Moderators have discretion to remove submissions, comments or users that violate these rules.
Don’t post submissions that are not about news pertaining to the US or its territories. (Consider the subreddit title: ”USANews”.)
Submission titles: Don’t editorialize titles. Stick to the published title as much as possible. Ask what you want or make your point in a comment, not in the submission title. Avoid “clickbait”ish titles. Don’t use a title that does not concisely summarize the submission. (People should be able to know what it is about without clicking on the submission.) DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS IN THE TITLE (even if that's the way it appears as published). NO EMOJIS IN TITLES!
Don’t post highly partisan political news or advocacy posts. [Submissions or comments that ask readers to make a donation, sign a petition, or spread the word about a particular cause are considered advocacy posts, and will be removed by the moderators.]
DON'T SPAM (This includes self-promoting submissions/comments.) Spammers may be banned, even if no prior warning has been given.
No blogspam
Don’t post spammy, unoriginal content
DO NOT SOLICIT DONATIONS FOR ANY CAUSE, POST PETITIONS OR CALL FOR CONCERTED ACTION (These sorts of posts are considered advocacy posts and will be removed. Please down vote and report these posts.)
Don’t post archived articles (or reddit.com [or redd.it] links); use the original source
Don’t post articles that are not true, even if it is “satire” or “humor”. Don't post articles that are “satire” or “humor”.
No subreddit drama. (Don’t post about having something removed from, or being banned from, any subreddit.)
Don’t post unnecessarily rude, antagonistic, ad hominem, or off-topic comments
Comments that detract from meaningful, civil, intelligent discussion (including trolling, name-calling, bigoted and ad hominem comments) will be removed. DON’T TROLL. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. (Attack the message, not the messenger.) Those so commenting may be banned, without prior warning. ”But he/she/whomsoever did it” isn’t an excuse. Rather than responding to such comments, use the report button to report them to the moderators (providing a link).
Don’t bring disputes from another subreddit into this one.
Don’t use gratuitous and/or unnecessary profanity
DO NOT POST ANYTHING WITH (OR SOLICIT) PERSONAL INFORMATION, whether of yourself or others. They will be removed subject to moderator discretion.
DON’T COMPLAIN ABOUT A NEWS SOURCE. (Comments about submission content are fine. Comments like "NY Times/National Review: LOL" will be removed.)
NO DIRECT SUBMISSIONS THAT LINK ONLY TO AN IMAGE OR VIDEO (Imgur, Tinypic, YouTube, i.redd.it, v.redd.it, snapchat.com, etc.). -- Post an article, and submit the image or video as a comment.
Bot-generated comments will be removed and the bot banned.
Other noteworthy subreddits:
Alternative US news subreddits: