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I was wondering how many Indians live in Iran? India official website says around 10K, but that seems low? Also there’s an estimated 40K Hindus in Iran, & obviously not all Hindus are Indian, but then 10K seems so low?
Are there any other estimates?
No religious figures
According to New York Times, Elon spoke with the Iranian UN ambassador in New York to defuse tensions, what do you?
Will they be able to strike a massive deal? If they do, I pray to god that the deal will force hijab to not be mandatory and allow the country to be more free?
Do you think it could happen?
It can be anything
I was born in Iran, to an Iranian mother and Iraqi-Kurd father. Unfortunately when I was born there in 1994, they never gave my mother paperwork to show that I am her son. My mom fought for it at the time, but they said they cannot give anything since my father was not Iranian. My name is not even in my mothers paperwork or history in Iran. I basically don't exist in Iran, no record at all.
My mom is currently in Iran visiting family and apparently a family-friend apparently spoke to one or two lawyers and was told that nothing can be done about this inside of Iran and that we must apparently speak to the embassy in washington if I want to get citizenship. Embassy of Pakistan I believe in Washington I believe. My Canadian passport says I was born in Iran and I also have whats called a "Record Of Landing" document from the Canadian government that also says I was born in Iran also. This was given to us at the time we entered Canada many years ago....
I am hoping some people can give me advice on this, on how to proceed and obtain Iranian Citizenship.
Also some sources that I can read on will be appreciated
What do you think about our largest trade partners such as Brazil ( always shock me), China, UAE, Iraq, India, Turkey, etc? Even with more sanctions added this year, there’s still larger trade compared to last year.
What do you think about Irans allies and countries not in an anti Iran coalition, I don’t like the government but from the political point of view
Who would you say is Irans allies, frenemies (Russia) & actual enemies
Why does this sub constantly claim that East and West Azerbaijan province, should be apart of an Azerbaijan state, in reality the modern day Azerbaijan country is basically somewhat made up, even if it isn’t, cities like Tabriz and Urmia are part of Iran
I also saw them talking about Urmia and how Kurds are taking over and complaining about it, when the city was originally Assyrian
Why do they claim these parts, when barely any Turk in Iran wants that?
In my opinion, very difficult time is ahead for iran, economically and socially. Trump and republicans will stop however little concessions that Biden made for Iran’s oil trade and Netanyahu will poke Iran left right and centre. This gives Iranian hardliners new energy and focus, nipping any chance of new reforms in Iran in the bud. Putin will obviously sacrifice iran in its efforts to buddy his alliance with Trump and get concessions in Ukraine. Saudi Arabia will regain its lost position with US and perhaps retake a hostile stance against iran again.
It will take a miracle to make things easier for Iranians in the next few years.
I live in Iran and i’m incredibly concerned for our future.
Leave your comments here and perhaps we can look back in future to see how it all went.
Edit: I’d appreciate unbiased views and hopefully from Iranians who know and have lived in Iran.
I'm gonna come back in about 6-8 months and don't want to lose this phone number. Is the only way to keep it to convert it to a postpaid plan? If I do, will I be able to top off the GB when I run out and will it get throttled when I go over? I've had no issues with the prepaid plan so far.
Me and and another friend who have separate flights each had out flights recently cancelled. Anyone know any updates as far as local flights and international flights to and from Iran?
So I moved to Canada without my family around two years ago and I'm slowly forgetting how to read and write Farsi, even noticing how I speak Farsi has gotten a bit weird. How do others who have moved out of Iran manage to prevent that from happening? I don't have my family to regularly speak Farsi with anymore and it's really getting on my nerves. I struggle with reading and comprehending basic Farsi text. The reason I specify without my family is because I'm just 19 years old and moved back when I was 17, not a fully grown man