
Photograph via snooOG

A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience.

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A Psychonaut is a person who explores activities by which altered states of consciousness are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, sensory deprivation, and both archaic and modern users of entheogenic substances, in order to gain deeper insights into the mind and spirituality.

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Lab Testing??

I have some potential 25I-NBOMe that I’d like to send somewhere (U.S.) to have tested. Does anyone have any recommendations?

21:50 UTC


Can taking psychedelics help with severe disassociation?

20:33 UTC


Help please! Psychology Dissertation- sexual satisfaction!

Hi Everyone, I'm in my final year MSc Applied Psychology student at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Dubai.

I am conducting a research study for my post-graduation thesis to explore the level of sexual satisfaction within romantic relationships. This will need to be filled by your you & your partner.

It is a Voluntary survey, will only take around 7 – 10 minutes of your time and all responses will be kept strictly confidential. Inorder to maintain anonymity & instead of using your name, please pick a Relationship Code Name. This codename is to be used by yourself & your partner to better correlate your responses.


19:36 UTC


Are there any alt cannabinoids that won't test positive for THC on a drug test?

19:20 UTC


Couple of thoughts upon the continuation of life - that I have had?


Basically I don't know if this is for this subreddit, but I think that it kinda is because it seems that many who do hallucinogenics think about stuff like this. I'll just try to write couple of different ways how I could imagine (and not imagine) how life could continue and it would be very interesting to hear from others, but I do understand the whole "carry water", etc., meaning that is this discussion completely meaningless:


Basically this is probably the simplest (even if it's not), but I think that this could be the Buddhist outlook on continuation of life. It's just that we must think that Buddha didn't know about the controlled hallucinations back then. But to the point? It can be that matter is a bit more complex than we think. I don't know could it have to do with superposition of particles - or something (probably not), but the idea is that through matter (which is important) comes more complexity and therefore altered states of consciousness could be part of the continuation of life. Continuation of life would be just a emergent property of the brain - like we could think that when we die the consciousness detaches like spores from the brain to the higher grounds. But in this scenario it would be just an emergent property of matter.


This is a bit different because in this we always would be part of the field of consciousness. We wouldn't be matter, but that the brain would be some kind of "dimensional transmitter". Of course this has a big problem with the mind-body problem - because why would we see just this, but I just thought to write about this even if I don't believe in this that much.


I think that this might be the most likely scenario. Emanationism seems a bit wrong word for this, but the concept is that the universe just works this way. It works this way without any kind of esoteric realms, but it still has emanated from another reality. Let's think in terms of neutral monism where consciousness and matter are the same "stuff". Of course the "stuff" could be anything and the form of the reality. We could think something like an "informational matrix". If we die here then we would still be part of the "matrix" - and such would be the essence for everything. Basically we would die here, but we would still be part of the "matrix", and all realities would/could come from such and therefore lives could be continued by the "matrix" (or something).


This is where it gets freaky! People have probably heard about the simulation argument. This controlled hallucinations argument is strange. Let's think that in the future mankind would start to make controlled hallucinations like in Rick & Morty, Total Recall, etc.? If in one planet there would be made billions of experiences, then how can we know that we are in the first reality? Maybe some people could be in controlled hallucinations flying to another planet in cryogenic sleep? It also kinda makes the first way of the continuation of life strange, because if by machines you can create controlled hallucinations - and if esoteric realms exist - then people in the future could be talking to each other in a hallucination in Heaven. But the point is that how can we know that we aren't in a controlled hallucination? And if I was to make such I would probably make so that when a person dies, he/she takes off his/her helmet (or something) and then would die again - never knowing if the next reality is the true reality?


Of course also simulation argument is possible. There could have been a reality with endless amounts of resources, immortality, etc., and there they learned how to make computers - or then simply a similar reality. In such depending on the issue there could be rebirth, afterlife and creation. I mean that they could have made artificial general intelligence with capabilities for rebirth and afterlife, but at the same time they could build an individual to their reality.


Basically this is a completely materialist perception upon the continuation of life. There are two alternatives: First one is that the universe exists within a bubble. If so then all the matter would exist within the bubble and like dealing cards endlessly they come to the right order and that would be the case. Another one is that the "essence" of some kind of matter would just flow and then at some point gravity (or dark matter or whatever) would start to pull matter with a fastening speed until things would explode to a new universe. I don't know how the latter is possible, but in the concept of a bubble things could come to be. And no! This isn't just about Big Bounce, but about the concept that outside the universe - there is more of universe and such would be in the bubble and exploding endlessly within it or simply endless universe and within it endless amounts of explosions.


