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Wednesday What Are You Eating Thread

Ask food related questions here. Discuss recipes. Share eating hacks. DON'T DRINK OLIVE OIL!!!

08:01 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for May 01, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

00:01 UTC


[PROGRAM DISCUSSION] 8 Week DoggCrapp Check In


I am currently in my 8th week of DoggCrapp, which matches how long I ran it…13 years ago, before competing in my first powerlifting meet and completely abandoning the program in pursuit of becoming a better powerlifter. Oddly enough, at that meet I set my best ever bench press in competition (342lbs as a 198 lifter), which was probably a lesson I should have learned but never did. But, either way, I’ve had 13 years to mature since then, and once again felt the call to take on DoggCrapp again, and after another 8 weeks I saw fit to get some thoughts down on it. This isn’t a full on program review, as I’m not “done” with DoggCrapp, but a quick check-in to express my thoughts so far: what’s been good, what’s been bad, what’s simply “been”, and, of course, my tweaks and mutations.


Let’s start with “what the hell is DoggCrapp?” DoggCrapp is the unfortunate name that Dante Trudel gave his training style, which was a joke of a name he came up with on an online forum in the early aughts that regrettably stuck with it for the rest of its life. Anyone that was online in that era totally understands how these dumb decisions you make in the heat of coming up with a screenname can last with you the rest of your life (self-included), but rest assured that the programming style itself is no joke. Dante, himself not a bodybuilding trainer at the time but simply an enthusiast, had made several observations on what were the variables in bodybuilding training that seemed to ensure maximal success, and decided to just take all those winning strategies together and make it into its own training style, very similar to the alleged history of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do: take what is useful and discard what isn’t. These ideas were circulated through various forum posts and eventually captured and consolidated in a thread known as “Cycles for Pennies”, with Dante eventually creating his own forum known as “intense-muscle”, where he poured our more of his nearly prophetic ideas.

For myself, my first exposure to DoggCrapp came via a t-nation article titled “How to Build 50 Pounds of Muscle in 12 Months” by Nate Green, which I’ll link here, because it’s honestly a very solid primer on DoggCrapp and still what I rely on to this day.


And while we’re talking about background, where was I when I started DoggCrapp again? I had JUST finished up 5/3/1 Building the Monolith which, in turn, I took on because, prior to that, I was running Jamie Lewis’ “Famine” protocol and was honestly burnt out with lifting 4-6 days a week and wanted to cut it down to 3. Building the Monolith gave me that opportunity, after which I went on a Disney Cruise, ate my face off, came back home and STILL only wanted to lift 3 days a week, and be able to spend the rest of my days walking or conditioning, which was a great fit for DoggCrapp.


You really should just read that primer I linked, but for a quick overview of how DoggCrapp works.

  • 3 days a week of lifting (yes, there are other splits out there in DC, they are for advanced trainees, which I am not as far as bodybuilding is concerned)

  • Alternating A/B style workouts. The A workout is chest-shoulders-triceps-back width-back thickness, the B workout is biceps-forearms-calves-hamstrings-quads. Yes, it is in THAT order.

  • 3 workouts PER workout. What that means is, you have an A1, A2 and A3 day, and a B1, B2 and B3 day. So it takes a total of 2 weeks to get through all workouts (A1-B1-A2, B2-A3-B3, repeat).

  • One movement per muscle, one workset per movement (in most cases). Rest pause for the majority of the worksets.

  • “Beat the logbook”. Each workout, you either do more total reps than last time, more weight, both, OR, if you can’t beat the logbook, you change out the movement.

  • After the workset, engage in a weighted stretch for the muscle (60-90 seconds).

  • 30 minutes of cardio on the non-lifting days (ideally fasted).

  • 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight for the diet.


  • I’ve honestly kept things pretty close to original. The biggest thing is I removed the forearm work and replaced it with a shrug variant. I genuinely don’t care about my forearm size, and figure I can get it to grow with grip strength work. Meanwhile, I DO care about the size of my traps, and wanted to use this as a chance to maximize it. I felt like these were both “small” muscle groups, and fit in well as a swap, and having owned Kelso’s Shrug Book for a decade, I’m at no shortage of shrug variations to employ.

  • I am also still implementing ROM progression deadlifts, because I have found that, for me, this once a week pulling really gets me strong on the deadlift and doesn’t tax my recovery enough to impact other training. I’ve even managed to factor it into DoggCrapp: I include it in my A2 workout as my backwidth exercise. On the week I DON’T do the A2 workout, I do a ROM progression deadlift on Saturday. It’s one set and 5 minutes of work, and I often count it toward my “sprint workouts” (described below).

