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বাংলাদেশ সাবরেডিটে আপনাকে স্বাগতম!
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A few months ago, I initiated a discussion about whether the anti-discrimination student movement is acting like the BCL during the Awami regime, which faced significant backlash.
Today, the anti-discrimination student groups, led by Hasnat and Sarjis, have broken into and set ablaze the party office of the JP. Over the past 15 years, the BCL and AL have physically assaulted, threatened and burned the offices of their opponents, labeling them as anti-liberation war groups. We used to call these types of action as fascism. Nowadays we don't call these actions fascism anymore. Moreover, we justify them as necessary actions to oppose the fascist sycophants. We do all those mentioned, but this time tagging the opponents as sympathizers of fascism.
How can these attacks, declared ahead on social media, be justified and go unpunished? If the JP was truly a puppet of the Awami fascists, then the judicial system should be able to ban them from participating in politics. Or is the new law is that as long as the narrative favors us, it justifies any wrongdoing?
The coordinators claim that JP supporters attacked their students. Even in that case, it is the duty of the police and military should take action. Coordinators with such close ties to the government and the masses have no right to declare a mob attack on them, disregarding the country’s law and order.
আমি যদি কোন ভাবে মারা যাই, হোক সেটা সাজানো এক্সিডেন্ট, আমাকে হত্যার জন্য আমার সৎ মা ও আমার পালক পিতা মাতা এবং এদের পরিবার দায়ী থাকবে।
My full story was published in r/Bangladesh -> https://www.reddit.com/r/bangladesh/s/Ft45RgTBFX
I am Syed Rafat Hoq and I have graduated from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet in 2024. I am from Khulna, but currently living in Dhaka.
My foster parents and my step mother conspired together to scheme me out of my inherited property after both of my parents died at an early stage of my life. They did this by changing my name and putting foster parents' name as my real parents in all of my documents.
আমার মা আমার জন্মের পরপরই মারা যান এবং আমার বাবা আমার 4-4.5 বছর বয়সে মারা যান। মা মারা যাওয়ার পর আমার বাবা আরেকটি বিয়ে করেন যেই ঘরে আমার একটি সৎ বোন হয়।
এই গ্রুপ টি আমাকে মেন্টালি ও ফিজিকালি টর্চার করেছে অনেক ভাবে। আমার সকল বন্ধু বান্ধব কে (স্কুল ও ভার্সিটি) টাকা দিত আমার সাথে বিভিন্ন কাহিনী ও ঝামেলা করার জন্য যা ওদের অনেকেই এখন স্বীকার করেছে। তখন ওরা আসল কাহিনী জানত না কারণ আমি কখন বলতাম না। এছাড়াও আমাকে সব সময় ফলো করা, আমার খাবারে ওষুধ মিশানো, ছিনতাই কারী ভাড়া করা থেকে অসংখ্য কাজ করেছে।
বাবা বেচে থাকতে আমি যেই বাসায় বড় হয়েছি, সেই বাসার ঠিকানাও আমি জানি। গ্র্যাজুয়েশন এর পর আমার পালক পিতা মাতা এই বাসায় এসেই উঠেছে, আমাকে বলেছে ভাড়া নিয়েছে। এই বাসা সহ আমার বাবার আরো অনেক সম্পত্তি রয়েছে, যা আমি এখন মোটামুটি নিশ্চিত। বাসাটি শহরের মধ্যেই (23, Musolmanpara Cross Road-1, Baniakhamar, Khulna Sadar, Khulna)
আমি জেলা লিগ্যাল এইড এর মাধ্যমে মামলা করব, কিন্তু চাকরি না পেলে আমি খাওয়া ও থাকার খরচ কিভাবে চালাবো।
আমি চাকরির অনেক চেষ্টা চালাচ্ছি তবে এই গ্রুপ টি সকল ইন্টারভিউ বোর্ডকেই বিভ্রান্ত/ইনফ্লুয়েন্স করে রাখে আমি যাওয়ার আগেই। কয়েকজন আমাকে কৌতূহল বসত জিজ্ঞেস করেই বসেছে যে কারো পিছনে এইভাবে লাগার কারণ কি। এরা আমার কল হিস্টোরি নেয় জিপি অপারেটর এর কাছ থেকে।
