
Photograph via snooOG

A safe place for Occultists exiled by Christians and Christians exiled by Occultists.

This is designed as a welcoming community for people of all faiths. beliefs, and spiritualities.


Topics of discussion include personal paths of spirituality, issues that are distinct to the Christian Occultist community, and reconciling differences between the exoteric and esoteric sides of your faith.


In popular culture, exoteric Christianity is an enemy of anything labelled Occult and often even the mildly esoteric such as basic Christian Mysticism.

We hope to foster a place where even belief structures as "incompatible" as these can live in harmony.

May our goal ever be to nurture personal and collective spiritual development, regular spiritual practice, and a deeper understanding of the Mysteries of God. May the Light of God fill us in all our doings. Amen.




Posts should be related to topics of particular interest to individuals who are into various mystical or esoteric paths of personal development who also identify as Christian or work within a Christian Magickal Paradigm.



We know all too well the hostility that exists in largely equal measure and equal vitriol between the Occult community and the Christian community at large. We are also aware of the attitude of "My wand is bigger than your wand" in the Occult community and the angry debates of the minutia of belief among Christians that have literally lead to bloodshed. To prevent these forces from becoming compounded here, we will no longer be lax when it comes to people becoming combative over these issues. No hateful language, name-calling, slurs (racial, homophobic or otherwise), nor threats of any kind will be tolerated. You will receive warning before being banned for such behavior but you are not guaranteed a second one.



In reference to the previous point, the purpose of this subreddit is to allow extremely different ideologies to stew together. Anyone is welcome to post or comment here, including people who are actively hostile to Christianity as long as you honor rule #2. We hate no one regardless of their beliefs, nor do we have any hostility toward Left Hand Paths, Satanism, Luciferians, Setians, etc. and they are more than welcome to join us in discussions about various occult topics.



Keep in mind that this is a place for Christian Occultists or Occultists working within a Christian paradigm. General Occult topics should probably be in /r/Occult or the proper related sub. However, as many who come here are practitioners of some stripe, Occult questions or topics of any type are welcome. We just don't want this to become a dumping ground for /r/Occult x-posts that aren't in some way Christian related.



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How can you be both Christian and an Occultist?


Related Subreddits

  • /r/Occult (Our parent community. All occult/esoteric topics are discussed there)


  • /r/AngelRealm (A storehouse of posts & discussions specific to Angels and Angelic entities of all traditions)


  • /r/HolySummoners (A group of willworkers, thaumaturgists, and magicians that focus solely upon White/Holy Magick)


  • /r/ArchangelSessions (Submit questions & receive answers from a group of channellers that channel each of the four major Archangels (Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel) regularly)


  • /r/BoneandStone   (A Seer, a caster of runes and bones, makes his services available to all who seek him)


  • /r/TheArmorofGod (This Sub is for discussion of all forms of spiritual attacks, anything of demonic influence and how to war against it through the Word of God)


7,605 Subscribers


Are sigils necessary in order to communicate with angels?

I have looked into angel sigils and am intrigued but also they give me many more questions than answers and I do not take anything as being true or helpful at face value.

Seems to me that they were invented n medieval times and are not as “ancient” as some claim that they are. And a lot of the manuscripts that use them that claim to be of a similar age, were in fact created in the Middle Ages as well.

Seems like one would not have to create a sigil in order to ensnare a powerful spiritual entity or thought form such as an archangel. Not could you force or entice one to talk with you simple just because you drew some shapes and started at it intently while saying a mantra.

Could one not just simply ask to talk and have an honest desire to hear a response and that be enough?

15:28 UTC


Anyone attend Liturgy or Mass?

Just curious about the personal practices here. I love the Divine Liturgy, at least as it's practiced in the Slavic churches. I reached a point in my life where I was wanting some sort of communal worship, so I started attending services at a little old Russian Church within the OCA quite regularly last year. I don't think I'll ever fully reconcile the Occult and the Orthodox to a degree that I could ever comfortably join the Orthodox Church, but I appreciate that it's retained much of the mystery and mysticism that was largely lost in the West, though it seems it's starting to attract a lot of fire and brimstone rigorist converts, sadly.

