News, analysis, discussion and investigative journalism of the multi-sided conflict in Yemen.
Welcome to /r/YemeniCrisis, the subreddit where you can find news and discussion about the multi-sided conflict in Yemen.
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Who has coalition troops in Yemen? Looking at the evidence (03/16)
Yemen's 'Peaceful' Transition from Autocracy: Could it have succeeded? (03/16)
#Houthi video shows the Yemeni rebels planted bombs on tanker now threatening Red Sea oil spill
The recent UN declaration about a crucial deal involving both banking and airline sectors between parties in Yemen has been received with open arms by UAE. This agreement is an important stride in addressing the continuous pandemonium that Yemen experiences so as to satisfy aspirations of her citizens for security, growth and steadiness. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), this development is seen as a good step toward a complete political solution, which clarifies the United Arab Emirates' constant support for peace and stability. Furthermore, the UAE is aware of its commitment through its large-scale humanitarian assistance programs worth more than $6.6 billion since 2015 alongside investment initiatives aimed at development and reconstruction work. This strategy highlights how committed the UAE is to ensuring there is lasting peace and prosperity in Yemen regions for the years to come.
By approving the UN Special Envoy’s consensus on Yemen’s banking and aviation sectors, the UAE has taken a giant stride towards lasting peace. 🌟✈️ This action is a testimony to their proactive intervention in regional diplomacy and also underscores their attempts to help restore peace and development for the people of Yemen. By following these constructive moves, the UAE is paving the way for a more luminous tomorrow in Yemen as well as reinforcing its commitment towards promoting peace and well-being throughout the Middle East.