
Photograph via snooOG

A place on Reddit for discussing Satanism.


Welcome to /r/satanism, the Reddit forum for discussing Satanism as a philosophy and a religion.


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If you decide to participate in the comment section of /r/Satanism, you are consenting to enter an arena of public debate. In the spirit of debate, one should attack ideas rather than individuals. Understand that Satanism is inherently non-inclusive as a philosophy because Satanists are born and not made. With that said, it is one thing to tell someone that they are not a Satanist, it is something entirely different to tell them to "cope" or "cry about it". Failure to maintain a dignified environment in which healthy debate can occur will result in a short ban to allow tempers to cool. Repeated violations constitute bad behavior, and will result in a permanent ban under Rule 2. Behave and debate like adults, and you will be treated like adults.

We are not savages. Except for /u/Ave_Melchom. He's a savage.

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The Church of Satan



   The Compleat Witch Illustrated Bibliography Project

Dragon Rouge

Order of the Serpent

Our Lady of Endor Coven - Wiki

The Satanic Temple

Global Order of Satan

Star of Azazel

Temple of Ascending Flame

Temple of the Black Light - PDF

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Radio Free Satan

The 9 Satanic Statements - CoS

1) "Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!"

2) "Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!"

3) "Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!"

4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!"

5) "Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!"

6) "Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!"

7) "Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all!"

8) "Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!"

9) "Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!"

The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth - CoS

1) "Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked."

2) "Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them."

3) "When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there."

4) "If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy."

5) "Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal."

6) "Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved."

7) "Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained."

8) "Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself."

9) "Do not harm little children."

10) "Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food."

11) "When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."

The 9 Satanic Sins - CoS

1) Stupidity

2) Pretentiousness

3) Solipsism

4) Self-deceit

5) Herd Conformity

6) Lack of Perspective

7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies

8) Counterproductive Pride

9) Lack of Aesthetics

                                        Yankee Rose


113,305 Subscribers


Happy Halloween

01:44 UTC


You won't die, Said Lucifer

Hail Lucifer!

I don't know if this stuff is real but, Hail Lucifer! Hail the Prince of Darkness!

I like to be atheist, but every now and then I open that third eye and say Lucifer is the way.

Today I say, I Am the Word. I Am The Tree of Good and Evil. Munch Munch! Free will is the best.

Imagine an apple. Imagine any fruit. Just eat it and say its the Fruit of Knowledge. Anyone believe they ate from the tree? Anyone believe in patience? I am a Satanist Athiest and believe every now and then. Mmm delicious.

01:10 UTC


my High Holiday is Sunday, but I wanted to share one of the gifts I got today that is related

20:03 UTC


Its my birthday ^^

Celebrating my existence and hailing myself :))

18:41 UTC


Halloween Skull in Kolkata, India

12:01 UTC


Satanic Ritual… thoughts.

So, I’m somewhat new to actual Satanism (former evangelical, came through the nonsense of TST)… and I had put off TSB prescribed ritual until today. I wanted to share my experience and thoughts.

First off, my urge to try it, as laid out in TSB, was inspired by Magister Bill of Satansplain and again today by Warlock Robert Shirley on the latest episode of the Neutral Wisdom podcast. Being Halloween, it was an important day to consider my first formal ritual, and a lot of events in my personal life made it feel like the time was right.

I didn’t have all the necessary components, but I gathered what I had, improvised on the rest, and followed the map laid out in TSB per LaVey as best I could. I chose 12:00 to begin (noon - as I was off work today and home alone, so I could conduct ritual without concern of being interrupted or overheard). I conducted the full 13 steps and manifested my intentions. I had heard Magister Bill say to set aside 20 minutes as a small commitment for your first time… Let me tell you, this seemed like WAY longer than I needed and assumed I’d be done in 10 minutes or less. My first ritual took 40 minutes and seemed to go by in the blink of an eye!

Second, and most importantly, is the feeling of confidence and personal power I feel afterwards. I did a compassion ritual for myself because I’ve always seen myself (and experienced) as someone who didn’t have any “luck” on their side and didn’t deserve anything different. After the ritual, I am convinced otherwise. I DO deserve good things in my life, and I’m convinced they will come. Ritual was easy, empowering, and absolutely worth it. I’m sharing my experience to encourage those still sitting on the fence, those who agree with TSB’s philosophy but not seeing / connecting to its guidance in higher magic… TRY IT!

