
Photograph via snooOG

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CrossFit Open Feb 29-Mar 18
Quarterfinals April 17-22
Age Group Semifinal May 8-13
Far East Throwdown (Asia Semifinal) May 17-19
French Throwdown (Europe Semifinal) May 17-19
Torian Pro (Oceania Semifinal) May 24-26
West Coast Classic (NA West Semifinal) May 24-26
Renegade Games (Africa Semifinal) May 31-June 2
Copa Sur (South American Semifinal) May 31-June 2
Syndicate Crown (NA East Semifinal) May 31-June 2
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Echo bike first ride

First ride, I'm at 310 pounds 6'2". My quads burn

05:08 UTC


Victory Friday - 26 Apr 2024

Did you just have a breakthrough? Post your new PR, unlocked achievements, brags, or any other victory from the past week. Share your victory with others!

05:00 UTC


Daily Whiteboard/Quick Questions Thread - 26 Apr 2024

Come on in and ask any quick questions that you're burning for an answer to or just talk about your workout today!

Please remember to [check the Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions) for answers to some common questions, and to use the search!

04:01 UTC


Rogue Echo Bike clicking/grinding

Any help would be appreciated. I had some clicking with this brand new echo bike and Rogue sent me new pedals and crank arms after some back and forth emailing with videos. After replacing the pedals and crank arms, the grinding is still there. I’ve tried tightening and loosening a few different Allen screws to no avail. After removing one pedal, the problem still persists on the other side.

02:12 UTC


Cardio: running, Assault bike and rowing improvement

hi all! Can anyone help me out and give me programs/tips to improve assault bike or rowing (I understand rowing is very technique oriented). For the most part, I am your average crossfitter. Not that strong and not too weak. I am able to Rx workout weights but certain gymnastics elements are not yet there- c2b, muscle ups, et. In general for my age 45, F, I am able to finish the WOD fairly upper 30% of my box but for the life of me, when there is running, bike or rowing, I always am very weak there. Even the coaches at times put the cals on the bike less for me.

Aside from spending more time on them, anyone has tips for some kind of program. What I have seen there seems to be more targeted for someone better at these already. It seems while I am ok-ish in a general wod, the other elements are really my achilles heel. Thanks!

02:12 UTC


Mobility/flexibility for Olympic lifts

Hey yall. I've been on and off of training crossfit for a couple years now and while I really enjoy it my poor mobility makes doing Olympic lifts feel impossible. This usually means that many classes while everyone else is getting a workout in I'm working on technique with a pvc pipe. This has frustrated me in the past and I've quit so that I could focus on what I can do. Definitely not a great growth mindset.. but I don't feel like I ever got any better with the Olympic lifts that way. I'd really like to start crossfit again but I think I'm going to have to do a whole lot of stretching and mobility work on my own to progress.

Front squats: major wrist pain, can't get my elbows up very high, can't hit much depth with any weight.

Oh squats: can't hit much depth with any weight, even with a pvc pipe I can't get very deep.

These are the major issues I have that present blocks to doing snatches and cleans.

Sorry for the long winded post but basically what are some good methods to gaining the required mobility. Is there a good mobility program I should follow? Should I wait to gain this mobility before joining another gym?


20:03 UTC


Oh you train hard? What about air bike in long polyester pants hard?

19:37 UTC


Double entendres slogans for tees

The 5am morning crew at my box are looking to get tees made for us and we’re looking for suggestions for dirty slogans that we can put on our tees.

What’s the best / worst we can do?

18:24 UTC


Would I be able to do CrossFit?

Hey everyone, need some advice on whether CrossFit may be for me, I’m a below the elbow amputee when I was a teenager I loved sports and was a competitive runner and in the football team, I left school and picked up bad habits.. smoking etc & stopped doing sports

Fast forward to the age of 28 I want to get back into sports, I joined a standard gym last year with the hopes of gaining strength and muscle but found the environment quite intimidating and struggled too figure out how to adapt the machines and free weights (I don’t have a prosthetic) and hated the idea of going on my own! so kind of stopped going as I found the process more frustrating more than enjoyable, my left side was also looking progressively stronger than my right due to not exercising my right upper body, which as you can imagine looked odd!

