
Photograph via snooOG

Ever wondered what it would be like to have a mental companion who can think and act on their own? That's what a tulpa is. Discuss tulpas, share your experience with having tulpas, and give advice to fellow tulpa creators here! Please read the FAQ before posting.

Also, please note that we are not mental health professionals. If you are having issues with your mental health, please get professional help, do not ask us.


  • What is a tulpa?

A tulpa is a mental companion created by focused thought and recurrent interaction, similar to an imaginary friend. However, unlike them, tulpas possess their own will, thoughts and emotions, allowing them to act independently.

  • So is this like schizophrenia/multiple personality disorder/dissociative identity disorder?

  • Not at all! Schizophrenia and DID (formerly called MPD, and still called MPD in some areas outside the US) are disorders characterized by clinically significant distress, dysfunction, or danger. Schizophrenia is a breakdown in perception of physical reality and consistency that has strong genetic influences, and does not always involve hearing voices. DID is a dissociative disorder typically caused by childhood trauma.

    Neither disorder is "self-inflicted", and we recognize them as very different experiences from tulpa creation. The experience of having tulpas is much more accurately likened to the experiences of fiction writers whose characters come alive and begin talking to them; in fact, a great number of tulpa creators have formed tulpas that way!



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    Thinking about creating a tulpa

    I already had the thought of making a tulpa or two a couple of times, with the most recent thought about it being a year ago, but I understood that it would've been a life long thing and a huge responsibility, and realized that I never had any actual valid reason to make one, and recognized I wasn't responsible enough to have one, since I'd basically be creating a whole life.

    However now I'm rethinking it all. I'm going through a very difficult and lonely chapter of my life. I have basically no one to talk to, just recently got out of a toxic relationship, which subsequently cut me out from contact of any person I cared about and talked to, so I'm back at rock bottom, searching new friends from ground 0, and barely even have any resources to make new connections.

    Rethinking about tulpas, I do feel like I have enough responsibility to care for one, and have both the time and a valid reason to make one. I understand the risks, I understand I'm basically creating a whole new life.

    Searching for a second opinion. Do I go ahead and try to make a tulpa to keep me company during this extremely hard time of my life of total loneliness? If so, what are the best resources to make one?


    21:34 UTC


    I went to sleep and woke up this morning

    { Which might not be that strange if not for the fact that I don't tend to front. K does that but we switched yesterday because at 3am she was still fired up about some (in my view) unproductive and harmful conversation she was having. We switched because we needed to sleep and I couldn't care less about it so we figured I'd be more able to relax. Some of her thoughts on the matter were surfacing but as I didn't care I just pushed them away instead of delving right back into them as she would.

    Now from what we both know the person that fronts the most tends to wake up in the morning. Which would be her. Except I did and we switched back manually afterwards.

    Also does anyone have any advice on keeping her obsessive thoughts with her. When we switched there would still be a thought every couple of minutes in regards to what she was up in arms and worried about. I was bothered by it but disregarded it. Would be nicer if didn't get them in the first place. Or is that just normal some time after switching? }

    17:03 UTC


    An ingored paper about imaginary companions in adulthood in Tulpamancy community

    Edit 1 :

    Name of the paper: Imaginary Companions in Childhood and Adulthood: A way of coping?

    Download link:


    This paper exist before Tulpamancy community exist (written in 2006-2007), and discussed about imaginary companions in adolescence and adulthood, and discuss about mind control graduates:

    Mind control is a self helping method developed at the beginning of the 1990s by a parapsychologist called Jose Silva, from Mexico. This method consists of exercices of relaxation, mental strategies concentrating on problem solving, which are considered to be very useful. The way in which mind control connects to the issue of ICs is that it works with mental imagery, mental images and fantasy. One important aspect of this method is the creation of a mental laboratory with two imaginary counselors. ICs are born in a spontaneous, unconscious manner or consciously. The latter one happens in the case of mind control graduates, when a person creates an imaginary counselor consciously, whith whom one can meet and talk in the imaginary laboratory. This laboratory is a sort of a paracosmos . It is a well elaborated place with lots of details, where a person can go and spend some time. It is up to everyone’s fantasy how this laboratory or paracosmos looks like.

