
Photograph via snooOG

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    And finally, GO DAWGS!


    30,907 Subscribers


    Metal Club Interest?

    Title speaks for itself. I’ve noticed metalheads are few and far between on campus so i’m thinking of starting a club so we can get together and discuss our favorite music. Group trips to concerts, debates about albums/artists, listening parties, etc.

    Would you be interested?

    23:09 UTC


    Outlets across campus

    It seems a lot of buildings that have designated study/work spaces (SLC, science library, main library) have a massive lack of outlets. I don't understand why this is. The graduate reading room has 3 big tables and not a single outlet accessible. It's such a struggle to find a seat near an outlet in a lot of buildings. Is there no way to have tables that have outlets, or run some power strips here?

    20:10 UTC


    Is it possible to still attend a career fair without prior registration?

    17:44 UTC


    Shopping Habits Story

    Hello! I am doing a news story for a reporting class here at Grady. The story is about ways students can buy clothes at an affordable cost. I need information about student shopping habits for this story. If you are a UGA student, please fill this out! It should take about 2 minutes. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc--9wp6hPptTCTu099JtnEzUuyTlmCLVyaaD3m15HR_4la7Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

    16:11 UTC


    living near campus

    any recommendations for housing near campus? im transferring in the spring and have no clue about living situations in athens..

    05:29 UTC


    Switch to financial math

    I’m a current finance major and am honestly considering switching to financial math , how hard is that major and would it be viable to make that switch when I’m a sophomore and the highest math I have takes is basic stat and pre cal?

    04:53 UTC


    Who needs encouragement as a student? Interaction today at Bolton has stayed with me.

    My husband and I are both UGA grads, but we don't get back to campus when school is in session often. While my husband spent the afternoon at the career fair, my youngest son and I hung out in the commons area at Bolton. We spent about an hour and half there. During that time, there was a guy dressed like he had been to the career fair, but was following it up with a long nap. He woke up as we were leaving and I asked him how the fair had been for him. He hung his head and said he hadn't gone. I felt bad, so I quickly assured him that he might have just ended up waiting in line after line. I wish that I had thought to offer him a ride up to the fair for the tail end, as I was going to pick up my husband. Even my 14 year old said he looked discouraged. If that student reads this, just know that a mom of two boys saw your stress and wished that it was okay to hug a stranger and tell them that everything is going to work out.

    I'm not on Reddit alot, but if anyone is feeling disconnected, stressed, lonely, etc, post here and I will pop in to encourage you and I hope others will do the same. College is a great experience, but it can be a hard experience at the same time.

    03:16 UTC


    Best features available to newly grads?

    Hey guys! I recently discovered that I have enough credits to graduate early this year. I’m on the pre med track but won’t be applying this cycle. What resources are we able to keep using after graduation and are there any ones you would recommend specifically to a premedical student?

    02:13 UTC


    When does the physics building open in the mornings?

    01:04 UTC


    Gift for Professor

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but I wanted to send an e-gift card to my professor’s email to thank them for writing a letter of rec for me. I’ve already taken their class. Just wanted to make sure that there wasn’t any UGA policy I wasn’t aware of. Couldn’t find anything but wanted to be sure

    22:34 UTC


    Career fair as an alum

    Does anyone have experience going to the career fairs as an alum? I graduated this past spring but am thinking about going to the engineering/cs career fair tomorrow. I know as a student you use your student ID to get in, does anyone know if theres a separate place for alumni to check in? Is it weird to go as an alum?

    21:25 UTC


    My biggest regret is that I didn’t go to UGA. Can someone tell me your favorite memory so I can try to imagine what things would’ve been like?

    It’s been 4 years since I’ve graduated high school and still haven’t gone to college and didn’t apply myself in highschool like I should have and now I just regret it all :/

    19:43 UTC


    Anyone know what happened in the physics building?

    Picture is bad but I saw a cop and a few EMTs

    14:07 UTC


    We got one of these wackos today.