I happen to be shadowing a physiotherapist at the minute who has suggested CrossFit due to its ability to be adaptable and the nice sense of community and reckons it would be good for me, any suggestions? Do you know of any disabled people? 😄

15:51 UTC



15:19 UTC


Best shoes and treatment for shin splints?

Hey guys! I use hokas for the more cardio focused parts of the workouts but I’ve noticed that I always get really bad shin splints. Do you guys recommend any shoes for the cardio workouts (I use vans for the lifting)? Also, if you guys could share your shin splints treatments that would be awesome too! Thanks!

15:13 UTC


Culture Rot in the Box?

What do you believe are the biggest community killers within the gym? And, what remedies could you offer?


What do you believe are the biggest community builders? And, how would you encourage more of it?

1 Comment
21:24 UTC


I can't break de the paralle

I can't break the parallel when I'm doing OHS, plus Squat Snatch.

And I'm very frustrated... I think I need to be born again.

14:35 UTC


Sauna Heater

I’m building a sauna 6 x 7. I was going to get an 8 kw heater but I want the room to be 180+ degrees

What heater do you guys have? How many kw? And what temp does your gets up to?

14:04 UTC


Paige Powers received a major penalty and is now not in a qualifying position for Semifinals

13:21 UTC


Can Adler win again the CF games this year ?

The guy seems to be in pretty good shape again. What do you think? And if not, who would bet on?

10:51 UTC


CrossFitters, what's the most unexpected benefit you've experienced from CrossFit that keeps you coming back?

We all join CrossFit for various reasons—fitness, strength, community—but I'm curious about the unexpected benefits that have made a significant impact on your life.

Whether it's mental health improvements, unexpected friendships, or surprising skills you've developed, what keeps you hooked on CrossFit beyond just the workouts?

Let's share our stories and maybe inspire others who are thinking about joining or sticking with it!

09:59 UTC



I am a 30 F & I am having the hardest time losing baby weight + marriage weight. I attend CrossFit work outs 4x a week; I eat fairly clean & I am pretty active throughout the day.

From the beginning, I gained about 40 pounds throughout college. Once I graduated, I lost it all and was in the best shape of my life. Covid hit & I gained some back, but not to an extreme.

I was pregnant in 2021 starting at 190, I ended up at 230. I am currently at 195 (note I am 5’9. I don’t know what to do. I am currently battling myself. Should I try doing more cardio? When I’m at the gym, I am lifting heavier than I was before I was pregnant, but nothing is changing. I don’t care what the scale says, I just want to be happy with how I look.

I’ve tried doing calorie deficit & fasting.

05:45 UTC


265 squat clean form check before I move up any further (11 months in CF never cleaned beforehand)

The side angle is from today and the second clip is from a couple weeks back. Looking for critique or further tips because I don’t feel im “finishing” my pull.

04:41 UTC


Daily Whiteboard/Quick Questions Thread - 25 Apr 2024

Come on in and ask any quick questions that you're burning for an answer to or just talk about your workout today!

Please remember to [check the Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions) for answers to some common questions, and to use the search!

04:01 UTC


Is something big happening with the QF penalties?

  1. I think it’s great that CF hands out big penalties. So people hopefully will finally actually pay attention to the standards and redo workouts if they have questionable reps, just so that they don’t get major penalties.

  2. Tia got a major penalty on workout 1. I think her HSPU on workout 3 are even worse than the step ups. So another major penalty? Where would it put her?

  3. What’s wrong with judging at PRVN? Something must be in the water that srews up people’s optics. I mean Luis Oscar Mora’s HSPU are horrendous, how can a judge validate that?

