
Photograph via //r/Spells

A place to find, record, and share spells, rituals, and other magickal techniques of an occult / metaphysical / mystical / supernatural / supranatural / paranormal nature.

This sub is for people who believe there is more to the world than that which has been explained by science. It is for people who are serious about the occult, witchcraft, mysticism and related pursuits.

Please do not ask for "readings" of any kind.

DO ask questions, post your own spells, and get advice. DO NOT advertise your business, ask for money, or link to people who will do so.


55,774 Subscribers


Protect a car from passengers' energies and keep it clean and positive?

A loved one is using his car for ubering, I'm concerned about the bad energy some people may bring with them (the passenger may be a good and pleasant passenger, but still be a very wicked person just emanating pure bad energy that may linger, for example).

Any tips on how to do so? Besides the periodical cleansing, I'm looking for something more of a barrier, so to speak.


22:02 UTC


Looking for help with a hex/curse/black magic situation

Looking for a hex/spell to make what happened to me happen to someone else… I found out earlier this year that my now ex cheated on me with several women. Two of those women I was in touch with, we became friendly. They acted as if they were supporting me while I was trying to leave him. I later learned that they both had continued seeing him behind my back. He ended up giving me an STD during that time (I came to learn that he’d had it for several years, long before me). Anyway, I want these women to get this STD/feel the suffering I’ve felt as a result of having it. I’m not sure what type of spell to do this? Sour jar? Revenge spell? Thank you!

21:56 UTC


Please give me an obsession spell to try

I see people post and talk about obsession spells but most want you to pay to know it. I understand it can be risky and results won’t always be in your favor in the end. I’m willing to give them a try and have an open mind I just want to know a real one. If you know and care to share please do I would appreciate it a lot! Thank you

21:33 UTC



Is there any spells that can help me retain information?

21:13 UTC


is it possible to enchant a social media page and its posts?

I work in a job that requires me to advertise on social media and I'm struggling with growth quite a bit and I'm working on more posts to come out but once I post them I wonder if there's anyway to enchant my content to make it appealing/mesmerising/draw people in. I am pagan but have not really done much spell work other than stuff with bay leaves and burning a piece of paper with something written on it mainly because my mom is scared of me doing spells in her house. so I've never enchanted anything before. I'm not really sure how it is done even.

18:05 UTC


Simple Healing Spell

For this spell you only need a glass of water or a bottle of water.

(I learned this spell from the lady at a shop called The Broom Closet)

The Spell:

-Hold a glass of water between your hands. Since water is pure, you can use it as a magical space and imprint in with whatever you need.

-For a specific health or healing purpose, say what you most need. For example, say: ‘My headache is lifting and I am full of energy’

-Empower the water for health, vitality, and strength for the days or hours ahead.

-Keep your hands cupped around the glass for about two minutes then slowly sip the water, thinking the empowerment.

-If you always feel tired in the morning, fill a glass of water before sleep, endowing it with energy and enthusiasm for the day ahead. Drink the water as soon as you wake, saying ‘I fill myself with the enthusiasm and joy for the day ahead.’

16:56 UTC


Wife back

Help I need a spell or something to get my wife back before ending our marriage! Anyone have any ideas to get her back and in love with me again?

16:53 UTC


Found a white water pipe outside my house. Spell?

Hi everyone

I live in a building with other families on other floors. I've placed a mat right outside my door. It has perforations/holes for design. That's the best way to describe it. Tonight, I got a food order placed right outside my doorsteps. I went out to pick it up but couldn't open my door too easily. I felt like something is stuck and when I looked outside, I found a white coloured water pipe stuck on one of the perforations/hole on the mat. There was also a white plastic thread outside. I'd stepped outside today and there was nothing there till the afternoon.

Am I being paranoid, or is this a spell? I'm trying to tell myself that maybe others were doing repair work and this just so happened to land on my floor.

What could it be in your experience?

16:39 UTC


Best full moon spells or rituals? I’m new to practicing but have had much success so far! Are their certain spells I should focus on during the full moon?

