich viasa avage Lilith lirach.” Feel the energy of the chant resonate in your chest as if the words are opening a door between your world and hers.  

  1. Water Scrying and Reflection

 After chanting, shift your focus to the bowl of water. Look into its surface, allowing your mind to soften. Visualize Lilith’s energy flowing from the flame into the water, filling it with her essence. You may begin to see or feel impressions in the water—images, colors, or emotions. This is her way of connecting with you. Reflect on what you see or feel, allowing the energy to flow freely.  

  1. Welcoming Lilith’s Presence

 Close your eyes and place your hands over your heart, feeling the warmth of Lilith’s energy entering you. As you sit in her presence, speak these words: • “I open myself to you, Lilith. I welcome your wisdom, your strength, and your guidance in my life. May our connection grow, and may I walk this path with you by my side.” Stay in this meditative state for a few minutes, feeling her energy settle into your heart and mind. 

  1. Closing the Ritual

 When you’re ready, thank Lilith for her presence: • “Thank you, Lilith, for your presence and your power. I honor you, and I carry your energy with me.” Extinguish the candle and pour the water outside as an offering, symbolizing the energy flow between you and the universe.

  1. Reflection

Meditate or journal on your experience; any thoughts, feelings, emotions, or sensations that came up. Sit for a while in silence and reflect on what just happened.

 Ready to take your connection with Lilith even deeper? 

 This entry-level invocation is just the beginning! As you grow more comfortable working with Lilith’s energy, you’ll uncover even greater depths of empowerment, wisdom, and strength. If you try this ritual, I’d love to hear about your experiences—feel free to share your journey with the community. For more in-depth content on spirituality, demonolatry, and the occult, check out my YouTube channel u/OccultCatalyst, where I explore these topics in depth. And don’t forget to join the discussion over at r/OccultCatalyst, where like-minded seekers come together to share their knowledge and experiences. Let’s grow and ascend together! 

01:34 UTC


72 angels of magick book & the Shem HaMephorash angels! Looking for more info on these angels

Can anybody recommend me where to start when trying to learn more about these angels? I got this book and I’m really intrigued but I feel drawn to learn more about them before doing any of the rituals.


00:47 UTC


I found a pig/boar's foot hanging from a tree in front of my house and I'm freaking out

What the title says. What the hell could it mean?

I live in Italy if that helps. If it is witchcraft I have a vague idea of who might have done it but I have no idea what it means. Should I throw it away? Who would put this much effort in doing this if it is not witchcraft?

Please help me.

Edit: It's a city area and it's hung pretty high (just above my head) with barbed wire, I don't think it was meant for animals. I'm not saying I think it will do something to me, but it is just scary that someone would do it. Even just to mess with me, that's a big effort

00:34 UTC


Why is Venus' sigil inverted and why is there a crescent next to it?

22:17 UTC


chaos magic and language

I found this thesis about the rhetoric of chaos magic. Good sources in the bibliography... tl;dr, chaos magic is persuasive language of a special kind and vice/versa -- ? https://hdl.handle.net/11274/16756 "This dissertation investigates authority, information organization, and posthumanism in the rhetoric of Chaos Magic. It finds that, despite Chaos Magic’s anti-authoritarian disposition..." 🦇⌛🧙‍♀️📚

19:50 UTC


Help Me with this

Context: my lover made a food item for me and I kept it as a memory of her, but that item was perishable and has became completely inedible, which I’ve kept in a plastic bottle for a year, did this affected our relationship? She broke up with me around two months ago, and our relationship started to become bitter toward the end of 2023

Please help me figuring it out that did I messed up?

19:42 UTC


What do the different planets and celestial bodies mean to you? Certain energies, ideals, beliefs, or roles?

Also any divine spirits connected to them?

17:59 UTC


Spare a moment for Fotamecus

16:09 UTC


Something I noticed about the LBRP

If you do 4 quarters and 3 hexagrams it is 4+3*6 which equals 22, which is the exact amout of hebrew letters. Pretty interesting don't you think? So do 3 hexagrams when doing the Column.

1 Comment
14:34 UTC


Working with ghosts and necromancy benefits

I am being called upon by the ghosts of the dead. I am working with Bune, Euronymous, and Those Who Died Nameless And Forgotted (Basically the collective ghosts of those never given proper burial or names on their graves who haunt the Earth as a result) I was wanting to ask you guys if you have any helpful information for this or if you guys know about potential benefits to working with them.