20:42 UTC


So Sad…

I made a mistake. I went over to TrueChristian to ask about an eschatological question I was working on. I posted my question and within 2 minutes some person had snooped my profile and called me out as a “magician” and proceeded to make a bunch of assumptions.

I seriously can’t believe that a sub like that is so horribly toxic. It should be a decent place for people to ask questions, but honestly it was just vitriolic. Some people responded nicely, and helpfully, but many were very rude. I received several very threatening DMs as well.

That’s all. I guess I’m saying I’m grateful that communities like this one exist where while we may disagree sometimes we can still be kind and helpful… This last interaction has reminded me all to well of why I left the organized church and sought to find a solitary path with Christ as my Lord. I’ve been a Christian Hermeticist for a long time, and honestly should probably find a better term for it, but it’s the term I’ve got. But, our precious Lord must be so grieved at what this has become…

00:47 UTC


Sword Recommendations

I am retiring a long beloved Magickal sword. I find myself in need of a new one, and I’m looking for recommendations. I want a small thrusting sword, non-Masonic, but it must have a longish thin blade, a straight hilt that forms a cross shape and be a single hand sword. Similar to this one:


22:55 UTC


Christian Magical Systems or Orders

I'm hoping to hear from this community of there are any specifically Christian Magical Systems or Orders that you refer to, belong to or utilize. By "specifically Christian" I mean that it does not reference deities or "ascended masters" that are outside of the Christian structures. So arguments could be made that even system like Golden Dawn are "Christian" in that they reference Christian entities, but also reference q whole bunch of other things. This is the same for Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and so forth. So, are there any? Maybe not, but I'm trying to investigate a bit along this line. Any help is appreciated. The closest I've come so far is "Meditations on the Tarot" which is brilliant, but isn't a 'system'. Thanks.

16:28 UTC


Magic Sword Issues

This feels so weird as a post title… but anyway, I might be in need of some advice from the Internet. I have a sword which I use strictly for magical working. In my order, we “ring” the sword at the beginning of any working. I’ve used this sword for decades… and a few days ago it “rang” at a different pitch. I am very precise in my ritual work so I’m sure I did it the same way, no “finger on the scale” sort of errors.

I should have taken that cue and stopped everything right there, but I went ahead, because apparently I’m an idiot. Anyway, the next day I find myself the owner of a “warm” sword, it’s been pulsing a bit. I’ve had this happen with books that have spirits attached, but never with a steel blade.

The sword is currently buried in the earth by a running stream to “clear” it, but I’m wondering if I should just get rid of it and get a new one. And, also, I’m wondering what in the world could have caused that…

To answer the obvious “what were you doing?” question, I was doing a work for the healing of a particular person. Normally, I would take this as a sign that the person should just not be messed with, but I usually get that vibe far, far before I have everything set up for something like this.

What do you all think?

22:44 UTC


Need help with a candle magick job finding spell - which colour of the candle + which saint should I ask for help

this is a long shot as i don't think many people hang around here. i'm a christian witch and been recently left in the dust so i wanted to take the matters in my own hands. i want to cast a spell that will help me land a job well suited to me. i have candles of multiple colours, i was thinking of doing the green one. but, i wanted to work with some kind of a saint and that is my blind spot, as all this time i got help through God or Jesus; but this time i thought it would be good to get assistance from some saint. anyone?

06:27 UTC


Can Angels Help Me with Luck and Opportunities?

I’ve been working really hard but still haven’t received the opportunities to showcase my efforts. Should I consider working with archangels, performing rituals, or using sigils to attract luck and create opportunities for success? Do these practices actually help, and has anyone experienced positive changes through them? Would love to hear your thoughts and advice!


