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The place to discuss all things Numerology - in both the Scientific & Mystical influential senses.

Numbers & Numerical patterns have always held significance to humanity; Ancient Cultures and their teachers found connections between Mathematics, the physical/material worlds, and the Spiritual worlds.
In the 6th century BC, Pythagoras ('Father of Western Numerology') believed there to exist a significant and intense esoteric relationship between numbers and the natural world.


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"...Rule the Universe. They have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the Path of reason. "

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    I keep seeing the number 17, literally everywhere. On clocks, social media, posters, games, basically everywhere.

    I am 17 myself, I was born on July 17th, and I gave 17 a meaning when i first started to see the synchronization. In my own personal meaning that I gave 17 was 1. Become who you aspire to be and 7. Listen to your creator as they will guide you.

    I do somewhat abide by that rule i gave it but i still see it everywhere, it feels like whoever or whatever is behind my life is urging me on something but i don’t know what.

    1 Comment
    18:52 UTC


    3, 6, 9 and Simulation Source Code

    17:26 UTC


    Numerological day analysis of 26–4-2024 20/2 Immortality/ Intuition or Doubt

    Inspired by Healing and Salvation, you want to find out what is Immortal, Eternal in your life.

    26–4-2024 20/2 Immortality/ Intuition or Doubt

    Spirit: 26 Healing and Salvation number

    Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice

    Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness

    The sum total of today is 20: Immortality leading to Intuition. You want to know what immortality is about through your spirit’s Healing and Salvation powers, your soul’s Ability to Manifest and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

    Day of the 'High Priest(ess)' Archetype Pentagram


    One major theme drives your process of experiencing what is immortal in you. The theme of ‘Awakening and Leadership’.

    Red 22- Blue 6: Axis of Awakening and Leadership. (1)2-6(7)

    On the axis of Awakening and Leadership you are driven by the Expansion of your Self-Awareness. Basically this says that you are waking up as a human and at the same time becoming self-aware of that. No wonder this axis is called the axis of the ‘Ruler or Judge” . The two driving forces principles are ‘Perfection, Completion’ coming from the “God” realm to join with ‘Testing the limits of life’ coming from the “Ego” realm. Being inspired by perfection and completion you want to test the limits of your (physical) life.

    12: Perfection, Completion is the cycle of completion that we know, like in 12 months, 12 apostles, 12 signs of the zodiac etc. Perfectionists set themselves levels of expectations that can be so high, that they may never be able to reach them. This may create frustration.

    67: Testing the limits of Life : you are always looking for the limits of your possibilities or your borders. This may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. It is directly related to Immortality. True perfection lies in the beauty of that what is immortal.

    The balance of these two principles lies in their sum.The aim of this axis is to bring out the Ruler, Judge in you. Depending on how deep you are willing to dig into WHO you are and WHY you are (Expansion of Self-Awareness) , or how deeply you are able to connect with Perfection and how far your are willing to test the limits in life, you may turn into a benign Ruler or Judge or a very harsh, judging and demanding Ruler or Judge. The benign one acts out of his core of Unconditional Love and is very flexible and transformative. The harsh, judging and demanding one acts out of a “Cry for Love” (negative unconditional love), needs his subordinates to love him and is very inflexible.

    The other individual numbers in the Pentagram:

    Masculine side:

    Spiritual level: Blue 22: 2(3)

    23 Unconditional Love; Cry for Love; Isis factor

    10th Prime
    23 is the first combination of an even number (2) with an uneven number (3). It adds up to 5, the symbol of the Pentagram (pente means 5).

    23 is the Cry for love. It is the deep, deep wish to show one’s love without having the fear to be hurt. Wanting to be loved in
    a natural way, is understandable. 23 is the 10th prime, which implicates that you at least have to be willing to change and not be thick-headed or stubborn. Only then you can achieve this Unconditional Love.

    Related to this you may look at the next-higher prime number: the 23rd prime is 79. The Ruler-factor. This means that when you have not received Love for a long time, you try to “make or force” it, which does not work.

    According to old Egyptian mythology 23 represents the “Isis” factor. Isis, who did everything possible to revive her husband Osiris from the dead. Isis: a symbol for Unconditional Love.

    23 is the Conscious Decision (3) to NOT lose oneself in the (apparent) Division (2). To NOT doubt Love, in order to live it fully. Only then the solution of the sum: 5 Fullness, works.

    23=10th prime. Realizing Unconditional Love requires inner Flexibility (10). Convulsive searching will not lead to finding anything.

    3 behind 2: Conscious Decision (3) to use Intuition (2) correctly. Sum 5: Unconditional Love should lead to Life Fulfilment (5).

