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You won't believe how tasty this fried yogurt chicken is طرز تهیه ساج ای...

20:45 UTC


Can anyone recommend an easy-to-learn Iranian traditional dance for solo performance?

Hi everyone! I’m interested in learning a traditional Iranian dance that’s simple and can be performed solo. We need to perform it for our examination as a college student. I’m a beginner, so something with basic steps and graceful movements would be ideal. If anyone has recommendations or tips, I’d really appreciate it!

Also, if you have any video links (YouTube, etc.) that demonstrate the dance, please share them. It would be super helpful to see how it’s done.

Thanks in advance!

04:28 UTC


Alawites, Christian’s and Shias in Syria

Why is it that for the past decade+, the things in Syria were everywhere, why isn’t the treatment of the minorities in Syria right now not posted about? They are chanting several disgusting slogans not just in Syria but Syrians in Germany too.

What do you guys think, I know this isn’t directly to Iranians but what’s your thoughts?

21:46 UTC


Double nationality iranien people who went to Iran last month, years ?

IAM scared about military service cause iam a man 26 yo French/iranien/portugese.

Should I will be force to go army ?

And does the country is safe to go now ? Thanks

23:49 UTC


Considering Moving to Iran – Questions About Money, Military Service, and Daily Life

Hello everyone! I’m an Iranian-American in my 20s (born in the US) considering moving to Iran, and I’d appreciate any advice on these topics:

  • Transferring Money: Given Iran’s banking restrictions, how do people typically bring funds into the country? Is it mostly physical cash from places like Turkey or Armenia, or is there another workaround?

  • Military Service: I’m male and know I’m subject to conscription. I have an exemption for 6 months per year but I still legally must do military service if I stay longer than that in one year. I’ve heard about exemptions for only children (I am the only child) or paying your way out. If anyone’s gone through this process, I’d love details.

  • Buying Property: I’d like to purchase an apartment in Tehran (or another big city). Based on listings I’ve seen on Divar, are prices like 4–10 billion Toman (roughly $50k–$100k) realistic for a good part of Tehran? Also, how do property taxes, utilities, and any potential capital gains taxes work?

  • Bureaucracy & Government Benefits: How complex is dealing with Iran’s government systems (subsidies, gasoline cards, taxes, etc.) if you’re moving back after being abroad? I have my Iranian passport and identification documents, but I have not interacted with the Iranian bureaucracy outside of the consulate in Washington. I am especially concerned about the fact that my Persian language skills are not amazing. I know Persian from my parents, and I think if I lived in the country, I would improve very quickly but when I read legal documents or the news, I need to Google search some advanced vocabulary. I don't know how it works to fill out legal paperwork and those kinds of things if I am a non-native speaker. I don't want to be taken advantage of.

  • Cost of Living: What should I budget for a comfortable family life (education, food, healthcare, etc.)? I understand some things are cheaper if you have foreign currency income, but I’m trying to plan realistically how much a middle-class family spends. I am drawn to the idea of saving money now and retiring or semi-retiring early in Iran. I work in IT, but I imagine it may be hard to get a job in that field in Iran if you are not a native Persian speaker. I have no problem working part-time as like a Snapp driver or a tutor or that kind of thing to make my savings go farther. How feasible is it?

For context, I’m drawn to living near extended family and enjoying Persian culture. My girlfriend is also a child of immigrants (from Russia) and neither of us have any family here besides our parents. Both of us find life in the US isolating and too materialistic, and we’d like our future kids to grow up close to family (mine is in Iran and hers is in Russia) and to have a stronger connection to our roots. If we get married, she could easily get Iranian citizenship and we could move back to Iran. it would be easier than moving to Russia since it's harder to get your spouse Russian citizenship than Iranian citizenship. That said, we’re not religious, and I’m concerned about how we’d adjust to Iranian laws. Thanks in advance for any insights or advice!

23:00 UTC


Will the USA wage war with Iran?

20:05 UTC


How does one count age in Iran?

My boyfriend is from Iran and born in 1984. In western countries he willl be turning 41 this year, but he says he’ll be 40 this year according to the Iranian system, so one year younger. Can someone help me make sense of it? If he were turning 42 according to the Iranian system, I could understand it, since from 0 - 1 he would be 1 or «in his first year», and so counting himself as one year older. But that’s not what he says, so I don’t get it.

