
Photograph via snooOG

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

Welcome to /r/AskAstrologers!

This is a place for to ask specific questions about your birth chart. If you have a general question about astrology, head to /r/astrology and post there.


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  4. Specify the source and accuracy of your birth time. Birth times are extremely important in astrology, so please do your best to have an accurate one, preferably straight from your birth certificate. If you don't have an accurate birth time, let us know. If your birth time is something like 6am, 2:30am, 12pm, or another round birth time, it may be rounded. Always list the source of your birth time so we can gauge accuracy.
  5. Only post a screenshot of your chart from astro.com ─ no lists of chart placements. Lists of placements are tedious and hard to read. Please post a screen of your entire birth chart.
  6. Do some research first so we have something to get us started. We’re happy to help you figure out a chart placement, but give us something to work with first. For example, if you need help figuring out your Mercury placement, tell us why you’re having trouble, what you think it means, what is or isn’t making sense, and how you experience it right now. Otherwise, you’re basically asking for a free reading. Check out our list of resources and FAQ if you need help.
  7. Use your best judgement. The advice of a stranger on the internet is never a substitute for that of a trained professional. Please take all advice with a grain of salt, and try not to make big decisions based on information given on this subreddit. While we strive for high quality content, there's never a guarantee.


  1. Find your birth time. It’s essential to have an accurate birth time from your birth certificate or other official source (check for a hospital bracelet or baby book). Please specify the source of your birth time in your post. If you can’t find your birth time, please specify that in your post.
  2. Get a copy of your birth chart. This can be done at www.astro.com.
  3. Make a post that includes an image of your chart. Screenshot your birth chart, upload it to Imgur.com, and post the link here in the body of a text post.
  4. Be specific. Ask a specific question about your chart, such as your Venus placement, a configuration (like Mercury square Saturn), or the Moon conjunct the ascendant. Give us some context and background, including why you’re asking your question and how much you’ve researched so far. Get us started: what do you think it means? How are you experiencing it in your life so far?

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Birth/Neonatal Chart: How do I read this?

I never got to learn how to read one of these, if anyone could help me decipher my own chart, I’d love to learn little aspects of it, and key things to look for! Thank you!

1 Comment
08:50 UTC


Can someone interpret my birth chart for me?

Hi, as the title says, I'm having some trouble interpreting my chart and could use some help. Just to understand myself better 🤭 Thank you all so much ❤️

1 Comment
08:28 UTC


If I should follow my passion

So my whole live I’ve loved acting, directing, screenwriting just anything involving screenwriting but as the years have progressed im wondering if that can still be realistic for me. I also feel like im more on the shy side as a person, and that might affect me being able to have the career. However I do think throughout highschool right now I am becoming a lot more confident and less shy. But I’m going to need to apply to colleges now and I’m wondering if I should still stick to my passion and if it’s right for me? I’ve also always loved astrology and I want to know if by reading my chart you can tell if that’s a career that would make sense for me! Thank you so much if you’re willing to do this 😅 I’m just going through a crisis and consciously doubting myself rn…

1 Comment
08:11 UTC


Could I get some extra insight on my chart?

Hey all, I'm a 28y/o M Sag! I just started getting really in depth with astrology, and this may be a basic run through, although I've known about it for years, and i've never been fully informed about the digging I should do, so I just recently figured out my natal chart. This started because I met a girl at a festival, and showed her my chart that is setup in a basic manner (co-star). She expressed how rare it is to have stelliums, this peaked my curiosity, as it would for my sign and I decided to investigate, after getting my whole chart written and understood I feel like sharing it to get opinions.

So in my 1H I have Sagittarius in Sun, mercury, Pluto, and moon. 2h is Sagittarius in Jupiter, mars, and venus. I am also an ascending Scorpio cause I'm on a cusp (23rd) (which explains why people tend to find me unapproachable I feel), although besides that I have cap under my 3H in Neptune and Uranus while I have Pisces under 4H in saturn. Any insite besides what I have somewhat figured out, kinda hard when your an in your head person and this is why as it seems. (Beads of sweat pour above a tightly clinched smile)

1 Comment
07:45 UTC


Do i have a 10th house Capricorn stellium and what does my chart mean?

