This sub is related to Kazakhstan, the greatest country in the world!
Everything about Kazakhstan.
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Их долбаный раутер вайфай не может нормально раздавать; да и цены последние время растут беспричинно; посоветуйте если есть нормальные операторы в Алматы
Maybe it is kinda irrelevant but I want some Websites/programms like "Қызық екен"(tv show). I am going to use it for biology lesson with children.
do you think a gap year is good or bad? why?
Hello! I'm planning to travel to Kazahstan from Singapore to ski and take some lessons as well :) I was reading online in 2024 that the ski passes cost around 15-25 usd, but it looks like it almost doubled when i checked today
Also, is end feb/early march a good time to come for skiing?
I'm going to Almaty in July to visit family and will likely be there for around a month. Just wondering what I should/can wear as I know it will be boiling but not sure what customs are surrounding shorts, strappy/vest type tops. I have been before in summer but I was very young and remember little and the last time I was there it was last October and so it was slightly cooler weather.
For context I am a girl, 18yo.
For whatever reason Apple TV is not available in our region but I want to watch Severance 2 in good quality with no ads so badly. What are my options? 🥲
How often are elections? I'm not seeing a pattern.
Привет друзья из Казахстана. Мы собираемся посетить Казахстан с двумя друзьями из Польши и хотели бы арендовать Ладу Ниву, чтобы поехать на Тянь-Шань. Возможно, это звучит как глупая идея, но для нас это своего рода экзотика - уметь водить Жигули, и я не вижу этого на сайтах проката, когда ищу ее на русском языке. Это хорошая идея? А кто-нибудь знает надежную прокатную компанию, где можно было бы арендовать Ладу Ниву? Спасибо.
Елестетіңіз. Сіз оянасыз, бірақ телефон қоңырауынан емес – құлақ тұндырарлық дабыл дауысынан. Ол жүректі дүрсілдетіп, үй ішін дірілдетеді. Терезенің ар жағында қараңғылық қоюланған, таң ататын уақыт болса да. Алыстан гүрс еткен дыбыстар естіледі – әуелде бәсең, бірақ бірте-бірте жақындай түседі.
Төсектен асығыс тұрасыз, жүрегіңіз атқақтай соғып тұр. Үйдің ішінде әдеттегідей тыныштық жоқ – тек дабыл үні мен көшеден естілген үрейлі дауыстар. Тумбочкадағы телефоныңыз хабарламаларға толы: «Басталды», «Заттарыңды жина», «Олар қалаға кірді».
Терезеге жақындап, пердені ақырын ашасыз. Көшеде әдеттегідей адамдар емес, ауыр бронетехника қозғалып барады. Бір сәтте алыста от шарпыған жарылыс көрінеді.
Қолыңыз дірілдеп, ойларыңыз аласұрады. Қайда бару керек? Жақындарым аман ба? Бұл шындық па, әлде қорқынышты түс пе?
Бірақ дабыл үні басылмайды. Бұл – шындық.
Сіз не істер едіңіз?
Hello from Florida. Can anyone recommend a hunting guide I would like to visit tian Shan mountains soon :)
Hey guys! I’m studying in Ireland and in my university, we have Turkic society but it’s very Turkish and they don’t really celebrate Navruz. So they invited me to help throw a Nauryz party and I’m in the brainstorming stage right now, so can you guys please give some ideas 🥲🙏 I want it to be as central Asian as possible. I was thinking collaborating with Uyghur restaurant and order a bunch of plov, samsa, etc. Play some kazakh, Uzbek, kyrgyz music (suggest what songs match the vibe). What games can I organize?? Do you have any other ideas? Thanksss
Hi! My husband and I want to travel to Kazakhstan because we heard so many wonderful travel stories. Any idea or tips on how we can book affordable flights from Southeast Asia? TIA
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Which of the 2 are better for general translations? I am learning Kazakh now and the translations are always a bit different between the 2. Any experiences? Which tends to give more accurate translations?
Hey guys, it’s me again. I was just wondering about the usage of Kazakh and Russian throughout the country and where each one of or both languages are most prominent. From my experience traveling to Almaty, there was obvious usage of both languages when I was staying there, however, I had a feeling that Russian was the most dominant language in the country. According to Wikipedia (which I’m not too sure is an accurate source but I’ll cite my findings) about 80% of Kazakhs speak Kazakh and around 84% speak Russian. Now, I don’t know how this data is gathered, like, is this based off of the big cities only or is really truly based off of a country-wide analysis of Kazakhstan’s language proficiency in both languages. I would really appreciate it if someone would help clarify this to me so that I can keep in mind where to go next time in Kazakhstan to practice my Russian and just have an easier time touring the country relying on my Russian as well. Also, out of genuine curiosity.
I was going to write what I’m about to say here in a separate post, but thought it would be best to write it here while I’m at it. I’ve heard that the Kazakh language has recently transition from using a modified version of the Cyrillic alphabet (at least I think it’s modified, but I’m not too sure) and is transitioning to Latin instead. I’ve seen some areas in Kazakhstan where I’d see Kazakh written in Latin but most of the time it’s written in Cyrillic. So, I’d like to ask, how many people actually use the Latin alphabet with the Kazakh language and if it’s a trend that will surpass the use of the Cyrillic alphabet that it has or not? Thanks for reading!
Hello I´m a 25 y/o male in Almaty who will stay here at least for a year (December). I recently move here and It´s being difficult for me to meet new people since I don´t speak russian (but learning).
I don´t want to use this space as a 'personal space' just for my personal use. I wish this post is used as a 'point of meeting' betreen expats or nationals.
As the title suggest, i will be in Атырау for 2 weeks. Any suggestions on what should i do?
I could poosibly go to Алматы for 2-3 days aswell!
Здравствуйте. Живу в Астане и заметил, что в городе очень трудно найти литературу на английском языке. Многие букшопы не специализируются на англоязычной литературе, и в связи с этим у меня вопрос: много ли людей, что читают на английском в Казахстане? Откуда вы берете эту литературу?
want to try diving in the pool, cant find the right place
This is probably a dumb question, but do people have eczema in Kazakhstan? I am considering moving there, but I am trying to figure out if I would be able to get a prescription for a steroid cream for eczema there? The one I use in the US is called “Clobetasol Propionate”. I don’t want to have to use it, but I have struggled finding natural ways to treat it. Is eczema common there? Sorry if this is ignorant. Thanks in advance!