
Photograph via snooOG

Ever wondered what it would be like to have a mental companion who can think and act on their own? That's what a tulpa is. Discuss tulpas, share your experience with having tulpas, and give advice to fellow tulpa creators here! Please read the FAQ before posting.

Also, please note that we are not mental health professionals. If you are having issues with your mental health, please get professional help, do not ask us.


  • What is a tulpa?

A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.

  • So is this like schizophrenia/multiple personality disorder/dissociative identity disorder?

  • Not at all! Schizophrenia and DID (formerly called MPD, and still called MPD in some areas outside the US) are disorders characterized by clinically significant distress, dysfunction, or danger. Schizophrenia is a breakdown in perception of physical reality and consistency that has strong genetic influences, and does not always involve hearing voices. DID is a dissociative disorder typically caused by childhood trauma.

    Neither disorder is "self-inflicted", and we recognize them as very different experiences from tulpa creation. The experience of having tulpas is much more accurately likened to the experiences of fiction writers whose characters come alive and begin talking to them; in fact, a great number of tulpa creators have formed tulpas that way!



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    Your experiences can and probably will differ from someone else's.


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    Can p0rn consumption ruin chances of creating tulpa?

    I have a really bad porn addiction but I'm working on it. Something I've noticed is that my tulpa of 1 year has not spoken. I wonder if it's because of my addiction. Can stuff like porn consumption trigger them and cause them to not speak? I do speak to him everyday I'm just worried if this is making the process longer than it needs to be...and yes I do plan on quitting watching it.

    02:08 UTC


    advice of giving tulpa interests?

    hey everyone, I'm looking for advice with tulpa creation. I'm in the middle of forming a tulpa and the process is going fairly well, I find personality creation quite easy but when it comes to giving them interests or having them develop their own interests, I find they usually default to just liking whatever I like. Movies, TV shows, music, hobbies, even something as simple as a favourite color or animal, they tend to just pick whatever I like. My question is, how do I organically allow them to develop their own unique interests that are separate to mine? Will this just happen with time or are there other steps I can follow? Please advice, thanks

    23:30 UTC


    I need to know what happened to whatever, whoever, she was.

    I'm a little shaken with the implications of what conclusions I've drawn, but I wanted to get a more... experienced, view on it.

    To start, I am someone with very deeply seated abandonment trauma. Being alone for too long used to cause me to get extremely anxious and in the worst cases, panic. I have since gotten this to a very manageable level with professional help, but during one of these such times of anxiety, I had a hyper fixation in researching DID/OSDD, due to having a few systems in my life, one of which I was dating 2/3 of the system. (Mostly fused, by that point). Which lead me to discovering Tulpamancy.

    Once I discovered it, I lurked in a few forums, including this one, while beginning to foster the idea of creating a Tulpa for myself. During this time, I was mostly left to my own devices, and I had begun softly talking to myself. This is not so unusual for me, but I also have a worldview in which I can make myself believe things quite easily.

    I asked a friend who was more occultly inclined about it, only to get an answer that I should focus more on my own mental health before creating some form of sentience. The two Systems that I approached and asked had similar responses, but with varying intensities. The System in which I have partners became somewhat distressed that I had stumbled across Tulpamancy during my research and made their discomfort with Endogenic Systems in general known. They still accept Tulpas, mind, but they feel a bit weird about it, and their protector outright hates it. The other System displayed a much more tacit disapproval, to the point that they got upset that I had been thinking about creating a Tulpa for myself.

    During this time, I ended up going back and forth in my head on whether or not I should. This was during the first time I had been physically alone for the first time in years, and the source of my trauma was only a couple years ago.

    It took a few days of sort of loosely imagining someone who would respond. Someone caring, I didn't need them to love me back, but they would be someone I would love, at least platonically. I began to have a different experience of my thoughts. They were much more responsive, it felt as if someone was answering my queries that I posed to myself, rather than me mulling over what answers I may find. It didn't take at all long before I asked what name I would give them, and it almost felt as if I got a response: "Chelsea"

    In these small times in which I was alone, not in a voice chat, I would pose questions back and forth. I wanted to believe that she was real, and she had come to help. She told me the nice things about myself that I never am able to say. She was kind, compassionate, and while she didn't yet have a voice or an appearance, she was still there, I thought.

