
Photograph via //r/nycrail

Passenger and freight rail trains, subways, including transit, in and related to New York City (NYC).

This subreddit is dedicated to rail transportation in and related to New York City, including transit, commuter, long distance and freight.

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Rule 2: Posts should be about NYC-area rail.

Posts about other forms of NYC-area transportation are allowed as long as they have some relation to rail.

Links to content about rail transportation outside of the NYC region are allowed, but they must include a submission statement relating them to NYC-area rail.

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/r/nycrail's public mod log


MTA subway track worker, March 2017

Tess Stahl, October 2016

Max Diamond, January 2016

Max Diamond, November 2015

Max Diamond, October 2015

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The Absolute Beginner's Guide to the New York Subway

Dj Hammers videos on YouTube

Secrets of the Subway

vanshnookenraggen's NYC Subway Track Map

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R Train to Astoria-Ditmars

Caught an R train today headed toward Astoria-Ditmars! It was an R160. I assume related to track maintenance on the R. Kind of cool and a nice surprise to have such a “modern” car on the Astoria line these days. Does this happen often?

21:00 UTC


110th & Cathedral *or* Central Park North Train Stop?

Hi all,

I apologize if I'm in the wrong sub-reddit. (Just figured I'd get better posts here than the Ask sub.) I'm moving, and my new spot is equidistant from 110th Cathedral and CPN stops (just under ten mins). I have two options to get to my office:

  1. 110th & Cathedral (B) -> 34th / Herald (10 min walk to office) [I could do a transfer at Times Sq. but I'd rather not.]
  2. CPN (3) -> Times Sq. (W) -> 28th St. (5 min walk to office)

I don't mind walking, so I don't want to rule out Option 1 just because it's another 5 mins on my feet. My question is really just which stop on 110th would you recommend. Any thoughts?

20:58 UTC


The interior of a New York City subway car in 1910.

20:32 UTC


iOS widget for train times on a particular line at a particular station?

Title. Every transit app with widgets has only some dumb “nearby departures” thing. Does anyone have a widget that will allow me to pick a station, line, and direction, and only show times for that? iOS widgets don’t exactly seem up to date most of the time, but whatever, it’s worth a shot.

19:51 UTC


I didn’t know what this was..

I think this is the shuttle bus to JFK due to the shut down. I didn’t know what it was at the time walking home in Jamaica but later on I heard what happened. I’m kinda happy I stoped to take the foto

18:04 UTC


Can I share a monthly Metro North pass with my gf?

Hi everyone! My girlfriend and I both have internships in NYC this semester. We commute from college in Poughkeepsie. She goes in on Weds and Fri and I’m in on Mon, Thurs, and Fri. She does not commute enough for a monthly pass to be worth it, so she just buys individual tickets. We both travel during peak. I commute enough for the monthly pass to be worth it. Would it be possible for her to use my MTA pass on Wednesdays? Is this allowed? Does it show my name on the conductor’s view of my ticket? I’ve read that it shows gender and we are both women. Thank you!

Edit- we commute together and sit with each other on Fridays…if the ticket says my name and my gf has used it on Wednesday and I use it on Friday when I’m sitting next to her, will they realize? I’m such a rule follower lol thanks!

18:00 UTC


R211 test A train seen at Jay street

Everyone gets so pissed when they aren’t allowed on lol

17:44 UTC


40 mins wait for the F is insane!

Never seen wait times this bad. Peak F train BS.

16:30 UTC


R211 Test Train at Fulton Street Station (A train)

1 Comment
16:12 UTC


Loaded Question- Best Train Watching NYC

My 2.5 yo son has gotten really into trains and train stations. We have been just getting on the subway and riding for a while and also going to Grand Central once a week to watch the Metro North come and go (bonus points for the holiday train show), but are looking to expand.

Does anyone have any suggestions on places to watch some train activity? I am in North Brooklyn so was thinking of trying to check out Hunters Point, are there good spots there? Any other suggestions?

Thank you!!!

14:02 UTC


Do I have to change tracks right away for combo tickets?

Basically, I want to get to Long Island and I live next to a Metro North stop. I also want to spend an hour or two in the city for lunch though. Am I able to buy a combo ticket for this? Or do I have to buy separate tickets?

14:00 UTC


R46 G train returns!

Give my video some love! r46s made their return on the G as of January 18th 2025.

03:39 UTC


I made an extent to the nostrand line

02:39 UTC


I caught this video of a r211 testing on the b line on sheepshead bay

02:14 UTC


Whats the better route from White Plains to Bronx Supreme Court

I recently landed a job at Bronx Supreme Court. During interviews I always caught the express to Harlem-125th and taken the 4 up to Yankee Stadium.

I also know its possible to take the local to Melrose and walk 3 blocks to the courthouse. I saw there is public housing on/near the block closest to the station so I was concerned about safety, specially in the evening/winter night. On the other hand I wouldn't need to spend an extra $6/day on the subway.

