The Official Subreddit for fans of The New York Football Giants
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Hey everyone so I am a Ravens and Commanders fan who is thinking about taking the drive up to see the Ravens play the Giants on the 15th with my friend from New York! But I don’t know too much about MetLife Stadium. I’m doing my research online about where to sit and not to sit etc.
But I wanted to know if anyone could give me some more detailed information and advice about the stadium such as parking and public transportation places to eat before and after the game any quirks the stadium has.
I wanna enjoy myself the 4-5 hours I’ll be there for! Thanks in advance!
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https://www.tankathon.com/nfl (Current draft order)
What would you like to discuss today?
Hi r/nygiants!
I am coming into NYC from Edmonton this weekend with my wife for our first NFL game! We were wondering what a good tailgate for away fans would be?
Big blue looks great and I would love to put some money behind the bar for them but just wondering if showing up in away teams gear is appropriate, keep in mind we've both never been to a proper tailgate
Thanks in advance!
Let’s please let the man who passed on Bo Nix determine the fate of the next 5 years of this franchise, right? Surely he knows exactly how to evaluate a QB.
And before anyone says “no one expected Bo nix to be this good” - that’s the job. That’s his job. That’s the job you want him to do. He had his chance and he blew it. Check please!
Me and my brother are flying out from Toronto for our first giants game. We booked this way back before the season was a lost cause, but regardless we're gonna have a great time.
Is there anything you guys would recommend as far as places to eat, experiences etc? We'll be staying right beside MetLife stadium. Probably venture downtown ny for a night
Thanks all
Extremely underused from what I’ve seen and idk if that’s because he’s not getting open or cause the scheme doesn’t fit him , I’m not one to write a lot about these topics but just felt his name deserves to be mentioned with how physical of a player he can be
Saw a poll old this on Giants Wire and was curious what people thought here
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https://www.tankathon.com/nfl (Current draft order)
What would you like to discuss today?
With the feeling of a suicide cult lately, what’s one positive about the 2024 Giants?
Tracy, Nabers, Nubin?
Long season. Lousy draft class. But these were great supermarkets, I think as can all agree.
I specifically loved their liverwurst and olive loaf.
Some people in this sub keep saying we should follow the Cardinals mold: draft a QB just because we don’t have one, and then move on him from in 2026 if he’s bad in 1 year.
I don’t know if you guys have watched the cardinals over the years but they’re not the team to mold your decisions after. Kyler is very good but they’re not winning a superbowl with him anytime soon, and that’s the entire goal. A top 3 pick is incredibly valuable especially for a team like us who just needs talent everywhere. Wasting a top 3 pick on a QB just to give your fanbase a false sense of hope for 1 year is an awful strategy. We can draft Hunter there if we’re #1, or mason Graham, or Abdul carter, or potentially trade back. If the GM believes that Ward or Sanders can truly be a top 10 QB in the NFL, then I’ll be okay with the pick. But if you’re drafting a QB as a placeholder that high, we’re going to continue to be bad for years to come.
He has turned into a stud for Seattle (was also pretty good for us). I've really soured on Schoen the last few weeks - players leave this organization and become better.
There's no reason to let some solid homegrown players walk away, yet Schoen has done it time and time again.