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Has living here impacted your self-esteem?

I’m mostly talking appearance wise. I’m a woman and I’ve lived here for 6 years but I’m still stunned at how many beautiful people are in this city.

In fact recently I was scrolling through my guy friend’s hinge and it honestly made me feel pretty bad. The amount of gorgeous women just within a 1 MILE RADIUS was jarring. The competition is stiff lol. I feel like I need to lower my standards… not that I would consider myself to be ugly, but def not model-pretty like so many others.

1 Comment
19:49 UTC


Where can I get fresh Mackerel?

What fish markets sell fresh mackerel? My mom is Caribbean and new to nyc and is crazing her favorite fish lol 😆

19:49 UTC


28F. Is it profitable to drive Uber in NYC?

I am a 28 year old mom and I've been battling with a knee injury that left me with a pretty unstable work life for the past 1 year. The last few months were so bad that it totally stopped me from working.

Thankfully I have gotten much better and now looking forward to getting a new job. I have been applying for a job for the past week and I have some interviews next week but nothing solid yet.

At the moment though, things are kinda difficult financially and I need to make some money quickly so I'm weighing all my options. I've thought about driving for Uber temporarily but I'm not sure what to expect so I made this post to ask some questions.

Is it profitable to drive Uber in NYC? How much can I possibly make daily?

I cannot drive the whole day, as I have to rest my knee. So I'd like to know what hours are better?

I cannot afford to give out candy or snacks or water. What habits do you think can get you tips as an Uber driver?

What advice would you give to a female looking to get into the Uber scene in NYC?.

Any opinions or advice will be really appreciated.

19:30 UTC


A bit embarrassing but looking for an (amateurish) photographer to take some photos of me. Willing to pay

24M and It occurred to me that I basically have no good pictures of myself. I'm not looking for anything too fancy or pretentious but am just looking for someone regardless of skill level to spend an hour or two taking some photos of me at a museum or park or something to have for general purposes, social media, dating app profiles, etc. Unfortunately, I can't shell out a lot of money but would but would def be willing to negotiate on a reasonable hourly rate. Don't hesitate to DM if interested!

1 Comment
19:26 UTC


I’m looking to up my wardrobe and wondering where you guys are shopping these days for stylish clothes to hang out and work about town (fall winter) or for dates. I’d prefer a few quality pieces under $300/ outfits to come in under $500

My styles gotten a bit basic and just looking for recommendations to expand. Previous budget was much lower with lots of pieces from commercial brands like jcrew, banana etc. looking to expand to look more stylish and still comfortable.

Edit to add late 30s female

19:11 UTC


Flower district open on Columbus Day?

Hi all! Does anyone know if the Flower district will be open on the Monday of Columbus/indigenous peoples day?

I think it’s normally Monday-Saturday but not sure about a holiday like that

1 Comment
19:07 UTC


Worried about bringing my dogs to live in NYC.

Hey all, I'm very interested in moving to NYC as soon as next spring, but I am worried about bringing my dogs. I have 2 dogs; one is a 20lb dachshund who is very friendly but can sometimes be a bit of a barker. Although within the last few months she has been prescribed medication for anxiety and it has been a huge help. I'm more worried about my other dog, she is a beagle mix who has a lot of anxiety when she is around new places, dogs or people. In the home she does just fine, but once she is outside and sees someone else, she instantly gets anxious.

I currently live in an apartment and things have been going fine with them. When we are outside, they do okay, the beagle does get skittish when she sees someone outside. I currently live in the suburbs of a much smaller city, nothing that would compare to NYC.

I'm worried about bringing them and making their life a living hell with all of the noise and stimulation, but at the same time I think making the move would be a good idea given my situation. Can anyone put my mind at ease with this situation?

10:08 UTC


Tailor needed for: Leather jacket sleeve alterations

Hello! I just bought an oversized mens leather jacket (I'm an XS woman) and the sleeves are way too long - I need to get them altered but want to go to a reputable place since the jacket was costly.

Any suggestions for a talented tailor who works magic with leather?

22:08 UTC


Moving to NY in mid 30’s

Moving to NY has always been a dream of mine. I should have done it in my 20’s but life happened. Is moving to NY in your mid 30’s a good idea? I’m single, have a good job, and might have the opportunity for real love

20:00 UTC


Subway experts: tapping a stranger into the subway when you get out?

If you’re riding from say Union Square to Penn Station and you tap someone into the subway as you’re exiting Penn Station, will that count towards your weekly free rides? If you do this after your 13th ride of the week will it still be free, or does the system have some way of knowing that it hasn’t been long enough between taps?