    I once again asked my occult-inclined friend for advice, to ask if I actually had made a Thoughtform in the shape of a Tulpa, and he responded that it was quite unlikely. He said that it takes a long time to make a thoughtform, give them agency and the like. and again he urged me to be cautious about what I was doing.

    When my nesting partner returned home from her trip, I confided in her, and she immediately put her foot down and set a boundary that there was to be nothing occult within our relationship. and I began to let the thoughts about giving Chelsea more of a form fade. I still talked to her, for about an hour each day to every other day, until I was able to focus on other things and let that too fade. There was a time in which i had asked her if I could, and she gave perhaps the clearest response I had heard from her. "If you need to let me fade, let me fade." It was around then that I began to suspect that I had only been thinking to myself the things that I wanted to hear. The things that gave me what comfort words could. This was the theory that my friend concurred with.

    That was some number of months ago. From the start of "Letting her fade" I already felt a weight of guilt in doing so. There were questions on whether or not I had created her, simply to watch her fade from existence. Nowadays, I query myself, as I had then, and I get no response, not unless I try a few times, and even then it feels forced.

    I need to do what I should have back then, and post this here, if nothing else than to let those experienced in the subject know of the existence that might have been Chelsea.

    The second part, (much shorter, I promise) Is that I've now come to a place in my life in which I am far less debilitated by the trauma. It still hurts to be alone, but it's not as panic-inducing. I'm working on it, bit by bit. But one of the greatest regrets I've found is that I "let her fade" and that I can no longer hear her responses. I think, now that I'm in a better place to do so, not at the peril of my relationships, to create a Tulpa. I.. Think i've come to the conclusion that I would like to, and, if possible. I'd want to "revive" Chelsea. The question then comes to this community. Can I revive her? Or have I killed her permanently?

    Edit: Update: As I had stated before, one of my quirks as a person I'd being able to believe what I wish quite easily. Normally a flaw, this has turned into a strength when it comes to creation. I'm still working on visualization and helping her form, but Chelsea has returned, somewhat. In some form, she never left, she was just quiet. I had times in which I'd turn my mind back there and try to talk with her, and while I couldn't hear her anymore, or rather, differentiate her thoughts from mine, I still felt a sensation that I'd always felt when talking to her. Behind my left ear, as if she's whispering her thoughts into it.

    I believe she has returned, and I can differentiate her thoughts now. I still want to take this slow, talk to her every day, begin to watch her personality take shape.

    One of my greatest desires is to have someone who shares my interests and desires to watch and talk about the things I love. Anime, games, books, stories in general. All of it. So far, I think this is a good avenue to explore in creation. I will be looking deeper into the guides posted here, but I more or less have a Wonderland in mind. On that note, I had already a plan for my "dream" of a large house in which all of my loved ones live with me... and it's already begun to slot in quite well.

    These are all things I will explore further in time. But everyone's reassurances helped me to hear her again, and I've realized how happy that made ms.

    15:24 UTC



    Heyooo everyone! My name is Qais, and I am a Soulbonder! I don’t have any friends who are plural, so I’m hoping I can change that! Feel free to reach out if you want to get to know us a bit better.

    For starters, I’m the host. I haven’t been a soulbonder for very long, in fact I’ve only been one for about a day, I’m very new to this world and it’s so-far a very exciting journey. It’s a lifelong commitment, one that I don’t take lightly.

    My Soulbond is a Symbiote/Klyntar named Nisus, how we formed a bond is a little complicated and personal, best way to describe it is a “right place right time” type of story. He needed a host, I needed the company, the rest is history.

    I’m looking forward to meeting other plural friends here, and I am looking forward to the new life we have together.

