A place for Satanic memes of all kinds to thrive: dank, comic, wholesome, fried, et cetera.
A place for Satanic memes of all kinds to thrive: dank, comic, wholesome, fried, et cetera.
1. All Posts Must Be Memes. Criteria (from r/memes):
All posts must be memes and follow a general meme setup.
No titles as meme captions.
No unedited webcomics
No memes that are text only.
Pictures without captions may be removed by a moderators discretion.
Someone saying something funny on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. is not a meme.
2. No Posts Containing Only a Screenshot of Social Media Posts. Screenshots are only allowed if they're incorporated into a meme in some way, otherwise they're kinda just quotes.
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Hey guys here we talking about levi satanism.. If you're interested you can join us... ~ Hail satan πΆπ·
My family feels very Christian this Christmas
This also means nom (which is eating), mom (Yep), and non (Are all 666!)
You know how if you snese people say "bless you" and it's like a superstition? Like you snese the demons out. Does that mean that Satanists say "dam you" instead of "bless you"? Like snese "dam you" "thanks man"
Iβm losing members and having difficulty supporting my coke habit. Please buy our hot sauce!
Just a friendly reminder that I will always remember the time you forgot your line in that play, the time you tripped trying to kick the soccer ball, the time that you forgot obamas last name, I will always remember :)