
Photograph via snooOG

This is a support and recovery community for practical discussions about how to quit pot, weed, cannabis, edibles, BHO, shatter, Delta 8, or whatever THC-related product you're using, and getting support in staying stopped.

People smoking weed when they want without recrimination? Good. Not being able to stop smoking weed even when you want to? Bad.

This subreddit is for practical discussions about how to stop smoking if you've decided to and support in staying stopped from your fellow leaves. The only requirement for being here is that you have decided it's time to quit for good.

If you're looking for meetings or additional help try Marijuana Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or SMART Recovery.

Please note: Our first and most important rule is that we be kind, courteous, and supportive with each other. Even (and maybe especially) people that aren't being kind to us. If someone is breaking this rule, please use the report button and we'll sort it out. Remember that you're here to actively inspire people toward success, yourself included.

Keep it About You: This group is pot-positive and we have no problems with weed other than the fact that it isn't right for us, so we keep this a selfish place. If your problem is with other people, other smokers, or cannabis in general then keep it about how that affect you.

You're welcome to talk about bad experiences, but they have to be yours, not other people's, society's, or general anti-smoking opinion. If your post doesn't have "I" or "me" in it you should question whether you're describing your own experience or just talking about others.

Also, this is a politics-free zone. There are lots of thoughts on legalization and plenty of places to debate them, but they are a distraction from the mission of this subreddit which is to help people stop smoking.

Badges: We get occasional requests for badges -- please see this post: http://bit.ly/K0Y6Hg

Other things that will be removed:

Posts regarding strategies, wait times, products or anything related to drug testing or "detoxing."

Posts in which the sole subject is tolerance breaks or moderation management. This subreddit is for people who have decided to quit for good, not for people who will resume or continue.

Posts discussing or advocating weed substitutes, CBD, or any remedies other than mutual support and the sharing of our experience. There are medications that can help mitigate the effects of quitting or conditions that might have contributed to addiction, but you should get those from a doctor, not an Internet chat group.

We only allow text posts, and recommendations of resources outside the group will most likely be removed. Outside resources can be informative or inspiring, but it's better to talk about your personal experience and inspiration in your own words.

The only thing we want to hear about is you, and on that topic you're the world's foremost expert.

This include your own quitting or vlog videos. I'm afraid we just don't have time to review them as part of the modding process.


342,194 Subscribers


I have 7 days until I go back to college—HELP 😣

I seriously need to quit. I start school on the 26th, today is the 18th.

I’m starting back at my local community college, and I only have classes Monday & Wednesday. I’m going to be taking Intro to Statistics, Intro to Human Biology, a child development class and nutrition. Those are pretty easy classes in the grand scheme of things. In high school I had several AP classes, my junior year my GPA was 4.5, I graduated with like a 4.17 I think. So I’m smart and capable!

However…once I started smoking and partying I ended up dropping out of college and never going back. I’ve been bouncing around from minimum wage jobs for the last decade, and I’m now 28. I’ve been trying to cut back on smoking for the last few days, but I keep smoking more than I’m supposed to.

So today I woke up and checked the calendar and realized I have 7 days to quit. I know I don’t technically HAVE to quit to work part time at Panda Express and go to school part time at a community college. I would like to quit though, or at least only smoke before bed. I’m totally okay with that idea, because I don’t have to quit completely until I start applying for my 2 year technical school once I’m done with my prereqs.

Ugh…I doubt anybody is even going to read this. I guess it helps just to get it out. Idk. I just need some kind of advice or motivational words. I’m not sure what anyone can do for me at this point, I feel it’s all on me to do this for myself.

19:04 UTC


Back to work tomorrow after two and a half months of IOP for weed addiction and other stuff.

So I go back to work tomorrow after being in IOP for over two months. I went in to get help with being addicted to weed and other prescription anxiety medicine. It was really rough. The weed detox was hell and the anguish I felt from being out of work and doing a treatment program was really hard.

I’m really nervous about tomorrow. I don’t know how I’ll act anymore. I’m hoping to be smarter and for there to be a noticeable change in my performance and personality.

