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- Nippertown is fine stop picking on them
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I moved into Albany and used to buy them in Troy and have no idea where to find vapes here. Pmo plz
Why hasn’t this hit the news yet? A Berne HS teacher Brian McCoy was caught with a student and immediately resigned. The school is all hush hush about it and according to parents posts on Facebook this has been going on for years.
Looking really awesome at 8:50 tonight! Wish I had a capable camera
Join their subreddit. There ways to support the effort if you can’t make it. We don’t stop until fascism is dead. Become patriotic again- defend our country, way of life and peace from corrupt politicians!
i’m looking for a place that’s haunted where i can spend the night and possibly be attacked by paranormal entities. anyone know any good spots?
I saw this by the exit from Western to 85 (near the campus).
I could not agree more!
Fuck. All. Nazis.
There is no place for hatred in this community.
Go look at it.
Hi all! I’m looking for an apartment for my son, boyfriend and I. We would be okay with either a 2 br (with extra storage like a den) or a 3br. We just need some kind of extra storage for all these bins we have. We do have 2 small quiet dogs and our max is 1500. Any leads?
I know everyone’s tired of hearing about it, but I am genuinely confused😭I’ve had taste of Italy a couple times, honestly think their lasagna is the best I’ve ever had. I haven’t gone back since due to all the negative posts/comments. But I am honestly curious where the hate stems from. Is the owner really unhygienic? Is it something to do with politics? I feel like I’ve heard tidbits of each. Like I know Jackie from 518 foodies is suing or something, but I’m talking about way before that. No one has ever had anything good to say.
Hey moved back to the Albany area year ago and I’ve struggled to make friends here. I’m gay (25m) looking preferably for lgbtq+ and women friends
Any current tactical training places or course around the area?
Looking to see if anyone has used movers in the Clifton Park area that they would recommend. Our stuff is currently in storage and we are looking for a reliable company to get our stuff to our new house next week. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I’m looking to surprise my fiancee with a small one night weekend getaway for our anniversary on February 22nd. Someplace affordable, we’re tight on money right now. Any recommendations??
We both need some r & r so something relaxing and cosy maybe with spa facilities/sauna, etc. is preferable. He loves the outdoors so anything rustic is great. I mainly want it to be someplace he can be a bit pampered. Something with spa services included in the room booking, etc. maybe.
Does crossgates allow mall walkers before 10am? Or do the main doors open when the stores open ?
I live in a pretty rural area about 30 min outside of Albany. We live at the end of an extension off a road (it's 1/3 mile long, essentially our driveway because we are the only house on it, but it's actually an official town road), but our mailbox is on the main road. Over the last several months or so, FedEx has stopped delivering packages to our house, but instead leaves them on the side of the road by the mailbox (usually in a snowbank). One of the drivers said that the dispatcher or manager told them not to go down driveways anymore. WTH?? Our road is flat, well-maintained and plowed when it snows, so it's not like it's dangerous. And UPS and USPS come down the road with packages with no issue. So, now we have to deal with our packages getting wet, sitting on the side of the road where anyone could just pick them up, etc. I'd stop using FedEx if I could, but often have no choice in shipping.
Anyone else have this issue? Has anyone figured out how to complain effectively? I can't find any good way to even complain! Or do I just have to impotently curse FedEx every time?!?!
I just did a deep clean of my kitchen and have used pots and pans. Where should I donate them?
Any good fried chicken places around Albany?
Looking for local raw meat eaters or dairy connoisseurs to join my local club. You don’t have to eat raw meat but it is recommended to join. Raw beef, chicken and pork eaters welcome. Also need some input on local farms to check out their grazing catalog. Just moved here from Murky Hollow.
Anybody have any recommendations on where I could get my kitchen aid mixer looked at?
Saw on their website they have a two booths setup at cross gates starting February 14th. Can anyone confirm if it's true, I don't wanna go to crossgates if I don't have too. 😅
I’m in desperate need of help. I’ll take anything at this point.
I’ve search online & only my found one registered RD for Eds in the Hudson valley (Kingston) & I’ve reached out & filled out paperwork but I haven’t heard back since then.
Is there anything local in Albany? Latham? Schenectady? That helps with Ed recovery?
I’m really reaching out for help at this point. I’m so desperate.
Restaurant 605 is pretty solid but looking for other good recommendations. Doesn’t have to be in Albany!
Nothing better than some comedy and carbs on a cold winter night. Come see a brand new lineup of comics and enjoy drink and food specials from Stella Pasta Bar and Seven Points Brewery.
Why doesn't the 763 run on the weekends and why does it only run in the early morning and 4-6 pm? It's incredibly annoying as someone who lives on the Guilderland/Schenectady border that that's the only bus route that comes remotely near where I live. Ugh.
In need of suggestions
Please drop names of black owned businesses to support!