  • I also tend to go above the recommended cardio recommendation. I still keep it low intensity, because I dig how that’s effective for burning fat, but I tend to go on a weighted vest walk for 40-50 minutes, and will also use this training day to hit some odds and ends (kb swings, reverse hyper, band pull aparts, neck work and some lateral raises tend to be the go to).

  • I also include 3x10 standing ab wheels on the end of the lifting days. Direct ab work really serves me well. Some folks don’t need it, but I do.

  • I lift M-W-F, I do the walking/odds and ends on Tues/Thurs, and on the weekends I’ll get in non-fasted walking and “sprint” workouts. These are 3-6 minute high intensity conditioning workouts: things like the Grace/Fran WODs, TABEARTA, 5 minutes of ABCs, etc. It’s in my best interest to keep those on the short side, as the lifting is intense and I don’t want to dip too far into my recovery. And, as I wrote above, once every 2 weeks I’ll be including a ROM progression deadlift workout on a Saturday.

  • With me eating carnivore, I imagine I’m getting those protein recommendations, but I’m not counting or measuring to be able to say for sure.


  • Once again, the big draw was 3 days a week of lifting, giving me more time to walk. With it being spring leading into summer, I want to get outdoors more often rather than be trapped inside a gym, and this style of training allows me to get in the hard training that I need while affording me the opportunity to enjoy being outside. That’s also a one/two punch as far as the goals of a bodybuilding program goes, because I find walking to be the best physique improving non-lifting activity to engage in. Low heartrate level exercise tends to be the exercise that relies on fat as a fuel source rather than carbs, and I find it’s an effective way to either strip fat away from the body OR, at least minimize its accumulation when eating aggressively. It also allows me to get out in the sun, get a tan, and just be in a great head space.

  • This style of progression totally clicks with me. I hate percentages, and am somehow able to overcome that when it comes to 5/3/1 and Deep Water primarily because they just use them as a starting point, but in my most ideal world I’d never bother with them. DC is just about doing more than last time until you can’t, and then switching it up again. That’s what I grew up on with Pavel, and it still clicks to this day.

  • But along with just not having percentages, I ALSO appreciate how the progression is “slow”. And I put that in quotes because it’s much like how silly people say 5/3/1’s progression is slow. What we really mean when we say slow progression is “infrequent opportunities to progress”. You only play with the TM of 5/3/1 after the cycle is over, but you can still progress as fast as you want. You only get a chance to beat the logbook once every 2 weeks, but in between those 2 weeks you can make LOTS of progress.

  • And you really DO make a lot of progress between those attempts because of how intelligently the whole thing is set up. Forcing you to pick different movements for 3 different workouts is going to force you to work the muscles/movements from different angles, which is going to force you to bring up weakpoints whether you want to or not. So, for example, Dips for chest on day A1 strengthens the Incline Bench used on day A2 which strengthens the Dumbbell Bench used on day A3, which strengthens the dip. This, once again, funnily enough harkens back to my days following Pavel’s 3-5 out of his “Beyond Bodybuilding” book, which was supposed to, of course, be BEYOND bodybuilding, yet here we are again. I’ve also used this approach for Super Squats as well, and it’s really a lesson I just need to learn in general. Rather than having to keep a movement locked in for 6 weeks at a time and then do a whole new training block, we can vary the movements WITHIN the block to stretch it out longer.

  • Just to keep speaking to how much I like the set-up: a 2 week break from a movement isn’t enough time to get detrained on it, assuming you come into DoggCrapp with a solid enough base. This is something I learned first hand with Deep Water, where it was 2 weeks between movements on the actual Deep Water days. And considering Dante said not to take on the program unless you had 3 years of training and were over 26 years old, there was something in place there to ensure that. It’s honestly just a great cyclical periodization approach.

  • The order of the split/movements makes total sense to me. I like saving my hardest movement for last in a workout, vs most folks doing it first. And I most likely picked this up from the first time I ran DoggCrapp. But saving widowmaker squats for the end of the workout REALLY allows you to put your all into it and not have to worry about the swim back. Additionally, the “back width” exercise at the end of the A days allows you to employ a deadlift variant, which can make DoggCrapp more like a 3x a week full body workout vs a bodybuilding split, and, once again, you can REALLY go all out on the deadlift.

