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Be You [Image]

12:35 UTC


[Video] Just 2 Weeks Post-Car Accident Where He Lost His Leg, 22 Hours After Hittin' the Hospital, Pro Athlete Takes His First Run

11:26 UTC


Authentically Unstoppable [image]

1 Comment
01:06 UTC


[Discussion] Motivational podcasts tio kick-start the day ?

Hey everyone! Are there any podcasts you enjoy listening to in the morning that help motivate and push you to kick start the day?

A few years ago, I was feeling a bit down and going through a lazy phase. A friend introduced me to the Tony Robbins app, and it really helped me get back on track. It motivated me to hit the gym almost daily and really seize the day and control of my life. Maybe having someone shout in my ear had that effect!! Haha

Do you have any recommendations for podcasts or audio content that are motivating and energizing? Looking for something to boost my morning commute.

Thanks !!

00:26 UTC


[Discussion] How to motivate yourself?

Hi together,

how do you motivate yourself to do things? The most common hint I got is to reward yourself with something you always want to do or you want to buy. But really? I buy or do it anyway if I want it. Don't know how people really get that as a motivation point. Do you maybe have some ideas of how to bring you into the mood to do the stuff which is needed to reach your goals or to do stupid day to day tasks? :) I really want to but don't know how to motivate myself. So thanks upfront for any kind of solution.

22:16 UTC


[image] The best things in life don’t always need the acknowledgment of men

16:43 UTC


[Discussion] Is there any way to fix your life in your 30s?

My options right now seem very grim. I'm currently unemployed but finishing a possible bachelor's in Human Resources. I'm not sure if I like it that much. I use a lot of chat gpt for some stuff even though im attempting to do things more on my own but I just feel lost.

I currently have no friends and feel like I'm not an easy person to get along with... I don't really know what to do anymore. I want to discover who I am and what I want out of life but can't seem to know where to start...

16:37 UTC


Tough It Out [Image]

13:28 UTC


[Discussion] What sets your soul on fire??🔥

Genuinely curious, I’m asking people of all ages/genders/races. Outside of the every day responsibilities, 9-5’s and 40+ hour work weeks, what are you guys passionate about? What motivates you, makes you fulfilled, and gives you something to look forward to in life?

13:19 UTC


Struggling to stay motivated to go to gym [Discussion]

20F, I go to the gym 5 days a week (well closer to 4, sometimes 3, i have started skipping a bit). I saw improvements when I first started but I don't really improve much anymore. I just do it out of habit. I want to enjoy it again and see improvements. It is starting to feel like a waste of time, and it is like I'm only still going out of fear of losing my progress. I have been going for more than a year, I could keep forcing myself to go but I don't think that alone will fix my problem and I don't really want to hate myself everytime I go.

I have tried changing up my routines a bit and that sort of works a bit but progress doesn't last long, l'Il figure out how to do the new exercise and then stay on the same weights forever.

I have recently increased the amount of food I eat and increased protein. to be honest, l'm pretty underweight. I'd like to gain muscle weight but not fat. I'm planning on eating more in general including enough protein for muscle building and gaining a few kgs. I have felt fine past few days but I have felt a bit physically weak while at work (physical job) which is why I am trying to gain bit of weight. I'm 5'2 and 39.8 kgs.

Should I completely change my routine? Would it be better to work out less for more rest?

I start to feel bad about myself when I struggle working out, I think I'm wasting my time. then when I skip a day I feel like I'm 'undisciplined' and 'lazy'. I don't really win either way. I'd like to make some progress and enjoy it again.

Sorry if this is worded badly it's really late at night and I'm tired, please ask questions if needed. I prob left out some details but too tired to think

10:46 UTC


[Image] Take the step! Take action even if you are unsure how it will go, just go for it!