21:21 UTC


Happy Feast of the Nativity - a suggestion for preparing for the Feast of the Three Kings

The Feast of the Nativity offers much material for study,prayer, meditation and works

If you consider which element is most lacking in the year past, you can begin preparing for a future by studying that element in the corresponding gospel, then selecting a work of faith which you can perform in your present situation

Then journal about it

Try and keep doing that pattern until the Feast of the Three Kings

Then ask them for wisdom to know where God desires you to go this year and the gifts you need to make the journey

19:45 UTC


The Liberal Catholic Martinist Order - Wedgwood Lodge

05:18 UTC



Hello everybody, I know that each person will have a particular vision and opinion, but for you, my friends, what is the "Soul"!?

1 Comment
22:50 UTC


New discord or permanent links

Can someone make the links to the CO discords permanent so others can find them? Please.

21:18 UTC


What is the esoteric meaning of the story of the birth of Jesus and characters?

Who is Joseph and Mary? I’ve read that Mary represents Wisdom "Sophia" but in this case I’m having a hard time making it work. I’m thinking that through Jesus we come to find wisdom and not the other way around. So what is the something that gives birth to Jesus? Also who is Joseph? What does he represent? And what is the meaning of their beginning story?

21:02 UTC


Can We Really See Angels?

  • Can we really see angels with our naked eye?
    • Do you believe angels can physically manifest in a visible form, or are they more of a felt presence? Share your thoughts and experiences!
  • When working with angels, are there any potential side effects?
    • Many people claim to feel peace and guidance when connecting with angels, but are there risks or challenges associated with this practice?
13:31 UTC



If I pray to God for wisdom and understanding of his Word can the Devil hear it and try to answer?

06:04 UTC


My study on the Book of Job (part 2)

Both Jesus' teaching and the Book of Job say that eagles are at the body of someone or something that has died. If eagles aren't observed gathering physically at all corpses, maybe they still do spiritually gather at corpses. Animals have a spirit in them like humans do. That spirit seems to leave the body upon death.

For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return. Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth? - Ecclesiastes 3:19-21, ^(note: a better translation instead of "they all have the same breath" is: "and one spirit regarding all")

So an eagle can be a physical form with its spirit in its physical body. Or an eagle can be only its disembodied spirit. The latter might be what Jesus and the Book of Job were meaning for eagles gathering at corpses. This is better to explain how eagles could be at every single corpse ever. Because, if they were physical, they would have to use some kind of superpower such as time travel or super-speed or spatial portals to be at so many places because there are many dying people and animals at any given time. Though, spirits of eagles might could do this when physical eagles would be limited by their physical form.

The Bible associates eagles with superpowers:

while Moses went up to God. The Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself' - Exodus 19:3-4


who satisfies you with good,

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s - Psalm 103:5, ^(A great question is, how could someone's youth be renewed unless there was some type of time travel involved?)


He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might he increases strength.
Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:29-31

If this is the case in the Book of Job, that the eagles are spiritual, then what about the other animals? The order of animals there seems random when referring to physical animals. But to God, the order and sequence of things does matter. Remember the importance of the order of days in Genesis 1, or the importance of the Sabbath day being the seventh day of the week. The order of things is significant to God.

for God is not a God of disorder but of peace. - 1 Corinthians 14:33

In order to time travel, spiritual eagles might have to go against the flow of time. Thinking about this, I'm offering a refresher on the flow of time, dimensionally. Speaking of dimensions, we don't just live in three dimensions. Imagine a cube with a person and an environment inside of it, frozen in a moment of time, like a 3D snapshot. Now duplicate or clone that cube, making 2 of them, picturing the other cube like the first, but make some things in the second cube very very very slightly changed from the first cube, in such ways as position of objects, or position the person. Place these cubes touching together. Now extend this idea, cloning more and more cubes, each with very slight changes to the previous, to make a single row of these cubes. Now this is like looking at an overview of a row of frames of a 3D animated movie. When you want to show the flow of time passing, you can look at one cube, then the next cube in the row, and then the next, and then the next, and so on.