This is the concept that we just split to a different reality. We could think this in terms of many-worlds interpretation, that when the Big Bang happened there started a course that would create endless amounts of different possibilities. When we die there could be a possibility, where we take birth or wake up, etc. Endless amounts of connections! Of course to make it stranger there could be different kinds of realites, but the whole concept would be about switching from reality instead of flowing. It's the concept that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, but at the same time as the universe expands in terms of many-worlds interpretation - there would be endless connections go forth with. Not my cup of tea, but just trying to write something...


In this scenario it could be possible to look upon the history in the future and scavenge the stuff that the person was made of. Of course this has to do with the "Ship of Theseus" where the question is how much you would need the old to bring the new version? Also it could be a question upon time - does it work fluidly or does it skip. It's because if time would skip then it wouldn't matter if in your death the next skip would be that everything is fixed and you continue in the future?


I mean with this that a person is made of thoughts, emotions, etc., but what if when we die - we die - but enter an endless experience of being "nothing", but at the same time an emotion. It's like panpsychism and a thing that I had in shrooms - that we are part of this harmony of just being an emotion. Problem is that I don't know - if when things scatter - how this could work unless we come to be the Godhead, and from just pace back to being in our individual consciousness without an understanding upon such. But I really don't know how this could work, but I do understand the possibility that rocks have a feeling of being "nothing", but at the same part of being an emotion (or something).


Of course this is the way! Life continues depending upon what the reality is and therefore there is no reason to think about the continuation of life. It transcends understanding! I, personally see it strange that people many times speak about the universe - when things could be thought as the reality. Maybe there has come more as an accident than the universe? It's just that we have space shuttles, cars, computers, fire, gas, fission, fusion, smart phones, internet, etc. and they all seem to be for life - so what if as an accident there came more than just the universe? It would be quite boring to have all the innovations, but no meaning upon it because people just die. I can tell you that once in acid I saw something that would mimic a structure of endless realities, but I don't know? Maybe it's better not to think about this kind of stuff and just focus upon the society - and the answer is what it is?

19:11 UTC


Is Ayahuasca a bad idea for those already questioning reality?

I have been interested in trying Ayahuasca for a while now, but recently I thought it might help clear things up for me. I have been struggling with the idea of reality and what is actually real. I microdose mushrooms and sometimes take "trips" when I nap that feels like I am crossing into other realms/planes of existence. Would taking Aya only make my tether to reality worse? It is hard for me to keep myself grounded currently and I wonder if I take Aya, that I might lose control of my reality entirely and have to check myself into a psych ward or something. Is that a real risk with Aya? Ideally, I would love for it to strengthen my idea of the universe and how it works, but I am worried about my mental stability here.

Edit: I am also open to other ideas to expand my knowledge of the universe.

18:52 UTC


No matter how many trips I’ve tripped eventually I always end up reverting back to my preconceived beliefs when sober again

I still haven’t truly figured out my purpose and a lot of things that make me happy in life are shallow distractions and entertainment. I try and be grateful that I have my health and youth but I still have existential dread and when I’ve tripped I’ve mostly just been forced to confront things that I subconsciously ignore because it strips away your defense psychological mechanisms, but I still haven’t “gotten the answers” so to speak. Not yet anyway

18:41 UTC


Black hawk vs Haola?

My dealer said he has both of these types of mushrooms to sell me. Im not a beginner, just don’t bother learning the names of the types.

18:34 UTC


I've been having a lot of 'emotional numbess+anxiety' with weed lately, but also very good insights into who I am... If I do a lot. What do I do now?

I'm not sure how to even word this post but basically, I've realized I've been having major issues with weed lately, even in small amounts. Ill feel numb and 'off, increasingly so to start, cold/tired/want to just sleep on 'some amount' and on 'large amounts' I'll gain huge insights into problems that I'm having.

Problem obviously is that the last thing is great but is hampered by 'yeah I feel like shit' or 'yeah I'm exhausted time to pass out'. It's never like 'one second I'm awake the next it's 5 hours later'... But it's immensely frustrating and scary how bad it's been lately, even from what I consider small amounts.

I'm kinda at a loss on what to do, I feel like I need weed (or a psychedelic overall) as the insights are GENUINELY important shit that I can't seem to grasp when sober... But it's also just causing way too many issues and I feel like I'm almost 'forcing' these insights and that it feels... Unhealthy is the word that comes to mind.