14:30 UTC


Seeking solutions

I am facing a challenge and would greatly appreciate your insights. Does anyone have any idea what might be happening and how we can address it?

Recently, my brother-in-law has become increasingly involved in the occult. He has been focusing on manipulating his energy, which he referred to as “amplifying” it. Since this change, I have been experiencing overwhelming panic whenever he is nearby; it feels almost suffocating.

When he noticed my reaction, he began grounding himself, which did help alleviate my discomfort. However, the following day, I felt completely drained and required the entire day to regain my energy.

As a side note, he doesn’t use vampiric magic and he has attempted to assist me in alleviating my depression through his energy, as I am working on processing my traumas.

14:04 UTC


protection from evil/witchcraft

Hello, is there any way to protect myself and my family from witchcraft being done on us? I know it may sound off, and at first i thought so too, but there's too many weird coincidences happening for it to be just chance, im not deep into occult, i dont know a lot, and i cant get into details as it would take too long, and is quite personal.

Perhaps im asking for much, but atleast give me a direction to head to, i dont want to use dark/black magic myself, id rather fight it using white magic(i think theres a thing like that?), anyways, thanks in advance.

I live in eastern europe if that means anything, any info would be great!

11:56 UTC


Beyond Theology: Exploring the Philosophical Gateway to Esoteric Knowledge

What doctrine, science, or philosophy do you believe serves as a gateway to the world of occultism or esoteric thinking?

What leads you to believe in the laws of invisible things that do not have theological roots, staying away from concepts related to divinity, God, religion, alchemy, Kabbalah, theurgy, goetia, magic, the Ein Sof, tarot, or the universal mind, all of which originate from theological sources?

What is the oldest way of thinking along these lines that is not tied to theological or religious beliefs? For years, I believed it was Hermetism, but I realize there are theological ideas within it. Is there anything older that would convince a logical person to adopt such beliefs? Specifically, can metaphysics, ontology, or other branches of philosophy be considered as such?

08:56 UTC


Dreams- Esoteric Viewpoints

Good evening,

Since being initiated into my tradition, I have encountered a rapid increase in vivid dreaming. As someone who has gone through life barely able to remember my dreams, I now find myself in very long, vivid and sometimes terrifying dreams and I must say, I’m mentally exhausted.

I feel like since I have started my practical spiritual journey, things in my subconscious are leaking up, demanding to be noticed and or dealt with.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Also, does anyone have any book/podcast recommendations regarding a more esoteric viewpoint of dreams?

Thank you.

Love&Light to each and every one reading this.

03:31 UTC


What has been your relationship with occult and mathematics?

Are you expected to be a well versed mathematician to understand Thelemic or hermetic magick. Is there a certain kind of mathematics that is commonly used in understanding certain writings and rituals of someone like Aleister Crowley or even modern practices. If so, What are the best ways to verse yourself in math?

01:03 UTC


Fortuna pendant(s) meaning?

Why are these “rare” and popular? And what’s the meaning behind wearing Fortuna as a symbol?

00:16 UTC


Who wins? Qi vs Magic

What is more powerful, qi or chi or prana energy vs the energy created in magical rituals or spells or witchcraft?

23:38 UTC


I think I evoked Dantalion this morning. Advice on what to do with the info I got?

I had been attempting to contact Dantalion for a couple of weeks, mainly because I was hoping to glean some information about my soulmate, and how I might find her. This morning, right after I woke up, I encountered what looked like a web page floating in front of my face, and it gave me some scant details on the matter, namely...

-A first name.

-A hair color.

-A field of employment (as well as an employer, but I don't remember the employer, unfortunately).

I'm wondering what I should do with this information. Obviously, I'd like to figure out where to meet her, but I'm unsure how I'd go about finding out more. Should I continue to work with Dantalion? Is there a simpler divination ritual to work this with? Am I just going a little nuts? Any help is appreciated!

22:46 UTC


Can someone give me written examples of Invocation / Evocation

I've read a lot about Invocation / Evocation, but never stumbled across what one actually verbally says during a ritual, could someone please give me examples?


21:56 UTC


Magical traditions and lineage

Has anyone researched the connections between occult traditions and lineage, suggesting that someone could inherit gifts or even a curse from ancestors who practiced magic? If so, is it a good idea to investigate the origins of one’s lineage to learn more about the general practices in that area?

21:14 UTC

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