I’m just curious if this is a loophole they’ve closed since I’ve seen a few people do it 🤷🏻‍♀️

18:51 UTC


Looking for a place that sells Tanqueray Gin (0.0 proof non-alcoholic.) Thank you!

Hey guys! Do you know where I might be able to find Tanqueray 0.0 proof non-alcoholic gin in NYC? My boss requested it, but I haven’t been able to find it outside of having to ship it and wait over a week for it to be delivered. Would love any tips!

18:46 UTC


Why are some neighborhoods city-owned spaces such as sidewalks clean and beautiful while some neighborhoods are mismatched, ancient, cracked?

1 Comment
18:42 UTC


Help! Roommate of 2 yrs (who is not on the lease) acting erratically and stopped paying rent

Background: I've lived in an apartment in Brooklyn for about 10 years, and I am the only one of the lease. There are 3 bedrooms, one of which is mine, and over the years various people have rented out the two other bedrooms but were not on the lease, they just paid me their share of the total rent. I currently have 2 roommates, one of which has lived there about 1 year, let's call him "A", and the other has lived here a little over 2 years, let's call him "B"

Like the other roommates I've had over the years, neither A nor B is on the lease, or any of the utilities. They just pay me their share on the 1st of every month. For the whole time they've both lived with me it's all been fine, we're all very quiet, keep to ourselves, politely say Hi to each other when passing in the hallway, and that's it. All of sudden over the last few weeks B, the one who has lived here for 2 years, starts acting very erratic.. for example, one night he walked into A's room while he was sleeping, and the next night he walked into my room while I was sleeping (both times he seemed confused, like it was a genuine accident). He started blasting music in his room at all hours, something he had never done before. When I asked him to turn it down (it was 9am) he acted aggressively defiant, which was very opposite to the normally quiet and polite guy he'd previously been.

Now he's a week late on the rent, and on top of that, yesterday while both A and I were at work he went in our rooms. We know this because both of our bedroom doors were wide open (normally closed), and because in my room he brought in a lamp, plugged it in, and had it shining under my desk where my computer is. Nothing was missing from either of our rooms, but we were furious, especially after just previously warning him about not going into anyone's room. I knocked on his door to confront him and he refused to open it.. finally I push the door open and he has taken out his air conditioner, opened the window, and says that he is going to jump out and run away (we're on the first floor) if I come any closer, saying that he feels threatened (also, he was shirtless and looked quite strung out). I try to get an explanation about why he went in my room and he says because "you put a disrupter on the wifi to disrupt it and my mission so I had to remove that disruption". This is all non sensical and I have no idea what he is saying, and a lot of what he's saying is just aggressively telling me to "get out of my face" (I was on the other side of the room in the doorway, while he stayed half in and out of his window on the other side of the room). I also tell him that he needs to pay his share of the rent and utilities, or else I will turn off the wifi for real.

It got left at him saying that he promised to pay the rent in the next day, and that he wouldn't go in anyone's room again, but I can already tell this is not the end of it, and he has no intention of paying anything. Can anyone tell me what my options are here, because I'm feeling pretty helpless in this situation, like we are now stuck with this guy who is losing his f'n mind and also not paying rent. My other roommate, A, thinks he's on drugs, but I think he's got some sort of mental illness because of how paranoid and schizo he is acting. However, it's important to note that even though both A and myself find him completely unstable, he hasn't actually made any physical threats toward us, or threatened his own life, so I feel like calling the cops wouldn't really do anything. Is it legal for me to just change the locks and say "F it, you're not paying rent so you don't live here"? HELP

TLDR: Roommate of 2 years (who is not on the lease or utilities) seems to suddenly be having a mental breakdown, stopped paying rent, and won't listen to us or be reasoned with

18:38 UTC


Maison Close for brunch or dinner ? Which Day of the week ?

Hello all - we will be in New York City next month for a celebratory trip. Wanted to ask locals if it would be better to book Maison Close for a brunch or dinner ? If so, which day of the week do you recommend for us to get the next experience ? I’m assuming late seating would be better ? What time would that be ? We don’t want to make a reservations too early where we have to leave when it’s just getting good. Also, do you have another recommendation with similar or better vibe? We are too old to go clubbing. We like more of the supper club vibe where the music turns up and room gradually turns into a party. Thanks in advance

18:34 UTC



Before anybody says, "don't go," I already have the trip booked.

I'm planning to go to NYC on NYE and I'm just curious what anybody's recommendations would be for someone under 21. Be by Times square? Be in Central Park?

At the very least, I'd like to see the ball drop and watch fireworks :) Any recommendations help! Ty!

18:22 UTC


Is Kingsbridge, Bronx Safe?