You can go down the row of cubes at any speed, and this change of speed is a change of the rate time passes. Like changing the speed of a 3D animated movie. This is like looking at the row of cubes, out of the window of a tiny train that's about the size of the row, that runs parallel with the row. If the train speeds up, then the rate of your perception of time for that row of cubes speeds up. If the train slows down, then the rate of time of the row of cubes slows down. This models the flow of time transitioning from one cube to the next, in the row. Looking at each cube in the sequence of the row of cubes, the cubes representing moments, is going with the flow of time, one way. If you go in the opposite direction in the same row, that is, if you look at one cube, and then the next cube in the row, and then the next... in the opposite direction, then you are viewing the opposite direction of the flow of time for the row of cube-moments. This is like if the tiny train /(that has train-tracks parallel with the row of cubes) went backwards, so that when you looked out of the window of the tiny train, you would see the cubes one by one in their reverse sequence, showing time going backwards for whatever was on the insides of those cubes.

Now imagine that the row of cubes has another row of cubes intersecting the first row, at some point/cube, so that the two rows of cubes makes a "cross" shape. The two rows of cubes are perpendicular to each other. And they intersect at one of their cubes, and together the two rows form a cross. So, this is a cross made out of cubes. Both the first and second rows of the cross have their own cubes. Now again imagine you're on the tiny train, which is going parallel to the first row of cubes, as in the example beforementioned, when the train moves along the tracks, and you look out of the window of the tiny train, you would see the flow of time for the first row of cubes like before. However, when you come to the place where the two rows of cubes cross, the crossing of the two rows of cubes, then you would see one of the cubes of the second row blip by very quickly, that cube appearing then disappearing quickly like a flash, and then you would continue as before to see the flow of time for the first row of cubes. So these two rows of cubes are like two flows of time that are perpendicular to each other.

Where the two rows intersect or meet, in this example is the same cube for both the first and the second rows. The two rows share a cube that is in the middle of the cross. This means that whatever or whoever is inside of this shared cube, can choose to follow the flow of time for the first row of cubes or change directions and flow down the second row of cubes after having gone down the first, like making a 90º degree turn between rows. Now obviously, this is not a 90º turn in 3D space! Because a person or thing in one of the cubes that makes a 3D 90º turn in 3D space will stay in the same row of cubes as before. So if a person or character who is portrayed in those cubes, makes a 90º turn in 3D space, will be seen by a person from the tiny train, that the character will stay in the next few cubes in that same row of cubes without switching rows. But the character will appear from the train to be turning around in the "3D animated movie" of the first row of cubes. If the character having their flow of time portrayed in the first row of cubes actually does make not a 90º turn in 3D space, but in 4D space, then they would make a 90º turn to switch from row 1 to row 2 of the cross. If you were in a tiny train running parallel to the first row of cubes, you would see the normal flow of time for the character in the first row of cubes, but suddenly the character would disappear whenever the train passed the place where the two rows crossed perpendicularly.

So, if eagles are related to time travel, then they might be related to consciousness that can move in another higher dimensional angle, like a 4D angle, like that as described above. Therefore, the other animals in the order in God's monologue in the Book of Job, may correspond to each their own higher-dimensional or 4D angle! And the sequence of animals might correspond to the sequence of angles, like in 2D/3D how 0º goes to 1º goes to 2º goes to 3º goes to 4º and so on until it wraps back around from 359º back to 0º. This would be like the character turning but staying inside the same row of cubes. The animals in the book of Job might be like the angles of the rows of cubes with respect to other rows of cubes.

There doesn't have to be only two rows of cubes. Like a circle in 2D/3D has 360º, a cube can have multiple row-angles, or like how I call them "angle-plus's" or "angle+'s". Each animal in God's monologue in the Book of Job might have their own angle+.