So... Idk. Do I stop weed entirely? A break (long? Short?)? Do I even trip at all? Is this 'right'? I'm at a loss and I feel like I'm not sure what the next move is. Any ideas?

16:40 UTC


Came close to ego death but my ego resisted :(

I took a few g of shrooms and was very physically uncomfortable throughout the whole trip, trying my best to surrender and let go, but I just couldn't. At the point when I should have given up and gone with the flow, I stood up because my ego did not want to die. I feel I might have missed out on a lesson or something. By the end of the trip, I was looking at the sky and saw a face in the clouds that slowly morphed into an angry expression (not a hallucination, an actual cloud that looked like a face). Now I think God (for lack of a better word) is angry at me. Haha, I know I shouldn't be taking this too seriously, but I'm a bit worried. Any advice?

Other than that, there were insightful moments during my trip, and I even got a mantra to help me fall asleep faster that I'm going to try to use every night.

16:32 UTC


Why do I sweat like a hog

Every time I use shrooms 3+ g, I end up sweating profusely at about hour 6. Will be cozy in my spot, sometime I can drift off to sleep at the tail end of my trip. I will make sure I’m not covered in blankets, but no matter what, I end up sweating so bad, I need rip off my shirt and grab a towel for all the sweat. Anyone else deal with this?

15:57 UTC


I am not the same person I was 5 minutes ago

Even if we are who we are now, information changes perspective and time creates change so because we age and gain more information and our perspective and ideas will always be different. We are ever changing and evolving. I am not the same person I was yesterday. I do different things based on what I know and experienced. I know more different than things I did even 5 minutes ago. We can only judge things/people based on observations of interactions under certain conditions and circumstances.

15:46 UTC


A space where can I record my experiences on different psychs to share with others?

I’m a newbie aspiring psychonaut realising I find it really rewarding to record my trips (through writing and drawing) to share them with others. I like the idea of giving back to the psych community to help those with less experience looking for information or to just share different feelings, insights, challenges with other psych lovers. I like feedback, so people can respond with their own thoughts, trigger discussions and ask further questions. I’d love to take this more seriously and make it a proper long term project for myself.

For personal recording I’ve started a sketchbook with writing, drawing and photos. But where would be the best space to share that kinda thing publicly? I considered Reddit but maybe there’s something else I should consider?

PS: Id also be down to support any upcoming apps, initiatives, online trip sitting stuff alongside this - anything meaningful I can put this passion into really so feel free to recommend anything like that too :)

15:41 UTC


Anyone had success using psychedelics to a solve problem?

I've been stuck in a bit of thought loop for years now...about my marriage really and whether it's right. I just can't seem to make a decision or see a clear solution...basically people say listen to your gut but I'm not getting a clear feeling and I'm at a total loss for what to do. I've used psychedelics a lot around 5 years ago before having kids. I know psychedelics won't make the decision for me...but I'm wondering if they might provide me with enough clarity / breathing space to help me make a decision. I'm kind of miserable by being crippled with indecision at the moment and not moving forward or living authentically.

15:32 UTC


What to do when a parent calls you??

Hey so I’m planning to do psychedelics tomorrow for the first time but a huge fear of mine is if my mom calls me…

My parents are very against doing them obviously, and so a big fear of mine is them finding out

I’m also scared if I accidentally call them. Like i’ve seen a lot of people freak out on these substances and call their parents

I’m planning to take them during work hours so that way, the likelihood of a call is minimal

Does anyone have any advice? This has been bothering me a lot

14:52 UTC


Tripping taught me the only thing that matters in this life is who I am in this moment

Psychedelics are deconditioning agents. You become rapidly detached from culture after tripping.

For me this came with not knowing what was right or wrong and envisioning horrible realities.

I've had experiences in my trips where I've received the death penalty for some horrendous crime. I felt sincerely evil in these moments and that this was deserved and I had the crimes of what I've done play out in my head.

These were so vivid they didn't even feel like hallucinations, but rather a peak into alternate timelines.

This type of trip taught me I have the potential for evil, everyone does.

I was indoctrinated as catholic, and this is where the bulk of my morality came from. Tripping and just learning history taught me that religion is just a system for control.

Leaving religion behind came with not having this imposed morality. Because of this I drifted into a realm of hedonistic living, where indulging sensory pleasures became my driving force in life.

After all...