16:53 UTC


Central Iran is superior

Central Iran(Isfahan, yazd, Kerman) is honestly the best part of Iran. Im from both kerman and yazd and ppl from central Iran are involved in waay less drama, are much nicer, better looking, have the best history, and it’s the real Iran. All the drama you hear from persians it’s rarely from central iranians. God bless🙌

19:52 UTC


How to help this Iranian woman

Hello, I know a young woman in Iran who has several very difficult circumstances compounding her life to a breaking point right now. Besides her mother, the few people in her life are abusive/parasitic, she doesn't have any other friends/family to support her in anyway. She has a serious health condition that has gone untreated due to a combination of continuous problematic circumstances. She has a low paying job in a small town and wants to move back to Tehran, she is skilled and trained in Veterinary medicine.

I am trying to find any kind of helpful resources for her, but I am unfamiliar with the country, I tried searching online but couldn't find much. If you could please let me know of any organizations, services, work-trade housing opportunities, woman's organizations, or any other ideas/advice that could be helpful, thank you very much.

06:53 UTC


Pan-Turkists wanted the land, we got the loyalty

16:19 UTC


I never expected to see this, an Iranian-made quick car in the service of the Venezuelan police.

09:26 UTC


Inursurance in Iran

Hi I've recently relocated to tehran and i was hoping someone with give me some insight as how medical insurance works and what are the better insurance providers

thanks in advance

11:36 UTC


How to talk to Iranian Parents about mental health?

I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I've kinda come to the realization I probably need to tell my parents before they find out in a less comfortable way. That being said, literally all the resources when it comes to talking to parents abt mental health are for white ppl, and the iranian culture just doesn't work the advice I've been given. I'm kinda afraid to tell them, but I also know I need to bite the gun. Anyways, have any of yall talked to ur persian parents abt ur mental health?

01:38 UTC


Do you feel sorry for him?

He was a religious man and a nationalist.

He tried his best to rule a country and developed it well during his rule but he had several odds against him and in the end didn’t enforce force when he needed to as a leader and instead left out of love for his people and his country.

His son seems like a clown, but I admire the last Shah of Iran.

20:23 UTC


Mandatory viewing for every Iranian: How to Overthrow a Government: The Color Revolution Playbook

01:34 UTC


Is being bald considered a bad thing in Persian culture?

I read after the Sour Revolution the communists killed the Sardar and realised a dis track. Which bullied him for being bald.

Is is being bald considered an espically unatteactive thing? Or dose it have some double meaning I'm missing? The singer keeps touching his mullet covered head. Or is being bald like being bald and or fat here? Like something people joke about but has no great stigma.


19:40 UTC


Help Needed: Retrieving Birth Certificate from Sarbandar, Iran

Hi everyone,

I hope you can help or provide advice. I’m trying to retrieve a duplicate/corrected birth certificate issued by the Sarbandar Hospital in Sarbandar, Iran.


  • I was born in Sarbandar Hospital (likely under the Bandar Imam Health Network) in Khuzestan Province.
  • My original birth certificate contains incorrect information (wrong date of birth), and I need a corrected version or a duplicate that reflects the accurate details.
  • I’ve been told the hospital records might no longer be accessible by daftar.org contact.

Steps I’ve Taken So Far:

  1. Reached out to sabteahval site , but the website is unreachable.
  2. Attempted to contact the daftar org website but been told that it is not retrievable. My father and mother are Indian citizens and my father practised in Iran as a doctor from 78 - 87
  3. I’m not sure if Sarbandar Hospital still exists or if it’s been renamed, which adds to the confusion.

Questions for the Community:

  1. Has anyone retrieved birth certificates or vital records from Sarbandar/Bandar-e Imam Khomeyni? What was your experience like?
  2. Does Sarbandar Hospital still exist? If not, what might it be called now?
  3. Are there any local lawyers or services in Bandar-e Imam Khomeyni who can assist with such cases?
  4. Any advice on dealing with Iranian government offices or tips for contacting local authorities effectively?

Details About My Case:

  • I’m currently outside Iran and can only communicate remotely (email, phone, embassy assistance).
  • I have a copy of the original birth certificate, original birth record registered with Indian consulate and proof of my parents' residency in Sarbandar at the time of my birth.

I’d appreciate any input, tips, or similar experiences you’ve had. I’m feeling a bit stuck and could really use some guidance!

05:41 UTC


Trump upcoming travel ban

According to several prominent sources, Trump will reinstate his “Muslim Ban” and there’s a 99% Iran will be included, but this time it seems like they’ll also target people in America on Non-Visit-Visas, and there is currently 40K Iranians on those. What will happen? Will they really deport them all?

19:19 UTC


Are there any sunni mosques in Iran?

17:41 UTC


Card game

Hey everyone! I played a card game at my friend’s house and it was really fun, so I’m just on here asking if anyone knows the name/rules of the game.

