
Photograph via snooOG

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Often, like in books, movies, and music, we find references to the occult, arcane, magickal and otherwise mystical teachings in video games, OR interactive simulation. Whether it be story, gameplay, imagery, or some other facet that we do not quite understand it. What strange powers and sentiences may reside behind the unfathomable sea of 1 and 0 we may never know. With a subtle eye we may divine some sort of pattern through the madness.

"Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival."

Often, like in books, movies, and music, we find references to the occult, arcane, magickal and otherwise mystical teachings in video games, OR interactive simulation. Whether it be story, gameplay, imagery, or some other facet that we do not quite understand it. What strange powers and sentiences may reside behind the unfathomable sea of 1 and 0 we may never know. With a subtle eye we may divine some sort of pattern through the madness.

Discord Chat, Steam Group





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Game Specific

/r/Elder Scrolls Occult




"You" by Austin Grossman

"Game Magic: A Designer's Guide to Magic Systems in Theory and Practice" by Jeff Howard

"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman

"The Science of Discworld" by Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen, and Terry Pratchett

"The Octavo(Roundworld Edition)" by Peter Carroll

"Overview of Principia Cybernetica" by Heylighen, Joslyn, & Turchin,


  • What does it all mean?

As in the game, so out of game. Games are fun, but its also fun to step back and take a break. Think of this as the meta-lobby.

  • What is so occult about all of this?

Many games contain very obsfucated elements, and like other forms of media(written, on a screen, or as audio) the creator can encrypt hidden meaning into his creation.

  • Why video games?

The arcane construction, the isolated space for working, and the direct immersion and communication makes interactive simulation the go-to place to get a little of that mana back.

  • Do you worship video games?

Some people do, some people don't.


974 Subscribers


[Max Derrat] How THIS Symbol Inspired the Greatest Video Games Ever

1 Comment
23:13 UTC


Tears of the Kingdom: An In-Depth Psychological Analysis

19:48 UTC


videogames and fun

01:36 UTC


Discord Community??

Hello, I invite you to join this discord community where we discuss about everything concerning Spirituality, Philosophy, Religion, Buddhism, Hinduism, Non-duality, Magick, Occultism etc. Here you could find friends who might have the same interests as you!

Server invite: https://discord.gg/3ZcVKbv2eM

1 Comment
11:44 UTC


GameArcane - November '23 Zine

01:24 UTC


Banjo and Kazooie, Solve et Coagula, (piece 1 of ??)

20:46 UTC


FF7 & kabbalah essay - parts 2 and 3 now up

thanks to those who read the introduction/first part of the essay. I have now posted parts 2 and 3 which can be read here https://otkbvgb.blogspot.com/2023/09/part-2-illusion-persecution-and.html and here https://otkbvgb.blogspot.com/2023/10/part-3-some-conclusions-and-note-on.html


19:51 UTC


a long piece of writing about philosophy/esotericism in final fantasy 7

I have recently started publishing a long essay I have written on the topic of Kabbalistic references in the video game Final Fantasy 7.

Specifically, the essay is about the significance of the name "Sephiroth" in the game, and about the concept of messianism more generally.

However, I'm not just interested in pointing this out - lots of people have already done this.

Nor am I interested in pointing out connections in the "lore" of the game for its own sake.

Rather my argument is that the developers used a concept from Jewish mysticism/messianism to talk about messianism/eschatology more generally in Western culture, both in secular and religious contexts.

In other words, they are commenting on something with greater cultural significance than either the game itself or the one obscure little thing they are referring to.

The piece is aimed at an audience of people who may be interested in philosophy/theology/esotericism, but who may not have had any formal education in these topics. We cover ideas such as hylomorphism, apophatic theology, and the microcosm/macrocosm analogy

Be warned however, this will be a long piece of writing!

Here is the link to the introduction and part 1. Part 2 and 3 will be published in the following weeks.


Thank you in advance!

19:36 UTC


Changes into openings

First things first, the subreddit is back to being open instead of private. It seems like the initial push on this topic has faded and the subreddit has basically been silent since doing so. Sorry if anyone was negatively affected, but consider it a vacation!

...anyways. With the subreddit open again, I want to submit an alternative: a good ol' fashioned Bulletin Board forum.

On Reddit, thousands of people may see your messages. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

On Discord, dozens may see your message, but its tucked away into a chatroom and messages may be easily lost to conversation.

With the BB forum, hopefully we can cultivate a collaborative history of investigation into the occult and games. If you stop by I hope you say 'Hi'!


03:02 UTC


Majora's Mask is One Big Buddhist Metaphor and Here's Why (NEW DISCOVERIES)

23:19 UTC


What actually are Bubbulfrogs? Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Ok, I like frogs but this is pretty good.

09:22 UTC


Silent Hill Mythology - Secrets of the Rituals

19:01 UTC


GameArcane Mid-year round-up

Hello folkels!

Sometimes it is quiet around here, but make sure to check all the fixin's because there is more to life than Reddit. :O

Here's some things in the potential future, let me know if there is something that sounds interesting or that you would like to see.