I'm looking for opinions as to which is better. My main concern is the evening commute and I end up having to stay late at work (the courts are backlogged a lot so I expect to stay late some days to finish work) which of 161-Yankee Stadium or Melrose Metro North would be better to wait at.

I also have seen a route to travel to/from Yankees-153rd on the Hudson Line with a transfer at Harlem-125, but was unsure about how optimal that was compared to just taking the 4.

01:34 UTC


Interborough Express: without street running, what would "light rail" mean? How would it be distinct from subway trains?

The original motivation of the selection of light rail is avoiding the East New York tunnel and the ability to run on streets. Now that street running is eliminated, what would a "light rail" Interborough Express look like? How would it be different from using familiar MTA subway trains?

The 2023 planning study mentioned the narrow width of the East New York tunnel. Would an A Division subway train not be appropriate?

00:46 UTC


R268 Contract

00:35 UTC


Question about intermediate ticket use between to MNR lines

Hey all, wanted to know if anyone has info regarding what ticket they ideally use when riding between two different lines, both intermediate.

I normally take the MNR New Haven line from New Rochelle or Pelham into the city(usually get off in fordham so I'll buy the intermediate ticket). I’ve recently needed to take the MNR at the Melrose station to and I'll get off at Crestwood(Harlem Line and also just an intermediate ticket). However, Crestwood station isn’t really my home station(new Rochelle and Pelham are about 5mins away from me by car while Crestwood is maybe about another 10mins away also by car). I was thinking for my next trip in trying to take the train from melrose and get off at fordham, and then do fordham to Pelham/New Rochelle.

However, my concern though is about the tickets; while playing around with the stations on the app it seems like I would need to buy two intermediate tickets separately. I really don’t want to pay double especially since the melrose to Fordham trip is like five minutes. Does anyone know If Im good on just buying one intermediate ticket or is the double ticket really necessary?

Thanks in advance!

23:58 UTC


Parking at Riverdale station?

Thinking about trying Riverdale to Grand Central, but from what I've found it seems like a small station. Anyone have experience with this spot, and if so is parking difficult?

23:16 UTC


Could the Jamaica AirTrain have a stop at Linden Blvd?

It could be a station with side platforms and direct entrances and exits to the sidewalk. The HB has an extra stop at Lefferts Blvd too.

23:01 UTC


Any rare/unusual trains to see this weekend? My son says the H is running in the Rockaways…is this true?

We like to check out some trains on the weekends… would like to know if the H train is really rolling before we head all the way to the Rockaways

22:44 UTC


Killing many birds with one stone: W to Staten Island via BQE


I'll be the first to admit that this is completely nuts and unrealistic. Nevertheless, I'll explain my reasoning below, which you can skip for the TLDR.

This idea came together as a synthesis of multiple concepts that have been proposed in recent years. Firstly, the MTA has recognized that the Montague Street Tunnel is underutilized, so it could support the extension of the W to Red Hook. Unfortunately, with the current population of the area and the expensive of a new tunnel through it, this wouldn't make much sense. However, the redevelopment of the Brooklyn Marine Terminal into housing and the desire to rebuild sections of the BQE present an opportunity. The new housing at the Brooklyn Marine Terminal (and possibly in Red Hook and Gowanus at the next two stations) could justify (and help fund) Subway service. A rebuilding of the BQE could also add space for a tracks below or above its ROW (depending on the segment).

South of this area, the W would continue in the BQE ROW to Bay Ridge, with a connection to the 36 St express stop on the fourth avenue lines to make up for the lack of connection in downtown Brooklyn. On its last stop in Brooklyn, I decided that centralizing transfers between the new IBX and W lines and the N and R would make more sense, with a new station around 65th street. After this is the most ambitious part of the plan: routing the proposed Cross Harbor tunnel via Staten Island, and making it four-tracked under the Narrows so that it could connect the W to the SIRR. The freight line would continue in a short tunnel past this to the Howland Hook Marine Terminal (which has a rail connection to New Jersey), which is meant to be expanded to replace the aforementioned Brooklyn Marine Terminal.

TLDR: Extend the W to directly connect more areas of Brooklyn and Staten Island to Manhattan, and bundle it with other proposed infrastructure projects for maximum efficiency.

22:30 UTC


What's your top 5 favorite and top 5 least 5 favorite Subway station?

I'll start: Favorite --

  1. 169th (F)
  2. Myrtle Willoughby (G)
  3. 57th st (F)
  4. Nereid Av (2)
  5. Fulton (A,C,2,3,4,5,6 etc.)

Least favorite

  1. 125 and Lex (4,5,6)
  2. York ST (F)
  3. Canal st (All the platforms)
  4. Bay 50th ST (D)
  5. 47-50th st (F,M,D) All the annoying office dudes get on here
20:04 UTC

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