The rules go a bit like this:

Each played is given an equal amount of the cards of the deck, depending on how many players there are, this will be different. The players do not look at the cards. Each player will take turns at flipping a card from their stack and everyone will have to do an action based on what the card is. For example if it’s a queen, the players must say “salam bibi”, or if it’s a 7 they must put their hand on the card. The last player to do the action must add the pile of cards on the bottom of their stack of cards. The objective of the game is to have no cards at the end.

thank you!

23:26 UTC


Principles for a New Iranian Government (post Mullahs)

Mission: prosperity and security of Iran and Iranians

7 Values

  1. National Security: Commit to a very strong armed forces and national security apparatus - that is integrated, transparent and incorruptible. Fundamental to operation of the state. Committed to our values and sovereignty. Leave no room for three things: 1. Foreign meddling, 2. Autocratic takeover (committed to democracy) and 3. Corruption. Our enemies within and without should fear us.
  2. Secularity: Commit a Secular, science and fact driven. Separation of religion from operation of the state. ‘Beliefs’ should only a role in governance.
  3. Freedom: Commit to National Freedom, liberty, democracy and respect for faiths - therefore protections. There should be disagreement and the protection of everyone’s right to disagree. Free (respectful) speech. Free and fair Competition of ideas.
  4. Polarity: Commit to Decentralized operating systems (local commitment to national principles , policies and laws). Locality should be combination of geographic and mathematical. Leave no room for gerrymandering or Sykes-Picot ie room for interest peddling. This too must be protected.
  5. Enterprising: Free and fair enterprise and pro-competition in every respect. Minimize monopolies and cartels. This too must be protected.
  6. Objectivity: Commit to an Objective, data driven meritocracy in governance. Effective and efficient governance.
  7. Positivity: Be a positive impact on others. Regionally transformative. Beacon on the hill. Be an Example for the region and the world.

That Iran be the land of Cyrus - with freedom and liberty - for all its citizens. Providing opportunity to all to exercise their freedom for the prosperity and security (the benefit) of themselves and the nation.

17:08 UTC


Are you religious?

Wanted to hear from fellow Iranians. It seems less and less Iranians are religious these days, but do you still identify as Muslim (or Zoroastrian, Christian, Jewish, or whatever your ancestors were)? What role does religion play in your life, if any?

04:28 UTC


Does this sub still have a discord?

I remember back in 2018-2019 I was active in that server and talked to people like Marmulak and Cyaxerxes and some others. I lost my acc and never found an inv link again.

It's been years but is there still a server?

10:45 UTC


Spinach And Peas Recipe In 30 Minutes - Vegetarian خوراک اسفناج و لپه د...

20:56 UTC


بپرس از یک آمریکایی

سلام. ایالات متحده به تازگی تیک‌تاک را ممنوع کرد چون ما داشتیم چیزهای زیادی درباره دنیا یاد می‌گرفتیم. بسیاری از ما به یک اپلیکیشن چینی به نام رد بوک مهاجرت کردیم و از اینکه مردم و کشور چقدر فوق‌العاده هستند شگفت‌زده شدیم. احساس می‌کنم به ما درباره ایران هم دروغ گفته شده است. لطفاً هر سوالی دارید از من بپرسید و امیدوارم به من هم اجازه دهید سوالاتی از شما بپرسم. امیدوارم این ترجمه خوب باشد.

1 Comment
09:33 UTC


Iranian woman speaks the truth

00:21 UTC


Iran-Russia deal/treaty

What do you think of this treaty? It includes oil, gas deals, as well as tourism, military, etc? I’m a little wary because of history.

21:02 UTC


How true is the wedding traditions depicted in Leila's Brothers (2022)

[The following post was deleted from iran subreddit without mentioning any reason.]

I just finished watching Leila's Brothers. I am mesmerized by the acting skills, the subtle themes and of course the scenario. I am humbled by my ignorance of such a talented cast and director but these are besides the point.

I am Turkish and pretty familiar with the very diverse and divisive wedding traditions that each region of Turkey has, most of them are about showing off to relatives, torturous to the families and the bride and groom. But I am still surprised how different and how (if you allow me to use this word without any sort of moral high ground that) `bad` things are depicted in Leila's Brothers.

In Turkey there are similar scenes in the Eastern regions, families get around a table and count the "loot" çeyiz it called, in a different region the entire house is covered with textiles given by the groom's side, even the most bourgeois of Turkish weddings has a gold giving ceremony which is carefully recorded and replayed to see who attached what in terms of gold.

How close is the theme of İsmail's patriarch status to reality? Do they really announce each gift loudly like that? Do they inflate numbers to crate hype and for what? Got so many questions. You may also just direct me to some readings.

Thank you for readings thus far.

1 Comment
23:54 UTC


Does some double nationality iranien foreign went to Iran without problem ?

I mean for coming back after seeing familly ?


19:09 UTC

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