Hi everyone! I’ve always been interested in learning more about myself and curious to know why everyone talk about stelliums as a good thing. What does my chart mean? I just want to know what I should be focusing on and possibly where could i find love because my mind honestly is all about career 😭

1 Comment
07:15 UTC


How is the Mars-Uranus conjunction affecting my relationship?

Starting off with that I'm new and not very knowledgeable in astrology but looking to learn.

I was wondering how the current celestial order may be affecting me.

I have Mars in Libra, 1st house, and Uranus in Sagittarius, 3rd house. How is this making an impact?

And how is it sffecting romantic relationships right now?

1 Comment
06:34 UTC


How can I gain clarity on the magnetic pull towards an undefined location, ensuring my decisions aren't impulsive and don't negatively impact my family?

I’m emerging from a period of self-imposed isolation and deep introspection. During this time, I have received visions of the past, present, and future, awakening to new sensations and developing a profound openness to astrology, divination, ESP, and other esoteric traditions.

Recently, I’ve felt a compelling force, almost a calling, urging me to move abroad. Despite not having a job lined up or savings, I am certain this move will happen soon because I’ve seen it in my mind's eye. Every moment the move doesn't happen, things feel off. Many of my experiences are like this—reminiscent of the underpants gnome plans: I see the first step and the outcome but not the middle part, like step 1: steal underpants, step 2: ???, step 3: profit!

Ordinarily, I embrace these leaps of faith and would have already booked a flight if I weren’t responsible for a family with young children. This time, the stakes are higher, and I can’t act on this calling without knowing the crucial step 2, as my decision affects more than just myself. I don’t even know which country I’m supposed to move to or any other details.

I feel lost, and I’m wary of making impulsive decisions that could harm my children’s well-being. How can I gain the clarity I need to understand and follow this calling while respecting my family’s needs and fulfillment?


1 Comment
06:13 UTC


Does it have a great impact? Mercury rx

Hello astrologers, I would like to ask how a mercury retrograde can affect someone's exam when it will occur during their birth month. Would it be beneficial to not schedule on that month? Thanks.

1 Comment
06:12 UTC


I've been having a hard time with my finances and education. Any advice on how to focus in my chart in regards to working with this? Thank you very much for any response!

1 Comment
06:11 UTC


Is this relevant to my transits currently? First romantic connection in 4 years. Feeling stagnant/unappreciated at work, & the urge to improve myself but stuck?

1 Comment
06:06 UTC


Can i go for luxury branding and public relations career?

1 Comment
05:43 UTC


Why am i attracting weirdos and scaring away “normal people” these days?

I would add that i used to be the total opposite but i sort of ‘fell out if grace’ these past few months and i have a feeling astrology or psychology has the answer to that lol

05:21 UTC


I've been feeling very stuck in my relationship to financial resources. Any advice on how to approach/ what to focus on in my chart in regards to working on financial clarity? Thank you so much for any response!

1 Comment
04:46 UTC


Why am I suddenly interested in my ex again who I know is toxic?

1 Comment
04:33 UTC


why do i seem to attract fake friends and horrible partners? why is my life so chaotic in general. it feels like i can never catch a break and i’m so exhausted.

1 Comment
04:24 UTC


I have had such a difficult time these past two years. Serious injuries, family strife, financial trouble. I just want it to stop. When will it end? Can I do something to make it end?

1 Comment
03:44 UTC


many interests, unsure of where to go

ive worked in a few roles mostly fashion related, in a few different cities including nyc. i like it, but it doesnt resonate as much as i wish it did. i enjoy social media and have had a bit of luck doing that. i love fashion but the closest i could get to resonate with me was “creative director”. ive been a social media manager, econmerce manager, editorial stylist, photographer assistant, designer, event planner, etc. it still feels like im not on the money yet, like im missing something. is there anything that stands out careerwise in my chart? if you looked at it without context, what would you assume i did? i feel like im missing a piece to the puzzle

1 Comment
03:11 UTC


Could I have some info about my wedding date from its birth chart? Please.

1 Comment
03:09 UTC


Why am I such an extreme person?

02:47 UTC


I feel like people don’t see the real me and project their image of me, good or bad.

In past relationships or crushes, it seems people always see me as what they want me to be, and they change once they see real glimpses of me. Some people will say I look like someone, or that I’m just like them, that I look like a certain celeb, the worst would be when they completely project a bad image onto me, and think the worst. Even in jobs I never knew If that’s what I truly should pursue while bosses encourage me to continue in what ever career it was. I just find it hard for people to view me for who I am.