    Mental level: Red 44: (3)4

    34 Vitality

    2x17/8th Prime

    The spine consists of 34 individual vertebrae. When the energy can rise from the sacrum to the top, Vitality is created.

    4 is the start of Matter and of Space and Time. 3 is the last spiritual principle. 34 is the seam to be viable and sustainable in the Here and the Now.

    2x17: Humility (17) has nothing to do with submissiveness, but contains the courage to voluntarily pledge all one’s talents and possibilities for the furtherance of the greater good of the Universe. It is a sign of positive egoism and makes one walk with the head up high (see the spine).

    4 behind 3: Structure (4) influences (or constricts?) the Decisiveness (3).

    Sum 7: It leads to Self-Awareness!

    Emotional level: Blue 44: 4(5)

    45 Family/ Clan and “I AM”

    3x15; 9x5/4th

    45 represents the relationship to family and leads to a deep devoutness (the name of God being: “I am that I am”). The Divine Spark is felt based on this sense of inner belonging to God.

    4 of the 5 axis in the Pentagram are touched at the age of 45*, therefore at that age something transforming always happens, which forces one into the “I am”!!

    *(Explanation: If you subtract the two numbers of each axis from each other, the sum is 45: 61-16; 72-27; 83-38; 94-49 only the Transformation Axis dissolves at 55: 105-55)

    5 behind 4: 5 always wants to experience the Fullness and many times hits the narrow Borders of the 4.

    Sum 9: Mind-Wisdom helps.

    3x15: Conscious Decision (3) to have a 50/50 Equilibrium between Giving and Receiving/Taking (15).

    Physical level: Red 6: (5)6

    56 Fate

    2x28; 4x14

    6 behind 5: Power (6) will either destroy or strengthen the Fullness of Life (5). Therefore: Fate

    Sum 2 over 11 (5+6): The double Idea (11) needs the Intuition (2) to be able to hold the reigns firmly.

    2x28: Doubting Femininity? Often the case when 56 is connected with women.

    4x14: Charity must be lived in a Pragmatically and in Day-to-Day life (4).

    Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.

    See you (virtually) :

    (D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln

    For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website: www.pentalogie.com

    08:02 UTC


    What can you say about my LP and day born?

    My Birthday is 9/8/93 and I’m a LP 3 what can you tell about me? I’m curious

    07:13 UTC


    Presenter number

    Hello! I would like to know in a numerological sense what signs cound the number 7 give, if it was given to me as a presenter in a conference, me presenting as the 7th.

    06:43 UTC


    What can you tell me about my B- Day April 8th 1995.

    I know that I’m a 9lp an Aries month a pigs year. An 8 energy is there something you see I don’t

    1 Comment
    05:51 UTC


    I’m born in 21st Jan 1998 I’m 4 life path 3 Energy. I saw on clips 4 lifepath means law & order and are workers but I’m an anarchist I don’t believe in law & order. I’m also not a 9-5 slave. Can people explain my numbers.


    02:06 UTC


    Hi guys, can you help me solve this "puzzle" Im scared.

    So Im 21 M (not using drugs/alcohol...) started to seeing numbers/synchronities 6 years ago... 111,222,333,555,1111 except numbers 777 and 7777 Im seeing them for 1 year now but I notice something REALLY REALLY weird. Everytime when I start seeing 111,777,7777 I got bad news about that someone from my village has passed away...even in my street! Also one song follows me all the time when I see that number and that song is "Edward Sharpe & Magnetic Zeros- Home' That song has always associated me with my "home"that is, in the literal sense, "home" means to feel good and "in the moment"..."feeling good" I have depression and anxiety for 6 years now and that song"carried" me for all this years, but as I said for 1 year now:

    1. Im starting to see 777,777,111
    2. Somebody in my village/street dies
    3. Is the song "Home"
    4. My health get worse (but Im still not sure for that)

    And yes this things happened to me a few times now for 1 year now...Im just scared and I dont know what to do, If anyone can help me? Please.

    00:41 UTC


    Numerology Analysis Request

    Life path 33 here… 12/26/1975 DOB. I think I did the calculation right. Any experts here on the analysis for my DOB. Thank you in advance.

    1 Comment
    21:27 UTC


    The Evolution of Frequencies/Numbers

    15:58 UTC


    Birth number 5, Life path number 7. How does it work?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to numerology and just found out that my birth number is 5 and my life path number is 7. I'm struggling to understand what this means for me and how these numbers can influence my life.

    From what I've gathered, birth number 5 is all about adventure and change, while life path 7 focuses more on introspection and seeking knowledge. It seems like a complex mix!

    I’d really appreciate any insights or advice:

    Can anyone explain how these numbers might work together? Does anyone else have this combination, and if so, how do you balance these traits in your life? Any tips on what I should focus on or explore to make the most of these numbers?

