
Photograph via snooOG

This reddit is a place for redditors to motivate each other to quit smoking. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit.


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How to deal with overeating?

Its been 36 hours cold turkey and I have been eating like crazy, especially sugary stuff

06:54 UTC


Need to stop vaping before plastic surgery

Hi everyone. I need to quit vaping by the 18th of June. I am scared to go on champix as i have read horror stories about it. The clinic that is doing my surgery will do a blood test on the 30th of July to see if there is any nicotine in my system.

If i fail to quit cold turkey, is there a chance to pass my blood test if i just vape non nicotine vapes?

Help a girl out please! Thank you!

05:17 UTC


Don't know if it's worth mentioning

I have been trying quit smoking from the past few months, and I have managed to cut down from 10 a day to 1-2. Tomorrow , I will go to zero. Been smoking on and off for 10 years but not regularly. Became a regular smoker last year and it has bothered me ever since.

Need some encouragement to get over the cravings as they get intense sometimes.


05:11 UTC


flashbang idea

write out the pros and cons to smoking. and the pros and cons to not smoking.

i'll go first. 1) pro's to smoking; i like it, it calms me down, it helps me self soothe, controls my mood, appetite, allows me to avoid bad troubling thoughts feelings and emotions. makes me more creative or at least makes music sound better, i enjoy waking up with it, i feel it makes me a nicer person.

cons to smoking; i can't breathe, i can't not smoke to feel normal, my sleep schedule is shot, im always exhausted, im always exhausted, im constantly seeking stimulation to enjoy my smoke with,

pros to not smoking; i could finally say i quit, and finally breathe and get my energy back, and an alternate stress relief/mood controller could be found (altho assai write this i wholeheartedly know aint noUthin, gunna be as reliable as the smoke but i digress) i could save money, i could surpass the damage i would otherwise do to myself, i could also stop worrying about pangs and pains in my chest,

cons to not smoking; i dont know what i'll do to fill the time or space of mind, the lack of attention, the slowness of time, the person i've built with smoking slowly fading away, literally a part of me im losing, a magnificient sense of loss all around from my only oasis of peace.

please help me flesh this out.


02:58 UTC


Tomorrow is quit day

I am so scared. I have one last cigarette to smoke. I have patches, gum, sugar free candy, straws to chew on, and a stop smoking app. I’m just terrified!

01:56 UTC


Is crying and feeling depressed normal after I quit?

Hi guys today is my day 20 without nicotine. Lately I’m feeling extremely depressed almost everyday and I am crying randomly non stop since yesterday. Week one of withdrawal I was feeling ok, not too sad but starting from week 2 I’m feeling super low and lost all motivation, nothing seems to make me happy. Crying all day and full of negative thoughts.

Can someone tell me if it’s nicotine withdrawal related? Or share your experience? I am so worried and even thought I should reach out to psychologist.

00:59 UTC


65 days

So yeah, I crept over the two month mark without even realizing. I‘m very rarely feeling cravings anymore, even if I’m partying or surrounded by smokers which used to be a huge trigger during previous quitting attempts. I started to work out again, I enjoy breathing more freely. My energy level has been way better. So far I can say: It‘s almost annoying to see how comparably easy it was to make a change that improved my quality of life so drastically, and it‘s shocking to look back at something this short ago: How weird for a person to smoke 600 cigarettes a month, paying 200$ monthly for something this life-threatening.

Mostly a silent lurker here, but reading all your stories kept me very motivated up until now. Thank you and stay strong! 💪

00:44 UTC


Why am I so hungry all the time now?

Anyone deal with this? I quit cigarettes 3 days ago and ever since I’ve been so hungry all the time. Plus I’m super tired all the time. I’m open to all tips of how to curb this.

00:22 UTC


Music more enjoyable after Quitting nicotine

Not sure if anybody else has experienced this but music is SIGNIFICANTLY more enjoyable for me. I’ve made the assumption that it is due to the fact that my brain isn’t constantly being flooded with dopamine, and because of this I actually value music more. Almost as if music is my new drug, everywhere I go I have headphones. I just bought a JBL speaker for $100 as a little reward of 30 days no nicotine as-well :)

1 Comment
00:08 UTC


6 years ago this month

6 years ago this month I quit cold turkey after smoking since I was a young child, for 19 years straight, at least 1 pack a day, with periods of 2 packs. In later years I had started waking up in the middle of the night just to smoke. Smoke in bed and get back to sleep.