I would smoke before work, on break, and immediately after getting in my car to leave for the day. I spent the whole day zooted and kp’d out. I really hope I did the right thing.

I honestly can thank this group for helping me get by on the really bad days and being so encouraging. Y’all are the best.

18:57 UTC


Day 3

Tomorrow I have school to attend but I might skip it to prioritize my health. I hope by day 5 I will be good to go back. My mental health at day 2 seemed to be the worst and today I am feeling slightly better but still depressed. Went for a jog to try and get some kinda high

18:55 UTC


One week!

Today is seven days. Sleep is shit but I’m feeling good!!

18:55 UTC


Almost 4 months clean but still very hard to get intimate

Been happily in a relationship for about a year and the last 6 months been rough on her part I guess because I haven’t sexual satisfied her. We kiss and make out but I just feel shame now if I try to get intimate. And it’s very often I do get turned on. It’s really not a big deal to me to be sexually active and don’t really need it. I just feel stuck and I can’t seem to shake this part of quitting weed. Feel like I ain’t a good boyfriend and feel like shit because I can’t get it up for her and pleasure her.

18:52 UTC


Asking my partner for sobriety before considering marriage.

My (26F) boyfriend (25M) has smoked marijuana almost daily since the age of 15. While it has never been a huge issue in our relationship, there have been small issues that have compounded over time such as him not remembering conversations that we had that were important to me, not always being emotionally present, and having difficulty dealing with his own emotions and bad feelings without weed. I struggle to like most of his friends because they just smoke weed together and joke around but rarely touch into deeper topics, and can’t engage me in meaningful conversations. We used to have more mutual friends but less so recently. We have been together for 5 years, and he’s talked about quitting several times but has only ever been able to take a break for a few weeks and at most 2 months. I smoke too (especially to treat period cramps), but not as often and I started in my 20s and am not as dependent on it.

He has been talking about marriage and children and getting a home together etc. I am hesitant because I expected him to have taken being sober more seriously by now and I’ve never known who he is sober. He has never known himself sober either. He says he will quit before we try for a baby(so that there are no genetic abnormalities lol), but I don’t think it’s fair for him to use our child as motivation. And for him to be recovering from his dependency and learning how to deal with life without weed while entering parenthood. He thinks it’s wrong for me to “demand it” as a prerequisite for marriage.

I realise weed is not as bad as other drugs or alcohol, and I know it helps with ADHD. He is a wonderful and very thoughtful partner in many ways. But I want to be able to rely on my husband to lead and support us with a clear head, to be emotionally present, and to find value and pride in sobriety. While I think it’s fine to smoke recreationally with friends. I think everyone owes themselves a period of sobriety to learn themselves. And 10 years of smoking will take a long time to recover from and to even start to seeing the benefits of being sober. And even if I do believe he will get there “in time” (as he himself says) shouldn’t I make sure he is good on his promise before we are married? What do I do? Is this a reasonable ask? Any advice will help

Posted this in a different Sub and got several unhelpful “you shouldn’t have dated a drug user” responses. Hoping folks here are more understanding and helpful 🥺 thank you

18:49 UTC


1 month of Sobriety

Just as the title says I’ve made it to one month sober after smoking Dab Carts for 6 years straight.To anyone struggling out there;It is possible you just have to push through it.Everyone have a wonderful day❤️

18:06 UTC


1 month of Sobriety

Just as the title says I’ve made it to one month sober after smoking Dab Carts for 6 years straight.To anyone struggling out there;It is possible you just have to push through it.Everyone have a wonderful day❤️

18:06 UTC


Today, not tomorrow

I quit on 8-16-24, all multiples of 8. Which as kind of a weirdo about numbers, I can see as significant with 8 being a symbol of infinity. I feel like this addiction could go on forever if I let it, with only more use, day in, day out. It's a vicious cycle one gets into, and with the belief that I can quit tomorrow and it will be a new beginning, that will never come to fruition if everyday I think that way.