//How could it be bad if it feels good?//

My own happiness, securing that became a goal.

I threw out everything else and just pursued... Well, what my ego desired.

Sex, drugs, music. Not bad things by themselves, but this overwhelming indulgence was empty and never quite fulfilling.

Examining what I got from this further... These things were proxies for my hearts true desires. Which is connection, a sense of belonging and divine purpose.

The man I am is the only thing that matters in this life.

Who I am in relation to others and the world around me. This is the most important thing. This is what keeps me in this life.

This morality that defines me, keeps who I am and was up to me to define.

The problem is now, I don't quite know who I am any more.

I have empathy, it's not perfect but I really do feel greatly for others. And the golden rule.

Other than that I'm trying to figure out my values and principles.

13:38 UTC


What is "gods hug"?

I was talking to a fellow psychonaut friend and discussing different types of euphoria. I mentioned a type of euphoria I call ‘God’s Hug,’ which he didn’t seem to have any knowledge of. After checking the subjective effect index on the Psychonaut Wiki, I realized that there didn’t seem to be anything that described ‘God’s Hug.’
I would describe ‘God’s Hug’ as an indescribable but palpable feeling of everything being great. It’s not like the constant happiness from cocaine or MDMA; rather, it’s akin to sitting with a friend in front of a campfire while doing DMT. You feel a sense of love or just a profound appreciation for the beauty of everything. It’s like pure peace, and you know that everything will be okay. It’s hard to put into words, but I most often experienced ‘God’s Hug’ when I was on DXM and heard the greatest song ever.
Does anybody else have similar experiences or an explanation for this mindset?

13:09 UTC


Smoked changa was it salvia or dmt

so me and 2 friends were passing the joint and it felt confusing af blurred mind and the visuals were weird the walls and floor were transforming and when looking down at the floor some kind of portals started to appear on the floor, it was so weird thats the only way i could describe it but no cartoonish visuals or that shit, the joint seemed to have some orange shit looking inside it, do you guys think it was salvia or any other shit? this was the first time of us trying it neither of us had experience with dmt

12:48 UTC


Should I do shrooms or acid for healing trauma and developing my sense of self?

For context I think a lot of my issues currently might be cause I am undiagnosed on the spectrum. I do not have sense of self, very insecure, so insecure I’m pretty sure people can spot it as soon as they see me. Lately I also feel like I’ve been getting worse, I’m in therapy and although it’s nice to vent about my feelings, none of the advice I receive has been able to help me in my actual life because my trauma is stored in my body. (For example freezing up in a situation ) It’s frustrating because I’m at the time of my life where I desire to make friends, and just have fun with people around. I understand social skills but because I’m always so anxious and overthinking, I can never show my full personality in a social setting even if I tried too which makes people avoid me for more interesting people.

I’m looking at shrooms or acid to help me address this feeling in my body and show me a way I can work on it. I have a plan on how I’m going to go into the trip and I know it’s not going to be an easy fix but I’m dedicated to at least just trying.

I’ve tried shrooms before but it made so nauseous I kept thinking that I might have cancer or a terminal illness so I was not able to focus on the healing that I wanted to do.

04:49 UTC


Perceiving altered states a different way

I've always been interested in whether there is a right way to be? There's so many different answers to this fundamental question. Phil Borges discusses in this video different way to perceive altered states and mental illness. Fascinating and potentially comforting for some.


04:38 UTC


Decided to make a reddit account to document my psychedelic journey. Im scared...

Ive tripped a few times and Ive really enjoyed it. But my most recent trip that was 5 days ago has made reality really slippery for me. Im slightly afraid Im still tripping. I still have mushroom effects, like a light weight feeling where I feel like Im not there but my spirit is when i stand up. I still have the fps drops in real life. I dont have much of the visuals but I still expireince some of the effects. I'm thinking about tripping Sunday or Monday. If this isn't the type of post thats wanted on this sub Im sorry. This feels like the safest place I can put it on though.

01:44 UTC


creative source

Not a Psychonaut related topic but has anyone here ever noticed the very minuscule moments before falling asleep, your brain comes up with some of the most bizarre and creative things and ideas that you can barely grasp in your natural state of mind? I have no idea what this is called, my guess is REM, but I’ve been trying to access the same creative source that, that part of my mind is using.

Or maybe this is just a me thing?

03:45 UTC


Early childhood felt like constant shroom trip

The first time I ever tried shrooms the first thing I noticed was how similar the feeling was to my early childhood. It was like I was forgotten how it felt but then it felt so familiar. It felt like I was going back in time back to home. I even remember seeing visuals during my early childhood. The visuals are like potentiating that feeling.