Peace, manifest wealth, healing my chronic autoimmune disorder, and new love is what I have been feeling I want to work on Spells Any specific spell suggestions? charged my crystals, a jar ready for moon water and have some saved. I’ve started small, but have noticed my spells actually working and me believing in myself with this more and more! I’m also starting tarot and working on really finding my intuition with the cards. Please let me know your full moon rituals :) Thank you

1 Comment
16:29 UTC


Positive banishing spell?

Hello fellow witches,

I consider myself a semi-experienced witch and I often come up with spells I make ''from scratch'' but I am at loss for this one. I will try to make it simple : a woman has been making my life much harder this past year, but she never did anything wrong to me per se. Let's just say we have a hard time co-existing.

She recently met a new beau and has been less around (and therefore less impactful on my life) and what I'm seeing here is a great opportunity to make a spell for their love story to bloom enough over the next few months (I am willing to be patient on this one) so she will move in with him about 1h away, and therefore I'll be getting rid of her without having to hex her. As I said she never did anything wrong to me directly, but I still want her gone.

I just want to push things in the right direction fast enough for me to... reek some benefits.

So I'm wondering what type of spell to do here. To me it's a banishing one more than anything, I don't think a love spell would be proper... but I may be wrong. Also I cannot wrap my brain around what type of spell to do either. A jar? Candle magic? Other?

Ty and blessed be!

16:00 UTC


I need a love spell that actually works

So I want a love spell to make the boy I've met online love me back and be kind of obsessed with me but not too much I mean I want him to love me deeply so much that he'll visit me so we can finally be together because now he's ignoring me 😭 and haven't replied in 2 days so if anyone knows how to do an easy love spell which can make him like that please say it

15:28 UTC


Spell casting is dangerous?

Hi ,I am a hindu and I have a interest in magic from childhood mainly due to fantasy anime but I have few questions

  1. Can a hindu do the spells?
  2. By spell casting did I have to pay price like my soul etc?
  3. Where can I find the spells?
13:03 UTC


Spell for strength, resilience and peace

Hello all,

I really need a spell that is going to help me stay strong on my mental health journey. Something that is going to help me stick to any positive changes I make. I also need something to help me get over an attachment I have to a person that I want to stay friends with but would like to not have romantic lusty (limerance) feelings for.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

13:00 UTC


Want to rekindle our lost happiness, specially in bed.

Guys, I'm new to this. I just don't know where to go and just need any possible thing that will make our relationship work, specially on bed. Not that proud of but, got a dead bed room for 10+ years😔.

I really need you're help. And would do anything for my wife and our relationship to be on again 🥺

( IF there is some details needed please do tell me so that I can share it here ) ( age, zodiac sign or anything thing needed ).. TIA 🥺

1 Comment
09:01 UTC


To help me study abroad?

Is there a ritual or a spell who can help me achieve my dream of studyng abroad??

Or maybe a spell to make win a contest I am in, where I could gain the money to go to study?

Thank you all

06:42 UTC


Casting on or around the Aries supermoon on 17th October

I have been seeing and reading a lot of contradictory posts everywhere where some cultures say it's an incredibly night to pray, cast, and manifest while some say that it's very chaotic and we must refrain from casting and manifesting. Which is true?

06:20 UTC


Hi witches

Does anyone know of any STRONG spells to calm down an angry person very quickly Very much needed 💗

04:37 UTC


What are your guys experience with money bowls?

03:18 UTC


Is there a spell to cut certain people out of your life?

I currently live with my parents. I appreciate what they’ve been doing for me and I try not to take it for granted. But I’ve been trying to grow and become more independent without their involvement. I would like to have my own space and things like a car and an apartment. I just seemed to keep hitting dead ends. They’re not exactly helping me in the way I’d like to be helped. I’ve also tried like having serious conversations about my wants and need to grow. I continue to say that I’m not a kid, I don’t agree with what they’re saying. They know some of my situation and how I’m stuck. but they don’t seem supportive or helping me to move on. We both don’t seem to agree on whats best for me. It seems quite literally they’re trying to track, control, and make me dependent on their needs. Is there a spell or a chant I could use to become more independent and leave this house? Or how I could get them to stop or cut them out of my life?