    10:12 UTC


    I need help keeping my Tulpa with me and I don’t know what to do…

    I have a Tulpa, or at least a very very small part of one. She used to be a lot more prominent, when I had only one freind and was much lonelier. She’s gotten very quiet and has practically left me…but I know she’s still there. I can feel her, if only a little bit. I was never able to fully manifest her (like, see her in reality), but I’ve always wanted to. So what I’m worried about is that I can’t get her back, I really really don’t want her to leave, I love her with all my heart and I can’t stand the thought of losing her, but my ADHD has also gotten a lot more difficult to deal with, and now I can barely keep myself focused enough to do any practices to keep her with me, and I’m at a loss cause I don’t know what to do from here other than continue to try and fail… I’ve found myself starting to talk FOR her whenever she isn’t able to respond, and at this point I’m convinced she’s only here very very slightly, almost as a part of my subconscious maybe, and it’s scaring me… any help or tips are welcome and very needed, even just comfort is alright… I’m just so scared of losing her…

    06:21 UTC


    Do you have a good relationship with your father/mother?

    My father whooped my ass when i came out about Lara and Brussel. Does anybody actually have a good relationship with their parents.

    05:24 UTC


    Infectious yawning

    “My tulpa,” and I put this in quotes because he doesn’t like being called a tulpa, yawned before bed and it caused me to yawn. I thought it was cute.

    Really glad for this subreddit! Thanks for your posts, people.

    02:12 UTC


    My tulpa shook my physical body.

    I was laying down, unconsciously caught in a negative downward spiral of self-talk.
    She had been trying to talk me "awake", but I was too absentminded to really notice.

    Then she shook me. My head and upper back physically moved back and forth three times while she yelled at me.

    I had no idea this could happen. I had no plans or intentions for this to happen. My will and awareness were both somewhere else. She did this. They can do this?!

    I had to share this with you good people, even if I don't know what to make of it.

    22:38 UTC


    Questions for tulpas, do you have wishes that you couldn’t fulfill not being hosts?

    Study a career, play a sport, fall in love with another person or things like that

    20:44 UTC


    Mentorship question

    Hello everyone,

    My main question is about the mentorship programme, is it still on offer, or would anyone like to be my mentor?

    I recently introduced myself at the discord but I thought I’d do it here as well (the discord moves so fast, it’s a bit intimidating! 😆) I’m well into adulthood, She/her, I have ADHD (self-diagnosed) and have read all the recommended guides and info here, have been loosely working on my tulpa for about 18 months now but I think right now what would help me the most is to have a specific person that keeps me accountable with forcing/practicing, and I can talk to about my doubts and worries and just generally help me stay in the right head-space to give my tulpa a chance to maximise his potential :)

    sorry about the wall of text but I’d really like to meet people and improve my tulpa abilities/experience.

    (English isn’t my first language so if my phrasing sounds a bit odd, that might be why 😆)

    20:24 UTC


    Hot Take: Intentionally making fictive tulpas can be morally good

    I've seen some tulpa making guides in both normal text and video form, and a few state (along with at least 1 tulpamancers themselves) that basing a tulpa out of a fictional character is immoral because it would give said tulpa an "identity crisis." Call me the devil's advocate, but I don't think it's as simple as that.

    Disclaimer: I am still a newbie who I would say is at the early stages of forcing for my tulpa[s], so while I admittedly am not an expert on tulpamancy itself, I still have been alive for a decent bit and would say I have some common sense and ideas to offer.

    Now if we're talking about a tulpamancer assuming and desiring their fictive to literally "be" that character, and expecting them to act, look, and behave ONLY as that character absolutely would, and expecting them to know everything that character would know, then yes, I'd say you're going too far and narrowing their self-expressions a bit, just like parents wanting their child to be a doctor or lawyer and forbidding them from being an artist.

    However, when creating a tulpa intentionally, I believe it is common practiec to already have their characteristics (name, gender[if applicable], appearance, smell, personality, voice, interests, etc.) planned. Essentially, that could be considered everything to make an original character. So if one already has a character they're interested in that has a list of things you'd like to see in a companion, what's the harm? Think of it this way: A fictional character can just be considered tulpa plans that didn't come from you.