So today is day two and last night's sleep was hard to settle into and I slept in way longer than usual. I just wanted to dream and dream, and lay there a bit longer, but I knew I needed to get up. Yesterday wasn't as bad as the other days I tried to remain sober for the day. I think I'm just at the point where I know I need to stop fooling myself. Knowing myself and how I just can stay in the user limbo, always with the intention to start sobriety the following day and to just live it up today while I have permission from myself. Each time I've done that I have been the worst version of myself. For example going to bed/ sleeping in late, feeling lethargic, irritable, and confused the day after. Also eating way too much, feeling off in my interactions, driving impaired, not working out, or able to learn new things.

It was truly a net-negative in my life. I really just wish it didn't exist in my environment, but I can only control so much. I am looking forward to leaving it behind, a distant memory. Wishing all of us luck and fortitude!

18:04 UTC


Four months

I made it four months not smoking. Fell off the wagon last week, and I am back to full usage in less than seven days. I started drinking about double as soon as I quit and couldn't correct it. Gained about thirty pounds in the last couple months of it from that as well, to add insult to injury. This is the chink in the mental armor that caused me to break is why I mention it. Now, I am back to unwisely trying to negotiate with myself into some sort of moderation approach and generally am just disgusted with life. Just wanted to get that out there. Ill get back on the wagon again at some point, but for now its a death spiral until I do better. Sorry to let you all down lads and ladettes. Life is profoundly humbling at times.

17:58 UTC


Day 2 of no smoking

Hi everyone.

I've been smoking non stop every single day and night for the past 6 years. Two days ago, I finally decided that it was time for me to stop. I was tired of waking up groggy everyday, how unproductive it made me, the anxiety it gave me, and the self hatred it gave me, etc.

I also stopped vaping (nicotine) over two weeks ago.

Since stopping I've been extremely angry at every little thing and I've been insanely tired (which is very unusual for me). How long will these symptoms continue before I start to feel like my normal self again?

17:50 UTC


I need support, grateful for this group!

I started smoking weed when I was 18. I'm 39 years old. I have had breaks here and there, I've had two pregnancies through which I was clean and a couple other extended breaks but overall it's been daily multiple times a day. Before we had vapes it wasn't as bad but now that we have legal weed and vapes it's so easy and accessible. A year ago I started waking and baking so now it's all day where before it was just afternoon/ evening after work. I've wanted to quit for years, it's especially hard because my husband smokes/ vapes and so much of our relationship is around smoking together. I don't need him to quit for me to stop but I think it is harder with the vapes and everything all right here for me and knowing when he's smoking.

I stopped for three days this week and was so proud but relapsed and smoked on Friday and yesterday so lost all that progress.

I am getting older and I know the best thing for my brain and body and longevity is to be weed free. Any tips on how to help quit for good, especially with a partner who still uses?

Any tips on how to get motivated without it? I feel slow and stagnant until I hit that sativa vape and get that rush of energy to get it all done.

Praying today will be my sober day and in one year I'll be able to look back with pride that I actually beat this thing.

Thanks for the space and support, much love 💕

12:35 UTC


Day 3 🙃

I've always known I should stop but the thing that finally made me do it is changing careers, I want to be a trucker and they drug test so the weed has to go. The drug test is next Saturday and the last time I smoked was Thursday night. For the first two days I honestly still felt kinda high, everything was still fuzzy, but I woke up this morning with a horrible headache, sweats, shaking a bit, stomach upset 😭. This fucking sucks so bad y'all. It's hard to fall asleep too but I've been managing that at least.

Idk what the point of this post is really. Moral support?? I was hitting the pen 24/7 for years it feels so weird to have it gone. I keep reaching for my thighs and it's not there lol. Everything sucks rn

1 Comment
16:03 UTC


A comment I just posted for someone in this sub that I felt I should maybe share here

I wrote this a few minutes ago, and I just kept typing and typing. It's a lot, and I thought to myself "maybe these words could help someone struggling and on the brink," so I figured I'd post the comment (read: essay lol) I made. Words are the most powerful weapon we have to fight our battles, and maybe I can say something in a way that can reach someone that other words can't. If you read this and you are that person, digging through this sub to find a reason a reason to pull the trigger on quitting, let this post speak to you and tell you that now is your time to just... put it away. Put it in the drawer, close it, and keep it there forever. If I can do it, so can you...

