
Photograph via snooOG

A place for major news from around the world, excluding US-internal news.

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    /r/worldnews is for major news from around the world except US-internal news / US politics

    See all of our AMA events here

    Worldnews Rules

    Disallowed submissions

    • US internal news/US politics
    • Editorialized titles
    • Misleading titles
    • Editorials, opinion, analysis
    • Feature stories
    • Non-English articles
    • Images, videos or audio clips
    • Petitions, advocacy, surveys
    • All caps words in titles
    • Blogspam (if stolen content/direct copy)
    • Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr
    • Old news (≥1 week old) articles

    See the wiki for details on each rule

    Disallowed comments

    • Bigotry / Other offensive content
    • Personal attacks on other users
    • Memes/GIFs
    • Unlabeled NSFW images/videos
    • URL shorteners
    • Celebrating death/Advocating violence
    • Genocide denial/downplaying genocide
    • Disinformation/misinformation
    • Health disinformation/misinformation

    See the wiki for details on each rule

    Guidelines for the media

    Violation of our rules may result in a ban from this subreddit. Untimed bans may be lifted when the moderators are confident that you will not continue to infringe on the community rules.

    Please don't ever feed the trolls.
    Downvote, report and move on.

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