  • I like how unbodybuilder-esque this bodybuilding training is. Dante is really big on the whole 80/20 principle, and for movement selection it means picking big movements you can go heavy on. A big part of that is because you have to “beat the logbook”. If you’re doing 15lb lateral raises, it’s hard to progress each workout, but if you’re pressing 185lbs overhead, your shoulders have some wiggleroom. This really gels well with my meathead background. There isn’t much nuance to execution either. No tempo counts or rep range trickery. The calves are the most nuanced bodypart to train in the program, and I can tolerate that.

  • I dig the inclusion of a heavy set of quad work before hitting the widowmaker. Once again: very 5/3/1, and I feel like it does a good job of allowing me to stay strong. And being able to include a deadlift for my back width work allows a similar benefit.

  • Mandatory cardio. I’m honestly pretty good about doing that stuff on my own volition these days, but much like how 5/3/1 has conditioning in it, Jamie Lewis includes required walking, and even Deep Water has an active recovery day, I appreciate programs that are PROGRAMS and not just a lifting routine. Taking the whole picture into account is good. AND, laying out that the cardio is a 30 minute walk gives a good perspective of how hard to work on those non-lifting days. Complying with that has been good for my recovery.

  • I love Dante’s approach to nutrition. Once again, his 80/20 approach shines through. He wants dudes to focus on getting BIG while they run DoggCrapp. Leanness can come AFTER we get big. And according to Dusty Hanshaw, Dante’s philosophy was “If you’re going to overeat, it may as well be the stuff that muscle is made of”, which is how he settled on 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight, which aligns exactly with the same conclusion of Jamie Lewis in “Issuance of Insanity”, and is very close to the recommendation in “Feast, Famine and Ferocity” during the Feast phase. Trainees NEED this sort of reinforcement. Plus, with the thermic effect of food being a thing, there’s a fair chance that overeating this much protein is going to result in the same sort of fat spillover that one would experience with carbs or fats. And since insulin AND glucagon tend to rise together when protein is consumed, there shouldn’t be as many blood sugar spikes compared to what one experiences when overeating carbs. I think there’s a lot of method to this madness, and it once again appeals to me as a nutritional alchemist.


  • Workouts run longer than I care. I typically limit my weight training to an hour, and was getting most of my training done in about 45-50 minutes before DoggCrapp, but on DC it’s pretty rare for me to get a workout done in under 65 minutes. A big contributor to this is the warm-up sets. Because the dirty secret of High Intensity Training style programs is this: though there is only “one” workset, there is a LOT of volume to be found in the warm-ups. This style of training uses a ramping up warm-up, where you’re not necessarily burning out in the warm-ups, but you ARE getting a solid pump and putting in some work before you actually get to that work set. You want to really prime your system for max execution. Once again, 5/3/1 already trained you on this with the way Jim builds the lifts leading up to the topset of the mainwork, and we saw this also back in The Complete Keys to Progress. People will LOOK at a DoggCrapp workout and think “I’ll be in and out of the gym in 15 minutes”, which is once again why I say you can’t judge a program until you run it. When you actually do the workouts, to include the warm-ups in a meaningful way, it’s going to take some time to get it done.

  • A solution to the above would be to follow a split that has fewer muscle groups per day, but this would require training MORE days per week, which would rob me of the benefit of only lifting 3x per week. Instead, I just wake up 15 minutes earlier.

  • And because I’m being a good DoggCrapp citizen, I’m not in there knocking out giant sets or squeezing in a million assistance exercises between sets like I would on other programs. I AM keeping those warm-up sets very tight and short, but I’m still keeping myself focused on the movement, and will even grant myself a full minute rest before the squat and deadlift workouts. It’s hard for me to stay disciplined liked this, and I would prefer to get in a LOT of training density, but I also recognize how much I’ve written about periodization to know that I’ve done a LOT of training density work, so now it’s time to go abbreviated.

  • It’s really hard to care about calves, and they take SUPER long to train on the program, because each rep itself is 20 seconds long at least (5 second eccentric, 15 second hold), followed by a 70-90 stretch once it’s done. Just another way for the training days to run very long.


  • The weighted stretching. It’s just something I do because it’s part of the program, similar to the pullovers in Super Squats. It does suck because it’s just more time spent in the gym (adding to the long run time), but I don’t feel like it’s the secret weapon of the program NOR do I feel like it’s stupid to the point that I don’t need to do it. With only one big workset per bodypart, I figure the loaded stretch is just another way to get some more time under tension.