03:08 UTC


Guy who had Hiller judging him in quarters gets 25 rep penalty

This is awkward. I thought he is all knowing and always correct. Always pissed off CrossFit isn’t enforcing. What happened here….

02:22 UTC


Advice on improving

I am two months in. Very consistent at going 5 days a week. I go M/T/W then take Thursdays off back in class Fridays and Saturdays.

My pull-ups suck so I do negative pull up reps on Wednesdays and Saturdays after class.

I am picking up from not going to the gym for 3-5 years and working a desk job.

What can I do to improve faster? Start going Thursdays? My cardio and endurance suck should I walk or run? Should I start doing sit ups and pushups at night?

I am looking for that next thing to add in like the negatives twice a week which has been really helping.

Should I see if the coaches at the gym will do an evaluation and make recommendations?

Second I am taking Creatine, lots of protein, BCAA’s after lifting, and drinking lots of water. I take preworkout while lifting as well.

Anything I am missing supplement or nutritionally?


01:36 UTC


Tia dropped down the WW leaderboard from 1st to 33rd

Anyone know what was wrong with her 24.1 score?

00:40 UTC


Btwb or SugarWod?

Which do you prefer and why? Any other options?

Will CrossFit ever mandate BTWB to block competition?

21:44 UTC


beta alanine + creatine is enough for strength training ?

hey all

i use creatine and im quite satisfied nt i think to add beta alanine

what do you say ?

20:22 UTC


Need help on how to approach this.

So I joined Crossfit a little while ago and now I'm facing a real dilemma.

I joined the open while on TRT. I didnt realizing I was cheating, because I didnt realize it was an actual competition. Don't worry, I completely bombed, and had alot of fun doing it, but I still feel really guilty now.

Additionally, I was actually really gifted size and strength wise before my accident, that lead to my needing trt. Now the combo of my genetics and reintroducing my body to healthy T levels is leading to staggering progress, and I think it's making some of the athletes, including the owner, a little envyouse. I really hate this because they are amazing people I look up too, but I don't want them to think I tried to lie to them.

I don't want to be competitive and I honestly don't care about beating anyones PRs but my own, but I just don't know how to approach the subject. I would also get off if I could, but unfortunately I will actually lose some VERY important functions if I do.

Has anyone else been in this situation? I've really gotten attached to these people, and I even might start dating one of the other athletes, but I'm terrified how they might view me after. Looking for some advice.

20:03 UTC


Nutrition support

Looking for advice on what to do with my macros.

I have a one year old daughter and since having her and the pregnancy I did put a bit of weight on.

In November I was 168 I started working with a trainers and counting macros. Initial goal was 2400 as I was still breastfeeding a lot. 5 strength workouts a week.

I continued to eventually 1900 calories 5 workouts per week 10 000 steps And now I’m down to 149

Now for the last month this has been my program

2000 calories /day 5 strength workouts per week 10 000 steps per day And I haven’t seen any fat loss in this month

My goal is to keep losing fat but I’m thinking of switching to a CrossFit gym where I would do 3 classes per week and then continue with getting 8 k + steps a day and then maybe one workout in my home gym per week

What would you guys recommend as macro goal for body recomp at this point? I would like to have one cheat meal per week also and I’m still breastfeeding 2-3 times a day but I’m thinking it’s mostly for comfort and not actually maintaining a milk supply at this point.

Also looking to try a different tracking app than my fitness pal so let me know what you recommend for that

19:25 UTC


Speed rope recs (Europe). Rpm or other?

My old rpm speed rope fell apart today after serving for 8 years. I started looking for a new rope. I’d like to have another rpm rope but their shipping is a bit much to where I live (both time and moneywise).

So: does anyone a) know if there is a store that sells rpm ropes with a reasonable EU delivery or b) can recommend another brand that has very fast, light, durable ropes?

18:25 UTC

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