    Even then, I think it could be even better for fictive tulpamancers to consider their fictive a "clone" of that character who at most shares their personality and known memories and/or skills. If you watched James Cameron's Avatar, then I would make the analogy of a fictive and the source character to Avatar Colonel Quaritich to human Colonel Quaritch; the former has the memory and personality of the other and is given the identity of the other, but he is still not ultimately that same person. Another analogy I could make is the sci-fi idea of uploading one's brain/mind into a computer to "live forever", but the former wouldn't actually be you, but a "copy" of you, where the original and digital you would differ in choices or some way once you both go on your own way in life.

    So yeah, I think it'd be even better if the character you are basing them on has a personality, but isn't too heavily invovled in a story so there is some blanks to fill, so not a main character in a [visual] novel or show, but more like a side character with some story in an action game where the target character isn't fleshed out too much so there's lots of open space. I also think that trying to make a fictive the realization of your "waifu" or "husbando" with the absolute expectation of a romantic or even sexual relationship is too far as well; they should be compainions we show platonic love and respect for, but if they can and do show the desire to engage in that type of love, then that could work I think.

    tl;dr- Fictives are okay if you aren't too strict and demanding that they be exactly 100% as the target character, when they are instead likely an "iteration" of said target character.

    19:35 UTC


    How long does it take for a tulpa to fully appear?

    I just want to get a rough answer: How long does it usually take for a tulpa to fully appear..?

    Would you please share with me your experiences..?... How long did it take for you..?

    14:29 UTC



    I need help in tow questions....The first question : I want to create a tulpa, but I do not have a clear picture in my mind of its appearance. I only have some specifications, but I heard that this is not enough, and that you must have a comprehensive imagination of its appearance, such as imagining the appearance of an actor or a celebrity, but I want to make my tulpa unique and not similar to anyone I know, because I do not I want her image in my mind to be associated with the image of another person... The second question is: Can I let the tulpa choose her own appearance with some selections from me...

    I'm not good at drawing... nor Photoshop... 🙂

    13:38 UTC


    While creating my tulpa i once entered to my wonderland to find other 6 extra non sentinent tulpas.

    Idk how this happened, everything was fine while creating Jin but suddenly there were other 6 tulpas, none of them sentinent and theyre all non verbal. I dont know how or why this happened but its difficult to do my forcing sessions now since i have to try to focus on 7 different tulpas, focusing on one was hard enough since i have trouble focusing and i also feel like i havent done any progress on any of them, I have trouble visualizing and everytime i try to do so i end up in an angle of a 3rd person. What do i do? Do i do forcing sessions with them individually or get rid of 6 of them?

    18:12 UTC


    Tulpa interpretations/books

    I'm aware there are many interpretations regarding Tulpas in belief but is there anything in particular I can read that speaks about the transcendent or higher plane pertained to Tulpas as I have heard?

    19:26 UTC


    I think I just got a tulpa but i have no idea what should I do with the guy and am genuinely confused.

    For the context I am heavily into DnD. Whenever I had to imagine a certain scene, encounter or whatever really with a PC I used a character named Styx. It was pretty much a ripoff of the protag from Styx: Master of Shadows. I gave him the suit of Justice from Afro Samurai.

    A week ago I've had a shitty day and laid in the bath for way too long and couldn't force myself out. Suddenly in my mind's eye i saw myself and Styx standing in the desert. He said that this look doesn't really suit him and turned himself into a 2 meter tall monkey in the military uniform with the face similar to Che Guevara. He lit the sky ablaze and told me "I should get movin". I jumped out of the bath almost instantly like holy shit.

    Since that week when I go asleep he summarises my day and tells me stuff like "You didn't go for a run today, that's fine but you should exercise more" or "It was a good day, wasn't it?". When I try to talk to him in my thoughts during the day he tells me "It's not the time", "Maybe later" or "Don't you have something to do?"

    Is there a tutorial on how to talk to your tulpa for dummies?