18:12 UTC


Tap to Pay on subway with kids

Hello! My 2 children and I will be in NYC for 3 nights next week, and I’m planning to take the subway places it’s too far to walk. I’ve just been reading the MTA site and didn’t see the answer to this question. If I am tapping to pay with my phone, can I also tap for my kids? Three taps to pay, of course, not one. Or does each rider need a separate card/device? Thank you!

18:04 UTC


Cheap suit stores?

Never owned a suit before, fanciest shit I have is a button down and khakis. Would buy from Amazon but idk my size other than "usually medium will fit well".

Looking for a store I can get a suit jacket, matching pants, and maybe a nice tie for like 200$? Preferably somewhere where they can help me figure out the right sizes of things too.

17:54 UTC


How good are my chances for the nyc housing lottery?

Log number 1x, there are 6 units that I qualify for and I’ve been asked twice to submit documents. What do you think?

1 Comment
17:22 UTC


ISO batting cages for adult private party

I know this might be a little too specific, but my boyfriend is a huge baseball fan and loves to play baseball. I was thinking it would be nice to surprise him with a private party at a batting cage with friends. I was hoping to find something in or around Manhattan but that seems pretty limited. A lot of his friends are in BK or in Jersey City which is why I was hoping to find somewhere that's not too out of the way for everyone. Any recs would be greatly appreciated :)

16:45 UTC


Looking for a Second Job: Recommendations for Evening or Night Shifts While Working 9-5 from Home?

I currently work a 9-5 job from home that’s fairly easy and pays well, but I’m looking to pick up a second job, ideally during the second shift or night shift. I’ve applied for second shift construction supervisor and safety roles, even with the SCA, but haven’t had any luck. Any advice on where to look or what types of jobs might suit this schedule? I’m open to exploring different industries!

16:29 UTC


Question about Statin Island Ferry

Apologies for not searching, in a bit of a hurry here. I've been told by locals that the ferry to Statin Island is just a few bucks. Some guy is trying to tell us it's $70 to go and walk on the island for an hour.

I dont want a tour, I just want to go on the island. How does this work?

Edit: I think i figured it out. The scummy tour guide was lying to me about it.

16:26 UTC


Which groceries in NYC have the best qualify, freshest products.

Grocery stores near me all suck. I want something with the best quality ingredients.

16:24 UTC


Making a lifelong dream of my mom of coming to NYC come true , super excited and blessed for this. Need help with itinerary.

We have 3 nights, almost 4 full days. She is in good shape physically and loves dressing up and going to fancy places. Booked a Broadway show, will take her to Met, possibly an afternoon tea at Plaza. Questions: Ferry ride / cruise with dinner suggestions? Nice Dinner preferably with live show suggestions? Or any other suggestions please to make this a lifetime trip (can splurge for this occasion). Thanks

1 Comment
16:23 UTC


Lost wallet, what should I do?

Lost my green & black tumi wallet while roaming around Bensonhurst park. What’s the likelihood it’s not stolen and turned it somewhere. Do I call or go to the precinct closest to see if they have it?

16:14 UTC


Fun affordable bday restaurants?

I’m looking to have dinner somewhere for my birthday around 7 this evening but have 4 friends and one reservation for 4 (miss lilys) that I may not be able to add to. Ideally, we’d like to go to Kenka but we wouldn’t get there by 630p and I’m worried the wait will be crazy. Is there anything adjacent I can look into? Maybe Mexican, tapas, or somewhere we can eat and pregame for cheap?

16:06 UTC


Chinese bakery that accepts EBT/SNAP

I love getting 叉燒把 (Cha siu baau, Chinese pork buns). But every bakery I know in Chinatown is cash only; none take credit cards let alone EBT.

Does anyone know a Chinese bakery that does take EBT?

16:03 UTC


How far out should I start applying for jobs in nyc?

Hey all! Looking to move to nyc in may. I know things move fast in the city since my dad works there and I lived in nj all my life up until recently. How far out do you think you should start applying? Thanks yall

Edit: I should have mentioned this, I’m currently in grad school so I can’t move until the middle of May ish

15:46 UTC


How to Get an HR Role


NY-native and I am seeking an entry-level HR role. I have a bachelors in I/O psychology, pursuing a masters in Work/Psychology from an accredited Irish university (I just returned from there), and I have experience in HR (1 year) and administration (reception). I’ve had my resume looked at, so I’m sure it’s solid, and I am using Indeed and LinkedIn as my job search tools. Any tips, search recommendations, or other tools to use would be greatly appreciated!

15:33 UTC


GLP1 doctor recommendations?

I am looking for a doctor who not just prescribes GLP1 but also has had patients who have been on it long term and can advise the patients on the long term side effects of the medication.

15:30 UTC

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