"Just passed a month, the longest I've gone without it since I had an injury a few years ago, and getting close to the longest I've gone in the 17 years I've smoked.

I've tried tapering down. It never works. At some point you'll just buy more and keep putting it off, or something bad will happen (as things do in life) that'll get you to say "OK, well this happened and I need to sleep, soo..."

This time I'm done. My mentality needed to change. I'm not treating it as something so extremely hard, yet keeping the quitting part very serious. I still have weed here, pens I can attach to my vape, leaves I can pack into a bowl, and bowls and bongs I can use. Still here, right where I left them.

The difference is I tell myself now "this is my alcoholism, and that is my beer." Sure, alcoholism is way more dangerous and harder to get over, but not for me, and it helped put things in perspective. I can't have a little. I can't taper off. I can't just smoke socially like everyone else around me. I can't say "well, maybe EVENTUALLY I can do it socially..." That's giving the addiction power over you. This is my alcoholism, and that it my beer.

What got me to put it down was realizing that despite the hold it has over me, despite the mental push I have to smoke, despite all the power I've given it... at the end of the day, quitting is literally as simple as just not smoking it. Not putting the weed in the bowl, not lighting it, not inhaling. It's as simple as just... not doing it and carrying on.

It's all about the power you give the addiction itself.

Things I've noticed since quitting:

1- For the first time in my life I have ambitions. I'm no longer okay with just working enough to be able to pay bills and eat. I'm maybe a few weeks away from being ready to start my own small LLC and have been researching the process and insurances I would need, on top of business cards and a uniform, and talks with places that would hand out my cards and help get me clients. This would've never started with stoner me, and now I'm just waiting for the funds to pull the trigger on it. My mind is on that more than the sweet game I just downloaded or a movie I'm excited about.

2- The things I love I still love, but in different and more powerful ways. I love videogames, always have, and I was afraid I wouldn't like them as much sober. I can't really get myself to play the more mindless ones nowadays, but I've traded that for diving into a story and characters more. I ask questions in BG3, I'm reading notes in Guild Wars 2, and I just re-downloaded red dead 2 to see how much more I can get from what is imo the greatest story a game has ever told. Last night I watched The Godfather pt2, a movie I'd seen hundreds of times, and I swear there were so many things I just never cared to pick up on before bc I was always blasted watching it, so much so that I realized i like that movie way more than pt1 now.

3- I'm starting to cook for myself. I was always okay with just making sandwiches. For years and years that all I did. Various forms of sandwiches or fast food. Last week I was craving a burger. As I was about to leave to go to Culver's, as I always do when I want a burger, I stopped myself and said "you know what? Let's make a burger. I can still use the onions, tomatoes, lettuce for other things, I need mayo anyways... let's go make one," and I fucking did. It was spicy, it was juicy, and my heart wasn't leaping out of my chest from all the butter and bad shit.

4- I can focus and handle anxiety, pick up on social queues, and rethink things better than I ever could before. When I thought I needed weed to slow my mind down, I realized I was just becoming zombified in a fog. I sat on a bench the other day, smoked a cig, and wondered about the light reflecting from the river, what that butterfly's tiny mind was thinking as it fluttered past me, how the wind blowing past can feel so good on my skin, and what that feeling might actually be. Thoughts my stoned mind would've NEVER had. Before I would've sat there like a lump of fat cooking in the sun with a goofy smile on my face. Now that smile was at the world, not at the fog.

5- That injury I had affected a bunch of parts on the left side of my body, and my circulation. When I'd get stressed, my heart would beat like crazy, the left side of my neck would tighten, sometimes the side of my stomach where the injury was would sting or hurt a little. It's a lot better than it was, but the healing has been so slow. I swear I feel like my healing has gone through the roof since quitting. My heart doesn't pump like crazy, I'm handling the stress better, my neck doesn't get tight, etc. I can't quite explain how, but I feel like my body has been settling back into what it was before. I went for a run yesterday, something that would get my injury to flair up everytime I'd do it before, and today I just feel... kinda sore all over. It's not centered on the injured parts, it's not stabbing pains, it's just normal soreness from working out.

6- The most important one, and the most simple. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have control over myself. My mind and body are one. I'm not just thinking maybe I'm strong enough, I KNOW it, and knowing it is a power I never had before. I'm not letting things happen and just smoking my problems away, I'm MAKING things happen. It's a power you're trading for addiction, and it can only come from the trade and nothing else. It comes from you and from you alone. That child I used to be, the child that we all have in us, I know now that he's smiling. I feel his tiny smile in my soul, his little hands pumping the air and rooting for me. I'm not doing this to get laid, I'm not doing this for my mom or my dad, I'm not even doing this for me. I'm doing this for that little boy who had so many more hopes for me. I'm doing this because HE deserves better from me, even when I feel like I don't deserve it. He does, and so does that child in you.

I'm sorry this is so long. I get carried away when I write things, and this was probably more for me than it is for you. I'm gonna save this so I can look at my own words later if I feel like falling off the wagon. If you do read this, all of this, every word, then I think you know that you need this too. You can get there. You can absolutely get there, just like I'm getting there, because at the end of the day...

This is your alcohol, and that is your beer. It's as simple as just not doing it..."

16:54 UTC


Advices and testimonies please 🫶🏻

I just came across this sub and I'm so glad I did. I think it's time for me to stop smoking. I'm 34F, been smoking everyday since I'm 17. 5 days only in 17 years did I not smoke and it's almost impossible for me to imagine my life without it. I know it's causing me some problems like lack of motivation and sociability, mood swings, appetite (not hungry if I don't smoke, can't digest either so I often get nausea if I don't smoke), etc.

I just don't know how to start. What am I gonna do if I don't smoke? I'll be bored. I know its actually gonna be good for me and this idea that I'll be bored without weed is the addiction talking. Nonetheless, I'm having a hard time deciding to stop.

I'd like to know: what are the steps/the thoughts that went through your mind one your first days of being sober? How did you motivate and convince your self to stop? What advices can you give me?

I'm going to read as much posts on this sub, I think it will help me.

Thanks y'all!

(English isn't my first language)

1 Comment
17:19 UTC


Scared to say the least

Hi everyone. I found this subreddit literally five mins ago. My fiancée and i are both always talking about quitting but can never seem to stay on track.

The last time i tried to quit, we went on a cruise and didnt bring any in fear of getting caught with it in a country its not legal in. Well the first day, i was fine until it was later in the day, and i barely remember it, but i literally had a mental breakdown. I was starting crazy arguments with my fiance, leaving the room and pacing the ship for like two minutes and then going back to my room. People probably thought i was insane. I remember crying in my stateroom in pitch black, and then my fiance taking me to the hot tubs to calm me down, and thats really it. When we got to the country the next day, we immediately sought out a local to buy from. I literally could not eat for three days until we smoked a tiny bit on the beach and it was like everything went back to normal. I dont want to be like this. I dont know where im going with this post…. I guess i wanted to get it off my chest and hear if anyone else has had similar experiences? Thanks guys.

17:18 UTC


Trying to go for a sober hike…

I’m on Day 1 and just got out of the discord meeting and am headed for a long walk. It’s interesting how many bits of this make me want to use— little headache and dizziness, stress because it’s so hot outside and I need to keep my dog cool, haven’t eaten enough, feel depressed that I didn’t get out for the hike earlier… my auto response to all of those things is to take a lil hit and move forward. Moving forward without it feels like moving through quicksand, which is a bit discouraging since it’s just the morning of Day 1… But posting here to hold myself accountable. Going to get dressed and brush my teeth, eat a handful of something…ugh here we go! 🚶‍♀️🦮 Let you know when I make it back ;)

16:18 UTC


I made it and so can you.

Read "Never Enough".

Your brain is making counter chemicals to balance whatever you add!

Adding weed for relaxation? Your brain seeking homeostasis is making stress/ wakeful chemicals to combat the weed that's coming.

Never get high anymore. Just constant using and balancing weed and caffeine all day.

Because I have been struggling with depression for almost 30 years and my general state is not that great...

I don't feel bad quitting at all!

