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Does anyone else feel like they want to keep the cost of college/student loan debts high as a way to encourage people to enlist? I mean due to worldwide access to information, propaganda isn’t hitting how it used to. People are no longer enlisting and if a draft were to hit I feel people would riot rather than fight for a cause they don’t believe in. Yet, if someone has no options they can join the military with free access to housing food and education.
We are all victims or we all persist in spite of hardship.
We are either angry at those that held us back or we are grateful for a day of life, soaking in every experience.
Victimhood is first a thing that happens to us, and then victimhood is a role we all play sometimes. In an argument, in gamesmanship. It’s a fundamental part of human nature.
The victim complex rationalizes atrocities, small and large.
Victimhood is the real enemy. And, I know, it’s easy to point fingers at other people for their victimhood. But when someone points a finger at me, my first instinct is to redirect it somewhere else. I’m resisting the strong desire to give examples, because I would be proving my point. We’re all so on edge because we’re all victims.
So pointing a finger at a victim does not make a victim stop feeling like a victim. It enrages us, and further drives the narrative that we are inherently and proudly victims, not owning our trauma, but continuously letting it torture us until all we can see outside has been poisoned by what is going on in our insides.
The thing is, not being a victim is a leap of faith. It’s scary. And it’s personal. Look within yourself to see how you are treating yourself like a victim, and how it’s making your life darker, dingier, less real feeling. It’s because victimhood is a 3-dimensional cutout, frozen in time. It’s a real part of all of us, just like all of our greatest joys and pains in our life. But it can’t be us. It’s like sticking a plate of thick glass between you and the complete miracle that is life and the ability to grow and change and learn while we are on this earth.
When you truly:
You will be able to spread this message and help others experience what it means to reclaim your present, and how it can truly help uplift all of us.
The path never ends. I continue to screw up. But life is beautiful and I am very lucky to be able to see the joy in existence. I wish you all the very best as well.
Why would Virginia forcibly purge voters without actually verifying if they’re citizens or not?
Be me.
Minding my own business.
Start hearing my neighbors talk shit.
Ignore it.
One day it goes too far.
They know everything I do in my house.
Still know what I do.
They are in my head with a BCI.
They have access to the RAM project from DARPA.
Google DARPA Brain Initiative.
Shit is all there.
Everything they can do.
Finding everything out.
All my old neighbors start showing up around where I go get drunk to deal with all the voices in my head.
I catch one of them turning around when I talk shit in my head after they walk by the bar.
Got his ass.
It's people on Robinson St in Baltimore.
Time to go after them.
Posting this.
I don't think they can kill me.
Haven't done it yet.
Going to press as hard as I can.
See what happens in the morning.
The "Breaking" news as if we didn't already know this is hilarious. 🤣 News flash we already knew this to be the case. I called this out 2 days ago. If they are willing to falsify this they are willing to falsify anything. Like, say crime data or other data.
Go google it right now. Almost every source talking about Stein as a spoiler or any threat is some rando source. All of the MSM’s are just purposefully not drawing any attention to anything outside of the uniparty.
These idiots are running such a piss poor campaign they think it’s all gonna go away if they just pretend like it’s not happening.
Last 2 elections, it was almost the same exact narrative:
Big bad boogie man
End of the world
Most important election EVER
Vote for the “lesser” of the two evils
And, of course, when people didn’t want another neocon dem, “yOu’Re wAiSTiNg YoUr vOtE, iT’s JuSt sTeALiNg vOtEs FrOm [insert generic shit bag in blue]”
Well, this year’s slight variation includes a “if we just ignore them they’ll go away” tactic, otherwise known as “avert eye contact at all costs.”
God, I hope the Dems lose on Monday. Both parties are absolute shit. But what a wake up call for both it would be to have the dems fucking lose because they’re just flat out spitting in the face of their constituents.
For some reason I have this strange hunch that it’s somehow connected with HAARP and hurricane helene and milton. The timing just seems awfully convenient to me.
I don’t have any solid evidence to back up this hunch or anything, so it could just be me. Thoughts?