When a person moves their body, they change their focus to a place that is 3D, the space of whatever place of the body they want to move or move to. But consciousness or focus could also be put slightly ahead in time, like for planning out for an action. Or consciousness could be put on a memory of the far past or the very recent past. Or it could be put in something that isn't physically happening, i.e. imagination. Therefore, it could already be common to put focus into other angle+'s, without knowing it. Maybe some people haven't tried putting some of their consciousness/focus into other angle+'s, whereby that amount would "change which row of cubes its in". Making a 180º turn in angle+'s (or 180º turn with respect to rows of cubes, as in the former example) would mean going directly back in time, like 180º to the flow of time. If someone was to start describing how to turn in angle+ directions, then they would probably start with the regular flow of time and work their way explaining each angle+ direction until they eventually got to explaining the angle+ that is directly opposite the flow of time. If eagles are spiritually related to this angle+ or a similar angle+, then it makes sense that the sequence of animals in the Book of Job puts eagles as one of the last in the sequence of animals, because the order of explanation would have at first: "1º+" difference to the flow of time, which may be more understandable to the reader and to Job, and then proceed all the way unto "180º+" difference to the flow of time, which may not just be more easily understood to the reader and to Job, but also be necessary if the action is a higher dimensional rotation, requiring passing the previous degrees to get to the desired one. Like how if you wanted to spin completely around in 3D space, you would have to first pass every single angle before you did complete the spin.

If this sounds far-fetched, consider Ezekiel 10.

Then I looked, and behold, on the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something like a sapphire, in appearance like a throne. And he said to the man clothed in linen, “Go in among the whirling wheels underneath the cherubim. Fill your hands with burning coals from between the cherubim, and scatter them over the city.”

And he went in before my eyes. Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the house, when the man went in, and a cloud filled the inner court. And the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub to the threshold of the house, and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord. And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard as far as the outer court, like the voice of God Almighty when he speaks.

And when he commanded the man clothed in linen, “Take fire from between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim,” he went in and stood beside a wheel. And a cherub stretched out his hand from between the cherubim to the fire that was between the cherubim, and took some of it and put it into the hands of the man clothed in linen, who took it and went out. The cherubim appeared to have the form of a human hand under their wings.

And I looked, and behold, there were four wheels beside the cherubim, one beside each cherub, and the appearance of the wheels was like sparkling beryl. And as for their appearance, the four had the same likeness, as if a wheel were within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went, but in whatever direction the front wheel faced, the others followed without turning as they went. And their whole body, their rims, and their spokes, their wings, and the wheels were full of eyes all around—the wheels that the four of them had. As for the wheels, they were called in my hearing “the whirling wheels.” And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was a human face, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

And the cherubim mounted up. These were the living creatures that I saw by the Chebar canal. And when the cherubim went, the wheels went beside them. And when the cherubim lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the wheels did not turn from beside them. When they stood still, these stood still, and when they mounted up, these mounted up with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in them.

Then the glory of the Lord went out from the threshold of the house, and stood over the cherubim. And the cherubim lifted up their wings and mounted up from the earth before my eyes as they went out, with the wheels beside them. And they stood at the entrance of the east gate of the house of the Lord, and the glory of the God of Israel was over them.

These were the living creatures that I saw underneath the God of Israel by the Chebar canal; and I knew that they were cherubim. Each had four faces, and each four wings, and underneath their wings the likeness of human hands. And as for the likeness of their faces, they were the same faces whose appearance I had seen by the Chebar canal. Each one of them went straight forward.

Notice that a lion is mentioned as one of the faces, as is an eagle, and also a human (and also a cherub). And that they went straight forward. And the wheel within a wheel connotes implies rotation.

Now look at Ezekiel 1.

Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another. Each one of them went straight forward, without turning as they went. As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. And their wings were spread out above. Each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies. And each went straight forward. Wherever the spirit would go, they went, without turning as they went. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches moving to and fro among the living creatures. And the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. And the living creatures darted to and fro, like the appearance of a flash of lightning.

Again the faces are associated with animals, and some of these animals are animals in the Book of Job. If they had faces of specific animals on specific sides, and if they moved "without turning as they went", then naturally each specific animal face would constantly only face in one direction only, because they did not turn. They had a specific animal face for each side, and those sides did not turn. Therefore, the animals corresponded to specfic directions! If these directions were not 3D, they might have been higher dimensional, or angle+'s. Also notice that in Ezekiel 1, the human face and the eagle face were 180º(+) to each other, because the other two sides were taken up by the ox and the lion. Also notice that means that the eagle face and the lion face are 90º(+) to each other, or perpendicular.

1 Comment
04:07 UTC


My study on the Book of Job (part 1)

Why is the Book of Job so important?

