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    2024-04-03 1:30PM Pete Wells Restaurant critic from the NY Times

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    all bus stops in one map (now it's easier to get bus-arrival times)

    Hello everyone.

    Here's the map.

    My friends and I really liked the fact that you can get (pretty accurate) information about bus arrival times by texting the code for any bus-stop to the MTA. We tried to keep track of different codes in a shared document, but we quickly realized there are too many stops.
    So, I made this map that has the information for all bus-stops. Now whenever I need to take the bus, I open the map on my phone, check which bus-stops are near me, and text their codes to the MTA to get an estimate of how long I'll have to wait.

    Some details on how to use it are here.

    And for those interested, here's an overview of the code I wrote to make the map

    1 Comment
    04:44 UTC


    is this going to cause a fire?

    You guys know the deal, heat is on and I’m being burned alive. My radiator is turned off but steam still escapes the valve (it did this last year too).

    I read that putting tape over the opening of the valve can help with this issue, so last year I put regular tape over it and it helped. But I’m so sick of the heat, I figured a heavier duty tape would be more effective. Is this going to cause a fire?

    I put the whole radiator under a 100% wool blanket, but I’ve got a phobia of bugs and try to avoid opening my windows unless I absolutely have to.

    TL;DR Will painters tape catch on fire if it’s put over a radiator valve and inside of a wool blanket (insulation? idk)?

    03:29 UTC


    Can anyone spare 20 minutes and be my escort to curb?

    02:16 UTC


    Moving to NYC with no job or place to stay

    What should I do ?

    02:13 UTC


    It’s that day again

    02:02 UTC


    We created a website to help you find events in New York more easily

    We just wanted to share with you our website that we built, which takes events from all over New York and aggregates them into one place.

    If you find that you're going through many different websites to see what's on, please check out our site. We both quit our jobs earlier this year to make this, and it's completely free and we make absolutely no money from it.

    Please take a look, and if you have any feedback, let us know!


    19:14 UTC


    Weird Free Hot Dogs Coming To South Street Seaport

    I just found out about this and really wanted to spread the news.


    It's happening on Thursday and I can't go. If you can, please report back to how these dogs were.

    03:54 UTC

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