02:41 UTC


Is there anything that indicates why I love being more private on social media yet friends/strangers pester me abt upping my online presence

I’ve curated my social media space in a way where I’d go months without posting & drop 1 to 2 IG stories then disappear again 😭 my friends/peers pester me abt it constantly bc they genuinely believe if I posted more/were more public w my profile I’d gain a ton of traction bc to them, I have the “looks” for my socials to take off & for me to be “famous” and I get why the idea of it is appealing, but I’ve just never rlly cared. I’ve had random ppl tell me constantly that I seem very Out There/confident and never thought I’d be as private as I am which makes no sense bc those two things are not mutually exclusive & can coexist 💀

02:37 UTC


Relationship placement?

Do I have any particular placements that make love either hard or easy?

1 Comment
02:36 UTC


Is a Gemini & 8h stellium “bad”

I’m relatively new to astrology, and I know no placements are inherently bad, there are ones that indicate trouble lol. What does it even mean?

1 Comment
02:34 UTC


I’ve had recurring nightmares for as long as I can remember, and I also feel like I have crazy intuition sometimes. I’m wondering if anything in my chart indicates this?

1 Comment
02:16 UTC


Black Moon Lilith and Astrology Websites

Hello, I have been researching and using celebrity birth charts to learn more about Black Moon Lilith. However, I ran into an issue and found astrology apps give different Lilith placements and degrees on people's birth charts. For example, Astro Gold puts Marilyn Monroe’s Lilith at 14 degrees Leo in the 12th house conjunct with her Ascendant. But, Astroseek puts her Lilith placement at the 29-degree Leo in the first house. I was wondering which astrology app is more trustworthy in giving me the correct Lilith placement when it comes to the sign, degree, and house. Thanks

1 Comment
02:10 UTC


Which houses are related to work and career? 2, 6 & 10? How does it relate to it?


I am not entirely sure I understand the relationship between my birth chart and certain aspects of my life like my career, in particular.

After doing some research I understand that the 2nd (monetizing talents), 6th (skills and day job) and 10th (reputation and legacy) houses are most related to work and career and skills, etc.

I attached my birth chart. So as far as I understand.. this is what I have:

My 2nd House is in the sign of Capricorn and contains the planets : Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

My 6th House is in the sign of Taurus and contains the planets: Mercury and Venus.

My 10th House is in the sign of Virgo.

Do I have any planets in my 10th house?

As far as I understand these are the qualities I may have:

  • When it comes to making money I may be good as a manager, entrepreneur or as an organizer. I am disciplined, focused and hard working, with inventive ideas and I navigate myself with compassion and high imagination.

  • I should choose a job related to arts or maybe cooking. (I am a designer, and I love it, so I guess I picked right)

  • I should work somewhere that I could mentor others and put in practice communication skills, and teaching or perhaps somewhere that I am constantly learning.

  • I don’t really understand the 10th house but since Capricorn is my sign there, it is related to entrepreneurship and management.

I would appreciate any further insights.

How would you describe a person with my birth chart in their career and work?

Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
01:03 UTC


Business chat & passion project interp please :)

Hello all! This is the chart of my baby, my dream, my passion project, my mission! Although this chart is for the exact time I conjured up and went with the name. This is a business that embodies everything I love and is centric of bringing those like minded together creatively (that’s vague, I know, sorry) But, I just drew up the chart and I’m curious to see any interpretation that I might not be catching. On my other platforms it showed a Saturn/jupiter square between the 2nd & 5th house (7.63° orb applying) which is def the scariest thing to me! It’s not appearing on this chart, I’m sure it’s because on astroseek it only includes orbs within 3°. However, with an endeavor that is quite literally centered around creative/creatives, and hopefully becoming a source of income for me, it’s raised some concerns! Other things I’ve noticed:

  • Scorpio moon 29° of 10H (good or bad? Not sure)
  • Leo venus 7h (business that will rely around partnerships so I feel like this could be good)
  • Pluto Aquarius 1H @ 1° (I have no idea is this is terrifying or amazing, the brand is pretty eccentric!)
  • Uranus/mars conj. 4H (hmm?)
  • Saturn & N. node 2H and BOTH Rx….

Thank you so much in advance for any input! Blessings 🤍

1 Comment
01:03 UTC

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