2 main reasons:

  1. Jesus references it nearly directly.

Luke 17:37 - Then they asked him, "Where, Lord, will this take place?" He told them, "Wherever there's a corpse, there the eagles will gather." Many translations have "vultures" BUT THAT'S A WRONG TRANSLATION. In the book of Revelation even the same Greek word aetoi means "eagle".

Job 39:27,30 - Does the eagle soar at your command and make his nest on high?...His young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are, there is he.

  1. It contains by far the longest or one of the longest uninterrupted monologues by the maker of the universe in all of the bible! Seems like Jesus definitely wanted his disciples to know the book he was referring to.

Jesus answered them, "Aren't you mistaken because you don't know the Scriptures or God's power? - Mark 12:24

In the monologue at the end of the book, God may have been congratulating Job on surviving the trials that were given to him. He seemed to be congratulating Job for not sinning.

In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing. - Job 1:22

And God commends Job twice at the end of the book for Job saying things that are confirmed. (Job 42:7-8). So it doesn't make sense that God would be mad at Job, because Job survived the trials and didn't sin in the process. Just the opposite, He seemed proud of Job.

Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason.” - Job 2:3

So instead, I believe that God was rewarding Job by giving him keys to doing miracles, and associating Job with the keys, even if they're difficult to understand. And this doesn't mean that Job knew what he was receiving either. He could have thought that God was mad at him, like some modern readers did. He may not have known the way to understand what was being said to him.

Notice that Job says:

Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,

things too wonderful for me, which I did not know - Job 42:3

The word wonderful here is translated from the Hebrew stem P-L-A which is often used in the bible to mean 'miracle' or 'miraculous'. This verse could have been translated:

Therefore I have told and not discerned,

things miraculous from me, and I wasn't knowing it - Job 42:3

So Job talked with his friends about miraculous things without knowing it. So Job (and his friends) brought the topics of discussion, which were about the miraculous (although Job didn't realize this), and then God replied with the knowledge keys needed for Job to understand what topics Job (and his friends) had brought up.

And replied the LORD to Job out of the whirlwind and said: “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? - Job 38:1-2

What did God reply about? When somebody replies to another, they talk about what has been done/said before. Job said things that were confirmed (Job 42:7-8) and also without sinning with his lips (Job 2:10), and told about things that were miraculous, so God would have replied about the topic of the miraculous.

"Without knowledge": Job would have been bringing up the topics, and what was confirmed, but without the correct details. This could be like if somebody was saying that there is a restaurant in this town, and they would be correct. They would bring up that topic for conversation, but when asked they might not know what its name is, or what street it's on, or when it's open etc. So, it's not useful unless more details are known.

And the action of replying makes sense, especially with more details because He is God and would know those sorts of things, when you consider that many of the concepts that God talks about are brought up before His monologue. Both Job (and his friends) and then later God talk about: Leviathan (Job 3:8, 41:1), and lions (Job 4:10, Job 38:39-40), and stars, and eagles (Job 9:26, Job 39:27-30). So it's not like the replying was about general things, but replying about specific concepts that Job (and in Job's replies to his friends) brought up. And because Job talked about miraculous things, the reply would have been about the miraculous. So, I believe that the Book of Job contains useful keys of a mysterious method of how to do miracles.

1 Comment
16:28 UTC


Mass prayer against Wars

During these unholy, corrupt, and chaotic times all around the world, we may be experiencing the beginning of WWII. I’m an occultist who would like to share prayers and hope that many more people can help pray. If you are interested… repeat like a mantra daily.

For safety during war Psalm 60

For protection in time of war Isaiah 43:1-2

Against national war Psalm 149

16:48 UTC


Does anyone think Spirtiuality/Magick/Mysticism/Occultism is very neglected in European swordsmanship (and martial arts in general)? Seeing how so much swordsmanship is steeped in Christian tradition such Catholic Saint devotions (esp prior to the Reformation)?

I just got a book by mail The Sicilian Blade by Vito Quattrochi.

Quattorchi's main specialization isn't martial arts but occultism. Specifically Catholic devotions. His most famous book is Benedicaria: Magical Catholicism which is basically about local Italian magick all revolving around the Roman Catholic framework.