07:00 UTC


Self-reliance: The secret sauce [image]

01:13 UTC


This too shall pass [image]

I was in Bolivia in 2019 when the presidential elections took a turn for the worst and the nation erupted into chaos. Protesters passed by my window every night and I could hear distant echos of dynamite throughout the late hours. We were put into a lockdown before COVID-19 took center stage a few months later...leading to many more months of lockdown.

To say that was a scary year is an understatement. Being stuck in a foreign country during a political upheaval followed by months of COVID lockdowns was less than ideal, but through it all, I just meditated on four words: "This too shall pass."

This phrase gets thrown around a lot, I know. But it really helps me see that in the grand scheme of things, every moment is going to pass and no situation (no matter how good or how bad) is here to stay forever.

I hope this brings encouragement to you if you're going through some hard times at the moment. Keep pushing through, one day at a time. Things will get better.

23:02 UTC


Changing [Discussion]

Hello everyone. I (F28) have come to a point where I’ve mentally and physically have become tired of the routine of going out every weekend. Ive had the same friend group for a few years now and they are great but its the same thing every week. Work all week 9-5 and then blow it away going out and drinking. I have some things Ive been wanting to work on including school and saving to move. These goals would have to be done on the weekend ofcourse. For some reason I almost find it shameful to say no to stay in and do what I should. Almost like I will be forgotten about. I know it sounds pathetic but I really want to change this feeling and be ok with being by myself. Its almost like Im scared of being alone. I also just went through a breakup 2 months ago and I left him. For some reason this year I have felt very different about life in general unintentionally. I wonder if this is common for people in their late 20’s. Has anyone else went through the same thing? Anyone here that rarely goes out and finds peace in it?

20:36 UTC


[discussion] What advice helped you develop and maintain resilience/grit?

What helped you develop grit/resilience?

21:45 UTC


Having a support network is a great way to get/stay motivated [Discussion]

I’ve used various support groups to help me get motivated to quit bad habits. Having friends helps too. These days we can be pretty isolated. Do you have trouble finding support groups to get motivated? For example I’m trying to get to the gym more and I made a friend on Reddit I talk with frequently, and it’s great sharing struggles and achievements. I want to make many more friends so I have to put myself out there.

Coaching is a scam. They take thousands of dollars from you for things good friends can do for free.

What’s your story? Tough finding friends or support groups? One thing I find challenging with big support groups is getting to know people individually, without real connections it just doesn’t work well. I have a lot of experiences I unfortunately can’t share here.

17:59 UTC


[Image] Stop waiting for the "right time" and take a shot.

17:37 UTC


Why I stopped fighting urges [26M] [DISCUSSION]

This might be an unpopular thought, but spending all your willpower fighting urges is making things harder for yourself in the long run.

I realised it’s like managing a paycheck. You only have so much money each month, we save X money for Rent, Y money for bills and Z money for food, because we understand once the money is spent we can't get it back.

But with willpower, we believe we can be superheroes and tap into an unlimited supply - resisting urges, suppressing negative emotion, going to the gym, cooking healthy meals, all at once. But willpower is finite, just like money. If you spend it all resisting urges, there’s none left for positive changes that make your life better.

I’ve been watching p*rn since I was about 11, and over time, it escalated - from bras, to lingerie, to naked girls, to 2 hardcore videos on separate screens. Vulnerability is the opposite of shame and I made sure absolutely no one knew the extent of my problem. I tried to rely on willpower for years, every time I’d get the urge, I’d fight it, but it would always come back stronger. It became a tiring, endless cycle. I made progress, cutting down how much I watched, but eventually, I hit a wall - I was stuck.

Until I had an idea to change strategies, instead of spending all my willpower on resisting the urge, why not accept it when it happens and use my willpower on positive things? So, when I got the urge, I let it happen without beating myself up. And weirdly enough, it gave me some peace it was immediately noticeable that the emotional pull had weakened. The urges still came, but without that heavy emotional drag that kept me stuck, so refraining was way, way easier.

Don’t waste all your energy fighting something when you could be building good habits instead. Focus your willpower on things that improve your life - going to the gym, learning new skills, or eating better.