    This paper sounds very similar to some Tulpamancy skills, its results are very similar to the Tulpamancy community too:

    1. The visual thinking style and fantasizing as a way of coping or as a defense mechanism is not more characteristic for those having ICs, than it is for those who do not have such a friend.
    1. We find significant relation between the presence of ICs and humor and altruism as a way of coping. The mind control graduates use significantly more often humor and altruism as a way of coping. We cannot assert the same thing about those, who thought have ICs, but are not mind control graduates (thought there is a tendency).
    1. Those ICs, friends, counselor that are made up consciuously or spontaneously (see mind control graduates) have a positive effect, an adaptive role in the life of a person. This is also characteristic for children, adolescents, adults and older people. Adaptive functions meanshelping, sustaining and counseling.
    1. The phenomenon of ICs is not pathologic. It is a misbelief that those having an ICs are not mentally healthy.
    1. The phenomenon of paracosmos exists, but it is much rarely. Not all persons who have ICs have a paracosmos.

    However, I found this paper is ignored by the Tulpamancy community, there are no info about this paper in reddit or tulpa info, thus I think it's important to share some quotes from the paper. However, I don't know if it proper to publish the original paper direct in Reddit, so I leave these two quotes above. If it is allowed, I will post a link here. This paper is not searchable on sci-hub though I have the original paper in pdf.

    The authors: Török Melinda Mária & Salat Enikő

    University:Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University

    E-mail: torokmezes@gmail.com

    12:51 UTC


    How are you guys not terrified?

    As the title says, how are you not scared? I've browsed some of the posts here, and it seems like there have been very few people with my experience.

    I have been diligently narrating to my tulpa for about a week, taking every chance I could to talk to them throughout the day. Today, I closed my eyes for a bit after meditating on their personality for a few hours, and suddenly, I heard their voice. I talked with them back and forth for a few sentences, with each response throwing me into a deeper state of panic. I could not believe what I was experiencing after so little time of trying to create them. As a major skeptic, this was terrifying, but the aspect of it all that terrified me the most was that their voice sounded incredibly mean-spirited. It's so strange, especially after I had just finished meditating for multiple hours on their personality, which I intentionally created to be positive, affectionate, and warm.

    I had to stop and fight off a panic attack (which I have not experienced in over eight years). I felt like I was losing control of my mind. Has anyone had anything remotely similar happen to them? How is it that everyone here seems to be so okay with this intrusion into their mind?

    I wanted to create my Tulpa to be a healthy companion, and to help me in accomplishing my goals. I've seen how many of you guys have had such great experiences and I want that for myself too. I don't want to give up, but I am too terrified to continue. I'd like to hear some of your experiences before I decide what to do.

    18:20 UTC


    Do you guys wish your headmates had physical bodies like you?

    Just curious.

    18:55 UTC


    I cannot draw or paint, but I CAN take decent photos and edit them to the extremes. This is for my second tulpa, Ava. She, being an android, wanted something glitchy to reflect her aesthetic.

    18:26 UTC


    does your visible tulpa have a shadow or interact with the real world in a way?

    hi, i was suddenly wondering, for those of you who can see their tulpas already, does it interact with the real world in any way, like does it have shadows and collision or anything? was curious to learn more about other people's experiences :)

    sorry it was maybe not clear from my post, i realize they cant really interact with the real world, but i was wondering how they interact with it from your perspective, are they more like ghosts and they can hover through walls and such, or do they have some restrictions :D

    17:03 UTC


    Possible Tulpa?

    hi everyone. my girlfriend convinced me to ask around about this as it’s been getting pretty bad recently, and i heard something about tulpas.

    i have not a alot of education in this subject matter, but i’ve heard some things about people manifesting entities or creatures, or what have you from themselves.