Throughout his book on Sicilian knife fighting he frequently mentions prayer to Saint Michael. Even in his Benedicaria and other occult books, frequently he says to call Michael the Archangel not just for defense against demons, but even for physical protection (one of the prayers in the Benedicaria mentions something about praying to Michael to let the enemies knife miss stabbing at you).

So I think this is a very underlooked topic. I'm not a Roman Catholic but I was raised Anglican and one of my relatives specialized in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. So I'm quite familiar with basic Catholic stuff from his tutorship and in Catholicism many Saints are given patronages of not only war but even certain weapons like Sebastian bow and arrows and Maurice swords.

Without going into a ramble about Catholic theology, you seek a saint who is patron of a specific subject like say Raphael for healing and ask them in a prayer to intercede on your behalf (they pray to God asking for your request related to the subject). Hopefully God answers them. The stronger the Saint is a patronage of a subject, the more likely a response from God.

In addition being raised in an Anglican-Lutheran hybrid school of thought in my household, I read through lots of stuff about Protestant Reformation and plenty of stories about prayers to the Trinity for victory not only in battles during major conflicts like The Thirty Years Wars but prayer before and after duels, hanging biblical verses outside of barracks (and so I would assume same for fencing schools), holding the cross while resting, etc in the various stuff I was forced to read, watch, and so on as a child all the way to College Years. Nothing involving saints BTW since Lutheranism normally doesn't believe in intercession of the Saints.

I mean even ISIS are known to have an Imam quote Quranic verses not only before battle but even during training as well as play Adhan before and after training sessions. So if Iraqi swordsmen today are even using Islamic spirituality as part of their fencing traditions, why does HEMA and most Western fighting traditions seem to completely ignore this often very associated part of Asian martial arts?

I mean in a HEMA site they were even pointing out some Medieval and Renaissance schools have patron Saints and not only had prayers and candle devotions but blatantly used Christian symbols as part of their logos as well as Biblical verses in local languages!

If there's one reason that irks me so much about the lack of exploring occultism and mysticism in HEMA and western fighting traditions in general, its not the fact some local familial styles like Vito Quattrochi's family style is steeped with Christian tradition..............

Its the fact in a far away Eastern country in Asia called the Philippines often has devotions to Saint Michael as a common thing across their local arts' schools. Esp schools existing prior to "Eskrima" being created as an all-catch codification of Filipino martial arts, already predecessor styles Saint Michael statues commonly in whatever the Filipino equivalent of a dojo is called.

So why does HEMA as a whole and even Western fighting arts tend to neglect the religious and occultic aspects of European martial arts? Esp since intercessions of the Saints was so ubiquitous in Medieval and Renaissance society it permeated not just swordsmanship and unarmed martial arts but practically all across European society? I mean even illiterate peasant farmers knew about prayers to local Saints and how to light novena and the nobility saw it necessary to honor Mother Mary or else!

Bonus question-anyone who is Christians do you attempt to add back European mysiticism into your practise of HEMA esp Catholic devotions? Do any of you light novenas to Saint Michael the Archangel or read verses from a Calvinistic bible in between breaks at sparring sessions?

00:12 UTC


I heard by a jewish occultist that the book of St Cyprian, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, and the enchiridion of Pope Leo are pseudepigraphical. What do you think?

He was talking about "fake" grimoires that shouldn't be practiced because they're "fraud" and mentioned these books. He also said that the Christian Kabbalah contradicts itself because the christian church and the bible condemns magic and mysticism. He argues that Jewish mysticism shouldn't be mixed with christianity.

18:48 UTC


Vittoria Ferrone Compagni's essay on Agrippa's Christian Magic.

20:37 UTC


Attending or holding Liturgy/Mass/Service

Like my title says, how do yall feel about attending mass or celebrating your own. Just wondering what other people in this space do.

Me personally I celebrate mass on my own (even though I have no formal ordaination). I usually celebrate the Liberal Catholic mass or the Gnostic Breaking Of The bread.

03:08 UTC

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