  1. Newsletter - Is there any interest in a semi-regular newsletter? I've been on a bit of a bend in the making of newsletters for other things and this might be a direction to go for the future. In the past we considered making an e-zine or newsletter of sorts, like an interactive game or VN but that might just be a bit too much work. I could definitely see making a traditional PDF newsletter that sees an annual or bi-annual printing. /u/Ryjeon mentioned liking this idea so it has a high likelihood of happening. Sometime.
  2. Bulletin Board - Its like the Reddit of the past! We have a website that is slow rolling: www.gamearcane.com . Maybe... just maybe, if there was an ol' fashioned BB it could breathe some life into things. Reddit can be reddity, this is where GameArcane really started and I doubt its going away but its also very public and... well, you know. I've asked people in Discord and there was some murmurings of approval. Could be a nice retro flair to things and also keep a nice interactive place that doesn't lock topics after so many months.
  3. Seminar/Lectures - There are talks of having another GameArcane lecture at the VR Mystery School in VR Chat. They hold regular occult and esoteric lectures and practice, in the past I gave a lecture about Self Initiation in Video Games. We are thinking of expanding that idea and having several speakers other than just myself. Keep those peepers peeled because that could be happening later this year!
  4. Videos - I stream on Twitch and those videos end up on the YouTube Channel, but in the past I've made video essays on the topic of occult video games. That feel into the past due to life happenings, but its not forgotten! Let me know if that is still interesting to you and I'll try to bump it up on the list. Just like the rest of life it can be hard work! Also everyone wants it to be of good quality so these things take time. The spiritual and mystical life takes time even though we might want to speedrun through things sometimes.

Yeah, so that is a 1/2 year update. I mostly post videos to the subreddit but I figure I owe you a bit more transparency here. Again, any input I get might push me along to get things out.

As a Content Creator ™©® I live for that kind of validation you know.

23:20 UTC


The Depressing Demonology of Zelda

18:12 UTC


Chrono Trigger Psychological Analysis

20:02 UTC


"Dominion of Darkness" - text-based game/interactive fiction

"Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow discord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots.  Note – one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new. Feedback is very much welcome. Very, very much.


Why am I publishing this game here? Well, I tried to include some references to the occult and religious conspiracy theories in it. It's nothing super deep.... I'm curious to see how you will relate to them.

09:11 UTC


[Reinstall Paul] Silent Hill Secrets and Symbolism - PART 1: Occult 101

21:12 UTC


Elden Ring Lore - Importance of Color(Alchemy)

09:00 UTC


Dark Souls is One Big Occult Metaphor and Here's Why

16:56 UTC


Silent Hill Mythology - The Halo of the Sun [Max Derrat]

09:13 UTC


Ask yourself this, after reading the first part of The Mars 360 Religious and Social System, is it logical to disbelieve in the influence of Mars. Just read the preview on Amazon. Don't worry, its totally free.

The Mars Effect presented by Michel Gauquelin back in 1955 demonstrated that there was a statistical signifiance of Mars showing up in key sectors in the charts of eminent sports champions. He divided the chart into 12 sectors and found that in eminent sports champions, Mars was showing up in what he called the rising sector and the culminating sector. The base rate for a planet showing up in 2 sectors of possible 12 sectors based on chance was 17%. In gauquelin's sample, Mars was showing up at a rate of 22%. More than chance, which aside from all other potential meanings, meant that Mars must have some sort of effect. This is a faith inducer.

After he tied Mars influence to a scientific potential, I took Mars and tied it to a religious signifiance. Using the English Sumerian Gematria, where the letters of the alphabet are numbered in multiples of 6....A=6, B=12, c=18, so on and so forth, I added up the letters of Mars and got 306. After simply adding 360 to 306, I got 666. Essentially Mars 360 is the revolution of Mars around the Sun and its influence humanity.

Then, I found that the position of Mars within 30 degrees of the lunar node was coinciding with the escalation of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel since 2007(actualy 2006). I discovered this in 2019. Then after discovering that, I demonstrated IN REAL TIME, that this was the case.

I went on youtube and predicted in advance 2019, 2020, and 2022 the rocket fire escalation time frames for all three years(2020, 2021 and 2022) consecutively by observing when Mars would be within 30 degrees of the lunar node. The 3rd year was a charm because before when this was unanimously considered a joke, now perhaps a handful of people are listening to this. Not alot but a long way from how this data was perceived in 2019. The fact that I demonstrated in real time had an effect.

I then tied Mars to economic significance by showing how stock market crashes occur when Mars is within 30 degrees of the lunar node. This is in volume III, only in the book version.

This is a theological development, The question is who will be the next prophet of Mars. Gauquelin sort of like an Abraham figure. I'm Elijah. And many more will come along and induce faith


13:01 UTC


Has anyone been able to track down Harry Horse's Atlantis manuscripts that he forged prior to the release of the esoteric point-and-click game; Drowned God?

Several years before he worked on and released the game, Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages, Harry Horse (formerly known as Richard Horne before changing his name), wrote a series of manuscripts regarding Atlantis, its features, and the circumstances of its origin/destruction. Reading an archived letter from Harry Horse to an interested fan, Horse tells of how he sold the forged documents to a man he simply calls "Armstrong" for £50 a piece. In this letter, Horse makes no distinction of who this "Armstrong" man is, but in the ending paragraph mentions that he attempted to buy his Atlantis manuscripts back to no avail.

This mystery begs the question: Who is Armstrong? And if he can be found, does he still own these Atlantean texts? Since Armstrong took them to a publisher to get them published, do they exist somewhere within the elusive confines of the Internet?

EDIT: Other than Armstrong, another enigmatic individual is mentioned by Horse: Professor Hapke of the University of Edinburgh. This man's existence is dubious, and he supposedly was Horse's mentor when it came to esotericism and other radical beliefs regarding the occult, ufology, and spirituality.

Digging into Drowned God be like

05:00 UTC



21:47 UTC

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