
Photograph via snooOG

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

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This is a place for to ask specific questions about your birth chart. If you have a general question about astrology, head to /r/astrology and post there.


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  6. Do some research first so we have something to get us started. We’re happy to help you figure out a chart placement, but give us something to work with first. For example, if you need help figuring out your Mercury placement, tell us why you’re having trouble, what you think it means, what is or isn’t making sense, and how you experience it right now. Otherwise, you’re basically asking for a free reading. Check out our list of resources and FAQ if you need help.
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  1. Find your birth time. It’s essential to have an accurate birth time from your birth certificate or other official source (check for a hospital bracelet or baby book). Please specify the source of your birth time in your post. If you can’t find your birth time, please specify that in your post.
  2. Get a copy of your birth chart. This can be done at www.astro.com.
  3. Make a post that includes an image of your chart. Screenshot your birth chart, upload it to Imgur.com, and post the link here in the body of a text post.
  4. Be specific. Ask a specific question about your chart, such as your Venus placement, a configuration (like Mercury square Saturn), or the Moon conjunct the ascendant. Give us some context and background, including why you’re asking your question and how much you’ve researched so far. Get us started: what do you think it means? How are you experiencing it in your life so far?

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Will my ex taurus reach put?

1 Comment
13:20 UTC


Im right now in my saturn return and its so true! This year happened so much bad and good! I always were in the battle of my libra rising and my scorpio 1st house sun, I feel like im entering now into me, into my sun sign and it feels damn good. I still battle with my moon. Any explanation?

1 Comment
13:05 UTC


What are the trsnsits say about the future of this relationship?

1 Comment
13:01 UTC


I need some guidance

hi everyone! I’ve been going through a really rough time lately, dealing with a lot of problems in my business, major financial issues and in addition to that problems with my health. All of this has begun to severely affect my mental health. I was wondering if someone can see something in my chart that may be causing this or maybe some sort of solution?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. Love to all 💕

1 Comment
12:40 UTC


Why can I never see myself as beautiful/be satisfied with myself?

Basically severe body dysmorphia lol. I can never truly see myself as beautiful or be satisfied with how I look. There’s always something to be ‘fixed’. If I do on occasion see myself as looking good, it goes away realllllll quick.

I remember seeing a post on tiktok about birth chart placements that have a hard time seeing their beauty or are never satisfied with themselves and how they look, it was something along those lines. I don't remember exact placements, but I think it mentioned neptune being near the ascendant. Heavy on the ‘think’ though. So looking for some insight! 🧘🏽‍♀️🤞🏽

Also side question, I've been told that my moon is actually in my 2nd house, not 1st. Every astrology site places it in my 1st though. Is it a matter of perspective or am I actually a 2nd house moon?

1 Comment
12:01 UTC


why am I so impulsive?

i have ocd, i keep on ditching commitments, and i can’t stop ghosting people for no apparent reason other than most people just tend to bore me. it’s been like this basically my whole life; does it get better, or should i just learn to deal with it?

11:55 UTC


Need help with love life.

Can someone help with my love life. I feel like I fell fow wrong people who won't love me back. Been in love twice both times it's been one sided. I'm a bi M and this time fell for older M at my workplace who's a libra and is married but I still feel there's something b/w us. Idk feel like I'm delusional. At this point I'm tired.

1 Comment
10:38 UTC


Scorpio with questions and concerns about Pluto's retrograde impacts on my natal chart.

This retrograde has just begun, and I am already feeling it intensely. I am curious about the themes of my chart that I should (or will be forced to) confront this year. I also do not understand how to read the “lines” or what they mean in each house and sign. Thank you.

1 Comment
09:16 UTC


Do you have any advice to embrace all the 5th house transits I have right now post breakup??? P.s my ex is about to go through their saturn return (I hope daddy saturn makes him bald jk)

  • context: I'm still in love with my ex but I'm not going back because the end my relationship felt abusive and there was infidelity

Questions I have:

  1. Anything to lean into over the next couple months to promote self love?
  2. Do you think dating will be on the cards for me?

-idk if I'm ready to date yet tbh it's been 5 months 3. What kind of love interest would be represented by all these 5th house transits?

09:09 UTC


Do you see a stable career and income in my chart?

1 Comment
08:31 UTC


Need help why do i hate myself so much …?

Since i was born, i hate myself specially my physical apparence sooo much, can someone help me about it ? like what placement in my chart make that? Thank you so much

08:31 UTC


Healthy pregnancy? After a lot of loss

Trying to understand the difficult start to the year..

Hi Astrologers,

Wondering if anyone had any insight for me. Pluto really messed with me at the beginning of the year- between the end of December and the beginning of February, my soul dog was diagnosed with cancer, a dear friend had a stroke (in her 30s) and passed away, and I miscarried at 17 weeks. I spent March recovering emotionally and physically and doing a lot of work to integrate these experiences.

However I’ve recently experienced another loss, an ectopic pregnancy (luckily it didn’t rupture!) and it all feels so painful again. Now I am trying to figure out if there is anything in my chart informing me about how to approach the timing around getting pregnant again. I am hoping things will start to look up for me, because it’s been such a painful time, but any insight is very much appreciated.

