
Photograph via snooOG

A friendly place to discuss herbs, herbology and talk with other herbalists!

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The subreddit of herbal medicine. A place to discuss, ask questions about the medicinal use, and the preparation of herbs of any kind.






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Herbs to help with bad menstrual cramps?

I don’t have endometriosis. I do have post-ablation tubal sterilization syndrome. Cramps come on hard and stick around anywhere from a couple of hours to a day and a half. The only thing that really helps is THC- enough to knock me out to where I just sleep. I’m going to try CBD this month so I can, you know, function….

Anyone have any herbal recommendations that may help with the pain?

07:07 UTC


Why does this tea make me feel so good?

Hi! There is something magical about this tea and how it agrees with my composition. The wave of calm and relaxation hit me with the first whiff, and it tasted incredible. I feel completely blissed out after drinking it. People online have said it tastes medicinal, but I don't get that at all. I'm just beginning to learn the power of herbs, and I know next to nothing, so if anyone has insight as to why this tea feels good, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Is it just the valerian root?

The blend is 40 winks from Adagio.

Ingredients: Valerian Root, Honeybush Tea, Chamomile Flowers, Spearmint Leaves, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Passion Flowers, Cherries & Blue Cornflowers

05:03 UTC


Best herbal remedies for a sinus infection?

I know I need antibiotics for this, but I don't have a doctor's appointment until the 6th. What are some herbal remedies to help alleviate a stuffy nose and sinus pain? It's kicking my ass right now. Thanks in advance.

02:06 UTC


A question for the homeopaths in the room regarding dry dilutions

I can grasp that homeopathy functions on the principle of water having memory, but I don't understand how a dilute remedy continues to work after the water is evaporated (in the case of pellets and pastilles). If the original aqueous solution was dilute to the point of chemically being water, albeit water that remembers, what remains after the water molecules evaporate?

01:33 UTC


WEIGHT LOSS!! Transform Your Health With These Herbal Remedies

00:05 UTC


Cold infusion pairings with marshmallow

I have a lot of marshmallow root and want to use a good bit for cold infusions. What herbs might do well added in a cold infusion such as this?

1 Comment
23:12 UTC


Starting to bring in some of our Lavender

19:05 UTC


Can I make pine needle tea using needles from longleaf pine?

I would like to try it. I heard pine tea can also be a good medicine.

18:10 UTC


Are these still safe?

I made fire cider and oregano oil last September, and forgot about them after a month or so (I got pregnant and a lot of things got pushed to the side due to morning sickness lol). They look fine, they’ve been in a dark cabinet I don’t see any mold. I’m assuming they’re super strong now, but are they safe to strain and use?

17:31 UTC


False Daisy

Where to buy pure Bhringraj oil?

17:22 UTC


Vendor legitimacy question: euphoricherbals.com

I stumbled onto this one and noticed it had everything I was looking for and for a price I was expecting, but I wasn’t sure about its reputation.

I had never heard of it on here or anywhere else. Just wanted to know if anyone else had and if I’m wasting my time and money.

17:16 UTC


Hawthorn berry Jelly

Hello! What flavor would compliment hawthorn juice for making a jelly?

I tincture the haws every autumn, for all matters of the heart. This year, aside from tincture, I'm trying a jelly.

I don't see much from searching online, aside from jelly with just the haws' juice. Basic recipes are 2 cups juice, 2 cups sugar (seems like alot),1/4 cup lemon juice. There's also one I saw that you weigh the juice and then use the same weight in sugar. Ill start with that I think and note the cup equivalent, cuz that's interesting.

The juice is extremely viscous, from the natural pectin, and extremely bland, almost tasteless.

The color encourages me to simmer up with vanilla beans, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods.. lightly though.

And then comes the next question: With the initial flavor being almost tasteless, would that lemon juice lend enough sour to conflict with vanilla? Cinnamon? Cardamom? Does the sugar somehow tone the sour, leaving a complimentary flavor?

Aside from my natural over thinking self, this was 2.75lbs of berries that could've been tinctured, for extra tincture, or left on the tree for the birds, though i did leave plenty within reach, and there's so many up high, and this is 1 of 3 self planted hawthorns. I'd still have severe remorse if the flavor ended up unpalatable. It's still valuable.

Can anyone share some thoughts about spicing the jelly, please? Thanks!

16:06 UTC


Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) is really that good or its only marketing?


Since I started make research I have found that these mushrooms has a lot of similiar properties. Lions mane used more than 2000 years before, Reishi 4000 years and I found on my language this about Reishi:

it has an anti-aging, detoxifying, performance-enhancing effect, improves blood circulation, and increases resistance. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, liver, lungs and spleen. Traditionally, this medicinal mushroom was used for diseases of the digestive system (e.g. stomach and intestinal problems), liver and kidney diseases, lung diseases, high blood pressure, nervousness, insomnia, and also to increase mental performance.

Studies have also shown its positive effects on the cardiovascular system and fat metabolism, for example a reduction in high blood pressure, an improvement in heart muscle function, and an alleviation of the symptoms of people suffering from coronary artery disease. It also has a proven beneficial effect in liver diseases (e.g. hepatitis B), lung diseases (e.g. asthma) or allergic diseases. The positive effects of the seal wax mushroom are also due to the fact that it is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sterols, amino and fatty acids, and contains more than 150 types of triterpenes. Thanks to its anti-tumor polysaccharide active ingredients, it can be used for cancer diseases, e.g. for lung cancer or bowel cancer.