It is taking a good 2 hrs to fall asleep and I have a lot of meditation training and therapy so I'm not overwhelmed with unprocessed emotions.

I am ready! Ready to be and feel free and take life as it comes. I've been noticing weed isn't doing anything for me except making me tired. The physical relaxation is good but I want to write a book and the weed state of tired and grumpy does not help me tackle projects outside of work and family.

Putting this out here for the old heads, heavy users, who've done the emotional work - there's a chance if you're struggling with depression that quitting will lift your mood.

It has mine.

I told my partner and I was expecting resistance but he was supportive. Since he still uses. Won't be easy to hold my ground but I'm ready oh so ready to take on life without substances.

16:02 UTC


Catching a bad case of Influenza has helped me be sober for two weeks.

Just wanted to share my experience so far.

I've been a heavy smoker for about 6 years. I would come home from work, smoke a spliff, go to gym, go home and smoke more until I'm completely numb.

I've hidden all of this from the women I've dated over the last few years.

I've noticed how detrimental it is to my performance and health. I'm a business owner so there isn't much repercussion should I show up to work late, be lazy or just generally under perform.

I've been using weed as a coping mechanism from quite a few traumas. I've never really dealt with many of them, instead just brushed stuff under the rug and have a puff to ease the pain.

These traumas include being diagnosed with a hectic cancer at age 17, being physically assaulted by neighbors in my street, living under huge financial stress outside of my control, and being in a few toxic relationships.

I caught the flu about two weeks ago, and it really knocked me on my ass. Since then I've completely stopped smoking and vaping of all sorts (tobacco, weed, nicotine).

The timing of the flu was pretty bad, we had just found out my dad cheated on my mom for the second time.

Honesty I've never felt so low, yet at the same time so eerily calm.

Stopping smoking weed has definitely messed with my head. There have been a few days where I could barely string coherent sentences together. My mood has been at a constant all time low. Everything just kind of came crashing down all at once.

But I am feeling positive about this. Stopping smoking wasn't my intention, but the timing was ultimately a good thing.

I'm thinking of checking myself into a sort of psychiatric/psychology daycare where I can stay for a week and have professionals help me work through my anger issues and resentment I've built up throughout the last couple of years.

I'm still pretty young, and I don't want to end up at age 30 with a broken mind and marriage because I never did anything to fix myself.

Stay strong you guys.

15:41 UTC


I woke up thinking about weed

Weed was just recreationally legalized in my state and it went into effect last week. I tossed and turned last night, and when I woke up today, I felt like I had been dreaming about weed all night. Mostly in a panicked way because my last cart just ran out and I don’t have money for more. My brain keeps trying to scheme up ways to go to the dispo for more.

I am so sick of this. I knew once it was recreationally legal, my problem was going to somehow get worse than it already was. I can’t seem to make the obsessive thoughts about using go away. So obsessive. I don’t know what to do.

I’ve been to MA, I’ve been to rehab twice. Why can’t I just be normal with this stupid fucking drug?

15:30 UTC


7 months free 🥰

about 7 months ago I got pregnant accidentally and me and my husband decided that all in all it was a blessing and to keep the baby as we were both ready, and I quit cold turkey immediately after 2-3 yrs of daily use and albeit it was very hard considering the morning sickness and lack of appetite but all in all I have never felt better and more present and I don’t think Ill ever go back <3 (not saying you should get pregnant to quit LOL but having a strong motivating factor is a really helpful thing, just wanted to celebrate my success)

15:13 UTC


Quick question for people who quit awhile ago:

Is it normal to barely be able to sleep or eat?

Its been about 6 days for me since I last had any edibles. I was doing close to 100mg each night or at least every other night for the summer, and a bit during the school year last year.

I feel like Im dying right now because Im an extremely active bodybuilder and runner, so things have been hard for me on this starvation diet, and I've lost a lot of weight. Im not too thrilled about.

15:13 UTC


Sudden urge after 5 months off. Please advise

Suddenly have the urge to smoke just one time.. get nice and high with a pre roll.. have not had any cravings since quitting 5 months ago.. smoked daily for 15 years, then on and off for 3 years and been completely off for 5 months.. probably my longest stretch.