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    08:17 UTC


    Numerological day analysis of 25–4-2024 19/10 Healer factor/ Transformation

    Inspired by Inner Happiness you want to make things “whole” again today (the deeper meaning of healing). If you do that, it will result in a transformation to the next level.

    25–4-2024 19/10 Healer factor/ Transformation

    Spirit: 25 Inner Happiness

    Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice

    Body: 24 Day and Night; Light and Darkness

    The sum total of today is 19: Healer factor leading to Transformation. You want to heal and transform yourself and others today through your spirit’s Inner Happiness, your soul’s Ability to Manifest and your physical Ability to go through the Night to see the Light of a new day.

    Day of the \"Sorcerer\" Archetype Pentagram

    Themes/ Levels of awareness

    In today’s Pentagram there are no axis or levels. This indicates that today the energies are more ‘outward’ than ‘inward’. It is more about how you interact with the world around you, than working on inner themes.

    Today 5 points of the Pentagram are activated. The energies of those 5 points are as follows:

    Masculine side:

    Emotional level:

    Blue 22: 2(1) ’Insight; Inner rising sun’ .

    The Divine Idea energizes the World in which Polarity rules. You should understand that the divine core is within yourself. That leads to understanding and experiencing the Inner Rising Sun (the Dawn of Awareness - Consciousness).

    Mental level:

    Red 22: (3)2 “Divine Connection”; “Wire with the above”.

    In the Kabbalistic Life Tree there are 10 Base Principles, which are interconnected by 22 Paths. 10+22=32. “Divine Connection, Wire with the above” numerologically refers to this combination and it contains the possibility to attain spiritual Awareness. The Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe (God’s creation).

    Emotional level:

    Blue 44: 4(3) Horus factor; Pioneer

    In the Egyptian Mythology, Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. He represents pioneering achievements. (As an adult he defeated his uncle and adversary of his father Seth in a duel and wins the reign of Egypt. Because of this the Pharaohs were seen as embodiments of Horus). In Greek mythology Horus is Apollo (Lord of the light, the spring, moral purity and moderation). Thus Horus embodies a pioneering and well-balanced personality.

    Physical level:

    Blue/Red 544: 54 Reformer.

    The ‘Reformer’ obviously wants to bring reforms to his life. The approach is to create fullness, expansion through practical work. It is done with intellect and subtle feelings. A prerequisite is the expansion of self-awareness through intuition. It also calls for a conscious decision to deal with the temptations in life in such a way that they lead to more wisdom.

    “Ego” realm:

    Red 5: (6)5 Ethics and morality; Divine Sexuality

    5x13/7th /5th /4th Prime

    In many cases a very strict ethical and moral attitude is connected to this number. It restricts the ability to live your Sexuality without taboos. The time is ripe to free yourself from these restricting thoughts.

    5x13: You think that Fullness (5) may only be achieved by doing everything Yourself (13).

    5 behind 6: The Fullness (5) is mostly experienced here as a deficiency instead of Life’s Fulfilment lived through Sex (6).

    Sum 11: Ideas drifting apart, which may drive you crazy, unless you use your Intuition (sum of 11=2).

    May these strong energies support you in creating a Transformation today.

    Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2024. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.

    See you (virtually) :

    (D) Arbeitskreis: 7. Juni Hybrid Zoom - Köln

    For a full explanation of the numbers and how to read the Pentagram have a look at my website: www.pentalogie.com

    05:40 UTC


    what’s the life path number of a 3?

    I’m semi new to this. I keep coming in and out of this whole topic.

    My birthdate is 12-07-2000. That would make me a 3 right? Anyway, what’s the meaning behind that number?