02:59 UTC


Self love spells?

Any good recommendations for self love spells with low risk for going wrong? I don’t really do spell work because I’m not educated enough about it but I could really use something to boost my self worth and to focus more on myself. :) Thanks in advance. <3

02:58 UTC


communication vs reconciliation vs contact me

this might be a stupid question so sorry in advance, but what would the difference be between these three? are they all entirely different? would i have to layer them to get the effects of all three? could i just combine the reconciliation and the communication into one and then do a contact me separately? can they all be one together?

maybe i’m just very sleep deprived today but i cannot figure this out for the life of me right now lol… please assist

02:12 UTC


How do i break a petty hex

Also have another person inside me speaking, eating all my food and energy

1 Comment
02:04 UTC


Fall more in love

Is there a spell to fall more in love with my SO?

01:20 UTC


I would love a spell for communication with those who aren't on earth, as well as with someone from my past

Hello! So I would love for someone to help me out with a spell for communication. One for someone from my past (living) and one for someone who has passed on. I'm out of practice. Haven't read cards in years, but I'm sure that I could do the work if someone could point me in the right direction. The person who is living. I would like just for them to think of me and reach out for a short discussion. And the man who has passed. I would love to either have dreams that aren't nightmares or to have a small sign that he hears us. Thanks so much Stay safe

23:00 UTC


Can I also use spells, jars and manifest

I'm a man, trying to figure out how to start witchcraft. I have done some research and it says anyone can get into witch craft. Will I have the energy to do this. My mum, have said many time that if you not study an earthquake will happen, and it did happen the next day. These things have occurred many times, like she used to say stuff like this will happen or that will happen and it did I factory happen or take place. I want to know if I've inherited that from my mum and can I start doing witchcraft and spells.

22:45 UTC


Love/Trust Spell

I'm fairly new at this stuff so any help would be greatly appreciated. I like this guy; we get along great as friends and I can tell he's a really good, sweet person. The problem is he's been hurt a lot in the past in almost every way possible and now he doesn't trust anyone. He says all he wants in life is peace. Apparently he thinks all relationships are too full of drama and not worth it. I just want to show him that it doesn't have to be that way. Is there any spell I can do to encourage him to open up and entertain the idea of a relationship with me? And after I do that which one should I do to try to increase the chemistry between us so to speak? Thanks a lot in advance.

22:25 UTC


Do these 'ingredients' mean anything?

Hi. I just found this sub and thought I'd ask here.

Someone put red wax with thread in it, hair and what I think was honey with cinnamon under the doorhandle of my vehicle. I touched it and it got all over my hand. Do those things mean anything?

22:00 UTC


Do you think other people can sense when you’ve done spell work/divination on them?

To clarify: if you’ve ever cast a spell on SP for example, do you think they can sense it? Not that they necessarily sense what you’ve done, but they just feel a change in energy or have weird vibes towards you?

Also, I’ve read on a few sites that you shouldn’t ask your pendulum about other people. Most of my divination involves questions about others, so I try to ask them in moderation. Do you think a person could feel “off” about you in someway because of this?

Any advice on my specific situation would be helpful. I’ve done a honey jar and a communication spell on a SP, and they have both worked, but since doing those and since I started using a pendulum to ask questions. The SP has certain days where he seems like he is feeling wary of me. Sometimes it’s almost as if he knows a secret about me that he would have no way of actually knowing.

I hope this all makes sense. Let me know if any clarification is needed.

18:54 UTC


Period blood

Is it true if you put period blood in the person’s drink they will become obsessed with you?

18:49 UTC


3rd party gone spell

Hello i am in need of a spell to for sure remove this 3rd party will be gone and away from my marriage, my spouse has cheated on me with him while our marriage is failing. He’s there playing the “hero” i need him gone and my wife to focus on fixing our marriage for our family sake. Help?

Thank you guys in advance for the advice.

17:23 UTC

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