The key to a fulfilling life is not just avoiding bad habits but actively pursuing the good ones.

16:24 UTC


The best investment is always in yourself [image]

15:39 UTC


My Brother and I Have Been Sending Each Other Daily Challenges for a Year, and Now We’re Sharing Them with Friends and Family[discussion]

About a year ago, my brother and I started a little experiment to push each other out of our comfort zones. Every day, we send each other a challenge that the other person has to complete, no excuses. These aren’t crazy stunts or anything, just simple things that can shake up our routine or improve our lives in small ways.

For example:

•	Strike up a conversation with a stranger.
•	Go for a 30-minute walk without your phone.
•	Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.
•	Try a food you’ve never eaten before.

We’ve been doing it consistently, and it’s been such a cool experience! Honestly, it’s one of the things we look forward to most each day. We’ve seen ourselves grow—both mentally and physically—and it’s helped us stay accountable and have a little fun at the same time.

Recently, we started sending these challenges to a few friends and family members, and they’ve been loving it too. It’s awesome to see how a tiny challenge can spark something bigger in someone’s day.

Has anyone else done something like this?

14:19 UTC


[Image] Grow Through Challenges

11:19 UTC


[text]Sometimes you have to make a decision that breaks your heart, but gives you peace.

Oftentimes the best decisions are the ones that hurt the hardest. But make them anyway. I’d rather it break your heart than break your soul for a lifetime. It’s inevitable- we’re all going to be hurt a lot of times anyway but choose the ones that will give you peace.

10:45 UTC


The parable of the frog teaches us a power lesson about a trap that we fall into that prevents us from achieving our goals [TEXT]

This parable taught me a valuable lesson about a common mistake most of us make. I can't stop thinking about it.

Here is how the parable goes; when a frog is placed in a pan of boiling water, it quickly jumps out.

However, when a frog is placed in cold water, and the temperature is gradually raised, the frog stays in the water until it dies.

One lesson we can draw from this is that we tend to underestimate the effects of small, continuous actions or habits over the long term. In the frog’s case, it was slowly boiled to death because the change in temperature was gradual and hard to notice.

We experience similar situations in our own lives.

There are things that slowly harm us without us realizing it, and we should pay attention to these things.

Here's an example you might relate to—and being aware of this has saved me countless hours and made me more productive:

On days when I need to complete tasks that are important but not urgent, like starting a project that will take days to complete, spending four hours scrolling on social media would be an obvious waste of time, and I would avoid it.

However, I would think that checking social media for just a few minutes throughout the day is harmless and will not waste my time.

But when I check my screen time statistics, all those short sessions can add up to more than four hours, without me realizing I had wasted that much time.

Lesson: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that small actions won’t do any harm when done in short bursts. Tiny, consistent actions compound and have noticeable effects in the long term.

James Clear, best selling author of Atomic Habits said something profound that could change how you think about progress:

"If you get 1% better each day for a year, you'll end up 37 times better," James Clear writes.

On the other hand, "if you get 1% worse each day, that would compound to nearly zero progress by the end of the year," he continues.

Be mindful of the small, continuous actions you take, and think about them in both positive and negative terms.

Consider whether they will affect you positively or negatively in the long run.

21:19 UTC


[Tool] I was having a tough time, so I spent some time building something to help me refocus and find motivation again.

The site will provide new uplifting messages each time u visit. I am happy to hear your feedback. healmyheart.online

18:07 UTC


Eat fruits and vegetables as if your life depended on it - because it does [image]

16:20 UTC


Growing pains [image]

Look at challenges as a chance for growth, rather than crippling obstacles that hold you back.

16:08 UTC


[Video] Professional soccer player Miguel Ponce discusses his incredible journey from modest origins in Tijuana to participating on a global scale, including the 2014 World Cup

14:59 UTC


[Image] Learning and Growing Each Day

14:12 UTC

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