    13:48 UTC


    Dim Study Spots?

    Are there any study spots on campus that don't have bright big overhead lights in them? Maybe rooms or spaces with lamps or just dimmer lights?

    00:32 UTC


    Apartment Recs??

    Drop your apartment recommendations/reviews so I can have a nice place to live next year😃 places that accommodate 3-5 people.

    21:21 UTC


    Roommate Just Moved Out. What now?

    My roommate just moved out of my dorm. It's an apartment-style 2 bedroom and one-bath dorm in ECV. Do I get the whole place to myself or will housing assign me a new roommate?

    21:15 UTC


    Printing resume for career fair

    Does anyone know how to print out resume paper? I heard it’s on 3rd floor of Tate but have no idea how it works

    19:14 UTC


    Terry school majors who studied abroad - WHat classes did you take towards your major?

    Terry school majors, who did study abroad: What year did you go (Sophomore, Junior, Senior?) Did you get enough classes for your major that away semester or did it set your graduation back?

    18:39 UTC


    Flowers around campus

    Does anyone know what those flowers I keep smelling around campus are? They smell amazing 😭

    02:11 UTC


    Switch major to Finance?

    I’m currently a freshman doing intended business management on a pre dental track and realized I no longer want to do pre dental. The thing is, I don’t want to just have a management degree. I was thinking of switching to finance, and was wondering what it was like, difficulty wise and also just your experiences. I’m willing to do a hard major, I’m just not interested in science and can’t really go through the rest of college taking general science classes for pre dent. I think finance seems intimidating but I’d be willing to put in the work since it seems interesting. I know it’s more math heavy and im not a math genius, but I can manage to do math wayyyy better than chem (or any science for that matter) lol. Plus I exempted out of pre calc so I’m pretty sure I won’t need to take a math course. thoughts??

    00:55 UTC


    Dropping out?

    TLDR: I'm lowkely miserable and not sure what to do. I felt like writing my thoughts down and maybe am hoping for a new perspective/ someone to tell me to shut up.

    Sorry in advance for this ramble/rant but idrk what to think or do. I’m a fourth year (absolutely NOT a senior) engineering student. I switched majors and then flunked/withdrew from classes in the degree a few times. Calc 2 took 3 tries on it's own. So I’m far behind. Like I’m in classes with mostly sophomores and juniors. My one engineering friend is in a similar boat to me, but he completed a minor and had multiple huge internships and hasn't flunked. I’ve done absolutely nothing.

    I did zero research on colleges in high school. My senior year was the year after that virus and I was pretty braindead. I applied to "sensible" schools and opted for UGA because it was in state and convenient. I only got in because tests were optional. Then i swapped to engineering because it seemed stable. But what good is any of that if I can't make it through the program and am spiraling out of control. I suck at math, and have always had a better aptitude for language or history based classes but I thought I wouldn't be taken seriously if I got one of those degrees. I've seriously been considering dropping out, at least temporarily, and rethinking what I want for myself. But I keep feeling pressured by the modern "career" rhetoric to build a resume and network and use linkedin and stuff. I also don't want to dissapoint my parents, since they have basically payed for everything Hope hasn't, and I feel like dropping out would be insulting to them and I don't want them to feel like I've been wasting their time and money. (I have)

    I’ve tried joining clubs and they never seem to stick and I can never manage to fit in how I feel like I'd like to. Especially in freshman/sophomore year. Like anything from bird watching to the radio station or nerdy stuff like videogame/anime clubs. Engineering ones too, but I always feel so stupid compared to these prodigies who are super involved with everything. The imposter syndrome is crazy. Theres only one club that sort of stuck that I’m in now, but most of my friends graduated and it feels like the others in it look at me like some sort of alien. So I’ve stopped going to that too. I went to a really small high school so I'm a bit of a case when it comes to social stuff. Super bad at keeping new friends around/interested in me. I feel like I've watched way to much tv and over-romanticized college. IDK what I expected being an engineering major. Despite all of that I am a completely different person from when I entered college, and wish i could do things over with what I think I know now.