The problem is that this sounds too good. But I cannot believe anything or internet since years. People arguing and someone say it helped him and someone said no. I know everything hit different on people but whats the true?

14:14 UTC


"Want honey tea?"

One of my toddler's favorite things: this tea, with a bit of honey, in her straw cup shaped like a bear. Pretty much every day, she asks for "honey tea in the bear cup?"

If she's actively sick, I'll often make her ginger tea with honey and lemon instead.

What are some ways you share herbal medicine with your kids?

13:56 UTC


Help me plan my tattoo!

I’m mixed race. My father is Puerto Rican and Cuban, and my mother is Black. We found out recently that our Black ancestors hail from Nigeria and the Congo. I was going to do a tattoo of flags, but that doesn’t really mean as much to me. Instead, I’d like to do one of major herbs from each country. What should I include? Any good resources I should look into?

12:32 UTC


How to be a herbalist?

I am in my mid 30s, and I was sick from mold, and lyme. I have looke into herbs, and was able to recover. Now I am interested in studying more, and be able to help people with chronic conditions. I wonder what degrees/schools I should go to be able to offer counseling?

09:43 UTC


self assessment tool for wuxing and deficiency of liver,spleen

I am developing an app for myself, as struggle with hives for 4 years and herb recipes give me a cure. then I realized balance is secret to health.but I can not go to doctor each time to get evaluation of which is deficiency. then came to idea how about a self assessment tool.
this is based on questionnarie to cal a score for the following, a number of questions(10-15 each) you will need to answer:
Yin deficiency, qi deficiency, heart, heat, meridian, qi stagnation and stomach. Yang deficiency, lung, kidney,

will you try to ues this as basis for herbal choose and taken

04:57 UTC


How to support my body post baby?

I’ve been going through a wild ride postpartum with all my shifting hormones. Some days I feel great, other days I have bad anxiety and have some lows. I try and manage it through accomplishments like making things or getting outside if I can but I’m also going through physical changes like my eyelashes falling out, the return of my period at 7weeks postpartum, fatigue and burn out. Are there any breastfeeding friendly herbs I could take or anything else I can do to help support my body through this transition?

04:19 UTC


Herbalism career path

Any career herbalists willing to share? I'm going back to school in January to start working towards a biology degree and I'm contemplating what path I might be interested in. I am fascinated by herbalism and would love to know what real life career paths are available in the field.

03:31 UTC


Holistic Herbal Remedies for Eye Problem

01:43 UTC


Aloe Vera + Vyvanse?

Just wondering because various sources I’ve read say don’t drink aloe Vera with Vyvanse because may lessen the effects of Vyvanse. Other sources say that it’s fine. Can anyone help me confirm that it’s ok? Can’t see my doctor for a while and it’s very helpful for my hydration.

01:25 UTC

1 Comment
23:44 UTC


What can I do with lavendar petals + buds leftover from making simple syrup?

Have a small bowl of the lavendar that seeped with the sugar and water - don't really want to just throw it out.

23:18 UTC


Advice and herbs for female hormones

Does anyone know if chronic stress can impact female hormones to this degree? 33 yrs old. 10 months ago fsh 6, lh 2.2 and estrogen 300 pmol. Now it’s fsh 18.2, lh 5.9 and estrogen 85 pmol. I’m trying to figure out if the massive shift is stress related ( I have been) or if this is my rapid decline in fertility. Any herbs which would support this would be appreciated.

22:51 UTC


It sure what to do

So I feel like Iv been constantly congested for a while now. Its mild but nose is always a big clogged on one side or the other, throat dry and needing to clear it a lot. I live in Vegas with dust which doesn't help. But I'm trying my best to do everything to help myself and it's like I can't seem to get it under control. I'm- drinking tons of water. I take vitamin d/k2, zinc, bromalain, qucertin, sometimes vitamin c, trying burdock root for other things.

Been taking 3 drops in juice of oil of oregano. Taking goldenseal and colloidal silver. Tried a humidifier last night. I'm keeping dairy consumption very low. I don't drink much alcohol at all. I don't smoke. I exercise when I have enough energy (energy has been low when I feel like this) I sleep 8 hours a day.

I did have the allergy test over a year ago and they said I was allergic to dust. I did the allergy immunization shots every week for two months and then stopped because it was causing excema flare ups. I have a good period after that where I wasn't sick for a long time. Maybe I should try the shots again. Maybe the two months helped? I hate feeling like this. My energy is low and I'm just blowing my nose all day throat is dry and like one long conversation away from starting to feel hoarse. And my Job is to sit and talk with people so I need to feel better or figure things out. Any help is appreciated 🧡

1 Comment
21:50 UTC


St. john's wort causing anger

I started taking st. john's wort 3 weeks ago to help with my feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. I’m a college student and since Ive started st. john's wort I feel angry and unmotivated almost everyday and cannot focus on my studies. I feel worse. Does it get worse before it gets better or should I just stop completely?

21:42 UTC

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