
Photograph via snooOG

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MAGA Supports cosplaying as garbage in Peachtree City

15:09 UTC


Housing assistance or programs for homeless 20 y/o?

Hello. Im 20 and female. My family kicked me out at 18 and ive been really struggling. I just got my car totaled from a deer accident a few wks ago and lost my job. Im facing total homelessness and have been couch surfing. Im really scared and I need help. I dont want to sleep on the streets. Im only like 5'5 102lbs... Im rly freaking scared .

If yall know any programs or links to help id love that. tbh i was sheltered my whole life (didnt even know about taxes till i was 19) and i dont know anything about being an adult or finding help. links appreciated

14:20 UTC


Submitted Absentee Application, Haven't Received Ballot, Not Showing In System?

Saw a post similar to this a week ago, maybe ya'll can give me advice?

I applied for my absentee ballot on Oct 19, got a confirmation email saying it was accepted on Oct 20. Felt worried I hadn't received it yesterday, so I called my county's board of elections. Spoke to maybe 6 different people who all told me I'm not in the system and they can't help me. Also checked online and I see no activity about my ballot.

I'm not sure what to do. Is there anyone else I can call? Already spoke to secretary of state's office and they referred me to the local office I already spoke to.

Btw, I don't have the capacity to vote in person, so that is not an option. Thank you for any help you can provide.

14:08 UTC


Georgia Divorce law related to leaving the home? Do I lose a claim to it ?

I’m about to leave my spouse.

We’re both financially independent.

No children.

But what’s the law related to leaving?

Do I give up a claim on the property / home we own?

13:36 UTC


Just give the kids candy

We can't eat this

12:33 UTC


Kingsland GA

Hi I hope it's allowed to ask. I tried to find a Camden county sub, it looks dead (some years since a post)... I'm looking for an unfancy, clean hotel in kingsland or nearby. I see several in the supercheap range, sometimes they get cleaned and other times, yikes. Just trying to avoid the yikes...

06:17 UTC



At this point the world is f'd and America is leading it with how divisive we are. But for those that are voting for Trump how can you support him and this rhetoric with women's health rights. The vases of the moms who have died due to miscarriages is heartbreaking when it could have been prevented. I thought as a healthcare provider you took an oath to give your patient the best care possible. I would just have to loose my job as a doctor if I have a woman about to die it I don't do a dnc. Now there's no baby no mom and a family forever destroyed. Seriously wtf do the supporters of this not get. I'm not a supporters of either side other than the American side. Both parties have issues. But this one has my blood boiling. I have had to have a dnc because of a miscarriage of a baby that was wanted. I didn't harm my child, we were ready to start preparing and unfortunately nature took its course. If I didn't get a dnc I would have had an infection and passed away. Why can't those in favor of the ban not register that these babies are wanted and loved. But the mothers life matters. Every person I know or met that supports Trumps rhetoric on abortions say the same thing every baby deserves a chance at life. Then why the hell are they not adopting these kids in foster care? Why are they not paying the therapy bill for those mothers that were raped and forced to carry that child. To me it's simple of you are pro that then you need to financially contribute to the life long problems associated with it. That's all just needed to rant. I hope Georgia can somehow change that law and allow mothers the care they need so that they don't die and leave a child without a mother. Or at almost change it so that the baby and mom both don't die.

03:31 UTC


Ok, these “HEY PERSON VOTE” text messages are officially out of hand

It’s just shy of 11 PM and I’m getting blown up by get out and vote texts from every single number in the phone book

Of course they all promise to stop texting me if I reply STOP

Problem is… they are like Hydra. Cut off one head and two more will rise to take its place

I’ve started getting text messages for my wife now even. I’d rather have the “we’ve been trying to reach you about your car insurance” scammers back at this point

This has got to be illegal it’s not borderline harassment, it’s practically stalking at this point!

