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How do you do things because YOU want to do it and not for ANYONE else? [Discussion]

I find myself doing things for the sake of other people or how they perceive me.

Such as recently I wanted to start a YouTube channel comprising some computer programming videos. I love art and I play the guitar, I always wanted to have a YouTube channel about me. But I see myself restricting myself desiring to upload stuff like music, and art and I overthink vlogs. Like I just wanna vlog have a nice day and not think about how others perceive me. I just want to be natural because it is MY YouTube channel and it is not meant for anyone else.

Similarly, this happened in other places as well, I suffer from ADD which generally makes it hard to socialize or make friends and I've suffered making intimate connections since birth because of weird interests, inability to hold a short convo etc. So now I just reflect on what the other person says or does and I pick up stuff which is solely a display piece to lure others to talk with me and I'm so sick of it. I have a thing for only letting close people follow me on Instagram and seems like that's not a norm and is generally frowned upon??? wtf, what am I supposed to do?

I never got into makeup until recently when some girl commented on how I have potential and that I'm ruining it by not doing anything like dressing up or applying makeup-- this hurt me as I was perceived as ugly and stuff and now I'm super self cautious and I worked my way up to learning makeup and hair and I still feel bad I do it for others and not for myself, don't get me wrong I like aesthetics and there are times I do it for myself at 2 am and feel good about it, but I dislike that I HAVE to do it to feel good in my skin when I leave my house.

I hate that half of my social media presence is influenced by other people.

I just want to learn to accept myself and learn to live in solace as well as do stuff which only interests me and stop trying to link everything I do to others.

06:44 UTC


[Discussion] Danny Thomas: "Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others." If I follow the quote, success is all about what we do for others, then what's the use of pacing yourself so hard?

I read this quote this morning, and since then, I have been pondering: If success is all about others and not yourself, why should I bother and be worried about it so much?

06:02 UTC


[Article] Self Love....beyond Self care

When your love for yourself (not being selfish/self-centered) is 100%, you will



  1. never choose anything that's harmful to your well-being...even thoughts!

  2. you will stop 'judging' yourself!

  3. you will try and 'understand' yourself for who you are

  4. you 'accept' yourself, inclusive of all your mistakes, failures, actions/reaction....without judging self!

  5. you don't hesitate to 'forgive' yourself!

  6. you don't think twice to say 'it's ok...let it go'!

  7. you choose 'happiness' above anything else!

  8. you choose people who can add value to your life!

  9. you don't 'judge' others!

  10. you are 'compassionate' towards yourself!

  11. you choose 'Growth' in all aspects of your life!

  12. you are ready to cut-off from 'toxic' relationships in your life!

  13. you 'stand up' for self!

  14. you respect yourself for who you are!

  15. you won't hesitate from investing in your personal growth!

  16. you stop expecting to be praised, acknowledged, appreciated!

  17. you stop blaming yourself, feeling guilty and regretting for past!

  18. you become your 'cheer leader'!

  19. you choose to act than react!

  20. you free yourself from the past baggage to embrace new beginnings!

& more....!!

Self-Love - though it may appear 'overrated' or as a 'cliche' for some, without it, it's nearly impossible to move out of our past and face life without guilt, blame & regret!

Self-love is beyond self-care. Learn to love yourself for who you are....bcos only then you can change what is bothering you in your own personality.

Love & Light to you!

03:58 UTC


[DISCUSSION] Struggling to be confident/motivated for baseball tryouts.

Tryouts in 3 weeks feeling stressed

I’m jumping from house league to U16 AA (if I make the team) I’ve started playing baseball about 6-7 months ago. I’m feeling like I won’t make it, but a part of me thinks I will. I’m putting in the work every time I get to hit better, it’s correlated well into my game. I’m just super stressed that I may mess up, may get injured, etc. How do I maintain confidence when I know that almost all if not all of the other kids going to tryouts played their whole lives while me a random kid who started 6 months ago make it in the team while they didn’t. I’m not sure if I should go for it, a part of me wants to take the leap of faith, what could go wrong? I’ve already emailed the coach that I will tryout, I’m obligated to tryout now. I don’t know what to do. Sorry if I’m rambling, I don’t know where to post this. Advice help combat the stress and anxiety will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

02:58 UTC


[Discussion]How do I stop being lazy after accomplishing one task?