    Most days it’s all I can do to submit the homework for these 3 measly classes I’m taking. But even though I’m out of class by 2 at the latest, I’m sitting at my desk until midnight bouncing between different apps on my phone and driving myself crazy procrastinating because I don’t know how to do any of the problems. I'm not talented and don't have any hobbies I'm good at or passionate about. I read a ton of comic books and play videogames to forget that I'm a huge loser.

    I've never felt like this before. I coasted through high school, and have never really seriously considered my mental health before but right now I feel horrible. I've been pushing people away and just rotting in my apartment. On one hand I feel like I shoudl just keep buckling down and get through it, but if that's what I've sort of always done, will I ever feel any different?

    If anyone has any insight or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. I would also appreciate a kick in the ass and someone telling me to take a long walk off a short pier. I'm gonna go to sleep after posting this so I can wake up to stare at the wall in my 8 am later this morning.

    04:09 UTC


    Band looking for drummer

    Hii! Me (on bass) and a guitarist are starting a grunge/70s rock band and we’re looking for a drummer! Preferably a UGA student and located in the greater Athens area, if you’re interested lmk!

    00:37 UTC


    looking for someone part of the athens music scene

    hi!! im currently a journalism student covering local music and im looking to interview possibly an employee of one of the music venues downtown- someone who is pretty passionate about the music scene of course! or honestly, anyone who is part of the music scene in general would be fine lol (ex. band, venue or store owner, etc)

    if you are or know anyone who would be interested that would be a big help!

    thank you!

    23:30 UTC


    what were your stats when applying for terry?

    what were your sat (or ets scores) and grades in the introductory courses? super anxious about applying:,)

    edit: i made b’s in micro & macroeconomics. a’s in precalc & businesses administration. currently taking accounting and legal environments of business. i’m planning on taking the ETS too and majoring in marketing. (if not marketing then i might put management or risk management as second)

    23:01 UTC


    Mentor Not Responding

    Hello everyone, I have had an issue with my mentor that I "matched" with earlier last month. I applied for a mentor during the 1st week of school and received a answer back within 2 days. In my mentor's response, they stated that they were looking forward to meeting me and said I should schedule a time through the mentor website. I promptly responded back and proposed a time through the website. A week goes by and no response. Since then I have sent 2 follow up messages and emails to no avail. Although I am sure it can be difficult to make time/things may have come up in life, is it relatively common for a mentor to just completely ghost their mentee? Furthermore, does anyone have experience with the mentor program and if so how did it help (if it did)?

    21:45 UTC


    Late Add of 1 credit hour/ looking for 1 cred filler course

    Has anyone ever added a class, a 1-hour filler course late in the semester?
    If so, which ones?

    I'm taking 21 credit-hours this semester and working two jobs.. I realize now, one month in, that I signed up for way too much and there's just not enough time for me to complete projects/assignments/study in a quality way while cramming such a large workload.

    I'm taking 14 hours at UGA and 7 hours online as a transient student. I need to drop one of the classes here (it's 3 credit-hours) that I don't necessarily need to take this semester while keeping the others which are prereqs for next semester's courseload.

    I need to add 1 course, 1 credit-hour, so that I can maintain full-time status here: something that doesn't require much of me (I know there are some 1-hour courses that require an insane amount of effort- more than what they should. I don't need that, lol.)

    If anyone has intel, fire away please.

    1 Comment
    17:52 UTC


    How does it take to send out grad admit decision


    I've applied for MS CS (non-thesis) for the Spring 2025 intake (franklin college) and submitted all documents on August 31 as an international applicant. The deadline is October 15th. Can someone help estimate how long it might take to receive an admission decision?

    16:19 UTC

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