এরা এখন আমাকে মেরে ফেলার হুমকি ও দিচ্ছে। যেহেতু অনেক কোটি টাকা জড়িত তাই এই হুমকি গুরুত্ব সহকারেই নিতে হবে। আমি যদি কোনো ভাবে মারা যাই, সেটা যেভাবেই হোক না কেন, হতে পারে সাজানো এক্সিডেন্ট, কোন ছিনতাই কারী দ্বারা, এটি হবে পরিকল্পিত হত্যা, এবং এর জন্য দায়ী থাকবে আমার সৎ মা ও আমার পালক পিতা মাতা।
আমার আসল নাম ছিল - মোহাম্মদ রাসেল, ডাকনাম - সুমন
আমার অরিজিনাল পোস্টে আমার সিভি দেওয়া আছে, কোন সৎ ব্যক্তি যদি একটি জব দিয়ে হেল্প করেন তবে বিশাল উপকার হত, ধন্যবাদ।
Ami Bangladesh e thaki na.Kintu Bangladesh r fb follow kori.R fb ba yt r reality onek alada.Jmon fb te Bangladesh onek misogynistic,racist,minority hater,India hater(eta amio but in a pragmatic way not emotionally mane amader gulo literally India vs the world kore dey,jmon china r usa hat melabe India ke sesh korar jonno wheares era India r Songe hat miliye eke opor ke pichone felxhe),jamat lovers r koto ki.But majority manus eih sob noye bhabei na.Borong tar ulto majority mane pray 70-80 percent.15-16 percent neutral,1-2 moderate hater mane jara hate kore but prokosshe na r rest ra problem
I need a simple table with 1 or 2 drawers, but I don't know which shops or places to search for them. The prices in shops like Otobi, Hatil, etc seem too much
Reference Table (Without the top shelf and also the compartment at the bottom, only the desk and drawers)
I'm a student. I want to do something or do a business. can you all give me some idea and tell me what business or something have potential now or in the future.Thank you.(আমি একজন ছাত্র। আমি কিছু করতে চাই বা ব্যবসা করতে চাই। আপনারা সবাই কি আমাকে কিছু ধারণা দিতে পারেন এবং আমাকে বলতে পারেন এখন বা ভবিষ্যতে কি ব্যবসা বা কিছুর সম্ভাবনা আছে। ধন্যবাদ।)
I’m looking for some Bangladesh based developers. What is the going rate per month? Where is best to hire from?
any tips?
Hi, I might get misunderstood but i desperately need advice. I've been talking to a guy, we've been friend for a year then it turned into a talking stage in the last 3 months. I've always been a conservative, amar cheleder shathe beshi mishte bhalo lagena, i have like 4-5 friends that too for names sake. NOt to mention i met him on discord gaming ish server chilo to kotha hoito obhabei, he was was the only person who'd give me real advice, kajer kotha bolto, seriously issue gula shunto, his maturity played a big role here on how i got close to him. Pore it somehow turned into a "phase". But shomosha hoche i wont date, ami bolsi tumi jodi wait korte chao korte paro, im not running away but i wont date anyone, amar plan e chilo arrange marriage korar but pore o aisha porlo. He's the sweetest most understanding man, ami chetle kisu mone korena, ami eto cold ar emotionally unavailable howar poreo he wants to stick around, even tho ami bolsi ami kono GF like priviledge dibona. Ekhon problem hoche sometimes i feel congested, cz amar to ar obhash nai emon kisu te thakar, He's SO invested and claimed to be in love whereas amr feeling eto deep jay e nai. Everyday i feel like he deserves better ar ore amar shathe rakha uchit na, he'll be abroad for a few years, tokhon to aro kisu hobena. I feel like a villain for not reciprocating the intensity of his feelings, eta niye kothao hoise but he'll say okok pera nai but amar je guilty lagtese? What should i do? Genuine advice needed i dont want to ruin a good guy.