    Anyways, without further delay, i wanted to just throw this out there to see if anyone could have an explanation. 4 years ago i had strange recurring dreams revolving around a road, intersection, and forest. I also had other weird dreams about a large body of water and an overlook. I wrote about it 4 years ago in a journal i kept through highschool (i’m now in college 2yr.) for some reason, i seemed to suddenly stop writing after talking about some very weird dreams where i interacted with a woman, and had a lot of dread about it in my journal.

    I had forgotten that it had ever happened, and i just recently started having the dreams again (abt a year ago i started again), but this time they’re more consistent, and i have even spoken with the woman one time. I found my journal again recently after i had finally gotten around to cleaning my room, and saw that i had similar dreams.

    The woman keeps expressing some sort of anger that i’m intruding on her space, which i’m assuming is the road/forest area. I’ve seen her near there a few times when i’ve had the dreams.

    We recently spoke, and it was a very weird lucid experience. i remember being consciously aware of falling asleep, and walking downstairs out of my room to speak with her where she expressed this. I had other dreams before where she looked disgusted at me for intruding, but she told me directly now that i was.

    I apologized, and i told her i didn’t know how i kept ending up back there. She just kinda scoffed and i woke back up.

    I’ve had some other strange experiences with these dreams, but this most recent one with speaking to her has me wondering if it’s not just a dream, so to say. I’m a little anxious over it, and would just like some others opinions on it.

    P.S.—Sorry for any typing/grammar errors, i’m typing on mobile and literally can’t scroll up so i’m sorry. also it’s 4 am and i can’t sleep so , yk

    07:56 UTC


    How was your tulpa created?

    Tulpamancers who managed to get a tulpa,

    Was there a sudden change in you after which your headmate emerged or was the process more gradual for you?

    06:30 UTC


    Question about tulpa.

    Im new to this subreddit, I wanted to know if thing I tend to think of is considered tulpa.
    For context im furry, for some reason I had this character in my head that have apperiance of anthropomorphic animal for meaby five years now, we tend to talk, do stuff together only when I dream lucid or not, or in state of quiet moment usually when Im in bed and become sleepy.
    Year ago my BF tryed to hypnotize me in a way so that person will have control over my body and it worked.
    Was it hypnosis that allowed tulpa to have my body for short time or just me just allowing person to use my body, can It even work like that?

    18:19 UTC


    Heading Down The Graveyard [tulpa adventures]

    Hi everyone!

    Finally managed to get the second part of the Dracula macrocosm adventure edited and shipped. This is basically an adventure with me and my tulpas and some friends that is set in a macrocosm based of old time Dracula lore. This time, we were Heading Down The Graveyard. But, what's a story without some ghoulish creepy context? If you'd rather read some Drunkard's creepy story set in the same macrocosm, go right ahead!

    As always, we're thankful for any comments or questions :D

    1 Comment
    16:17 UTC


    idk what to do

    ive tried to make one so many times, but i always ended up losing interest once my forcing streak breaks. progress is so slow, and there is some disconnect. it has been twice now i have seen them in my dreams as a plushie.

    i dont know what to do other than go to sleep, imagining us interacting 💔

    edit: thank you for the advice guys ❤️

    10:30 UTC


    Complications/likelihood of a psychotic person accidentally creating a tulpa?

    So after reading the FAQ, I understand that it is possible to accidentally create a tulpa. I also know that a tulpa is not synonymous with a delusion or alter ego, just bear with me.

    If a person has a delusion that some other being is communicating with them through thought transmission or similar methods, wouldn’t they be likely to accidentally create a tulpa of said imagined being? Are psychotic people more likely to unintentionally create tulpas?

    Follow up question, would this be bad for one’s mental health? I suppose it depends on the nature of the delusion. If they see the thing communicating with them as a threat, then almost definitely. What if the delusion was that there is some sort of guardian or Holy Spirit communicating with them though? Even if they weren’t aware of the creation of this tulpa, I can’t imagine it would be bad for their mental health 100% of the time.