    04:16 UTC


    WOW my birth chart

    Any cool stuff yall can tell me I’d love I know literally nothing

    04:05 UTC


    Elevation of my emotional intelligence

    Ascendant: Scorpio

    Sun: Aries - 6th house

    Moon: Gemini - 8th house

    Mercury: Taurus - 7th house

    Venus: Pisces - 5th house

    Mars: Capricorn - 3rd house

    Jupiter: Leo - 10th house

    Saturn: Gemini - 8th house

    Uranus: Pisces - 5th house

    Neptune: Aquarius - 4th house

    Pluto: Sagittarius - 2nd house

    N node: Gemini - 8th house

    21 years old. I’m a lifepath 5, also born on the 5th

    My dreams in this life is to be able to help tune the frequency of humanity towards an elevated state, as the electromagnetic fields of the earth is in need of at least 8% of the population vibrating in an elevated state of vibration, in order to keep the earth’s electromagnetic field grid in tune with the current changes that is occuring in our universe. If not, our electromagnetic grid will get more and more off tune with the rest of the universe, and it will eventually lead to the destruction of the earth and as well as humanity. These past 3 years I’ve been consistently trading indice futures (stocks) without luck. I know all the technical knowledge acquired to succeed, I’ve had many times where I’ve been up tens of thousands of dollars, but my emotions always seem to get the best of me. It has always ended in a spiral of losses that sets me back. Overall these last 3 years I’ve lost about $30k, and I’m looking at my dream a little more confused than when I started it. A part of my dream is to be teaching my knowledge on indice/stock trading for a group of people, in order for me to increase my possibilities and freedom to be able to further my dreams and visions. I know I’m articulately gifted, and I know I want to expand my creative expression at some point through music/writing or any form of passing on sacred knowledge for humanity. I also dream of creating systems, platforms, communities and infrastructures that will enhance and automate the lives of the human race further in our point of evolvement. My question is, do I keep on trading, and if yes what can I do to face the underlying emotions that make me take short tempered actions in my trading. Is my numerological placement in line with this vision that I have of trading stocks? Or does my placements have such impulsive sides that I’m just not fit for handling the emotional intelligence that is required for trading. Regardless the answer I won’t be giving up, it’ll just be in tremendous help to let myself deeper calibrate my mind and heart so I can figure out what steps I should be taking in order for me to further excel on my visions. Thanks a lot for taking your time reading this, to any numerologist/psychic, I will be deeply grateful if you could guide me a little on this topic.

    02:24 UTC


    Are even or odd numbers considered good or bad luck?

    Even seems more “smooth” to me. But I do also hear about certain odd numbers being good, such as 3 and 7. What do you think? Thanks.

    01:40 UTC


    Guys for the past months I’m seeing 4:44 or 14:44 all the time. I’m 4 life path please guide me

    I’m 26 dob (21/01/1998) from 🇬🇧 I’m an anarchist

    1 Comment
    23:30 UTC


    I've been seeing the number 3:07 fairly often. What does it mean?

    What does it mean? A quick Google search gave me mixed answers and I didn't know what to believe.

    1 Comment
    21:42 UTC


    Life path number.

    I was told in order to figure out life path number. I just add all the digits of the birthday until i reach a singular digit or master number. My mother in laws birthday when I add it up (even when using regular calculator is a 33 (very rare supreme number). But when I go online to the life path calculators it gives me a different answer. It only does this with her birthday too! I've tested others. Anyways her birthday is June 6 1965. What life path number is she?!

    1 Comment
    21:33 UTC


    Seeing my birth date on clock almost everyday. Does it mean something?

    I'm born on 21/12 and I keep seeing either 12:21 or 21:12 on clock almost everday. How do I interpret this?

    20:12 UTC



    Can someone help me with understanding this?🙏🏾

    20:03 UTC


    Please break down my life path and what should i do to overcome my anxiety regarding the future

    Birth date: 30/10/2005, 30 October 2005

    19:16 UTC


    I wish for help understanding my life path number, my birth date 27.09.1998❤️

    Thanks for all help in advance🥹 Also, I’m new haha.. jeez

    17:32 UTC


    Compatibility and info between these two

    DD/MM/YYYY 🇬🇧

    05/11/2000 13/11/2004

    i’ve also heard 13 is a hidden 33 or something of another, heard that gg-33 guy mention it a couple times so i thought i’d look for clarity on the subject matter :) any info regarding anything or compatibility between these 2 are greatly appreciated, romantically, platonically, best course of direction 😎 many thanks

    16:56 UTC


    Seeing angel numbers everyday

    So ever since like late 2021 I started to see angel numbers for the first time repeatedly, and I’m not just saying one or two no I mean every time I look at the clock it says 10:10 11:11 12:12 (or 12:22) 1:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55. And I don’t just see it on the clock either, I see it on signs, house numbers, phone numbers, math answers, really anything to do with numbers I see them. I pretty much see every angel number (been seeing 666 a lot too 🥲) And this is everyday. Sometimes this can go on for months or just a couple of weeks. And all of those angel numbers happen everyday, sometimes even twice if I’m up early enough. But the thing is is that I don’t really believe in angel numbers and the universe type of stuff, but what would be the explanation? No way this is just happening by chance every time I look at the clock. Is this luck or is this a bad sign? So if anyone would care to help I would really appreciate it!!

    16:47 UTC


    Life path 37/1 Expression 6

    Career advice?

    1 Comment
    16:34 UTC



    I wanna know my life path number and how does it work. For example say I was born on Feb 21 2001 that’s an 8 life path if I’m not mistaken but does the 21 have any relevance? Does it also mean I have 3 energy?

    08:55 UTC


    Aligning with a life path

    I have met people who' claim their personality does not align with their life path number. Aside influences like sun signs and birthchart what could cause people to have a different personality from their life path?

    08:36 UTC

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