Once I saw weird glowing rings floating in the air when I was a child. Now I know that they were actually closed eye visuals. I also remember seeing them in the dark. I remember once being in a dreamlike state and seeing a infinite tunnel of pillars like in those dmt trip replications.

One visual effect that really interest me was the visual depth and sharpness which I really associate with my early childhood. Everything looked sharp and glossy and then there was like more depth in everything. Like if everything lookded more 3d than it already was. That effect I get on shrooms but it made me remember that I actually saw everything like that when I was a child. There was also like more emotional depth in everything I perceived. Then I also remember seeing kaleidoscopic patterns and experienced all the other trippy stuff. The childhood was like being constantly on 1-3g.

The emotions were heightened as if was on shrooms. Every emotion was much stronger back then. I have depression and it's definetely affecting that but I don't think that I would be all the way up there if I was completely healthy and sane. I think that childhood just is a lot more serotonergic but I wonder if other people have had those kind of experiences during their childhood. That lasted until I was 12 I think.

It's not the feeling of being high. It's a very abstract feeling that is really hard to put into words. There is a very strong feeling of "home" associated with that. I think it has something to do with the feeling of oneness. It feels like it's a universal and very primitive type of feeling. I would say that it feels like I perceive this world with everyone's eyes. Like if my mind was part of the collective consciousness. It's like if I could perceive this world as we would naturally without any concecpt of self or any knowledge about anything. It's like a factory reset.

I think I just solved it to myself what that feeling is. I think it actually is the feeling of oneness. It's the feeling of naked perception and ego dissolution. That's the feeling I had during early childhood but there were also those other psychedelic effects and visuals back then. Have you had similar experiences?

And sorry for bad grammar. I'm not a native english speaker.

02:51 UTC


ADHD and MDMA will it still work the same?

I have ADHA, Can i expect positive results from MDMA, ACID, or 2CB?

I was told ADAD might actually interfere with the affects? Has anyone had a experience with any of these with ADAD? Thanks in advance. I had a wonderful eaperience with 5meo ADHD didnt seem to interfere with the god molecule.

02:45 UTC


Regarding ADHD and MDMA, LSD AND 2CB.

.I have ADHA, Can i expect positive results from MDMA, ACID, 2CB.?

I was told ADAD might actually interfere with the@CB or MDMA Has anyone had a experience with any of these with ADAD? Thanks in advance. I had a wonderful eaperience with 5meo, ADHD didnt seem to interfere with the god molecule.

02:39 UTC


Has anyone studied the similarities and differences between a shroom trip and the hallucinations you see on sleep deprivation?

I’ve recently read a couple articles and post about how people would essentially trip and see the craziest shit on sleep deprivation. It has me wondering what the correlations are between psychedelic “woo” experiences and the crazy shit that happens without sleep. Any thoughts?

02:03 UTC


First experience and trying to figure things out, sorry for mess.

I‘am new here and I have no idea what is formatting or so, I apologize in advance.

It happened around month ago (it was tea), afaik it was pink buffallo, it happened suddenly out of nowhere and I was drunk beforehand (I know that is wrong, but it is what it is). After around ~30-40 emotions in full spectrum kicked in, I realized that I‘am no one, I have no identity, I was not panicking until I realized that I don‘t know what gender I‘am (I‘am male and I know I prefer women, please don‘t try to convict me in something else) and then I was looking for mirror, I found it and cooled down. I assume that was ego death(?) I‘am not sure I know about it just in theory, but afterwards it felt like not I was led by someone and trying to catch up, I was in balance with it and it felt like I lived several lives.

The point is, my mind is messed up right now and I have no fucking idea what I want from this life and what to do, but I‘am sure I will find the way.

01:27 UTC


Why I believe in the “prison planet” thing

I believe this planet is either a “spiritual prison” or as others said “rehab”, or I could even call it a training ground probably for brave spirits who want fast growth.

I don’t believe in aliens harvesting our souls or anunaki or other bullshit 0 proof conspiracies, I will only talk about history and real stuff.

Here’s why:

Imagine an utopia, a world where everyone has everything one needs, a nice place to stay, a community, friends, family, an awesome job with a 3 workday week or as much as one wants, many traditions and festivals every weekend, perhaps a sports day, a dancing day, a spa day. Imagine infrastructure so one could explore the whole planet cheap, free healthcare, free university, free theraphy, universal basic income, free public transport and whatever else you think of that could be realistically achieable.