Pretty much the title. I have observed myself to relax and basically get lazy after completing one task. For example, I wake up on a weekend with a clear vision of what I am going to do and sometimes I have a created to do list. But as soon as I check one thing off of the list, I feel lazy and demotivated. Anyone relates? Anybody got a solution?

00:12 UTC


I’m an addict [discussion]

I need help - I’m an addict

I need help - I’m an addict

Hi everyone. Iv always struggled with addiction - typically I get off one thing by using another and the cycle just continues

Recently, Iv been in a really really really dark place - and unfortunately I have been using Opiates as a way to escape. Pressed M30’s to be exact.

I have been using on avg 2-4 pills a day (smoked) for about 2 months maybe 2.5 idk anymore….

Luckily it hasn’t caused any issues at work, I still get my shit done, I more or less can get through the day, but once I’m alone at home I use.

I’m utterly disgusted with my self - I want to be normal. But I’m terrified of withdrawl. Like truly terrified - the stories I read keep me from making the jump, but I know it’s somthing I need to do.

But the problem I’m facing is I can’t not work for 2-3 months trying to get clean. I can take off a week, hell maybe even two but a long period of time and I’ll likely lose my career and I’m on track to become VP which would change my life dramatically.

So tell me everyone, how screwed am I? Did I screw my life up to the point of no return? I’m battling with my mind and almost at a point of saying fuck it, I’ll just use for life or until I die to avoid losing everything Iv worked for.

I need advise. I have no family - everyone is dead.

I need help :(

23:42 UTC


[Image] When balance is on point ,work and life are the same ,so why not call your job just your favourite hobby ?

Above everything all that is nedded in life is Balance

07:51 UTC


[Discussion] What is the one thing you learned from your father you are the most proud of?

In my early childhood, my father told me, "We talk to each other eye to eye. Don't do anything that will make you shy away from talking eye to eye." It's the most important thing I learned from my father, and it makes me the most proud of.

What's your?

06:56 UTC


Mindfulness, creativity and habits – How to excel at everything you do[Discussion]

Believe it or not you are an artist, even you don’t paint, sing, compose or dance, the way you live your life is a form of art itself

Society has told us to cram so much information daily, to make sense of everything we are observing and to make connections within them that sometimes we forget about the raw beauty of daily processes and events.

We generally receive some information from the Source- it can anything, a conversation a sunset or a reading a newspaper or even observing traffic, and then we proceed to link it with the information that is already there in our mind, this process forms an opinion about the world we perceive, we take some information inside or leave it outside depending on our filter that we set.

Artists don’t have this filter, they don’t think that if a bird is flying then it must be searching for food or it must be running away from a predator or a million other things, they remain in an abstract state of mind, they observe processes without any judgement, without any filter – this is what sparks their creativity

To improve our habit of viewing with such a perspective we should include such practices in our daily schedule, what I personally do is stated below

  1. When I wake up, I take three deep breaths, observe my state of mind, Am I tired? Am I full of energy? Is my body feeling good? This is generally for around 2-3 mins just out of bed

  2. I try to eat my food by observing it, slowly chewing each bite, fully relishing each bite that I’m taking

  3. Sometimes when I’m sitting in a park, I just observe the grass, feel the sun or watch the birds

The motive is to build a muscle in our psyche to tune into and out whenever we want, on any task on any case

If you do this everyday, my friend, you’re basically meditating, observing your thoughts and the world without interfering with them, this is mindfulness in a nutshell

If you want a detailed schedule for my mindfulness practice do let me know, I have a free 7 week program in my bio

20:49 UTC


[Discussion] What is your experience with self help gurus & personal development coaches? Have they help you improve your life or are they all grifters? Any You Would Recommend?

Have you worked with a personal development coach & has it been worth it? If so, which one? Think Tony Robins, Grant Cardone, Patrick Bet-David, Bedros Keuilian, and every Instagram influencer that has 'apply to work 1on1 with me'.

16:02 UTC


I know my problems, and understand the root cause, but i dont know what actions to take to change/work on myself , any help? [Text]

Here are my problems, i depend my self worth on everything external. And im tired of being a people pleaser and still not a single person caring about me.

Perhaps the biggest problem is basing self worth and self esteem on the amount of reactions i get from others, and most of the time no reactions which leave me feeling worthless and empty, like an approval addict. I know even if others cared about me it would be a temporary gratification and i would still feel the same, i know i need to take action to gain self approval i just dont know what.

