A place for Eclectic Witches of all races, genders and religions to congregate and share their knowledge of the craft.
I have bipolar among other mental health. Being a witch used to come naturally. It embodied me. I feel like I’ve lost my spark, my magick. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do to snap out of it?
Hii! Can you help me out with something? 🔆 So I have this uni project with my colleagues and we have to make a website with articles on a niche and we chose witchcraft. Keep in mind that only I know a bit of witchcraft and I try my best to help my girlies' research. We are supposed to grow this site ( that means visitors staying and reading articles daily) . Maybe you find something interesting there, some articles might be too beginner-ish, but we try our best to make stuff while still writing that Bachelor's Thesis. We'd appreciate your visit! 😄 https://witchestavern.site/ Also! I kindly ask for feedback as well! if something is off, please tell me! 🙏
Wish I had time to make this website more in-depth, but with other uni tasks, it's kinda hard to find the moment to cooperate with my teammates. And we have to finish this 'race' until the end of the semester, but I'll try my best to correct any surface errors. 😄 Thank you so much again for the book recommendation! Means a lot!
I know different traditions share food and/or drink with spirits as part of ritual. The only actual name I know is cakes and ale from Wicca. Is/are there different phrases for this practice?
I am starting eclectic Witchcraft and I don’t know where to begin and it’s very stressful. Can anyone help me to begin?
Hello everyone! I asked for permission to post this (thank you Kai-ote). I am a Hellenic Pagan Witch and I decided to create a new subreddit for people who work with or worship Hellenic (Greek) deities and wanted a more inclusive space to discuss different practices.
The reason I created it is mostly because I've seen some people feel a bit like they don't fit in some of the other Hellenic polytheist communities that have a very traditional, historical emphasis. So my goal is a friendly and eclectic space that welcomes both historical practices and modern neo-pagan practices.
I'm of the mind that's helpful to know some of the history, but we also need to allow for UPG (unverified personal gnosis). So both viewpoints are welcome as long as everyone is friendly and openminded. I also wanted a space that is magic/witch friendly.
So any of you who are interested in Greek dieties or who already work with Greek deities in your practice, are welcome to join.
Blessed be.
Blessed Be, I am Witchthief.
So I see this question pop up enough that I'd rather make an article on it than keep answering individual questions about it. What is a Book of Shadows, and how is that different from a Grimore? Now to start off, these aren't always different, depending on the witch you ask. For some there is no difference between them. However, today we will be treating them as two seperate things. That's how I do it, and how many other witches do it as well.
What is a book of shadows? This is your random notes. Put anything related to witchcraft in this thing. Tarot readings, spells, moon phases, deity information, spell results, ingrediants, recipies, crystals, herb information, divination methods, tarot spreads, holidays, spiritual workings, dreams, shadow work, etc. ALL OF IT. Does it relate to witchcraft? Put it in your BoS. It really really doesn't matter what this thing looks like, how it's organized, or what language or code it's in. This is for your eyes only. As long as it makes sense to you, it works. If you need to make multiple, make multiple. If you need to spread your information out over a bunch of half finished note books, cool, get on it. So please young witches, please.... Stop worrying about this fuckin thing. They are messy, weird, streams of conciousness that only you can understand. As intended. There is NO WRONG WAY TO MAKE A BoS.
What is a Grimore? Well after you've been in your craft for a while and the fiasco above has settled down, then start thinking about a grimore. This is a magical tome like those spell books you see in movies. You can make this look however you like it too, but make it look nice. Put effort into it's creation. This is where you will put spells, information about your path, rituals, and information about your deities or whatever you work with. This is a culmination of your craft. If you keep thinking it's not done, and die before you finish, you're doing it right. Keep this orginized in a way that makes sense and is easily searchable. If you want to write this in Theban, or some code to protect your secrets do so, but make sure you create a key to give to whomever you bequeath your grimore too. Think of a Grimore like a Family Bible.
What should NOT go in these books? Everyday Drama. Fanfiction. Shopping lists. and Mundane stuff. These are books of magic. Keep them as books of magic, and you're fine. By the way, using them as a journal is A-OK for a BoS, but should not be in a grimore. Never put your shadow work in your grimore.
How many do I have? I lost track of the "Number" of books of shadow I have. They are scattered about, half finished, margin noted, diskdrive hellscape things. Best guess is somewhere in the 150 range. At no point in my life have I ever filled a notebook. For Grimores I have 2. One is filled with historical rituals and spells, and is the one I use the most often, especially posting here. The first is written in english. The second is my personal spells and rituals. I alter every spell I learn to fit my needs and that is the book for it. It is written in Cunieform.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask in the comments. Ereshkigal's Blessing.
In the last I’ve used basic binding/banishing and protection techniques, and they’ve worked well for me, but current circumstances dictate I need to go…stronger. Looking for ideas for really strong/aggressive protection and banishing spells, wards, sigils, etc. Would appreciate any resources/book recs/personal experiences. If it relates to The Morrigan, even better. I’ve apparently been chosen by Her and I’m in the process of learning more about Her and studying.