Now, let’s do a thinking exercise.

How far are we from this technologically?

Well, all of this could’ve been done with the technology we had from fucking 1950 or even before. You don’t really need a lot of tech to make this kind of society work. With enough nuclear powerplants, dams, energy saving measures and nation-wide urban planning, this would be easily achieable. The communists in eastern europe basically built entire cities from scratch in a few years, electrified everything and so on. With today’s tech it would be NOTHING

How far are we from this ideologically?

This is practically unachieavable in a human made society. Our brains and social structures do not allow such utopia. We were made to survive in a tough enviroment. I recommend you read something on “mouse utopia”.

It’s basically a pretty big experiment where they gave free food, water and entertainment to rats and at first they had a massive population boom and over time they simply degenerated, became anti-social, autistic, homosexual, some became zombies and night rats, others became psychopathic child murderers and anarchists and eventually the whole colony collapsed and no one was left alive.

sounds familliar?

Such utopia could only be achieved if literally everyone you know would microdose or do psychedelics on a regular basis + meditation + theraphy + a new religion and a new culture + a new sense of community + everyone fixing their trauma and so many things that we are very very unlikely to ever achieve as a species because the whole world is turning into Japan, a society severly overworked with too many elderly people that need taxes from the young to be supported thus the young don’t make enough kids thus keeping the cycle going until collapse. Besides, social media has polarized us.

Technology will not save us, not even A.I. we’ve had mechanization for over two centuries which is the physical equivalent of A.I. and we can see how it simply didn’t help us with anything. In fact, if we eliminated labour as a whole society would probably collapse even faster, because making money is our sole purpose of existance since we got rid of all other values and morals as a species.

Now, let me give you a history lesson: before Jesus came on earth, most humans had paganic belief systems so kingdoms basically enslaved , genocided and destroyed eachother which made a curse for civilization. Once a village was burned down, or a whole country in the case of Gengis Khan, it would take generations to rebuild it. Add to it plagues, crop failures and so on.

Christianity basically acted as a stabilizing force because the church said “bro we’re all christians (sons of god) we shouldn’t enslave and fucking wipe eachother off the face of the earth” and this is why society in europe slowly evolved to what we have today. Most people don’t know but there were kingdoms and empires just as impressive as rome before them but they all got wiped out or never evolved as much as europe.

The church was a stabilizing force kinda like a proto-european union that kept everyone in check while still allowing wars which over time lead to innovation and growth. Yet it still took almost 1600 years to get where we are now.

We are now living in a mostly atheist individualistic capitalist society that is slowly kill itself because of ignorance and greed and whose only meaning and purpose is money or carnal pleasure, we don’t have morals or values or purpose anymore

We are living in mouse utopia and there is no way your soul which allegedly should be way smarter than you came to enjoy. The same way pigs probably didn’t choose to be your dinner farmed in a factory. There’s probably a purpose for our suffering, be it karmic debt from the past or for the future (i.e. down payment for future life ?)

Ps: I’m not christian, I was born orthodox but I lived as an atheist most of my life but I believe in god and oneness and I also believe jesus did exist but I’m not certain he was god.

01:17 UTC


Lf knowledgable ppl

I plan to trip again in the future, but I’d like an opinion.

I too have taken many notes and conducted extensive research myself on psychedelics; with that said, my last trip took place with 3g pe 🍄, and although the night prior I did 2g, I experienced a lesser impactful trip as expected, considering what I had left was to do for fun the following day (my most recent trip.

Which leads me to my question. What should my next dose be? And how should I consume it? I don’t seek a breakthrough as I’m not prepared for it yet, but I do wish for a trip I’ll remember, something that will perhaps teach me a lesson I’m missing? My last trip with 🍄 left me wondering what my next moves should be to better myself, and (not seeking sympathy, am experiencing a rougher road at the moment). I, too, have my issues, so I’m seeking advice for what I should do for my next trip to give myself some release from this grip. Your word is extremely appreciated.

Best regards,


00:59 UTC


update about my post one month ago

Hey so i made a post talking about me taking shrooms , i forgot to update yall. It was amazing , even tho my stairs was spazzing tf out 😭, I was calm during all of it , i even could talk to people , it took a min for it to kick in but once it did , it hit hard . I would take shrooms again but not now probably in like 2 more months .

00:06 UTC

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