Low self esteem because of repeating negative self beliefs about myself "no one cares about me, no one likes me, im not worthy or good enough" ,

low confidence no reinforcing boundaries

barely any humor because i take things personally or way too seriously thinking "my self worth is tied to this external factor

bad social skills and communication because too worried about seeking approval and validation instead of having a conversation where am genuinely interested which i dont know how or how to have a fun conversation and not bore others to death

have one outside hobby and its soccer but haven't played in 2 months

depending on porn to get temporary gratification and distraction from problems

no true interest in others just want to use them as a vehicle to fill a void or to feel good about myself or use them as a source for self esteem, even though idk how to be truly interested or how to care about others.

Fear of rejection and abandonment because these "reinforce" the idea that i will be forever be alone and no one cares about me or loves me and that i have nothing to offer or that im not "interesting or cool or funny" ,therefore i act desperate and needy to not be alone which is a turn off for most people

Being judgmental and harsh to myself and repeating negative self beliefs and these internal thoughts become the external behaviors of mine and its a turn off for people, who wants to be friends with a boring desperate needy guy?

even though i know even if others loved me i would still feel like this.

People pleasing, being a "Mr nice guy" every behavior of mine directed towards getting seeking approval and validation and attention. Not living for myself because i dont even know what i want or need because of spending so much time figuring out what others want and when angry with rejection or no friends i turn to other addictions like porn, endless shows, music.

Being an approval addict, like a junkie, having only one goal and thats "making friends or getting others to care about me" instead of having bigger goals and not chasing people.

Having nothing to offer to others, why would they care about me? I dont even know how to get to know others and let others know about me.

13:54 UTC


[Discussion] Napoleon Hill said: "Enthusiasm is the steam that drives the engine." What's your specific way to overcome procrastination, emotional wreckage and lost hope with enthusiasm?

A while ago, I met a reputed professional experiencing extreme vendetta and humiliation at the workplace. She started crying, stating her inability to handle the highly challenging work situation emotionally.

I told her to keep doing the good work with humility and enthusiasm. I also told her to ignore the naysayers as it shows their true colour.

What else do you think she can do to handle her own emotional state and come out of it?

05:45 UTC


[Discussion] what you do when feeling lost?

I frankly lived more then half my life to be what my parent want me to be, then to be suddenly told to live my own life and lose the mark (because quite frankly, I'm use to have them set out where I go). It been about 6? years, I have been aimlessly try and look for what I want but get influence by trend a lot to a point of studying a major I'm not sure I can stick to.

I'm in 3rd year now and thinking of taking a year off to invest in what I truly want for once but feeling it a wrong way cause some my friend say I should quit to choose other school, while parent really want me to just finish it off. Worse is that my lifestyle might also be the cause.

02:08 UTC


[DISCUSSION] You spend so much time trying to get noticed, instead of spending your time trying to be great.

Nothing to add. Feel free to reflect. What are your thoughts?

01:05 UTC


[Text] "I AM willpower!"

Hello, I hope everyone is having a nice day. There's this video I watched a loooong time ago about a guy showing his weight loss process and I remember one quote he said in the video that was something like this: "I don't only have willpower, I AM willpower!"

This quote always stuck with me, but I searched for this exact video numerous times and never was able to find it again

Have anyone else seen the video I'm talking about? I'd love to be able to see it again :)

Thanks in advance to whoever responds!

18:29 UTC


GUIDE-Mastering the juggling act: How I balance internship, school, and research with ease.[Discussion]

How I manage my Internship, School and Life along with Research

This is going to hurt,

STOP MAKING EXCUSES, this is the first step, my mornings usually start at 6-6:30 and I will say this, it fu**ng sucks to wake up at that time, sometimes I even feel the need to take the day off, that bad, so if you’re considering thinking that I am a morning person, I’m not, in fact most of the people I have met are not morning person, everyone likes to sit in their cozy and warm blanket, but you have to PUSH through it, We all go through that phase, even Lou Gehrig did, but he slogged, despite his body giving up almost daily because of the hard work he did, he just showed up, the fellow didn’t wait for a miracle to happen, where all his shots were perfectly aligned or when he would hit a perfect home run

Winning is not for everybody, you have to literally torture yourself to WIN.