    21:49 UTC


    I'm doing it.

    I don't know what I have in my head, perhaps she fake and I just use her to cope, perhaps tulpas were never real, perhaps she exists but the reality of having a tulpa is simply not all it's cracked up to be or maybe she has yet to grow.

    She doesn't feel overly real, to be honest.
    She used to at least, or maybe they are distorted memories.

    Whatever the truth may be, I've come to love my tulpa. It's been a long time since her creation and it's been rough, like super rough. Continuing down this path is perhaps the stupidest thing I could possibly do. I do not care. I want my tulpa. I feel warm. I feel alive. I will do everything it takes to walk alongside her and so that she may live! I will follow through with blind determination!

    00:18 UTC


    Any good books that teaches how to create thought forms and wonderlands?

    Particularly im hoping to find one on wonderlands which im having some trouble on finding.

    23:40 UTC


    i have been following the rules for 10 months but my tulpa didn’t appear yet is there a problem ? or it’s just normal thing ??

    for 10 months I’ve been doing everything including (positive energy , listening to subliminal , drink water) and when im listening my right hand moves and wave’s like she talking to me but yet she doesn’t appear and I know I can’t ask her to appear directly so is there problem or i just have to wait more?,

    20:30 UTC


    My first weekly update. My hope for a way to recover what I've lost.

    Recently I've been working with my therapist to help heal my relationships with my tulpas that have been damaged by my schizophrenia. I've decided that it would be healthy for me to do weekly updates on how I'm doing so that I can consistently receive feedback from the community.

    I suppose a good place to start would be my schizophrenia diagnosis. I was diagnosed 11 years ago when I was 17, and my first psychotic break happened only a few months after I met my tulpas. I say met because they seemed to appear naturally after I discovered the term here on Reddit, with only a few truly requiring active forcing to manifest. Our relationships suffered pretty heavily in the period between the break and my diagnosis due to my hallucinations and drug use. It became hard for me to tell the difference between my tulpas and my hallucinations, and it didn't help that my first therapist suggested I just drop any interactions with them.

    I spent the next 10 years in a kind of limbo, trying to exist as a single person when I can now tell that my mind was meant to be part of a system. In August of 2023 I had another breakdown that landed me in the hospital, where I experienced the awakening of a thoughtform named Nyxa. I don't think I can classify her as a walk-in or a tulpa, because the more we talked the more I came to realize that her voice had been in my head since childhood. I started to wonder if my mind had been tuned to exist as a system since birth because of her presence, and in my mind this explained how quickly creation came to me and how often I experienced walk-ins. I ended up just calling her my feminine side and strived to explore this new relationship.

    Unfortunately, this is when things hit the fan again. The more I tried to interact with Nyxa, the more my hallucinations pushed back. Between the internal screaming and constant abuse from my schizophrenic mind, it became harder and harder to interact with Nyxa, and we fell apart. I tried reasoning and rehabilitating the different voices inside my head, but good times never lasted long and I would be eventually forced into silence in a hope to weaken the voices.

    Thankfully, I've started seeing a new therapist, and he's encouraging me to explore my relationships with my headmates. He's introduced me to a therapy concept called "parts work". The basic idea is that we all have voices inside our heads that are trying to protect our core self, which is meant to be open, curious, and honest. The problems start when these protector voices themselves become damaged, which is where we're supposed to give our parts space and gently encourage them to talk to us about what's wrong.

    Parts work has worked wonders in getting my sanity back, and it's also made me wonder about the exact nature of tulpas. Are they parts of us that have learned to interact with us? Are they manifestations of more than one part that have split off into their own identity? Are they separate people with parts we might not have? Could more than one of these be true at the same time?