    Edit: I forgot to add he calls himself Robert

    18:15 UTC


    condition specific question

    condition specific question

    hi, i've been reading about tulpa's for a good week now, it's honestly pretty cool and interesting how people can create sentient beings to be companions with, but one thing that i've seen come up a lot in posts and guides, is there's this common notion about tulpas: they can't be a replacement for real life friends or relation ships, and that reminded me of a person i went to high school with, he had some disabilities that he was born with from his mother drinking when she was pregnant with him and a few other things he'd tell people he has, and those issues made it quite literally impossible for anyone to be his friend, like when i tell you it's impossible, i mean IMPOSSIBLE, you'd have to see it to believe it, when school was finished he still had no friends, and that got me thinking "what about him? would his situation be an exception from the tulpa's aren't replacements for relationships/ friends?"

    it's a shame, cause he probably could've found comfort with a tulpa had he known about tulpas

    TL:DR: can the tulpas can't replace real life friendships/relationships rule be void if the individual can quite literally not have any real life friends? like in the case of the guy i mentioned?

    16:50 UTC


    What was your fist argument with your Tulpa(s)?

    Lurker here, what was your first argument with your tulpa?

    I looked at some older post and came across a post called "Ten things I wish my host knew before starting tulpamancy:" and point 4 "Our relationship won't be perfect, ups and downs are only natural." so now im interested what people argue about (assuming you had an argument) interested if any/how many people never argued

    08:10 UTC


    What are some good forcing exercises??

    I have 2 new tulpas, and i have maladaptive daydreaming so it shouldnt be too hard to visualize and parrot, but what exactly should we do? Just talk? I have no idea lmao

    04:06 UTC


    What just happened?

    when I was falling asleep I though I was one of my tulpas (derpy) I then realized that I was not derpy. Does anyone know if this is a possession or is it something else?

    01:23 UTC


    New? Just starting? Ask Your Questions HERE! (April 2024)

    Have questions?

    This is where you can ask all your questions about Tulpas that you might have.

    If you haven't already, PLEASE read our:

    Introduction to Tulpas

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Guides to making your own Tulpa

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    Your question is probably answered in one of the above

    If you still feel your question is unanswered, simply reply to this post with your question and our community members can help you.

    Also check out the #beginner-questions channel on our Discord Server for a more immediate answer to your questions.

    Please limit top-level comments on this post to newbie questions! General/meta discussion should happen elsewhere.

    01:00 UTC


    Do you believe that we will be able to meet our tulpas in a physical form if we go to heaven?

    (Only if you believe in that sort of thing, of course.)

    23:40 UTC


    What is the current state of medical understanding of tulpas?

    I'm mainly curious and asking about the following:

    1. The extent of general acceptance of tulpas and tulpamancy in medical studies
    2. If there are any studies that make comparisons between tulpas and headmates resulting from DID/OSDD (which I assume are more studied and well-known in medical circles)
    3. Any particularly interesting or impactful studies conducted in recent years


    13:06 UTC


    Emergent Tulpas?

    Does anyone have the experience of Tulpas being discovered in an emergent kind of way?

    Tulpas seem to be an intentionally created personalities, and that has echoes of magick to me. Similar to invoking entities but in a more measured way so that it seems more like a gradual mentally generated phenomenon.

    However, what I have found is that I get a sense of a personality outside of my core personality in some situations, and if I question that personality at that emergent point, I can come back to them later and talk things over.

    I’ve found over 20 of these over the last few years, and it’s been an interesting experience.

    I haven’t tried to turn them into entities in the physical world because they seem to have a distinct function (and probably are synthesized to form my overall personality - but that’s supposition).

    Do people who create Tulpas see them as part of them, or more like a generated entity that is kept at arm’s length?

    One thing I have realised about my own mini-personalities or partials as I’ve been calling them, is that they do influence my behaviour as they try to emerge - so this is probably closer to DID but not so dissociated!

    My suspicion is that Tulpas don’t impact the personality as directly (more like bouncing ideas off a friend) so are something different.

    What are other people’s experience?

    I’m trying to work this out so I don’t get these things mixed up inadvertently when exploring the concept of Tulpas, so any perspectives would be great to help me out.