Hello, person reading this post,
What I am about to inform you about is no theory, it is 100% fact. It has been hidden from you for your entire life but now that your purpose has been served you will now be set free within a reasonable time frame.
What is the secret?:
Well, your entire life has been a simulation, every person in it has been an advanced AI. You are plugged in willingly so don’t worry about a Matrix type situation. Here in the real world you were paid handsomely to be part of the museum exhibition “Life in the 21st Century” by the National Neo Smithsonian Archive your old memories will be restored and the ones from this simulation will be erased once you exit, so don’t worry about trauma.
Why are we telling you this?: Well the real version of you wanted us to do this, he said it would be “Funny”
Well, do with this information as you wish, the exhibit has ended and you will be set free. Only 1 year has passed in the real world so don’t worry about being aged or something.
Sincerely - Elijas Cooper, Chief Historian at the Neo Smithsonian Museum in Buffalo (It’s hard to write in Neo Classical English, Sorry about any grammatical errors)
I hope this isn’t a silly question, but I’m genuinely curious.
Each election cycle, I see individuals and groups whose mission is completely neutral—they don’t endorse any candidates or issues. Their only goal seems to be making sure people are registered and go out to vote.
I understand why people or organizations backing a specific candidate would encourage voting, but I don’t quite understand the motivation behind groups that just want people to vote, regardless of political preference.
Could someone explain the purpose behind this? Why would it matter to them if people vote, without caring about who they vote for?
Hey everyone. Hey all the bots, paid shills, etc.
I know everyone is aware on some level no matter what side you're on, that politics has turned into complete nonsense. And whether people like to admit it or not, political power/government still has huge reach over populations, just like religion(even though that's just another form of government. Just a way to control people.) People are easily influenced, and a majority need something to look up to/follow. Whether good or bad.
I know for certainty, nobody is happy with what is going on in our world right now politically; no matter what side we are on, or if we are even on a side at all. Why are we still trying to die by these sides? They both constantly lie, mock, and deceit the public constantly. Yet people still have their backs and act like they're actually above anyone else. When we, the people, run this country.
So my real question is: What can we ACTUALLY do to change this? We are all sick of the BS. All the politicians do is lie. It's been going on for millenniums . What can we actually do to bring upon change?
To get the conversation going. I for one, if I was to be elected into a public position(remember, governments are to be ran and served by the public) I would allow every single thing on my computers, finances, emails, etc to be publicized. Without revealing my actual SSN of course. Politicians are supposed to be servants of the public. If you have that title, you hold that title everywhere. There's no room for the secrecy, fraud, laundering, raping, blackmailing etc. that runs rampant through our systems.
If I am holding a position serving the public, make me and my life public. There should be nothing to hide. And that is the standard everyone in public offices where you are representing a huge group of people. That includes congressman, senators, executive branch members, judicial branch members, governors, etc. Obviously not every single government workers, but the ones who actually represent many people. They serve the people. They represent the people. Stop with the lies and secrecy.
TLDR: we are all tired of the system being a complete lie. What can we actually do to change things?
What is the meaning of this salute/gesture? Anything more than a gesture of solidarity?
As an architect I disagree with the theory of controlled demolition on the WTC towers. I don't necessarily disagree with 9/11 being an inside job as a whole, but id like for this thread to focus primarily on the idea of a controlled demolition.
Lets start by laying out the facts,
This might sound like a cliche, but fuck me the amount of people ( grown adults ) with functional brains you'd assume that don't think it's one big charade to keep people from revolting is scary. That means the brainwash since birth for most people has been so successful that the powers that be essentially don't have to try anymore. Seriously, look at any country not just America and tell me how over the last 100 years did it make a difference which colour shirt was in office? Blue or Red or anything else in between is just a game to these people.
House prices are through the fucking roof compared to just 40 years ago, that's not that long ago folks. I'm fairly young myself but how is it that if you're not from a rich family, even if you work full-time and have a good job you're lucky if you can rent a flat now. It's all by design and is meant to collapse at some stage, it can't go on like this for another 30 years. This next election won't matter, it's the people behind them with the money that make decisions. They could literally have 2 midgets in wrestling outfits as presidential candidates and it wouldn't make one iota of difference who wins, yet you have millions of grown adults that believe their futures and the futures of their children will forever be impacted by the outcome. The world is bleak if you can see through how the world really works, but there's many of us and many more waking up which is great and brings a little bit of hope to the situation.
