Беларусь | Belarus
A subreddit for all things Belarus.
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Rules in English, Belarusian, and Russian can be found here.
News and resources (suggestions welcome):
More subreddits about Belarus:
Around the Neighborhood:
I need information about Lukashenko, which is not in Wikipedia:
rumours; Childhood, your attitude, people's mood and what kind of regime is there in the country?
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! I’m reaching out for assistance with an iCloud account that’s currently blocked on a iPhone. I’m aware that this is a sensitive issue, and I’m looking for someone who might have experience or advice on how to resolve this. If you have any tips, tools, or can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi there, anyone knows how to go from Brest to Terespol ? I see it’s only 13km, so wondering if there is any taxi/bus/ or if we can cross the border by foot even as it’s not very long? And if anyone has experienced it recently ? I heard Poland was very strict on border crossing. Thanks a lot!
Могут ли вузы рб составить конкуренцию вузам допустим там россии или европы? Какой вуз похож по уровню образования с бгу?🌹💀
The stories are only available in Russian, but it's for those speakers trying & wanting to learn Belarusian. There are only 4 stories available at the moment, but these small stories are amazing! 🥲🥰🤍❤️🤍
Recently visited Minsk and picked up some products at Gold Apple that I absolutely loved! I would love to buy more of them but they don’t ship overseas. Is there any sort of service that would be able to receive a package in Minsk and forward it? It would be some eye masks, face creams and hair toner, so not a large package :)
I’m a 17 year old black male and living in America, I want to attend a University in Belarus but my mom is worried that I will not be safe. I am already well spoken in the Language (Russian). I want to convince my mother and as well as make sure for myself that if I were to travel to Belarus I would not have any problems regarding my race. I have done some research but it hasn’t helped me much so I am hoping that I can get more clarification from here.
I understand that since the war started, it's become nearly impossible to transfer money from the US/EU to Belarus?
Anyone who's found a workaround?
So this morning my friend said Milashka pikmi (I tried to spell it how he said it), but he won't tell me what it means! He kept asking me to say yes or no, but I don't know what it means. Help please!!
This is my bear which I named Belarus (or Bela). She’s disappointed in our nation because we’ve just let down our own country as well as at least 30 others. We are apologizing and planning actions for the future, mainly fundraising for Ukraine.
Hi guys,
What venues are the best in terms of electronic music in the country of potato lords ? :))
If i were to visit Ruthenia, i would definitely want to check out on what wibes the people there are moving. :)
Kind regards
Вітанкі! Ведю, што шмат хто за мяжой шукае, дзе набыць ту ці іншую рэч з беларускімі сымбалямі. Вось, калі цікава, ёсць такое.
У арнамент упісаны розныя будынкі, архітэктура Менска.
Таму, калі цікава, і вам падабаецца то у каментарах дам спасылку.
I’ve long been interested in the history of central and eastern Europe and I think Belarus is a fascinating country. It also happens to be a country in that region which I know least about and a country I’m a little confused in trying to understand completely. I’ve also found it hard to find much information about the history, culture and politics of Belarus. Whenever I’ve searched for information about your country on discussion posts, I’ve come across many people saying many things - trouble is, almost none of them are ever Belarusians themselves. Often, after reading some of the comments made about Belarus and its people, I still come out of it none the wiser, finding myself unable to understand the current state of affairs and why Belarus is in the predicament it is in. The most common arguments I have read are as follows:
· Belarusians feel themselves close to the Russians because of historical and cultural connections (essentially brotherly nations).
· Belarusians prefer the Russian language (over the Belarusian language) because that is the language most Belarusians feel comfortable speaking.
· Belarusians are suspicious of the West, because they feel it to be an alien (distinctly foreign) culture. Western values are threatening towards the Belarusian way of life. Belarusians don’t necessarily like everything about Russia, but better Russia than the West.
· The Belarusian resistance movement represents only a minority of the Belarusian population and does not reflect the overall national mood.
· The Belarusian economy is very closely integrated with the Russian economy, so a falling out with Russia would be a disaster for Belarus.
· Lukashenko is a dictator and not a nice guy, but under the circumstances, he’s the best thing for Belarus, because that’s the only way Belarus can maintain its independence and not be totally consumed by either Russia or the West.
My question is, to what extent is all of the above correct? I know that this is a complex topic. Essentially, I want to know what the average Belarusian on the street thinks about the points which I’ve made above. I’m interested in learning more about your country and look forward to gaining factual information about Belarus. Any responses to my post would be most appreciated. Thank you.
Will be visiting Minsk for one month at December. Tried few site (realt.by ,re.kufar.by, hotels.com) and most of them asking for $1500 to $2500 per month. It is way different than back to the time while Airbnb still works in Belarus. Is that goanna be a new normal now or I am just visiting the wrong site ?
Парвалася купюра 50 эўра на 15мм, куды здаць гэтую купюру каб вызначылі яе каштоўнасць і выдалі ў рублях эквівалент яе кошту?
On this website relating to Duolingo, there are only 4 stories available in Belarusian (from the r•ssian language), but 4 small yet amazing stories in the Belarusian language that are easy to follow along (providing you are good at r•ssian). 💚🦉🤍❤️🤍
Would anyone here like to help create more Belarusian language short stories for this website? 🥰🤍❤️🤍
Unfortunately there is no audio with these stories, but I am extremely happy to see the Belarusian language being promoted on this website! 🥰💕🤍❤️🤍
LIVE BELARUS! Canada (my country) loves you! 🇨🇦💕🤍❤️🤍
P.S: Feel free to comment any websites below that can help foreigners on this subreddit (not just me) to be introduced more to the Belarusian language (audio, movie/show, dictionary, music, and other forms of media). 🤫😉
Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has proposed deploying Frontex, the EU’s border agency, to the Poland-Belarus border. This move comes amid concerns that Belarus and Russia may be using illegal migration as a way to pressure the EU following sanctions. Faeser highlighted Poland's role in bolstering security on the EU’s external border, recognizing its efforts to reduce irregular migration. The minister's visit aimed to reinforce cooperation in managing migration and cracking down on smuggling networks. Will Frontex's involvement make a difference at this critical border?
More on the same in our article:
Вітаю спадарства, раблю айсберг па Беларусі, калі хто не ведае, гэта такі фармат, у якім на вяршыні самыя вядомыя рэчы, а на дне самыя не вядомыя (у гэтым выпадку я дадаў яшчэ адзін крытэрый - сумнасць, цёмнасць, напрыклад па гэтаму крытэрыю Дэрлівангер, пра якога ўсе ведаюць апынуўся ў самым нізе). Патрэбна не вялікая дапамога, напішыце малавядомыя факты, гістарычныя падзеі, міфы, якія маюць адносіны да Беларусі, толькі так, каб можна было нагугліць іх. Вось зверху тое, што атрымалася зараз з галавы. Калі зараблю, планую зрабіць пераклады на Беларускую кірылічную наркамаўку і на англійскую мовы.
My friends in Minsk use subway tokens, which often get misplaced in their bag.
I use a metro card and load it with cash every month or two.
When I ask why my friends don’t use the metro card I can’t seem to get a clear answer.
Is there some benefit to using subway tokens? Is it cheaper than the metro card?
Hello, I’m moving from USA to Belarus for a year and I want to bring my computer with monitors and other electronics(worth about 4K dollars in total) am I risking everything being confiscated?(computer is not assembled, everything is in different boxes)