News and analysis from the wars in Syria and Iraq, and its effects on the Levant, the region, and the world.
News and analysis from the wars in Syria and Iraq, and its effects on the Levant, the region, and the world.
Our goal is to foster a core of quality contributors from any and all sides of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, who treat each other with mutual respect. Newcomers and anyone who wants to learn is welcome too.
Note: To combat circlejerkization, moderation will be biased towards the side that is underrepresented - currently this is the Syrian-Rebel side of things.
Damascus has seen all that has ever occurred on earth, and still she lives - Mark Twain
Be civil
Light-hearted sarcasm is tolerated but discouraged
Don't editorialize article titles to reflect your bias
Do replace inciting terms by more neutral ones (Assadist, Takfiri, Terrorist, etc.)
Titles for videos, photos, and other media should be descriptive and unbiased
Submissions should generally concern or be relevant to current events
No memes allowed - we have /r/SyrianCirclejerkWar for that
Maps of the current military situation in Syria and Iraq:
UN Foundation - Syria Emergency Response Fund
UNHCR - Syria Emergency
UNICEF - Syrian Crisis
WFP - Syria Emergency
/r/SyrianCirclejerkWar (memes)
Original post here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=OUF3Xy (unavailable but if you go to the tweet, there's video: