
Photograph via snooOG

Anything related to the Couch-to-5K running programs or the like; open to all, noobie to pro.

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What is /r/C25K?

This is a subreddit for anything related to the Couch to 5k running programs or the like; open to all, noobie to pro.

About C25K

The official plan consists of ever-increasing intervals of running, interspersed with fast walking. It also relies on rest days to allow your body to build strength. The official plan takes 9 weeks in total to get you from absolutely no running ability, to running 5K non-stop. Other similar plans are available that may take a longer or shorter time to complete.

The C25K Running Plan


Please check the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.

Subreddit Rules

No memes/image macros. There are subreddits for that out there already.

Be respectful: Constructive criticism is fine – hateful comments are not. Be encouraging and courteous to one another.

Selfies are allowed, even encouraged! Give some advice or a background story in your comment section about your selfie.

Other photos that are not directly related to your daily run are discouraged. We want to see you and your accomplishments.

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Have fun and get fit!


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Two questions about running.

Hi I am trying to do the couch to 5k because I want to run. My problem is i have significant knee, side and ankle pain after I start running so I can run only one round then I mostly can't run much after that. It is the end of week two and I'm quite discouraged because I can only run a little longer than when I started because of pain limiting me. I have mild hyper mobility I suspect are causing these pains. Because I had severe pain in my upper body before when I first started working out but have none now. So I have two questions please. My first one is should I just do my best even if I can't run the full time? Secondly does anyone know the exercises I can use to strengthen or prevent leg pain? Thank you for any help I highly appreciate it!

00:33 UTC



Definitely the toughest one yet.

00:33 UTC


Finished the program!

Week 9, run 3 is in the books!

I thought I'd share my experience in case it helps anyone. First, I noticed a lot of positives:

  • each week I could go a little further
  • I experienced a mild "runners high" quite often near the end of my runs
  • my lung capacity improved steadily
  • my resting heart rate has declined a bit
  • I managed not to injure myself - unlike other times I have started running without a program
  • I noticed more stamina overall that translated to other physical acticities

I did the program using the Just Run app and it took me 12 weeks instead of the 9 due to life getting in the way and an illness at one point.

One thing I accepted early on was that my baseline fitness was not great, and that I probably wouldn't run 5k by the end of the program. That proved to be true. For me, the point is to focus on steady improvement and how much closer I am to running 5km than I was 3 months ago when running 3 minutes seemed daunting. Now 30-40 minutes is doable, albeit at a slower pace than Inwould like

I am up to 4km in a bit under 40 minutes. I feel like I can run a bit faster, but when i do my shins have been hurting. I have had shin splints in the past and I wish to avoid that. So I have accepted that I need to slowly build up distance and then work on speed.

Now I plan to run 2 - 3 times per week and slowly stretch out my distance and duration. I will trust that the spped will improve in time.

I feel so much better than i did at the start of the year and look forward to seeing where i get to in another 3 - 4 months.

Happy to answer any questions.

00:17 UTC


W1 D2 - Failed then Succeeded

Well on Thursday I did W1 D1, things went much better than expected. I was able to run all 1 minute stretches with no issues, I guess all the VR fitness apps I've been doing all winter have paid off! But then after I got home I started to stiffen up and felt it in my upper legs by bed time, I regret not stretching...

Anyways, I was too sore on Sat and Sun to do my next run but finally today I felt up to it so I went for a lunch run. And it was a complete failure. As soon as I started my legs turned to jell-o and I knew it wasn't going to happen. Ran one minute, walked a minute and a half and then tried the next minute but gave up thinking I was going to hurt myself and walked home.

Not happy with that, I spent the day reading posts on here and saw a lot of suggestions to slow it down, or to try to run quietly instead of stomping, just to really work on going slow and having the right form. At the very least, I was mad I didn't walk the full route. So I went out, fired up my app and a podcast and went to work.

The first min wasn't bad. Spent the whole time thinking about going slow, and that seemed to help. By the second minute I was zoned into my podcast and also still trying to consciously run slow and work on my form. But my legs barely bothered me, so I just kept running and walking, running and walking... And suddenly it was cool down time.

So in the end I succeed at W1 D2, and also ran a few more minutes than I had to because of the failed attempt.

I think one of the issues is I'm not really sure how to work rest days into my schedule when I'm also doing VR fitness most days and trying to go to the gym the odd day.

00:12 UTC


Unexpectedly hit over 3 miles on week 7, day 2. I've come a long way from the 240lbs smoker who couldn't run 1 minute that I used to be!

23:58 UTC


Is it just me or are the walking sections the most brutal?

I started today, using the "Just Run" app where the first week is ~30 minutes instead of 20. I wasn't able to complete it without taking a break in the middle, and I only got to 20 minutes before stopping. Disclaimer, im fat, but yeah is it just me or are the parts where you're just walking when you feel the worst? During the jog I can mostly push to just do it, but during the walk I feel horrible and like I won't be able to switch the pace again after. Both times that's where I had to break.

23:20 UTC


W1D1 attempt #7 four 60s and four 45s but it hurts so good?

23:18 UTC


Do you eat before a run?

Do you eat before a run?

Hey guys!! I’m starting out running, so far I’m at interval training and I’m upping jogging times and cutting walking minutes. Do you guys eat before or after a run? I don’t usually eat right after a run cause if I go hard I’m not hungry But does it affect your run performance? I usually get hydrated and drink water but I also have a bad habit of drinking a latte an hr before my run. Is that bad? Please help newbie!

20:48 UTC


W3D3 complete! I forgot to take a sweaty selfie! Lol

18:59 UTC


W1 D1 complete!

I’ve been doing spin class the past month but really want to pick up running and it’s been on my mind for weeks. Finally took the plunge and downloaded a C25K app today. Just did my first run on the treadmill and it was really doable although I did get a little fatigued a few times. I’m excited to do this!

Has anyone doubled up running days out of excitement or have you really strictly stuck to the one rest day per run thing?

18:38 UTC


I managed Week 3, Day 1, just barely

I did manage to get through Week 3, Day 1, but those 3-minute running stretches are challenging for me right now. I may have to repeat Week 2 to build up my stamina. I was having to hold onto the handrails near the end, which screwed up my stats on my watch, so I don't have good numbers. Still, I did complete it, so yay me!

I may switch to a hybrid of None to Run and C25K, because at my age (64), starting from scratch requires me to progress a bit slower than I could have done when I was younger. But I have no intention of quitting. I can do this, it just might take me a bit longer.

18:26 UTC


W1D1, couldn’t do it

I’ve been walking about two times a week and short hikes once a week, but I’ve always wanted to try running. I’m 220lbs and I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia which makes any cardio pretty tough. Surprisingly, it wasn’t my heart rate that made it so hard today. My legs were hurting on the first run interval. My shins and calves. I’m wearing properly fitting good shoes and I’ve been researching form a lot and was trying to be mindful, but ow! I did 3 of 8, but kept walking. I made it about half a mile before I decided to just keep walking, ended up walking an additional mile. That walk was harder than my walks have been because my legs were hurting from the running. Did anyone else struggle this much on Day 1 and how far have you come since? I don’t want to lose hope on the first day

12:38 UTC



Don't be embarrassed. We all have questions sometimes.

And yes, you need to do your rest day between runs.

09:02 UTC


Beginner question

So I started the program last week and I was wondering if running 3 days a week as the program states enough to be able to keep progressing or should I be doing more days?

04:17 UTC


Hip pain, sudden flare up?

I've been running since last fall, graduated c25k awhile ago but this sub is kinder to actual questions (unlike r/running). Sorry if this is long.

I've been averaging about 12 miles a week, split among 3.1-4 mile runs 3-4x a week. I did overdo it end of March and backed off quite a bit due to a sore ankle tendon.

This past week I was taking it easy because I had a 5k race this morning. Monday I did 3 miles, my knees felt really unstable and sore for no apparent reason. Wednesday did 3, felt fine. Tuesday and Thursday were rest days with a very casual 1 mile walk each but that was it.

Friday only did 2 miles at a deliberately easy place and could barely finish it due to almost immediate hip pain (hip flexor area, not ITB). Rested it totally yesterday, took Advil, and felt good this morning.

I ran my 5k.... No pain... Until I crossed the finish line and stopped. Within minutes I had the same very painful hip sensation/stiffness. To the point where I'm sort of limping. It also hurts to engage my hip joint and thigh muscles to lift and lower my thigh (like you'd do to cross one leg over the other, for example)

What gives? I get what overdoing it feels like, but I don't feel like I overdid it this week and I'm super frustrated. I haven't increased mileage, pace, anything (and my race this morning was a full 2 minutes slower than my "normal", easy 5k time that I do all the time no problem).

Any ideas what might have caused this or how to overcome it? I have another 5k race next weekend-- accidentally signed up for two a week apart--and I want to rest my hip but I'm also loathe to take a whole week off.

23:06 UTC


Graduated! It’s been a long slog, I started this back in September when I was a 30 a day smoker. Now an ex smoker & I’m doing my first competitive 5k in 2 weeks. I still remember the dread of having to run for 3 minutes. You can do it!!