Having said that, I know 90% of the people will stop reading at this point, because everyone wants a shortcut, a magic pill to get to their dream. Now let’s come to the nitty gritty of how I actually do it


1)      Your brain can only process so many things at a time, give it space for creation and deep work


Your brain can only store a certain amount of information at a time, don’t fill it up with junk, by junk I mean deadlines, to-do and important tasks to be done daily. I used to be that guy who used to say fuck it to almost every note taking or to-do app, I got my head right when I started missing important stuff behind and focused on short term deadlines and tasks, I will go to this extreme to say that I once missed an important meeting with the director of my department because of my non-existent ability to remember everything, to mitigate this I usually use notion as a second brain, you can do it too, just learn to make one and record every important stuff in it everyday, you can check the . I have attached a screenshot of mine

My Second Brain

2)      Learn to say NO

If everything is a top priority, what exactly is our priority?

What do we mean by ‘important things’ if we are doing everything, just touching the task, not getting a feel of it and just as our brain is getting used to it, snap, we cut out of it and start a new one.

Our brains have two systems, type 1 and type 2 system, type 1 system process basic things and mostly situational reactions such as dropping a hot cup, laughing when someone cracks a joke, saying “Hi” to a coworker, type 2 system processes more difficult and in-depth tasks, tasks which require deep thinking and concentration. When a task is sitting for too long in system 1, it eventually gets passed into system 2.

The catch comes when we get to know that we have limited capacity to concentrate in a day, think of it like a tank, with a small bucket which our two systems in our brain pull out every time we throw a task at them, do it enough times and you'll end up with an empty tank.

If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will, clarity about what is essential, fuels us with the strength to say no the nonessentials

Since I have studied about these facts, I have followed a 3-part system which has significantly cut down the non-essentials and preserved my energy to give to my family and friends, people who actually matter, rather than attending that stupid party in which people don’t even care I arrive or not

  1. Explore and Evaluate: - Identify the vital few tasks- sit down and really cut down the to-do list to essential items, don't include tasks which are not needed, follow the 80/20 rule. Do the tasks which produces the most result, rather than getting into the nitty gritty of everyday life
  2. Eliminate like a lunatic: - Eliminate the trivialities like a lunatic, learn to say “no” gracefully to things which are not required and people who don’t matter, this is how you make time and space for your brain to think and your mind to come into flow state.
  3. Execute: - Examine the constraints that hold you back in your life from executing the task, eliminate them and commit yourself to fully executing the tasks which you so energetically noted down and chopped down to the lucky few essentials

After following this exact system, I have freed up so much time in my day that I started learning guitar and even progress in its chord system within few weeks — **bows down to the claps**


3)      Practice your ART, learn to do deep work


NEVER EVER TAKE YOUR WORK FOR GRANTED, your work is your prayer, your work is the ultimate way to show people who you are and what you are capable of, I have seen some of my research fellow’s going to forest retreats for thinking deeply about the subject matter they want to excel at, they say they totally cut off with technology, no outside disturbances or phone calls, just pure creation, pure thinking, heavy dense sessions of doing the work they actually want to do. I actually record the deep work I do every day, which ranges from 1-2.5 hours on average, I know it’s not enough but that’s all I can afford, given the tasks lists I have to actually complete everyday.

Take out time for deep work

4)      Organize your DAY

I use the following techniques in different situations and scenarios


Time Blocking, 5 Minute rule, 321 Method, Pomodoro Technique, Night Alarm Clock, Stacking Micro Wins.

Some of these I have embedded in my second brain that I built in Notion, It usually helps me mitigate procrastination and also keeps me focused throughout the day, in addition to this I also practice Active Recall method to solidify what I learn at university, not everything requires deep attention when learning in college, I should rather say I cannot pay full attention to everything being said at college so I often read the material to be discussed before the class, this usually makes thing stick in my head and I can pay attention to something that professor actually has to offer outside what books and material can offer,


I built a tracking system in excel to track my progress and record how I approach different subjects since master’s in mathematics isn’t a easy job, I need to remember the formulas their derivations and practice different problems to develop my problem solving skills


I’m pretty sure that after following this system, you can get 90% of your life on track, life is not linear and I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but it did work for me and I guess this would work for you too. Mindfulness practice definitely helps and like my previous post I would say that please follow atomic habits, don’t rush and don’t overwhelm yourself by doing everything at once, one step at a time will get you there

16:52 UTC


[Discussion] Lost out on an internship. I don't want to keep studying anymore.