Attaching my chart for reference. Thank you so much in advance.

08:03 UTC


Best career for me? Currently pursuing chartered accountancy but feels I've lost my track and isn't the right field for me.

Currently pursuing chartered accountancy but somehow find myself exhausted during internships. I feel like chartered accountancy is not my cup of tea.

07:48 UTC


Is it really that significant? Venus conjunct Pluto natal and synastry

I have my Scorpio venus conjunct Pluto natally and also in synastry with pretty much everyone I ever date. Reading about that synastry aspect all articles make it seem like it is such and intense scary aspect. Is it really that significant if I have the aspect all the time?

07:21 UTC


What is responsible for the current collective awakening?

Basically the title. Would someone please explain why humanity is currently experiencing so many individuals going through an 'awakening', questioning everything, shifting religions, health strategies, relationship goals, increased focus on the self awareness, psychedelic healing, spiritualism etc?

Ive been tracking the major transits and understand each on a high level, but is there a specific cause/time period we're in, and how does the notion of an increasingly difficult 2025 fit into that for humanity on an individual but also collective manner?

07:06 UTC


23 why can’t I find a boyfriend at all? Love life forever empty

Here’s my chart

06:56 UTC


Could he be the one?

I asked astrologers on Reddit a couple years ago when I would meet the right guy for me. They all said in 2024… I also asked if to describe traits he may have… NOW, 2024: I am now dating my friend of 10 years and he is exactly what was described. Funny thing is that I told him it sounds like him back then… Is it right? Could it be him? (He is 41, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon)

06:46 UTC


Why does life keep bringing us together?

This person and I keep coming together in intervals. I’ve never had a connection like this. We are either endgame or I need to cut them off completely. Opinions on our composite chart? Thank you

05:47 UTC


Trying to find an apartment

I’ve been living out of hotels for the past 2 years, trying to find a stable apartment in nyc by no luck, keep getting rejected. Will I get a place soon? Is there something in my chart causing this? I feel hopeless

05:45 UTC


8H synastry

Kind of curious on how's it been going for people with this synastry like how do you cope with the intensity? or did you find it best to just end it after seeing that it just wasn't for you? do you still have regrets on that or still look back to it wishing it could've gone better? or did the passion naturally fade over time of no contact? I'd love to hear about your experiences!

1 Comment
05:44 UTC


Is there a reason we’re still so connected even though we are not together and we don’t even speak anymore? Cord cutting has not worked either

I’m Pisces Sun. He’s Aquarius.

05:42 UTC


Can I get my cancer girl back?


Basically I moved to Australia 5 months ago and never wanted anything serious. However I met a cancer girl and we immediately connected like no other, it was truly magical( I’m a Pisces man). Anyway to cut a long story short she wanted a relationship and me stupidly thought I needed to give that time, and also I was entertaining girls on the side since I justified it was okay that we weren’t in a relationship. However we were loving deep. I cut things off as I knew I was being fair, then shortly after realised that I love this girl and thsi is the firss time I’ve felt what love is. After the conversation about being boyfriend and girlfriend, 24 hours later she found out that I was being available to girls, so I told her everything, the entire truth. I know it was unfair of me, but in my own head I needed to know this is what I wanted to succeed and marry this girl. I’ve betrayed her trust, she says she forgives me and doesn’t want to be with me. She said she needs space. I know she knows how special we are, and we connected like no other. I am devoted to this girl, I want to love her endlessly but is there any chance she may ever let me back in? Im respecting her wishes and she’s acting emotional less but I know she loves just as hard as me. I’m so regretful.

05:31 UTC


Moving to NYC

Definitely an impulsive, but career orientated decision I made in the middle of March…and now it’s happening!…I’m so happy 🩷🩷🩷!!!

Also can everyone please give my chart a reading? Statements? Questions? In the mood to engage with the 🌍

05:21 UTC


Please tell me it will get better?

April was really horrible. Wrecked my car. Best friend/roommate/ex fiancé (ended literally around this April 2010) he’s gay now. Went manic. Again. I stupidly knew this was a risk when I decided to let him move in. Be he was good. And I get lonely. Jupiter and Saturn then too.

I am trying really hard not to blame myself but I feel like I always make the same mistakes.

I’ve want so badly to move away from where I live for years. Get away from my life here. I feel like I’m drowning family doesn’t feel like family much any more

So I live in this big empty house and I have all this stuff and it’s just meaningless. (Chiron is in Taurus?)

What I really want to do is move to the northwest coast sell this house and work on my dream job. But im not one to just go and do it.

If not now when?

1 Comment
05:15 UTC


Why do I CONSTANTLY attract Sag moons?? I can't make sense of it. This is the 4th or 5th time and they all seem totally smitten with me. What is it??

04:59 UTC


I've been trying to feel out the main theme of my Saturn return coming this summer ... any thoughts?

04:20 UTC


Anyone also have this venus/mars conjunction? How does it manifest?

My very fave part of my chart is my venus/mars hanging out in the 9th twinning. Anyone else have venus/mars conjunct like this, in the same degree? How does it manifest in your life?

04:12 UTC

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