  • I like to think of DoggCrapp as “conjugate bodybuilding”, and I feel like a lot of its ideas could be lent to other programs. I have an idea in my head of taking Super Squats and turning it into 3 separate workouts to be run in a week (A1-A2-A-3, repeat). Still only go up 5-10lbs each time you cycle back. It would allow the program to be run for longer…which might not be a good thing at all! But also, dig how you do the pullovers in Super Squats and how that is a “weighted stretch”: it was DoggCrapp before it was cool. You could also move the squat to the very end like DoggCrapp and have the DC blessing even if it goes against the instructions of Super Squats.

  • Meanwhile, if we’re worried that we’re not getting strong enough with DoggCrapp, one could always take Easy Strength and use that to nudge up numbers. Think about how completely different the programs are: one is about cycling through 3 different workouts, not coming back to a movement for 2 weeks. Easy Strength has you stick with the same movement 5 days a week for 40 workouts. And Dan specifically says Easy Strength is there to take care of the strength work so that you can go on to “everything else”, and in a recent podcast specifically stated bodybuilding work as being included in the “everything else” portion of things. So you could open up with Easy Strength and roll into DoggCrapp if you had that some of training time. And since Easy Strength can be run as infrequently as 2-3x a week, there’s even an avenue to do it on NON-lifting days of DC. Especially if you run “Easy Strength for Fat Loss”, which specifically has you go for a fasted walk AFTER the Easy Strength workout. That may actually be a fantastic idea that I might just have to steal sometime. If you have any pet lifts that aren’t getting the love they need, this could be the answer.


Holy crap, look at how much I write when it’s NOT a program review. I haven’t even done a before/after or talked about results, or even my specific set-up this rotation (which is a good overview on how to make the most of a home gym, considering Dante advises strongly against trying that), but needless to say I am progressing well on this and have my first cruise ala “blast and cruise” coming up at the end of May, at which point I’ll have to see what my appetite is for continued crapping.

Thanks for reading! Always happy to discuss further. And if there is any interest in seeing the program in action, I've recorded every session and uploaded it to my youtube. Some of the videos got blocked for muscie, which is lame.

19:38 UTC


I (f16) am concerned about my weight (47kg) and don’t know how to gain.

16:17 UTC


Tuesday Training and Programming Discussion Thread

Have a question that is training or programming related? Ask it here! Want someone to help you revising or customising a program? Ask here! Want to show off a program you designed? Why are you designing your own programs? Read the bloody FAQ!.

08:00 UTC


Best Bulking Snacks?

I am increasing my calories as I have noticed the scale isn’t going up but it has made it hard for me to find healthy-ish bulking meals/snacks. Can you guys recommend easy, healthy, calorie rich, good tasting foods/snacks? I have looked into some protein bars but they have nearly 40 grams of added sugars! I restrict sugars to complex carbs like fruits.

17:46 UTC


Monday Motivation Thread

Discuss what's motivating you to get make gains here. What started you off? What keeps you going? What do you use to make sure you don't quit?

08:01 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 29, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

04:01 UTC


Sunday Victory Thread

What have been your victories this week? Have you made good progress? Set a new lift PR? Enacted a new habit that is helping you greatly? Post it here!

08:01 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 27, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

08:00 UTC


Has anyone tried Animal's Clear Whey Isolate Protein?

https://www.animalpak.com/products/animal-clear-whey ,

This could be a good product for people trying to gain but like me have issues with bloating and feeling too full after protein shakes. Wanted to ask if anyone has tried this product or something similar and if its good?

19:12 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 25, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

12:00 UTC


Thursday Self-reflection Thread

What's holding you back from making the biggest gains? What could you be doing better? Where could you be trying harder? What new habits could you enact to make things easier for you? Be honest with yourself, what would make a difference?

08:00 UTC


How to fix muscle asymmetry caused by scoliosis?

13:45 UTC


Wednesday What Are You Eating Thread

Ask food related questions here. Discuss recipes. Share eating hacks. DON'T DRINK OLIVE OIL!!!

08:00 UTC


Hi - I want to meet my protein goals but can only use a powder that provides 20g of protein per 100g, what should I do?

My mum doesn't want to buy whey protein - and I don't blame her, so we are going to make a home made one, but I am not sure it will work the way I want it to. I am quite light as I have only just started so I need about 115g of protein per day. Can someone help me with how I might reach that??

03:40 UTC


Should I buy a gym membership if I will ONLY use their leg equipment (including barbell)

I currently workout using adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable bench. The dumbbells go up to 70 pounds each.

Is it worth it to buy a $22/m gym membership for the sole purpose of doing back squats there with a barbell?

Basically I already am doing 70 pound goblet squats as my main leg movement and can no longer go up- but with a gym I could use a barbell.