I didn't lose out on it because of tight competition/too many applications - they had "no deadline," the position was open for as long as they don't have someone in that spot. I wanted to be prepared for the position so I didn't apply immediately, I instead intensively studied everything that I could for that position. Few months later, I asked if the position if still open, and it turns out that they found their intern. The guys running the internship said that they won't be looking for another intern in the next 2 years, and even then, they don't know what will their needs be that far in the future.

Now, it's not like there aren't other places that are offering that same type of internship, it's just that that one was the best one for me - I know the people there, I know that they're nice, it's literally 15 minutes from my house on foot, it's a major institution that won't go away in the foreseeable future.

But, ever since I heard that they won't be looking for anyone soon, I got extremely demotivated to keep studying. I tried to ask around if there are other places that might be looking for interns, no answer yet, but I'm sure that there's tons of them and that they exist (and my boss agrees).

How do I get that spark back?

13:05 UTC


[Discussion] I’m skinny and I walk awkwardly

Im a skinny person, and I walk so weirdly. I’m going to college and I want to make a good first impression. I find myself walking so weirdly. How could I fix this? I’m quite self conscious about this

10:39 UTC


[Discussion] Franklin Delano Roosevelt said: "We do our best that we know how at the moment, and if it doesn’t turn out, we modify it." Reading this quote, I feel like staying adaptable, staying productive, and letting my today be a day of smart adjustments toward success! Do you feel the same?

Reading the quote and reflecting on it, I feel:

My best effort today paves the way for improvements tomorrow.

When faced with challenges, handle them straight on and refine your methods to tackle them better.

Every result is achieved by going through a dynamic process of learning and growing.

Adjustments and modifications are not failures but strategic pivots that keep me on the path to my goals.

Am I reading it right? What else I can learn from it?

02:40 UTC


[Discussion] Feeling over worked, overwhelmed, and unmotivated

To start off with, I am a local truck driver who has to work a minimum of 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, though it is usually more like 11 hours a day average. I am pretty deep in debt with three different loans and quite a few credit cards. I need to keep this job because with my level of education and lack of experience with anything else, I wasted my 20's and 30's doing crap jobs, I will not be able to get a job making anywhere near what I am making right now. The problem is that I need to make what I am making right now in order to keep up with my debts. I keep trying to tell myself that in another year, maybe a little more, all of my loans will be paid off and, if I can be financially responsible enough, maybe even my credit cards, and I can re-assess my work situation. But just paying off my loans would be enough.

I didnt used to mind trucking, its a bit of a tough job with lots of hours, and has its pain in the ass moments like any other job, but I just feel trapped now. It is really getting to the point that I am getting really stressed, starting to have a lot of anxiety that my anxiety medication is having a tough time keeping up with, and it is making me depressed. Part of me really believes that after I get in a much better financial situation and dont feel nearly as trapped that I will get back in the state of mind where I dont really mind doing it. Another part of me feels like somewhere along the past few years since I got into trucking I went from working to live and being able to do the things that I want to do, to feeling like I am living to work and feel like I have no free time, even though I do get 2 or 3 hours a day and weekends. Though my schedule might be a problem as well. I work a night/weekend shift getting Tuesday and Wednesday nights off. I went into this schedule thinking that I was still in my 20's, I am 42 now, and would be bad ass to work a schedule like this.

I guess part of me just wanted to vent, and part of me actually does want some sort of advice. Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for any advice

23:24 UTC


[Discussion] What Is The One Fear Holding You Back?

Often, all thats holding us back is fears we refuse to acknowledge. We can make 1000 excuses but we don't ever admit what it really is.

For me, it's been fear of judgement. I get pretty bad social anxiety at times...althought i've come along way in this regard, i haven't until i admitted it to myself.

If we start a discussion about it maybe it will help us all move forward.


My Favorite Discipline Resources:

~Mind Snack Newsletter: Scienfically backed ways to improve your life in a micro learning fashion.~ 

Discipline Of Steel Newsletter

Chris williamson youtube chanel: ~https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisWillx~

18:17 UTC


[Video] Tait Ferge's tale about balancing the high expense of living in Hawaii, sharing a studio apartment with his parents for six years, and finding inspiration from his father

1 Comment
17:40 UTC


[Article] Growth Vs. Success - What's that you really want?

