Passenger and freight rail and trains, including transit, in and related to New York City.
This subreddit is dedicated to rail transportation in and related to New York City, including transit, commuter, long distance and freight.
Rule 1: Be nice to others.
Ad hominems and personal attacks against other redditors will be removed.
Posts or comments disparaging people or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, place of origin, religion, sexual orientation, sex or gender will be removed.
Posts or comments advocating for crimes against another person or group of people will be removed.
Rule 2: Posts should be about NYC-area rail.
Posts about other forms of NYC-area transportation are allowed as long as they have some relation to rail.
Links to content about rail transportation outside of the NYC region are allowed, but they must include a submission statement relating them to NYC-area rail.
Rule 3: Respect laws.
Posts or comments requesting or providing information about how to engage in illegal activity will be removed.
Rule 4: Keep posts high-quality and unique.
Double postings and news articles that don't add to previous conversations will be removed.
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Low-effort posts with little interest or basis for discussion will be removed at the mods’ discretion.
Rule 5: Media posts must have a descriptive title.
All media posts (photos, videos, etc) must include a meaningful title and/or must be accompanied by a comment introducing the content explaining the significance of what is being posted.
All fantasy map image posts require a submission statement explaining the major changes or features of the map. If this is provided or already exists through a blog post, a link to said post is sufficient.
Repeat violations of the above rules may result in a temporary suspension.
MTA subway track worker, March 2017
Interested in holding an AMA, or want to make a subreddit suggestion? Feel free to contact us via modmail!
The Absolute Beginner's Guide to the New York Subway
vanshnookenraggen's NYC Subway Track Map
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Was taking the J home, this came through. What is she? A cleaner train?
Appreciate the combination of Natural x Artificiality
They have at least two trains on the stand and 3 in the station, glad I left my car at home, #GoJets
I had this crazy idea of an 8 train that would run along the 4 line in the Bronx starting at Yankees, make a quick stop at Randall’s and cross to Queens through Hellgate (probably not happening), along the N/W lines in Astoria/LIC, then merge with the 7 after Queensboro until Hudson Yards in Manhattan. Maybe extend its service to Bedford Pk/Lehman in rush hours.
Probably not feasible, but it’s nice to dream.
It's Halloween...time for a horror story. It's called delays on the 1 train. On the morning of Thursday, October 31, 2024, my 1 local train at 215 st was more than five minutes away.
Hello New Yorkers. Are the skylights of the decommissioned City Hall station still exposed to the outside world? Are there pictures of them from the outside? As in from above ground?
So basically, the PATH services, which are Hoboken-33rd and Hoboken-WTC, will not be operating from January 30, 2025, to February 25, 2025. An exceptional WTC-33rd St service will be operating to make up for the lack of service.
I was looking around on the transit museum website to see if they'd be starting the holiday nostalgia rides for fare price on the first sunday of december again this year, because I missed it last year and I desperately want to dress up this year. But the nostalgia rides on the website are all ticketed 30-buck occasions, and the webpage from last year with the route details 404s. So, are they ticketing for the holiday rides this year, or am I just jumping the gun?
Gets horribly bottlenecked in the mornings and evenings usually to the point where people miss their train. One additional entrance would help immensely
I met Miku in PABT (no clickbait)
Anyone know if this is where they are hiding the cameras on this D train?
Hello, we are creating a horror game in a subway station and for that, we need puzzle mechanics, that are related to the station. To come up with ideas, we want to research, what kind of machines can influence a subway station. For example a fusebox, that can turn off electricity in parts of the station.
We are also looking for devices, that can be found in corridors or other areas, that are accessible to the public. Mechanisms, that are related to pipes and electricity are especially interesting. Thanks!
Hello! I need some help learning the subway system please 💕 I’ve only used the LIRR and it’s so much easier 😭
How do I know that the subway I’m in is either going to a straight direction without the transfer or if it’s the one that I need to make a transfer?
As you can see in the photo, they’re all leaving at the same time which is 11:04 AM, but one says I have to transfer and use the N / W train, and another one says I only need to ride the 7 train. So how do I know that the subway I’m in is the one where I would have to transfer or not 😭😭 ? I’m so confuse cause they’re all leaving at the same time; how do I differentiate then?
Ps: I’m using Google maps for subway
Thank you