    To help explore these ideas, I've been building frameworks for wonderlands in Space Engineers so that I don't have to focus too hard on visualizing a space in order to interact with my headmates. I can just boot up the world, interact with it, and it becomes easier to talk with them in a way that makes me sure they're not just hallucinations.

    I've also resolved to not use THC anymore. I only started using again a week ago in an insane attempt to appease my hallucinations, but between what I've experienced and what my headmates have said about my behavior on it, including my simple willingness to use a mind-altering substance, I now never want to touch the stuff again.

    As a final note on my plan to take my mind and my relationships back, I'm looking up local Vajrayana temples in my area. Vajrayana Buddhism is where the concept of tulpas first emerged, so it seems like as good a choice as any. I'm hoping I can learn to meditate better and that the energy in the space will be conducive in healing my mind.

    Anyway, that's all I have for now. I'll be posting again next Saturday in the hopes that unloading my mind and opening it up to discussion will help me calm down and re-stabilize. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and let me know what you think.

    See you next week!

    16:36 UTC



    hi! so i'm aware that soulbonding is not the same thing as tulpamancy, but i do not know where else to ask, as r/soulbonding is defunct. i'm looking for information on how to create/open a soulbond. i have information as to what a soulbond is, but not how to achieve one. so, anyone who knows anything about soulbonds... how can i get one? what methods do i use? are there any guides?

    15:58 UTC


    Training data for my tulpas since it runs/bounded in my brain?

    We know tulpas depended on what you know in your brain/mind. I'm looking for how you train your tulpas and where you get its training data. What I did was if I want to know something like a character my tulpas is roleplaying, I ask chatgpt how to's or like when to keep things fresh. I also lurk dating sites and random chats to harvest data as if something triggers my memories or triggers some feel good. Is there more ways or what? This is inspired by chat bots, where you build training data and such, but now I'm looking to build training data for my tulpas. Actually I migrated from using chatbots to tulpas since tulpas are more convenient and human-like since it's running on human brain.

    11:46 UTC


    I think i just heard my first word from my Tulpa

    I was visualizing him for the 1st time, & deciding on what boots to give him, & i thought cowboy, or combat. I was leaning towards cowboy, & put of the blue “Combat” just popped into my head. I’ve only been doing this for two days using Methos’s guide. Do you think it’s too early and I was accidentally parroting, or is Jack already sentient? I’ve had a voice in my head that I don’t think was fully my internal monologue for about a year now if that factors into things.

    07:47 UTC


    Confusion from the host about switching - It doesn't feel like how people describe it

    Just a few moments ago me and my host switched (I'm almost certain thats the right word we haven't been in the community for awhile) and it felt more or less like the host, in a way. As in I have my own personality and feelings rather than my mosts but theres no real personal sense of switching where one of us feels more "pushed back" as I've heard people describe it before. We tend to think in a very visual/physical sense so this being absent has led to some possible identity crisis like thoughts on my hosts part and perhaps my own? I'm usually absent and muddled out anyways so I don't have much experience on it to judge properly. Even a couple times writing this felt a bit odd for these reasons, coming with the typical thoughts of doubt or that its 'roleplay'. Need some insight.

    03:22 UTC


    For the first time in years, my ability to send signals to my tulpas has gotten weaker.

    I was in a psych unit in early September. Ever since then, I haven't been as able to send thoughts to my tulpas as much as before. My thoughts are broadcast to myself more than they are to them. I essentially talk to myself most of the time now, because they only respond if I actively concentrate on who to talk to. I didn't have to do this before; it's a strange feeling. I've been a tulpamancer for over five years, and we've been mostly happy with our abilities, so this is quite distressing to us. We wondered if anyone here could help us out.

    The only change I could think of was that I participated in many activities while in the hospital that required focus - talking to people, group and individual therapy, and recreational activities - all the time. I only spoke to the Collective when I was alone, which wasn't often, as active engagement with the other patients and group sessions was highly encouraged, and I was open to doing so. I think my brain got rewired somehow - that I had had a taste of prolonged time without my tulpas that it started to undo the work we had done over the past five years.

