The art of divination using the 16 binary figures of geomancy.
A subreddit to discuss traditional divinatory geomancy, the art of divination using the 16 binary figures of geomancy, as well as its cousins `ilm ar-raml, sikidy, and other related divination systems. Although relatively unused and unheard of for the past few centuries, geomancy has enjoyed a millennium-long spotlight across Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Europe and used by countless people; it was once second only to astrology in renown and practice. Undergoing a renaissance of its own, geomancy is headed back to its proper place of fame as a useful, down-to-earth, and direct tool of divination.
Please note that this subreddit is not for the discussion of feng shui, vastu shastra, sacred geography, ley lines, or similar branches of the occult. This subreddit is dedicated to divinatory geomancy, and all discussion should be germane to geomancy in some way, whether using traditional Western methods, traditional Arabic or Islamic methods, or modern innovations that are rooted in geomantic practice. Discussions about geomantic technique, correspondences, meditations, connections to Western or Islamic astrology, geomantic ritual or applications to magic, and the like are more than welcome here, including discussions of charts.
If you'd like to discuss a geomantic chart, please be sure to provide the full query information, all sixteen figures (either in Shield Chart or House Chart form or both), and your own interpretation of the chart (even if simple and short). The chart may be shown either using a text description or with an associated image. This is not a place to request readings done for you or to have readings interpreted for you, so please remember to give as much as you get and help as much as you are helped!
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Just a thought but i was wondering if i were to look at the figures what physical items would i associate each with. Like for example laeitita would be smthn thats used once or twice not all that often
And so on… what items would u assign to some figures?
In line with action elsewhere on Reddit, should r/Geomancy ban Twitter/X links, and maintain this ban for all future X-affiliated services?
Currently, this would affect links including twitter.com, x.com and t.co. If you are aware of other affiliated products, please suggest them in the comments.
Hi, I have a question about geomancy. If you wanted to do a geomancy reading, could you use the footprints someone else made? For instance, if I wanted to ask the question: Is this guest a good person or not, and have them walk through a pile of dirt, and then (unbeknownst to them) perform a geomancy reading on the patterns created by their footprint, would this work? I read somewhere that as the geomancer, you need to cast the figures yourself. So would I have to be the one who created the footprint? Or could I use the guest's footprint and then create the lines/dots within the markings? Thanks in advance! Hope this makes sense :)
Hi All. I have a question on Opposition specifically in relation to the House Chart method in the Golden Dawn system. Opposition is described as being The House Directly opposite the House in Question ( the Significator ) however it is not clear what house this is referring to.
For Example - If Significator is H6 is the Opposition H11 ( which would be directly opposite diagonally ) or would it be H2 ( Directly opposite lengthwise ) or H4 , H5 OR H7 ( all of which could be described as being opposite in some way. I have been guessing that it would mean the house on the opposite side which in the above example would be H11 if Significator is H6 however would really appreciate any help on this!
Thanks :-)
Hi, I'm new to the practice of geomancy and just learning, so this question may seem stupid, but is there any system in geomancy for getting a yes or no answer? I didn't find anything substantive in the books I have access to, and when I tried to get an answer to the yes/no question, I noticed that "no" comes with passive elements, and "yes" comes with active elements - does that make sense? (I asked about obvious things like: I have blue eyes, yes or no). Thank you in advance <3
So far I've been reading John Greers the art and practice of geomancy and have begun making flash cards to better memorize the figures. Any tips to help me better memorize them? What helped you?
What draws you to geomancy? I'm intrigued by it but don't know much about it. What sets it apart from other divinatory methods like tarot, playing card reading, I Ching, astrology, rune casting, etc?
Hi All I hope you are well.
I am new to Geomancy and am currently working my way through the Greer Book ( It is really excellent ) I have a couple of questions which I wondered people might be able to help with.
For daily readings where one casts a GD style chart ( not shield chart ) is there a particular house that people would focus on depending on the day ( to Quesit ) or do people just read what is going on in each house ( e.g H1 ( self e.t.c ) H2 ( money ) H3 ( siblings ) e.t.c.
On page 130 of Greer he gives a method of brining the chart together whereby one goes through the modes of perfection and denial , note down the numbers assigned to each to add up favourable or unfavourable indications. E.g Occupation + 5, Conjunction + 4. My question is when we are assessing Conjuction, Occupation, e.t.c do you only assign a number if it is a positive figure ( e.g Fortuna Minor )? The list of favourable indications is much longer than the list of unfavourable indications ( particularly if you are measuring Sextile / Trine aspects in both Dexter and Sinister aspects so it seems like its not going to be the most balanced way of measuring as the numerical totals for favourable indicators seems like it would be higher always as there are less indicators for the unfavourable ones? ( I may be missing something here :-)
Any help or ideas would be much appreciated!
Hello everybody!
I am often asked by my (especially younger) clients about their carriers. The question is: what kind of profession would be the best for them. Usually I look at their significator in the I. house to find out, what kind of work suits to their character. And then I study the sign in the X. house and look, if both significators (from the I. and the X.) move to other houses to get a hint, what direction might be the right one. Of course, I interpret the planetary signs as clues to the professions, which are traditionally associated with them (Mercury = trade, Venus = arts etc.). But the results are in most cases not really convincing ... So I wonder, if you have some better ideas! Thank you!
My chart for the US election results ended up being pretty spot on. Now I would like to try and glean a little more info about specific aspects of what to expect during this upcoming president's term(s).
Specifically, I would like to know if the right to same-sex marriage is going to be reversed during this time. I'm not sure if that wording is best for building a chart, so I wouldn't mind some help there.