It was very, very hard for many months. Still would like very much to smoke a cigarrete, but I just wont do it, EVER, again.

I won't leave any cheap words of motivation. I might do a post describing the mindset that allowed me to quit and what I think was the key for me being able to do it this time, contrary to all the others I failed. Maybe that will help someone quit. Hugs from Portugal

22:59 UTC


Can I ask about E-Cigarettes/Vapes here?

What’s your standing on it? Does anyone have reliable information on health impact from vaping?

22:06 UTC


Worst skin after quitting?

Any experienced worst skin after quitting smoking? pimples, ingrowns and such..

21:34 UTC


Nicotine gum vs vapes

What works better to quit cigarettes, nicotine gum or vaping?

21:13 UTC


When will I have regularly poops again? sorry for the tmi

I quit over a month ago. The biggest side effect is that I have lost my regular and smooth morning routine. I used to take a very quick smooth large poop every morning. Now for the past 5 weeks, ever since I quit I go every 2-3 days and never in the morning and it's never smooth and it’s always small and hard and I struggle. I used to never leave the house with a morning poop now I haven’t had a single morning one in over a month and it feels terrible. I haven’t had the morning “skinnies” and flat stomach with morning abs in over a month I look like crap.

I always had a healthy diet and made super to eat even healthier since I quit and eat more fruits and veggies to have more fiber. But since it does nothing, when will my routine return to normal? This is such bullshit! I am angry and frustrated! I don’t want to take laxatives, that’s temporary relief but then the next morning I won’t go either unless I take them again.

21:05 UTC


Starting today I am limiting myself.

I have been wanting to quit for the last 2 years and I always cave in after 3-4 days cold turkey. This time I am going to start slowly tapering myself down. I’ve been a pack a day smoker for the last 8 years and a smoker for the last 12 years. I lost my father to lung cancer in 2020 and it worries the hell out of me my kid will see the same thing happen to me.

I can do this… I believe in myself.

Today I start 10 a day, next Sunday it will be 8. I’m going down by 2 a week. Hopefully this works because I can’t do patches or gum due to them making me have heart palpitations.

20:53 UTC


Interesting etiquette question

19:38 UTC


Am I doing right ?

I don't know if I'm taking the problem the right way... I've lowered my consumption to 3-5 cigarettes per day (I smoked between 10 and 15 cigarettes per day before), but the rest of the time, I vape

Am I on the right track? Should I reduce without vaping? Should I only vape and quit smoking completely if it helps me? Is vaping and smoking alongside dangerous?

(Additional information: M21, smoker for 6 years)

17:37 UTC


Year One Complete.

Hey, y'all. I just made one year cigarette free! Technically 366 days because of the leap year.

For those of you working towards that goal, I know you can do it. If I can, you can. I smoked about a pack a day for 19 years. But not 20 years!

Never give up, my friend. Every time a cigarette is about to go in your hand, remember: This Is Your Chance! This is your chance to be that person you want to be, who quits. Quitting isn't choosing to be done and then letting that declaration somehow carry you to success. Quitting is choosing over, and over, and over again NOT to smoke.

I realize I'm still only at the shallow end of the pool, but I'm still very proud of myself. I'm sending you --YOU reading this on a screen, right now!--my best, strongest quitting vibes.

You deserve to live well.

17:25 UTC


I really want to stop but its not easy

14:24 UTC


Daily "I will not smoke with you" Thread


We all have something to celebrate! We will not be smoking for the next 24 hours! What are you using to cope with cravings? How many days smoke free are you? Please discuss your progress and feelings in the comments!

Discord Group: As a reminder, meetings are held on the discord group: Monday through Friday at 5-6pm EST. An additional meeting will begin at 10am EST starting 9/18/2023. Invite Link

More meetings will be added in the future to support more time zones.