Everyday I'm feeling that I should do better and somehow end up staying the same or turning worse. I got two scholarships(general) in school but then I sucked at college. My HSC marks are mediocre at best. I'm in the udvash engineering course and I continue getting shitty marks in the exams. For my future, I've finally decided that I want to study in DU and possibly in microbiology which I've heard is good for going abroad. And that's like the only thing I really want in life. Now don't ask me why I haven't exclusively tried for abroad, my family kind of wants me to participate in conventional admission and all. Also can't afford without any scholarships myself. Now the thing is, I don't try. I don't review the exam answers or stop distracting myself with anything that comes my way except for studies. I keep listing up logics to defend myself. I don't care about anything but I hold myself to a high standard even if I have every reason not to. So if I fail to get admitted in a public university, it's gonna be shocking to me even though I'm doing it to myself. So in short, I'm ruining my own future. (I wouldn't phrase it this way because the future is subjective and depends on a lot of things.) I need to be struck with cold hard reality I suppose. If anybody reaches out with wise words, I'll be grateful. Thanks for reading.
"They wrote to the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) urging them to resolve these defaults by Wednesday. If not resolved, they said they would take measures to stop the supply from Thursday, according to the letter.
Currently, Adani supplies 1,100MW of electricity during off-peak hours."
I went to visit an eye doctor and he suggestesd me too many medicines. So I went to a reputed hospital and the doctor there wrote off some of the medicines. Now I'm stuck with these drops and tablets I don’t need anymore. What should I do with them?
Source replied to source bot.
There are some online shops in Bangladesh who sell stuff like bodycons, shirts, jackets, shoes that looks like they are imported from outside. To mention more, there are s*x toys, cosplay costumes, gothic stuff, some vapes, you know what I'm talking about.
As I am looking for business opportunities, I am curious about where do they find these? If they import it, then how do they do it? Also, do they buy these retail or wholesale?
I’m Bangladeshi and I live abroad. I want to commemorate my graduation by wearing a saree but I am having some trouble finding variety in online websites or stores that sell event sarees. So far only Aarong has the best options. I am open to ordering online or even buying in person as I have friends and family who visit often and can bring it back. What are some shops/sites you recommend for formal sarees?
Tell me a reason to support BNP without mentioning BAL
People from outside of Dhaka, share your town’s load shedding situation. So we can have a better idea about the actual state of the country! I’ve been in ctg for the past few days. There are atleast 4 hours of load shedding throughout the day, 2-3 hours during the night. Sometimes at 2/3/4 am! Is the situation same around the country or just Chittagong?
Hey, I see a lot of very serious posts here but I am making probably the stupidest post on planet earth. So I am 17 and very much a computer geek I had managed to buy myself my own computer not the best but good and I went through a lot of corporate hell for it. And I have OCD/ Hoarding problem whichever you can call it. But I can't physically throw away boxes of specific things because in my mind it ruins the set. however while moving houses a few days ago my dad threw away the cardboard box 1st hand laptops come in. I obviously freaked out he assured me he will go back to the other house and bring it back but it was too late he didn't find it now he is avoiding responsibility but I have been on edge I have tried going to second hand stores to see if they have just the box. But to no avail. So reddit is my last resort now. Does anyone by chance have an asus laptop box they don't want and would be kind enough to help an OCD sis out?
This might be a bit controversial*****
I wanna know what logic they are using. I never seen any girl age 14-15 & being mature, they just look more appealing compared to the boys. Take an average 18 year old guy, see how well he can navigate the world but when you have an 18 year old lady in the same place, she wont even know how to handle a lot of situations. Eg: Driving, Protecting herself, Violence
I'm trying to decide whether to start CA right after A levels or wait until after graduation. Starting early could give me quicker career exposure, while waiting might provide a stronger academic base. I'm weighing the benefits of early experience against the value of a broader foundation to see which will best support my long-term success in CA. Thank you in advance for your suggestion.
I am currently using a local isp.But it doesn't provide good internet and also slow
so im thinking of ordering fromm ali2bd it's just i'm worried that my product won't come properly...like damaged and things like that
I myself haven't seen a cat with heterochromia before. So when I first saw this little fella, I was quite amused and took a photo of her instantly.