But there is also a the case of determining where to look for the querent and quesited in a question like this. I think since I am asking about "politics of marriage" that I would look at H7 then find a turned H10, so H4. I also consider that this is viewed as a limitation on marriage and could be turned H12, so H6. I don't have a background of horary astrology, and the material I've read for geomancy still leaves a lot of ground uncovered for certain questions. I figured this may be a job better left to a consensus since it involves politics, anyway.
Look forward to your comments! Thank you all in advance!
Context: Someone I know runs a shop selling amulets created by different monks / occult practitioners. As I'm considering getting one, I want to divine whether they will help me with particular goals.
I'm a little confused about where I should look for the amulet in the house chart. As a creation of an experienced magical practitioner, an amulet in general would be 5H from 9H. This, however, poses a few issues:
The quesited, turned 5H from 9H, is the same location as radical H1. In cases like this, how should we re-assign (? not sure if this is the right word) the houses to be able to read perfection/reception/etc?
Do I need to account for the seller in the chart? i.e that the object is currently in his possession and I'm buying it from him
a. And considering that he himself deals with / advises on magical work, would he be a 7H "other person", 6H service, or 9H person of expertise?
Thanks in advance!
For some time now I have been experimenting with Agrippa's method to populate the house chart from the shield chart and I've been getting good results. Even so, I would like to hear second opinions on this topic based on the following chart, as well as thoughts on which houses should be the quesited for this question.
At first, I consider that Agrippa's method in this case gives me a much more cohesive and accurate answer considering what I perceive in my work environment. I would take Fortuna Minor in H10 to represent my boss since he is in an elevated position despite not being the head of the department (which would be Fortuna Major). FM also tracks with my boss's personality—someone with outer brilliance but who appears to have some anxiety underneath.
From that point, I would consider H6 from H10 to represent myself as this boss's employee, so FM in that house would be the answer to the question. I would say this means that he recognizes my talent but gracefully thinks that I have some room for improvement. To me, this makes more sense than Tristitia in the same position in the traditional house system chart.
I'm still quite skeptical of using turned H6 as the significator for the quesited, though, and I wonder if H7 (or another) would be more consistent, since I'm not exactly my boss's employee as in pertaining to him in that sense. I'm still his subordinate, so I guess that's close enough considering the range of possible meanings for this house (servants and pets).
Any other thoughts regarding Agrippa's method would be appreciated as well.
In some cases, I have seen the same figure in the 11th & 12th house. For example, Rubeus as both the friend and the unknown enemy.
I have practiced/studied for over a year and a half, and still feel completely unclear on how to interpret this when it occurs. Even retroactively. I'm curious to share how you all read when this happens!
Anyone know where to get these? I know there's a few stores on Etsy selling qirra dice but I'm looking for brass or metallic ones in particular. Thank you!
So, I'm back again with a chart that I found a bit confounding. The chart was a third party reading cast for the question "Will [my brother] be injured on his National Guard Activation?" I'll spoiler the rest, in case anyone wants to interpret untainted.
!To me, this chart read as a clear-occupation between the 3rd and 8th house (which would be the 6th from the 3rd). This suggested injury to me (possibly in the neck or knees based on the presence of Laetitia in other houses). All of this turned out to be completely false, leaving me with two possible options. The first is that I simply misread the chart. This is always a distinct possibility. The other possibility that I considered, in retrospect, is that the chart was cast on 10.9, when he was activated for hurricane relief. Is it possible that the prohibition against geomancy charts applies equally to to third party readings whose querent is in a storm?!<
Where can I learn more about turned houses? I've not come across this phrase before. Thank you 😊
This chart was cast yesterday with the question "Will [my brother] pass his road test tomorrow?". I'd been reading on when to to rotate the chart and when not to in the sub and thought I'd give it a try. I made the querent the third house, as it regarded my brother. I was less confident in the quested. I put it as tenth house as it was essentially would the government give him permission to do something. I left it unturned because he did not yet possess the thing. With that interpretation, I see a translation between 2 and 11. I also believe there is conjunction through company with the 4 and 5. This leads me to rule in his favor. I'm interested to see what if others have a different interpretation of the chart. When I find out the outcome. I'll update with the outcome of the chart. Thanks all!
Update: My brother heard last night that he passed his driver's test.
I was working on a question and format for a chart, and it occurred to me that many of the more mundane activities don't have clear-cut houses, at least by way of the traditional House placements and themes. I came to geomancy from Tarot and runes, and my grip on astrology is tenuous at best. I've learned most of what I know of the houses from reading about geomancy. Now I'm left wondering where some of these more modern or daily activities may fit into a chart. For example:
How will shopping with N on Saturday go?
Here I presume self is H1, and friendly acquaintance N can be H7, but what to do with shopping? It's local, so is it surroundings/H3? Money is involved so H2? Would it be entertainment and H5?
I would love just a quizbook of what things belong in which houses, but geomantic reading materials are pretty thin when it comes to things published in the information age. Some more examples:
Will good friend X text me back?
Should I use Turbo Tax or go to a local tax prep service?
Will I win some money from my sports book bets this Sunday?
Not all of these have come up yet, but it would give me a good idea of where I should be placing related quesiteds. Thank you all for what you have already contributed. This sub has been a game-changer already!
If you cast a yes/no binary question but the questor is neutral, the witnesses cancel each other out, the judge is neutral and the reconciler is also neutral, is there anything else to check in the shield?
Should you cast again at another time or just accept the non-answer?
Many thanks.