A subreddit for all things Bangladesh.
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We will provide you a lot of business, provided that your prices are good and you deliver in a timely manner.
Source: https://www.jagonews24.com/en/national/news/80111
"Concerns raised by companies
ExxonMobil, in its response, highlighted several concerns:
The price of block data should be lowered.
Costs for pipeline construction from the block to the station should be excluded.
A Workers Participation Fund (WPPF) should be included in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC).
Additionally, ExxonMobil emphasised the need for a 200–300 km pipeline to transport gas from the exploration block to the station, which was not adequately addressed in Petrobangla's PSC."
এই লোক কোন ভিন্ন মত নিতে পারেনা, কনফিডেন্টলি মিথ্যা কথা বলে অনবরত, কোন প্রশ্নের ঠিকঠাক উত্তর দেয়না। এই লোকের সমস্যাটা কি?
ব্যারিস্টার রুমিন ফারহানার সাথে ইন্টারভিউতে মোটামুটি তার এই সব গুনের প্রদর্শনী হয়ে গেছে। তবে রুমিন ফারহানা কুকড হিম রিয়েলি ওয়েল এট দ্যা রাইট ট্যাম্পারেচার।
একটু লম্বা সাক্ষাৎকার কিন্তু ওর্থ ওয়াচিং। বিনোদন না পাইলে পয়সা ফেরত।
Is Bangladesh safe for me as a Canadian tourist to visit for 8-9 days in may? I don’t exactly look white as I have my roots in Argentina and I look quite Arab, I’m sure I’ll stick out like a sore thumb regardless but curious to know if it would make a difference. I’ve been reading up on recent events and I seem to be getting quite a mixed response from people regarding the current safety.
There is news that the textile industry has seen declining orders. Is this because of the political instability or more of a short term blip due to drop in global trade demand from Western countries which BD exports to?
this sub seems to be filled with baseless, fearmongering anti-jamaat (and even islamophobic) content rn, and i'm honestly getting sick of this narrative. just something to keep in mind is the fact that BAL workers have routinely been caught dressing up as "hujurs" when terrorizing minorities AND posing as minorities when protesting the same terrorism. also, islamist radicals/jamaat have nothing to gain by ruining their name before the election. they are smart enough to know how much more popular their party will be if they play by the rules. aug 5 is a big, big lesson in the importance of public opinion: no matter how much you suppress it, it will win out at one point or another
and before the new wave of "muktijoddher chetona" pussies lash out, i'm not defending jamaat's actions in 1971, nor am i saying they won't make any mistakes in the future. all i'm saying is if you're stupid enough to give grace to BAL despite all the warm blood on their hands just because the interim gov isn't living up to your expectations (i've seen a bunch of comments like that on here), i think you can at least try to be smart enough to slightly lower the standards you have for jamaat
if anything, there's only one group (or maybe two, if we count BNP) that have something or everything to gain by telling the world that hasina's fall is the rise of an islamic state. i know certain recent incidents have been demoralizing lately, but to penalize a whole party for the misgivings of some rogue followers (and that's assuming there was no external influence) is dangerous for our country with its already limited pool of options
How much money does a doctor typically earns a month?
I'm HSC 24 batch. I was wondering: What are the requirements for getting 25-100% scholarship at NSU and Brac. Do you need GPA5 in both SSC and HSC? If not, are there any other requirements except for acing the NSU/Brac admission exam?
Hey good people. I am a recent engineering grad and joined a private uni as a lecturer. I chose this over other jobs because I thoughtI won't have to do 9 to 5. but little did I know that I would be doing dawn to midnight. Whenever I am not teaching, I am checking scripts, setting questions and preparing lecture materials. It feels like a never ending process. Then there is also pressure that you need to get higher education to get a promotion, also maintain a good review as a faculty and blah blah. Are there any tips from people trying to fit in similar shoes?
A year ago, if someone said Bangladesh will turn into a Taliban state if we remove Awami League government from power then I wouldn’t have believed them and think of it as a Indian propaganda. But now this new report of daily start shocked me. Over 80 shrines were attacked by conservative Muslims in last 6 months and the Interim government hasn’t made any single arrest. Meanwhile, we have put Iskon leader Chinmoy Krishna Das in jail for just “disrespecting” our national flag. If things go on like this then Bangladesh will turn into an authoritarian Taliban state in next 3-5 years.
Prof Yunus reportedly had 47 meetings in Switzerland last week but what do you think prompted this decision by Switzerland? Our neighbouring country secured over 230 billion dollars in investment but our money gets cut off? Actually what’s going on?
Hello! I am supposed to visit Bangladesh (Dhaka) from Nepal at the end of February for an exam. However, I recently read the news that a political party has called for mass protests in February: https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/politics/372156/awami-league-calls-for-blockade-and-strict-hartal
With this happening, is it safe to visit Dhaka? Should I reschedule/relocate my exam to another country? Thanks!
My parents’ names do not match across my academic documents and birth certificate. In my documents, their names are:
However, on their NIDs, the names are:
My father has passed away, and his NID has been removed from the database. I’ve tried to update my mother’s NID to match my certificates, but they rejected my request twice.
I want to pursue higher studies after completing my undergraduate degree. If I make my NID and passport according to my documents and don’t change my mother’s NID, will I face any problems in the future? I’ve seen some videos on YouTube suggesting that small discrepancies or spelling mistakes in parents’ NIDs don’t usually cause issues as long as your own documents are consistent.
However, my situation seems more complicated, and I want to know if this could create problems later on.