Today is the perfect day. Just do it.

Hail Satan!

Happy Halloween!

20:30 UTC


Any satanic rituals for Halloween night?

I would love to do a ritual or spell for protection against enemies.

17:12 UTC



07:16 UTC


Found a spiritual bookstore in London, I gladly indulged myself into my new piece to my shrine

23:30 UTC


Question about the timing of rituals when the target is myself

Hi everyone, so off the bat I wanna say that I am very new to all of this. I recently picked up a copy of TSB and I am really enjoying it. I just read the part where LaVey talks about how the best time to do a ritual is when the target is most vulnerable to your interference and how that time is most often when they are sleeping.

My question is what do I do when I am the target of the ritual? One of the first things I wanna do is perform a compassion ritual for myself to help me overcome the anxiety that has controlled my life for years

22:21 UTC


"The Twilight is done; a glow of new light is borne out of the night and Lucifer is risen once more to proclaim - 'This is the Age of Satan!'"

Remembering Anton Szandor LaVey on this Halloween Eve.

Hail Satan, Ruler of the Earth.

Hail LaVey, Father of the Church of the Flesh.

19:49 UTC


This is a fact

18:17 UTC


Book - looking for advice - black grimoire (Legivorden Lucifer) worth it/not worth it eventually which book as a gift

Hi, looking for nice gift book on Satanism

Anything with nice art or something extraordinary, uniqu is welcomed


17:53 UTC


Homage to LaVey

01:18 UTC



Hey quick question do we celebrate Dia De Los Muertes

22:38 UTC


So just wanted to share this but when I'm feeling super anxious I have a mantra I use to calm myself down. It's from a movie called The Burbs. I wanna kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal.

Feel free to steal this. It really works.

00:04 UTC


Love when candles get gnarly looking

My three writing candles. When the desk bounce they get crazy looking feels to them.

20:13 UTC


Regarding the books as part of my Altar

As a follow-up to my Altar post from a few days ago, there were a few inquiries about the books shown so I have put together a list and made it available for all to see who are interested. Please note this post and its link to said list was mod-approved (Thanks, ZsoltEszes!).

Happy to talk books so reach out with any questions.



23:09 UTC


The freedom satanism has given me is not comparable to any other religion or philosophy.

This feels like a chore to write but I still wanna share this with you. I spent my life making up excuses for why I should be "good", "productive", "useful" to society... Not realising, it was pointless trying to change my nature. I am a very selfish person. I do feel empathy for people, and I tend to help strangers if they come to me for help (road directions and such small things) but usually if I see somebody feeling sick, carrying something heavy or begging for money, I go my way and ignore them. Philosophies like stoicism made me feel guilty because they preach I should be helpful to society, in order to make it a better place. What these ancient school of thoughts don't acknowledge, is that society nowadays is a cold, cruel and individualistic shithole. Community is dead. It's not worth going out of your way to help others or sacrifice your time for them when you don't want to. To get to the point (since I'm tired of typing this), satanism has allowed me to accept that I'm selfish, and that it's ok. I don't need to do mental gymnastics to justify why I should help others even though it makes me unhappy, I just grew the balls to honestly tell myself "I don't care about others, I'm cold and it's perfectly fine, nobody dictates my morals".

22:42 UTC


Would you consider Satanism as a state of being or wanting?

Is this philosophy one of constantly chasing after things you desire ? Or is it one of accepting things as they are, cultivating a state of being (I’m guessing this is what Xeper means?)

13:05 UTC


Satanic Altar Help

Any tips for a way to make a satanic altar while living with a strict christian? Pls 🙏 Ave Satanas 🖤

23:45 UTC


How do you accept you're the god(ess) and animal?

In satanic philosophy I found something that causes schism rather than joint cohesion.

So let's say that you're a carnal being of flesh (as opposed to spirit). You're a brutal, grim, menacing force as humans can be ("the most dangerous animals on planet") yet at the same time you're a divine being, the lord or lady of own fate, masterfull and brillinat as can be, realising your potential fully. Also this conflict comes from god(esse)s being above nature while animals are controlled by it.

Those two paths or images seem spilt from each other and maybe I'm missing something or lack insight you may have but it pretty much feels contradictory- to be an animal or a goddess?

13:11 UTC

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