A man was walking through a barren field, where a farmer was sowing seeds. After a couple of weeks, the man was near the field and was surprised to see there were no saplings from the seeds sown...and was even more surprised to see the farmer still watering and fertilizing the land.

He started watching this everyday...almost for 5 years! The land was still barren, and the farmer was still doing his duty, diligently!

He cldnt stop himself. He asked the farmer 'Why are you putting your efforts on a land that's infertile and seeds that wldnt grow?' The farmer said 'Just a few more days and you will know why'!

One fine morning, the man was surprised to see bamboo sprouts everywhere in the field. He was astonished to see the speed at which they were growing...reaching 80 feet within 6 weeks!

Wow!! that was his response!

Now the farmer told the man...'The seeds were not dead...but they were preparing themselves to grow into a mammoth tree! They were spreading their roots all these years, so that when the bamboo grew, it will have a strong foundation to stand upon! Some efforts may not have immediate results. But when it shows, you cannot stop it! That's what makes the Chinese bamboo tree a synonym of determination, patience, conviction, and human potential.'

Some of our efforts are like the Chinese bamboo seeds. They may not give us Success instantly. The wait cld be slow, frustrating and unrewarding...make us feel dejected and give up. But we can't stop nurturing our dream.

To grow into a 80 feet tall tree, the roots must be strong enough to hold it.

The kind of Growth that you seek in your life...it requires your non-negotiable commitment towards it! Many give up when they don't see results instantly. Success is not coffee or instant noodles, isn't it :) Ask those whom you look up to about the time that it took them to taste success!

The setbacks you face is helping you to Learn and become better. The judgements you receive are giving you another Perspective. The ear that situations throw at you is to help you rise above. Rejections are to remind you that you can do much better and your Potential is INFINITE!

When you shift your focus from 'success' to Learning, you will see that you are no more worried about the 'time' it is taking to see success. Rather, the more you learn, you become better and get what you want sooner!

Don't give up on your dreams just bcos it didn't work out this time...bcos time will anyways pass. Why not do what we really love to do, give our 100% and create that humongous success just like the Chinese bamboo tree!

Learning about yourself will only make you better every moment. Make you realise that you are Infinite...even if you don't believe it!

Love & Light 🌻

Anu Krishna

14:17 UTC


[Discussion] How do I (M37) finally get my life together

I am in my late 30s and my life is not really going the way I was hoping it would. In consequence, I cannot stop feeling like a loser or a failure. I am unhappy with my body and the way I look, I regret my career decisions and my employment prospects, I feel that I am stunted in my social development, while I have a variety of hobbies I don't believe that I am talented or really good at anything. And most importantly, I never had any sexual or romantic success.

What can I do to finally take control of my life?

Here is what I have been trying so far:

  • I went to the gym and I spend a lot more time and money on grooming and clothes.
  • After being in academia for a long time, I got an industry position and try to climb the career latter
  • I am pushing myself to be more social
  • I invest a lot of time on my hobbies and I am constantly try new ones
  • I approach women much more frequently
13:43 UTC


[Text] Improving on Life

Hi my name is Patrick from the Netherlands and i want to improve my life but am stumbling against roadblocks. I feel like i have a mediocre and dull life and want to do cool activities like rafting, mountain climbing etc. I dont dare do it alone though. Doing stuff like that alone or even with random people feels off. Like i cant share the experience with a friend so it wont be as good. My friends do not have these hobbies or dont have the time and money to do it. I know you probably want to answer: oh seek a activities group doing such things. Easier said than done. I have a fear of seeking out new things.

While it excites me doing with friends. It scares me to do on my own. Sometimes also even with friends. I had a not so nice childhood which i havent been able to get over yet. I feel like i will be the weakest link in whatever group i join and i wont be liked and respected. This feeling about myself keeps me down and i don't know how to handle it. Im going to a psychologist soon so i hope that will help.

The thing is i miss a lot of opportunities having this defeatist mindset. I cant finish goals because i fail in the middle and then i want to continue and i make it worse. Ending with a mindset to never begin again. Or with a mindset like: oh this will be terrible. That's also why i cant bring myself to be myself exciting social with new people and especially girls. Even girls i know. My friends have no problem just casually teasing and touching. And i have a feeling like when i do it it will look weird or it would be unwanted. Even when a girl i know was well kinda drunk and had her arms around me i couldn't do much else than mimic her behavior because i was constantly busy with how i would be perceived by others and how i would look to myself. Having the not confident figure of me with a girl is unthinkable.