22:41 UTC


beginner advice??

Hi! I am very new to this, a few days ago I did w2d2 and started having some knee pain and shin splint pain. Neither is super bad but noticeable. Should I completely stop or just slow down?

I am really enjoying the benefits of it and really don’t want to stop or slow progress but I also don’t want to end up hurt either. I’m overweight and have never been great at running so it’s possible I need to change up the form too?

Any advice is helpful!!! Thanks!

20:17 UTC



Just wanted to drop a quick thank you to the community for all the support I received when I started my running journey when I got off the couch a bit under a year ago. Today I took part in my first ever race. It was something of a challenge - 45mph gusting headwinds on a very hilly half marathon. I finished in 2:37 - not the fastest but not the slowest.

If you’re still going through the program, I hope this helps as evidence that if you stick with it, it IS possible!

Good luck on your running journey everyone - we got this!!!

18:33 UTC


Made it to Week 7

Finally made it to week 7.

It’s unbelievable to me that a few weeks ago running for 5-8 mins was extremely difficult but yesterday I ran for 25 minutes solid and felt (fairly) good throughout!

Just came to stay stick to the programme, and have your rest days as this made a big difference for me. As did slowing down my pace for the longer runs.

For context I haven’t ran regularly for around 15 years, 32M and still around 2 stones heavier than what I used to be.

It’s cliche but trust the programme! (And be patient with yourself)

1 Comment
18:17 UTC


W9D3 DONE!!!!!

W9D3 done and I'm overwhelmed. It's been a tough journey but I've finally did it. I couldn't have done it without the constant motivation from this sub. I've used the 'Just Run' app which is simply awesome. Gifting myself my first ever running shoes now (Pegasus 40 :) )

14:45 UTC


Finished the program! (on a treadmill)

Started the program in January and finished it yesterday!

I've never been the athletic sort, and I'm brand new to running. I struggled with painful and tight shins every now and then and learnt that slowing down worked wonders.

I begin running outdoors from this week. I tried it twice before during the program and felt my shins tighten within 8 minutes. Plan is to restart the couch to 5k program from week 5 and get slowly used to running outside.

I never thought I'd take to running as enthusiastically as I have. I'm in my late twenties and fat. If I can do it anyone can!

13:12 UTC


Finding a 5k race?

I'm going to be finishing c25k in june. I live in a warmer region, and it seems there's few races planned for june/july/august, and none of them in the 5k range. However, there also doesn't seem to be any in September.

Does anyone know if maybe 5k races are just announced less in advance? Or have they just become unpopular post covid? I remember there being lots of options back in 2018-2019.

11:07 UTC


Advice running/hometrainer

Is it worth it to do the stationary bike on low setting on the days between the runs? Beginner here but want to stay active on the off days. Currently on week 1 but first runs were easy and not too hard. Did lots of sports years ago. I have a knee that hurts sometimes when going for a run. I stretch and warmup and cooldown every time.

07:25 UTC


Week 7 done

I decided to stop spamming this subreddit and post updates once a week :) week 7 is finally over, first day was hell, second was okay-ish (not really good) and third was a bit better but still not fully comfortable. My pace is super slow, I've ran only 3.1 km in those 25 mins. But hey, I'm overweight (and btw it's getting even worse, instead of losing I'm gaining weight. I am in caloric deficit, consulted with 2 doctors. I'll start taking some meds on Monday. We'll see). If week 8 will be too hard I'll just repeat week 7 I guess.

Cheers to everyone who's trying as well, we got this guys, even us, the overweight ones. We can't stop pushing. I believe in us! (even though I'm crying because of this prescription)

23:16 UTC


Is it the shoes?

Hey guys! I finished my last 5k race December 2023 with a 14min/mile pace and haven't run since. Prior to that, I only ran on and off since October 2023, completed my very first 5k in November (15min/mile pace). I've been working out on and off but haven't worked out consistently since February 2024. I wanted to pick up running again and gear up for more races so my partner bought us some running shoes which feel amazing.

We've been running and I'm not sure what happened but it feels easier(?), I'm less winded and less tired and my pace is 10min/mile now.

The only things that have changed is I consume more protein,, I strength train less, and I have new shoes. What gives? Is it the shoes or am I more fit/used to running? 😅

20:12 UTC


How do I protect my knees

I'm two weeks into getting back into running. I run mostly in the speed range of 6-7.5/8 km/h for at least 20-25 minutes on the treadmill. I have also recently gotten into incline walking. I've been feeling some occassional pain in my right knee since the last two days. I know running is hard on the knees. What should I do to make sure I don't hurt my knees?

17:26 UTC

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