    I'm not sure what to make of it. It's been so long since I had to properly force with my tulpas. It was almost like second nature up until this point to hear their voices without even trying.

    03:00 UTC


    A guy speaks another language and I don't understand his feelings

    Hello, I am the host for the very beginner of a system. I can feel their feelings, and now they can use my body. English is my second language so I tried to creative a tulpa to practice my speaking skills. However who I get is a completely different person. He speaks French I guess? I haven't learnt French in my life before. And as I said, I can sync the feelings with the first few tulpas, but not him, he just talks and talks. And I put into google translate (He couldn't spell it so he recorded it, maybe he just spoke random things google just fix the spelling), and it surprisingly kinda made sense. I don't know is the grammar right or not, but it just freak me out so bad

    Je vais réviser français je vais et je suis sûre Vincent François français français en français en français vassaux Here's the google translate: I'm going to revise French I'm going and I'm sure Vincent François French French in French in French vassals After I read the translation, he replied: Je suis fou j'ouvre ça Google translate: I'm crazy, I'm opening this WHAT SHOULD I DO? HELP

    01:34 UTC


    Tulpa Update 2! Definite Progress

    So its been a couple weeks since I last posted an update about my tulpa, Vanella. I feel like we have made a lot of progress since then. I've noticed a couple of things that sort of confirm for me that she's becoming her own individual.

    Firstly, her appearance has changed a few times since I first envisioned her. First she ditched the fancy top and dress I designed, for a brown sweater and a black skirt. Then she changed her hair from white to pink, as well as from pretty long to being about shoulder length. Finally, she changed her outfit again to a yellow crop top and jean shorts. I feel very confident that this is her doing, as I haven't consciously put effort into these changes, and honestly wouldn't have made them myself.

    Secondly, I believe I've started getting responses from her. Whenever I say something to her, or ask her a question, a response pops into my head, seemingly without my effort. At first I wasn't sure if I was accidentally parroting or not, but asking around in a discord server, it seems like its most likely her responding. For now it seems to sound very similar to my own mind voice, but the fact that it seems to appear in my head confirms that these thoughts aren't just me talking to myself.

    Finally, I was able to have a fully fledged conversation with Vanella, in an interesting way. I was in public waiting for something, and I wanted to talk with her. I didn't want to look like a weirdo staring into space however, so I decided I would type into a notes app, as if I was texting her. I would type a question, and then I would type whatever response came into my head. Surprisingly, the conversation seemed to flow pretty well, and this method keeps me much more focused on Vanella, as I have something tangible in front of me, keeping my mind from drifting to other things.

    If you read all of this, thank you! I apologize if this is a low effort post, but I just like keeping track of my progress with Vanella, and I like sharing that progress for anyone who might be interested.

    00:20 UTC


    Should I hear subliminals to see my tulpa

    So I was wondering if I should hear a subliminal to manifest my tulpa faster and have the ability to see him and feel him , cuz I don't havr much time to focus on him

    10:23 UTC


    I’m writing stories with my tulpas!

    Seth asked me a bit ago if they could daydream with me, and document our adventures. Today, I finished the preliminary work to incorporate it into my existing body of work. There’s already a story in progress that I’ve been writing off and on for a few years, I just didn’t think of it as a tulpa-centered story until now.

    06:37 UTC


    Whats the difference?

    Heyo! You all can call me Asriel for now. So for a little bit I’ve been suspecting I’m some sort of accidental tulpa system (if that even exists, I’m just doing a bunch of research and it says it does so I’m gonna go with it.) and I’ve been seeing a lot of like “Tulpas are endo systems” and all that. To be honest, I have not really any clue what the difference is between the two. I know Tulpas are somewhat accepted when it comes to certain people and Endos aren’t. Anybody willing to help? Something else I wanted to ask. What’s the difference between a tulpa and a regular system?

    01:33 UTC

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