News, analysis, discussion and investigative journalism of the multi-sided conflict in Yemen.
Welcome to /r/YemeniCrisis, the subreddit where you can find news and discussion about the multi-sided conflict in Yemen.
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1) Use common sense. Reddiquette and sitewide rules apply.
2) Keep discussion civil. This means no personal attacks, insults and especially no religious sectarianism, racism or bashing nationalities as a whole, along with otherwise offensive comments.
3) Do not cheer on, joke about or trivialize death or otherwise glorify violence.
4) Do not editorialize or sensationalize headlines. You can slightly change the article's title when submitting as long as it doesn't destroy the purpose it serves and maintains neutrality.
5) Please post from reliable sources. Fake news may be removed, and unconfirmed news flaired. Automoderator will flair some submission sources by their respective bias,
6) This subreddit is intended for news related to the ongoing Yemeni crisis. News from other countries may be posted as long as it is explicitly related to events in Yemen.
7) Sarcastic comments or one-liners that contribute nothing to the discussion will be removed without warning.
8) Do not spam or advertise. Posting original material is fine.
9) It is asked that you consolidate tweets or other postings as to not clog up the feed. Put multiple tweets or stories on the same subject into one thread. Threads may be deleted and asked to be placed in a new one.
Who has coalition troops in Yemen? Looking at the evidence (03/16)
Yemen's 'Peaceful' Transition from Autocracy: Could it have succeeded? (03/16)
Do you think that it is possible to change the situation in Yemen in an 11 days offensive like in Syria ?
#Houthi video shows the Yemeni rebels planted bombs on tanker now threatening Red Sea oil spill