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Say you're holding a Chinese wedding in a country where a witness is required. Does it have to be your parents, or can it be a friend? Is it considered rude not to choose your parents (especially if they're alive)?
Context: I had a conversation with my mum, and we have different opinions as I grew up in the UK, but my parents are Chinese.
Hello, i live in the Philippines and wants to study in China. I am 23years old and finished high school (currently working) I didn’t have a college degree or such.
Is there any way I can study in China with scholarship?
Hi everyone ask me anything!
Actually,I have heard Chinese companies do publish their apps on google through google play consoles,even though google is banned here,is that really the case?
Hello! I am a political science student taking a class in Chinese politics. I have to write a final 3000 word essay and I have chosen to focus on the impact of Cultural Revolution on contemporary music in China.
I am reading academic papers on the topics of course which has been incredibly helpful but I am wondering if anyone has personal views on the matter?
My theory is the impact today can be felt in the artistic expression (to elaborate - the lifting of censorship post Mao’s death has caused a zest for exploration of a variety of themes and genres, which makes Chinese music culturally rich as it blends influences from all over the world), the themes explored (certainly there is reflection on the experience of living during the cultural revolution, as undoubtedly it was a very impactful event in Chinese history) and finally, the ruling party has taken some inspiration from Mao and still uses music to establish its goals with the population.
I would be grateful if anyone has any examples of how these three things play in practice, particularly contemporary Chinese artists I can examine as evidence.
Thank you!
I'm learning in university and there I learn chinese as my specialty. I'm only hsk1 now cause I've just started learning this September. So there are chinese exchange students, currently not speaking Russian (I'm in Moscow now) and kind of speaking English as i know. I'm excited to make friends of them but I've heard it'd be harder than just making friends cause of their mentality. So what topics do you suggest me to first contact and what problems can i face during it?
Hello, I hope this kind of post is fine here. Mods, feel free to delete it if it is not appropriate for this subreddit.
There is this Chinese model who pops up on my Facebook/Instagram reels constantly. I got kind of obsessed with finding her name. Not only because she is really pretty, but also to find the reason why she constantly appears in my reel feed: is it because of the algorithm, or is she a famous Chinese actress or singer?
Rant / 100% real story.
I worked with a company in Beijing. The boss was like a scripted cartoon character. The entire office was adorned with random American Ivy League Uni insignia. He wears a belt branded with "Yale" on it almost everytime I'd see him. Sometimes a tweed jacket. As you might assume, he did not attend any of these schools. One minute into speaking with him you realize he knows almost nothing about education.
They put on a class teaching topics like Debate, Philosophy, Classical Writing I was to teach. I had high expectations of the students. The parents all expect them to attend a "Top 30 School" a fanaticism I've seen rivaled only by majority-Islam countries. The students arrive and speak broken barely passable English. You're given this teeny bopper "TA." You realize this is an impossible task and instead attempt to give students some elementary passive verb TOEFL worksheet. They go through it constantly probing the TA for help. You find out they're asking for the answers even though it's not graded. Even with this "help" they're given they cannot even get half the answers correct.
You inform the "management" of this and the response is "You can teach or not teach? If cannot teach can find another." You try to tell them it would be like teaching Calculus when the student has no working knowledge of Algebra. They're staring back at you but seem completely unfazed. Lights on, nobody's home. Then basically repeat what they said. Now dumbfounded and shocked, I quit.
Anyone else experience this?
There's a lot of information about the festival but not actually much about how or where to buy tickets. Could anyone provide any further information?
Also, is it best to avoid the opening day?
I know is something like born rich at second generation or something like that but they say is not that simple, they said not all the rich sons are considered fu er dai, just the ones that rely to much on their parents fortune
When my chinese friends mention this kind of people they always start to make jokes or mock them, someone said these people don’t even know how to change a broken light in their room
Do many North Korean defectors live there? Are they full of tourists who want to visit the North Korean border? Is there a lot of North Korean propaganda there?
Hello guys, I'm a foreign student in Suzhou, and I want to plan a trip with my brother to Zhangjiajie in late November. Unfortunately. we will only have 3 and a half days, but we want to see as much as possible in this time frame. I was thinking of travelling first to Zhangjiajie and visit the national forest park for 2 days, as I have heard that it is large with a lot of things to see, and then spend the other day on visiting Furong town (including the traveling time) and from there back to Suzhou. As a student you can guess that I want to save as much as possible, so I'm not planning on booking a tour guide, I want to organise everything by my own, however I'm not familiar with the place. I'm asking for any recommendation that you have, is it 2 days fine for the national forest park? Are there more interesting places that we should visit? Where should we stay? Should we book the tickets in advance? Whatever recommendation or comment you have it's appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if you had any recommendations for master’s programs in China studies/sinology. I have made some research but I wanted your opinion on this matter.
Thank you in advance for your help!
I am writing a novel about a religious system with 15 Goddesses (yes, 15 female Goddesses!), each of whom rules over something specific. If I could get some advice about names or where to find names with similar meanings, it would be greatly appreciated.
The Goddesses rule over:
This is a general discussion thread for any questions or topics that you feel don't deserve their own thread, or just for random thoughts and comments.
The sidebar guidelines apply here too and these threads will be closely moderated, so please keep the discussions civil, and try to keep top-level comments China-related.
Comments containing offensive language terms will be removed without notice or warning.
Though China has not announced anything regarding it officially, it has already been doing it. This is the opposite of the former one child policy, but they're just different phases of the same CCP's family planning policies.
These days more women of their 20s or 30s are getting phone calls from subdistrict office staff, inquiring their last menstrual date. If they already married staff would ask outright if they're prepared for pregnancy, claiming there's free folic acid lately as an incentive.
Looking for recommendations. Thank you :)
I saw an political chinese ad on tiktok i know that that exist but what really floored me was how clearly targeted to a specifik group of people, it talked about how westerners wiev of china was racist (can be true), but used critical news of their government as proof. The language used was so in line with how young "woke" (for lack of a better word) speak that it feelt sligltly creepy. Her whole channel was a defence of the chinese communist party that uses this kind of rethorik. When I look up chinese propaganda i can find lots of sources of people talking about this in general. But not how they target diffrent groups in the western world. Does anybody know if anybody has wrote about how they target diffrent people for their ads?
What are some etiquette I should know? The suppliers are generous - one arranged to pick me up at the airport, one send me back to the airport, and others arranged lunch and dinner.
First time doing business with Chinese. Should I prepare some gifts? What are some other etiquette I should know?