02:57 UTC


Georgia health care

I am a low-income person and I'm very concerned about the changes that are coming. I see doctors on a semi regular basis and receive decent care through the marketplace. Can someone explain what is about to happen with the Georgia access plan? 🤔 Thanks in advance.

01:11 UTC


Trick or Treat - RPB&J

Reese's PB&J

Happy Halloween!

00:11 UTC


Thursday's early vote update!

00:03 UTC


Trick or Treaters Costumes

I live in a relatively Indian immigrant neighborhood. Enough kids have come by that the candy bowl is running low, but I can count on my hand how many were in costume. Is there something preventing them from dressing up on literally Halloween? They still expect candy even though they're not in costume. most of them are old enough that they know you dress up on Halloween (elementary to middle school age).

23:40 UTC


Are there any places that will buy electronics?

Trying to sale my MacBook Pro 14 inch 18gb 512ssd I think I am considering a pawn shop at this point….what good ones in GA?

23:35 UTC


Where to buy white dirt in Atlanta, Ga?

22:55 UTC


[OC] If this election's first-time voters vote at rates of young people in the previous election, they could eclipse 2020 margins of victory in key states, including Georgia.

22:50 UTC


I did part! Later, I shall partake!

20:30 UTC


Polling of people who have voted

Gotta pump those numbers up!

19:22 UTC


How's this election feel compared to 2020?

I didn't live in Georgia in 2020 when Biden won. How's it feel in Georgia during this 2024 election season compared to the 2020 election? I live in Atlanta (ITP) and I've seen literally hundreds, potentially over a thousand Harris signs and 1 Trump sign. I know ATL is a heavily liberal city, so that's not super surprising -- but not sure if it was the same in 2020 or not. The urgency to go vote also seems very high. But I have nothing to compare it with. I came from a non-swing state, so this is all new to me. Curious if y'all feel like this is on par with 2020's enthusiasm -- or lagging behind?

19:12 UTC



Saw this during my commute home , on Clifton Rd! He’s definitely got my vote!

Timmy 2024!!! Make America purr again! 🇺🇸🐱

18:39 UTC


In Georgia what do you feel like is a good hourly wage to live off of?

Please specify if you believe this wage is for in Atlanta or outside.

I’m not asking what should the minimum wage be. I’m talking about if you wanted to raise a small family how much would you need to make per hour in your opinion to be comfortable

16:38 UTC


Early voting thru November 1

Early voting is thru November 1. Please go vote either in early voting or November 5.

16:20 UTC


On Georgia, we vote on paper ballots

Sending this out because of the crappy lies that are out there saying digital machines change your vote. In Georgia, our votes are on paper ballots.

You start at the ballot marking device. This is the touchscreen that allows you to mark your paper ballot. Like any touchscreen, sometimes it will misread a touch. That's why you need to review your ballot after it has printed. If it's not right, alert a poll official and the poll manager will spoil your ballot and give you a new one.

All that touchscreen machine does is mark your paper ballot. Period. It cannot purposely change votes. It does not cast your vote. It only marks your ballot as you tell it to.

From there, all votes go into the scanner. The scanner simply scans and counts ballots. It is incapable of changing votes, because your vote is printed on paper.

America has the fairest elections in the world. Deal with it.

14:43 UTC


Family activities

Are there any free activities or low cost events going on in Georgia over the next couple of months?

When you google nothing free pops up. I don't mind donating or even paying a little. But the prices of a lot of these places are getting out of hand. I'm tire dof paying parking fees for events that already charge a lot. We went to a BBQ/blues fest recently $15 parking, $25 per adult to get in, $10 per child, 1and under was free. Then the food sold was a minimum $30 for a plate. A cup of fries $16!!!!! I'm all for making money as a small business or up and coming but come on..... there was a time stone mountain didn't charge to walk in and go buy stuff at the shops and walk around that's gone. Last year we went to Callaway gardens for the Christmas lights that was really underwhelming. Like is there nothing in the state that won't cost a fortune and is actually fun!!!! I do like the German Christmas thing downtown that was worth it.

14:39 UTC

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