The thing is i know people say i have a nice personality and i can be good looking yet i cant bring myself to believe it. I have been stuck so long in a defeatist mindset.

Another thing is i always seek the extremes and dont know why. Like such a life that the insta gurus project seems amazing but i dont trust any one of them. I guess what im saying with this is i would like an extraordinary life. And if not then a fun and exciting life. Be someone i can be proud of and have the self confidence to take on challenges. I hope any one of you have some answers, advice or encouragement for me

10:44 UTC


[Discussion] What’s that One advice you would give your 38 year old self?

What’s that One advice you would give your 38 year old self?

07:18 UTC


[Image] Worrying is betting against yourself. - Terence McKenna

04:20 UTC


[Discussion] Warren Buffett: “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” What's your most important "NO" yet? How did you say it? How you handled it's consequences?

I learners this quote a few years ago. For me it's been dozens of occasions when I would have said no. Here is how I conclude my learning: 1# Saying 'NO' to good opportunities so that I can say 'YES' to best opportunities.

2# Saying 'NO' to networking so that I can build relationships with people I know, like, and trust.

3# Staying away from people who drag me down so that I can stay closure to people who inspire, challenge, and energize.

4# instead of depending on motivation building the habits to help get things done.

5# Defocusing from opportunities galore so that I can focus on executing opportunities I am pursuing

00:56 UTC


[Discussion] Started riding a bicycle again this weekend after 20 years of riding. Overweight and currently smoking cigarettes. Could use some advice/motivation.

I lost 65 lbs when I was a teen riding bikes, was in awesome shape till I was 29, then I started getting fat. I started smoking cigarettes at 16. Now fast forward 20 years later, and I’ve put some serious work into my mental health, but now I wanna change the rest. My husband and I got bikes this weekend and so far I’ve done two 15 minute rides, I intend on going every day. That being said, I’m 100 pounds overweight and a pack a day smoker, so I’ve got a long way to go. I’m setting Friday as my quit smoking date, I’m going to reread the Easy Way to Quit Smoking, but I’d love some motivation from others. I’m about to hit 40 in two months and I don’t want to turn 40 still treating my body like shit.

21:54 UTC


Years of Learning Consistency, Summarized in Simple Tips You Can Start Applying Today[Tool]

If you follow these 3 tips, especially the last one, i think it's very difficult to fail

  • When you have that random burst of motivation, instead of immediately beginning with a workout, work, or studying..., you want to open notes on your phone and write a message to your future self who wants to quit. Write about how much the changes you want to implement will positively affect your life, write about the future you will have if you choose to stop, and show some tough love as if you were talking to your friend ( this process should take at least 30 min). Read it when you feel like quitting.
  • After a message to your future quitter self, you want to make systems that will make it easy to achieve your goals. The issue with the systems people make is they have 16 hours in a day and want to do 20 hours of productive work in that timeframe, then they wonder why they quit😅! A good way to set your schedule is to be realistic regarding what could be achieved in a day, and mindful of all the time you waste. Y**ou could make anything part of your schedule (social media, games, ...), but it's important to understand where your time is being spent. **
  • So you followed the last step, made a schedule, and followed it for a few days. Now you caught yourself slipping, instead of following it 100%, you procrastinated and missed a few hours. No worries, I'll just start later. (...Later) I don't feel like it, I already skipped a few hours today. I'll just start again tomorrow. (...Tomorrow) Snooze, wake up late, something unexpected happens, next thing you know you're back to old habits. Also, this isn't the first time you do this. This is probably the 3rd time you made a schedule and failed. Give it a few months and you'll forget this process and start again. How can you stop this cycle? Let go of perfectionism. Let go of the idea that it's either 100% or 0%. Allow yourself to achieve subpar results, allow yourself to fail. That is the only way to move forward. I encourage you to type "nonzero days" in google and check the first Reddit post

Unrelated but would greatly appreciate you reading this:
I developed a free and easy-to-use platform that will ensure you become the best version of yourself. If that interests you, consider joining the community and benefiting from the unique goal-tracking features. Everyone is friendly and helpful, and everything will be done to ensure you are on the right track. https://friengle.com

17:29 UTC

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