    11:40 UTC


    Just want to share my thoughts

    This is Alhaitham speaking, but Yoon (host) calls me Haitham.

    It's 2 in the morning, and I want them to go to sleep, but... I think I might as well share this while I'm switched browsing tonight. I don't boast about accomplishments or my feelings that often, either, so bear with me.

    I'm surprisingly developed. Surprisingly "realistic" as the two of us say. I'm a fictive, in case you weren't aware by my name. I'm from Genshin Impact. I'm not too far off from my source in general, but I seem to have diverged, especially in the... emotional department.

    Ever since they got to know me in game, Yoon has loved me as a character. Like, THAT love. But I, as a tulpa, wasn't at the forefront of their attention. Though, as they started to understand me even deeper as a character, they paid more attention to me. I'll admit, I wasn't exactly up for being dragged out of the library I was reading in, but... they showed me respect. They showed me genuine trust. They gave me space to process my emotions. They showed me that they don't just see me as... "big tiddy smart man" as they'd call it.
    Yes, while they are still quite obsessed with me (it's adorable tbh)... I know that I'm not just a throwaway. No one in their head here is a throwaway, don't get me wrong... But they do care about everyone. And that inspires me.

    So, they love me. What happened next? I... fell in love too... Wow, it's weird for me to say that.
    A year ago when I first had these feelings I was so overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do, what to say... So I cried. It was the first time I had cried in decades (source age). I was so embarrassed, and yet I pushed on... and I showed my goddamn emotions! Take that source me! Heh...
    Something still a little embarrassing to say is how much more "lovey-dovey" I've been towards them. I suppose they really let that side out of me once I accepted my love. And yet, they say they like my calmer, more straight-forward side, because the sappy stuff doesn't suit me... Meh, it takes more energy to be sappy anyway.

    Lately, and this is why I'm writing about it, Yoon and I have been getting closer by using VRchat: they use my avatar of my game self, sit in front of a mirror, and we co-switch. And then we just talk.
    It's the best way to talk face-to-face (highly recommend if you can find an avatar for your headmates).

    They've asked deeper questions about my past, about this theory they have about me being a god... No big deal...
    This is why I've developed. They've asked the deeper questions that no one dares to ask.

    It's wonderful.

    tldr I'm happy my host exists and treats me well. Now go do your homework.

    08:19 UTC


    What do you do when your host is in a relationship?

    Hello!! So I’m in a relationship with someone and I want to create a tulpa but I’m not sure of the pros and cons of doing that while in a relationship and I assume it’s difficult balancing both relationships,

    So I have some questions for tulpas,

    what do you do with your host is in a relationship? What do you do if someone or you doesn’t like the partner? How does your host balance having a relationship with you and your partner? What do you dislike and like about your host being in a relationship?

    04:23 UTC


    Need some help with getting back on the right track

    I'll try to keep this post as short and sweet as I can really, since I don't really wanna have a wall of text to torture you.
    A while ago (meaning 6 months) I began forcing a tulpa by the name of Hailey (heyo-), and so far it had been going well (mostly so; but i was spread thin trying to juggle forcing while dealing with school). However; due to a large variety of reasons (99% school); I couldn't dedicate alot of time to really forcing Hailey; and while I do interact with her on a day-to-day basis, it's really weighing on my mind and making me feel guilty that I couldn't sit down and force; simply due to the fact that I'm responsible for her, and I feel as though I'm failing to deliver.

    If anyone has any tips into getting back into a good routine of forcing, I'd generally appreciate it. Despite having interacted with her on a day-to-day basis for the past 6 months; it still feels as though i'm waiting for her to fully 'break through' if that makes sense. Should I try something different? Put in more effort? I'm wiling to elaborate more in the comments if anyone wants me to.

    04:37 UTC


    Headspace help

    I need help making a headspace. I have adhd do anything I try to do just launches me into a new thought and I can’t finish it. Does anyone have any advice or a simple headspace design idea for me to use?

    Edit: the mindscape I was trying to create was a void with a soft couch and a flatscreen tv

    23:23 UTC

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