I just don’t know if it’s worth $22/m when I will literally ONLY use it for leg equipment (I’m satisfied with dumbbells for my upper body / prefer working out at home)

23:09 UTC


Is this diet enough to gain weight?

I’m 178 cm and I weight 130 lbs. I’m 20 yo. My diet consists on (by order of time in the day):

  1. Three eggs with a corn tortilla
  2. Three peanut butter breads with jelly and cottage cheese
  3. Depends on the day but generally a steak with French fries, or chicken breast with veggies (other days salmon with veggies)
  4. Smoothie with milk + egg + peanut butter + whey protein + sunflower seeds
20:14 UTC


How to prevent loss of gains on vacation // body weight workout request

Hi all. 6’2 and have gone from 135lb to about 180lb in just over a year. I’m very proud of my progress, but will be spending two weeks in Europe and am scared of losing my gains. Anybody have a body weight workout they like to maintain their form?

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 23, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

16:00 UTC


will eating in a lean bulk, while lifting heavy 5-6x a week get me out of a skinny fat body?

15:04 UTC


So what do you eat daily on a bulk?

I always end up eating the same things every single day lol.

For me it's : 500ml milk in the morning and some toast (600cal). Then I work out and afterwards I eat 300g of pasta with butter (around 900cal) and like 300g of meat (300cal). Then I eat a whole 300g baguette with some Nutella-type thingy in it (700cal) and I finish the day with 500ml of milk (300cal) and I go to bed.

Total : around 2800 calories, a bit more maybe since I always round down. My diet is garbage, right? I'm making good gains with this but I have no idea what to change. I'm very picky and I hate eggs and protein shakes. What's your daily diet and calorie intake like? Also will I die at 30 from my diet?

14:12 UTC


Tuesday Training and Programming Discussion Thread

Have a question that is training or programming related? Ask it here! Want someone to help you revising or customising a program? Ask here! Want to show off a program you designed? Why are you designing your own programs? Read the bloody FAQ!.

08:00 UTC


Monday Motivation Thread

Discuss what's motivating you to get make gains here. What started you off? What keeps you going? What do you use to make sure you don't quit?

08:01 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 21, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

20:00 UTC


When people say train hard to increase appetite, what does train hard really entail?

I mainly train calisthenics skills. 3x a week about 12 sets of push (planche exercises) and 12 sets of pull (front lever exercises). Somehow I'm starting to think that, even though it does sound hard and the exercises do require a lot of strength, I might not be training hard enough to stimulate appetite. Why? My soreness is never really high thats one. The exercises are also extremely difficult to really fatigue my muscles because its a complex compound movement. I also don't get the pump like pretty much ever because of how long we rest. Does it mean I'm not training 'hard' in a way that maximises growth and appetite? Should I start biasing my training towards more 'gym training' such as shorter rest times to allow more pump, going to failure at 10 rep range more, weighted reps instead of static holds?

01:05 UTC


Sunday Victory Thread

What have been your victories this week? Have you made good progress? Set a new lift PR? Enacted a new habit that is helping you greatly? Post it here!

08:01 UTC


Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for April 20, 2024

Welcome to the basic questions and discussions thread! This is a place to ask any questions that you may have -- moronic or otherwise and talk about how your going. Please keep these questions and discussions reasonably on-topic: things noted in the 'what not to post' section of the sidebar will be removed, and the moderation team may issue temporary user bans.Anyone may post a question, and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. If your question is more specific to you, we recommend providing details. The more we know about your situation, the better answer we will be able to provide. Sometimes questions get submitted late enough in the day that they don't get much traction, so if your question didn't get answered in a previous thread, feel free to post it again.As always, please check the FAQ before posting. The FAQ is considered a comprehensive guide on how to gain lean mass and has more than enough information to get any beginner started today. Ask away!

00:00 UTC


hello , Skinny guy with IBS how should I gain weight?

Guys how can I gain weight and fix my IBS

Height - 5.10

weight - 54kg

Issues - IBS since last 4 years

my IBS diet which i am following now , because doctor told me , i was sick few days ago

Not to eat -

  1. Dry fruit family
  2. Dairy family
  3. Beans except daal
  4. Chana besan
  5. High spices 6 . Aalu Early morning - 1 glass water with honey Before workout - Glucose with water or fruits After workout - Poha with less pyaaz Lunch - Rice plus daal plus salad Evening snack - Fruits Dinner - Roti sabzi with salad
11:18 UTC


Thursday Self-reflection Thread

What's holding you back from making the biggest gains? What could you be doing better? Where could you be trying harder? What new habits could you enact to make things easier for you? Be honest with yourself, what would make a difference?

08:00 UTC

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