Think I should smoke one? Or not yet? My goal is to eventually smoke 1-2 times a year and not feel guilt about it but definitely don’t ever want to smoke on a regular basis again

14:54 UTC


Three months sober

Started using edibles during the pandemic due to stress. Entirely used it to help me sleep. Which was fine, until I was using at least 100mg edibles a night, every single night. For about five years. I could function okay on them, too - not that I would like, try to drive or anything like that, but I could hold a conversation and people wouldn’t really suspect anything. Didn’t feel like I was stoned off my gourd, either.

But I knew it had to stop. Not only was it wildly expensive - hundreds of dollars a month - it got to the point where I wasn’t taking it to help me sleep, it was the only way I COULD sleep. No weed, no sleep.

I broke the habit through an incredibly privileged method. I had to travel overseas, and the time difference was bad enough that my sleep was all messed up anyway. I wasn’t sleeping from the lack of weed, I wasn’t sleeping from the jet lag, it was all just a mess. But having to travel helped me power through.

The anxiety nightmares subsided after about a month, though they were definitely rough. Would wake up multiple times a night, pretty much every night. That’s after having pretty much zero dreams before.

After that I was pretty much fine, I think. Sleeping a lot more normally now.

1 Comment
14:48 UTC


Day 10. Thank you everyone.

I did guys. I made it. I know I'll never go back to who I was.

I feel like I've connected with myself and others, truly, for the first time. I'm getting to know myself for the first time. I feel absolutely fantastic. It's crazy to think that this thing I believed made my life tolerable actually made me miserable.

Thank you to everyone that commented and supported me. I read the comments over and over during the hard moments, which was often at first.

I've been keeping very busy but im starting to be able to just chill at home without feeling down and yearning for my bong lol. I haven't cried in several days 😋

Thank you.

14:40 UTC


70 days no weed and shitty relapse dream

Dreamed of a relapse last night and it felt awful. I had a really, really triggering day and night watching a disturbing movie then listening to my mom say some fucked up shit. I wonder if that was my self-conscious showing me my old way of coping. Nonetheless, I woke up still sober, still on my streak. Raw dogging life is not for the weak lol

1 Comment
13:59 UTC


Day 10 without craving, then I drink 1 glass of alcohol and that just make me want to go buy some weed

One part of me know that it's not what I want. But one part want to see how it's going and party on the beach tonight.

I know I will regret it but still the desire is there.

Edit : I choose to not do it, Thanks for this amazing community and their posts. And will stop drink even just 1 drink, that create just dumb decision

13:45 UTC


I am really wanting to quit.

I’ve been a casual user for 20 years and I would like to stop. Primarily using edibles now and my dosage is quite high at this point, between 3-500mg a day. I am nervous about withdrawal but I can tell my brain function is declining some and I believe using weed is the reason why. I just want a clear head. Any words of advice are welcome.

13:27 UTC


I’m scared this time to quit, I don’t know how to do it.

Please guys I’ve been smoking for the last 16 years, I had a lot of goals in my early teenager’s and today I feel like I totally failed myself. I’m going to stop smoke from tomorrow, I need advice on how to do this. I’ve been regularly smoker from morning to evening everyday since the last 16 years. Any tips are welcome, thank you.

13:02 UTC


Quit two weeks ago

I quit smoking flower 4 weeks ago and the penjamin about two weeks ago. I’ve been feeling the need to quit for months and haven’t been able to do so. I used weed to cope with being overstimulated. I was a heavy smoker for 6 years and I started to feel like it wasn’t helping anymore. I realized I was just rotting when I was high. I never felt like I had enough time for the things I needed to do. The reality is that I can’t be very productive when I’m stoned. My mind felt fuzzy and I feel like it stole my personality. There’s a quote that says “If you want something different, you have to be willing to do something different.” I am really excited to be sober. Which is a weird feeling. I always dreaded being sober in the past but I have a new perspective. I want more out of my life than being high and sitting on my phone for hours trying to escape. I am glad I found this group and wish you all the best!!

12:35 UTC

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