13:01 UTC


Not hungry nor thirsty

Dear ex-smokers,

I quit smoking since 1 months (smoked during 12y and I am 28M) and everything goes well. First week wes very complicated, but now its better, nights are better, energy is better, stress is well lower ... perfect. Still a little it nervous and want to smoke after every meals... but its ok, I manage.

But I lost the hungry and thirsty sensation. It is very strange when I smoked I drunk a lot of water during my days and needed to eat like every 3h. However, since I quit I can stop eating and drinking during several days its crazy lol. I am not worried about this because I know that my body will autoregulate himself but its weird.

Do you had this experience when you quit ?

12:37 UTC


Alcohol and smoking

I'm 20 days into my quit using gum. Yesterday I ran into an old college buddy at an event with free booze flowing. Now I haven't had a drop of alcohol in my 20 days because it is a huge trigger. But I started drinking and didn't touch a smoke. So yes I did drink too much and have a hangover today but it's not one of those debilitating hangovers I used to get when I drank and chain smoked. So drinking alcohol to excess obviously isn't good for you but I'm thinking it was the combo of cigarettes and alcohol that was making me so sick. Anyone else? I'm glad I didn't smoke and I'm thinking I can re introduce some occasional drinks back into the equation. Don't be scared to tell me I'm delusional. Lol

12:32 UTC


Im down to only 2 cigarettes a day from 2 packs a day

Excuse my broken english .

Idk if I should be happy or not but Im down to only 2 cigarettes a day ( mainly at work one in the morning and one before leaving work ) , I was a heavy chain smoker I would smoke up to 25 , 30 cigarettes a day and even 40 in the week-ends for over 15 years

Idk how to feek about this tbh I really wanted to quit cold turkey and be done with this stupid stinky shit but I just cannot handle work without cigs so I feel like a failure ...

I tried cold Turkey before and it made me go insane and I missed some work days cuz I just couldn't focus on anything :[

12:15 UTC


help 😢

hi guys i dont really know how this works cause ive barely posted anything before lol. ive smoked and vaped a handful of times but i keep wanting to do it again, i dont really think its the nic im addicted to but more so the action of doing so. Its becoming more of an issue and its hard to get the thought off my mind. I want to stop this like craving but im confused on what todo. Does anyone have tips or been in a similar situation?

1 Comment
10:45 UTC



I stopped smoking for 2 weeks. Longest i had ever been and was so proud of myself, esp after day 2 where i was angry bought a packet then threw the entire pack away! This after smoking around 25 cigarettes a day, for 23 years. Then a week or so ago, I got l annoyed and wanted a smoke so i thought whats the harm and smoked 1, which led to 2, 3 this tumbled quite quickly into me back smoking again.

Since then i have said this is my last packet and its not. Each day, i say to myself dont smoke but I do. For some reason stopping isnt easy as the other time, the nicotine brain just wants and i am caving so easily.

I need to stop smoking as i dont have the ££ to spend £14 a day anymore but apparently that isnt enough. I dont have kids or whatnot to help on that side of things.

Today im saying this is my last packet again. But i dread tomorrow as i know in the back of my head “your going to cave”

Patches causes skin irritation, gum is awful and i dont want to replace smoking with vaping (i vapes for around a year solely during covid, and i ended up vaping more than i ever smoked). Aside from chaining myself to an immovable object im not sure how to get through tomorrow.

09:15 UTC


Is this normal?

So about a week and a half ago i stopped smoking (used to smoke 50mg vape and cigarettes). Then i used a patch for 7 days (25 mg, i dont want to do 8 weeks of this bs, so 1 week is fine). And now i am patch / nicotine free for 3 days and i feel at ease. For me being a smoker since i was 15 years old and now being 21 it wasn't as hard to stop.

But what is hard is the eating part. Is it normal for me to eat X2 the amount i used to eat? Im not worried about gaining weight as i am quiet skinny, but food is expensive and im going at my food like a mad monkey.

Will this pass / calm it self eventual?

09:07 UTC


10 months and no urge

It’s been almost ten months! I can’t believe it. Read Allen Carr’s book, you will thank me folks.

09:06 UTC

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