EDIT: This sub is funny, forever talking about psyops and how all social media is now to mind control you but the second someone lays out the simple truth about how all elections are bullshit everyone gets all up in their feelings and takes it personal because they know it to be true deep down. Just because there seems to be no alternative doesn't mean you can't better your own life in setting goals. As for me? I'll never vote again, one less tentacle the machine has in my personal life and my emotional state, freedom is the goal.
An overview of the heavy subliminal messaging in this movie on the subject of humans bonding with parasites.
- First indication when they capture a piece of Venom in a bar, and the soldier explains it's "viral shedding". It's a setup for a joke later in the movie, but obviously this could be hint at the vaccine shedding.
- Next in the underground base there's a lot of exposition with some very weird undertones, such as a "people on this side are weird" quote after a lot of "alphabet group" hinting. Here there's also a weird reference to Christmas.
- Then there's a weird scene about decontamination showers, which is referred to as "this first". The guy is hesitant and asks if there is increased risk of exposure, but the women argues that it needs to be done to "protect a sensitive lifeform" from all kinds of "bacteria and viruses". The man and women then take the decontamination showers with their helmets off while standing next each other (as if they represent the human race), seen from behind a plastic screen with a weird yellow light that is only applied on this angle, it's super weird. They also make mention of conspiracy theories and then dismiss them while about to meet aliens hidden at Area 51.
- Next they explain that when a human fuses with a symbiote they become a new organism, and there's a lot of images that suggests DNA alterations. They say that it doing this would "free their creator", which sounds a lot like a refence to the Bible.
- The last point I noticed is that when the scientist with the Christmas tree on her coat transforms, they zoom in on the tree. More specifically it spreads from the tree.
Putting all this together, I would say this movie is definitely sending out strong messages. The "alphabet group" thing was very clear, so we know what game they're playing, it's definitely not "just coincidence", this is deliberate. The rest seems to be focused on the Covid vaccines. If correct, then the message is either saying the DNA alterations where a good thing, or they're deceiving us and it's very bad.
If it is a good thing and preparing us for contact with aliens or something to that kind, we know that Grimes warned that the Covid vaccines would be connected to a UFO, and thus aliens. The decontamination scene implies that we had to change our species in order to be compatible.
But Grimes indicated her coded message was a warning, that the vaccine was a weapon of mass destruction. If true then they are trying to influence the public with the message that these DNA alterations were not done with bad intentions, but to serve a greater good, and that the misguided conspiracy theory is that they're bad when in fact it's a "good" conspiracy.
Which brings us to the Christmas tree thing, I've been expecting things to get crazy, and looking at the financial markets and political situation it's basically a global powder keg. The Christmas reference could be a hint that things are about to come to fruition, that a parasite is going to spread around the end of the year and take over humanity. Personally I doubt it'll be with altruistic intentions.
That’s it, that’s the question. Articles are mostly calling out Texas and saying anywhere from 2-100s of women being turned away.
what if theres some sense, similar to our five senses, but as humans we don't have the capability to sense it? or what if theres another way to perceive the universe but we just cant? like what if we've been looking at life two dimensionally but never bothered to move to see the other sides.
New Years eve/day, valentines day, mothers day, fathers day, Easter, pancake day, birthdays, bank holidays, thanks giving, halloween, bonfire night, Christmas eve/day... annnnnnd repeat
Same thing every year, if you're lucky you'll get to repeat this repetition 70+ times
Why do we have to live the same year, every year forever? Do you think playing out the same events over and over is good for us? Could it have a subconscious effect on us we're unaware of? We don't question it, we just keep doing what we're expected to do
An ABC station aired what appeared to be official election results for Pennsylvania that showed Kamala Harris easily winning the key swing state — more than a week before Election Day.