
Photograph via snooOG

StopGaming exists to help those who struggle with or have struggled with compulsive gaming or video game addiction.


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Stress and Marvel Rivals

Hey so I play Marvel Rivals. I have a good job, social life, my life is honestly good right now. However, my stress levels are definitely higher than normal, and I think this has a lot to do with my gaming.

For perspective I play very competitively in top 500 lobbies. It's nice, I'm satisfied I'm in the top .1%, but my blood pressure and heart rate are taking a toll form it.

I workout and do cardio and try to eat somewhat healthy. But damn I only really get to play at night after the day is done. So I end up trying to sleep when all that stress is going through my body. Heart rate be high af. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I need to start to limit how much I play.

And then when I start to limit it who knows I might be off completely. I think I'll start doing it only on Friday-Sunday. See how that goes. Ngl though it is really hard to let go of that competitive rank. The games made so yo have to keep playing to stay in T500. So the more u play the more u are rewarded. It's fucked

10:11 UTC


List of reasons I'm thinking of quitting

  1. My eyes are really dry now compared to when I was a teen
  2. I have to put effort into enjoying gaming (finding new games, keeping a positive mindset, etc). I would rather put that effort into my healthier IRL hobbies.
  3. All my friends, even the successful ones, suffer from a lack of sleep due to gaming. Sleep is vital.
  4. A significantly disproportionate amount of my gamer friends are now NEETs and/or gooners.
  5. I connect more deeply with non-gamers. I love hearing about people's adventures and lives that don't revolve around games.
  6. I feel like my social skills and empathy regress when playing video games whereas I feel the opposite when socializing in person.
  7. Instead of challenging myself, I often end up passing the time with gaming.
  8. I can get a good amount for my PC hehe.

That's about all. I have some positive reasons. Like how some stories I will keep near to my chest forever. But those stories were maybe 2% of my total game time. That's just not a good return. The rest of the 98% of hours I can hardly remember and had virtually no positive impact on my life.

07:56 UTC


My classmates think I am weird and I have the worst parents

So, my parents banned video games, and I quit because of that, then word got out in my classroom and they are all gamers and one (who couldn’t read) said “You should play Roblox “

I feel like playing again but against it, can someone provide support?

I try to go to as many chess and cubing tournaments and football tournaments so I am busy and not constantly rotting my brain

06:20 UTC


What do people normally think about all day if not about gaming?

03:05 UTC


February 2025. Commit to not gaming this month. Sign up here.

Sign up for StopGaming's February 2025 here! Or share your on-going accomplishment!

Hey everyone! Welcome to the official sign-up thread for StopGaming’s February 2025!

Use this thread to share your commitment to abstain from playing video games for the entire month of February 2025.

New to StopGaming?

  • Need help to quit gaming? Read our quick start guide. Learn about compulsive gaming and video game addiction by reading through StopGaming, the Game Quitters website and consider attending meetings through CGAA.
  • If you are committed to your 90 day detox, sign up for this month by replying to this submission.
  • To track your progress setup a badge. We also recommend using an app like Coach.me or a whiteboard/calendar in your room.
  • Document your progress in a daily journal. Having a daily journal will help you clarify your thoughts, process your experience and gain extra support.
  • Ask questions and get support by posting on StopGaming. The more involved you can be in the community, the more likely you are to succeed. We also have an online chat.
  • We have added an option to get an accountability partner this month. Post your own thread here and find an accountability partner.

Ready to join? Reply to this thread and answer the following:

  • What is your commitment? No games? No streams? Anything else?
  • How long do you want this challenge to last? By default it is one month, but 90 days is recommended for your detox.
  • What are your goals?
02:03 UTC



Hey folks. Do people mind sharing their experiences with withdrawal after stopping for a long period? For me I felt great for the first week or so but then I began to feel increasingly irritable and haven't gotten past it yet. Is this common? How long does it last? Thanks!

16:21 UTC


Excellent free resource on the psychological tricks of game devs.


This was posted awhile ago but I wanted to include the link so you don’t have to scroll through comments to find the link. Going through all of these helped me understand why I was addicted for so long.

Will also link that thread in an edit so you can read the comments there and see the original post

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StopGaming/comments/1icb8lc/comment/m9q40zj/?context=3

1 Comment
16:19 UTC


So I’m about to get my tax check..

Sorry if triggering. For the last 4 months I have been saving paychecks and foaming at the mouth for my tax check to top it off and buy a top of the line pc. Intermixed with that is my constant fight on and off of quitting gaming. I’d quit wow, and league. I COULD DO THIS. So I took the dive. Im spending all the money I saved and my taxes on buying a guitar setup instead. I’ve always wanted to play, why not now? If I can do this, so can you guys.

Love, a long time lurker.

05:17 UTC


Cutting the remaining behaviors

Ive been cutting out more and more problematic behaviors that have filled the escapism vacuum left by gaming. Im going to be taking a break from reddit and youtube. I find myself reaching for it when im at work momentarily needing a stress break.

As helpful as Reddit has been, Im using it too compulsively and not for how its meant. I think that goes for any entertainment on my phone. Does anyone else have a minor "reddit issue" that they've found themselves in?

03:44 UTC


Day 0

Here I go, I quit league two weeks ago, been substituting it for cs2 for the last two weeks (I have played a bit too much than I would desire) and so now I must leave it in the past. I'm in my final year of school, I graduate in December, and I'm in the best shape of my life, I should be present and mentally present for all the events at school, the gym, and everywhere at school. It's my best shot of also meeting someone and asking someone out, since online dating feels inconsistent even though my profile is pretty good I'd think.

meme stock#1996 - Summoner Stats - League of Legends can't comeback here again!

23:13 UTC


Why we quit.

Cell phone post, apologies for grammar.

Addiction is addiction. It actually doesn't matter what the act is, as long as it's addicting. Some addictions happen to align with social norms - alcohol, work, the gym, etc. These are actually even harder to break, because you get "support". The only person that knows something is wrong is YOU.

With that said, someone changed my life with this book:

Terrence Real - I Don't Want to Talk About it: Overcoming the Secret Legacy of Male Depression.

Here is one section that should capture you're attention, it was called the dorm room study. When women told their roommates they had depression they were met with support and understanding. When males told their male roommates they had depression, they were treated as a pariah. They said, they should have told them they had cancer or any other illness than a mental illness.

I'm paraphrasing, but you should read this book. If it helps you, I genuinely ask ONE favor, please: Pass it on. This book CHANGED MY LIFE. I know, it's cliche, but it will also change yours, I promise. Good luck on your journey, life is hard, especially now - some of us care. You. Got. This.

You are NOT alone. This book will show you how similar we all are.

20:47 UTC


I need serious help, please tell me what to do

From the moment I was a kid I was gaming everyday all day on my PC. I've never really had any social life except for friends at school, or when they would come over, we would just play games together. I'am 13 and a half, and I really want to quit. But I'm starting to realize how empty my days are when (for example) I'am sick.

I've been using this PC for about 10 hours a day. I want to stop. I really want to. I don't know what to do anymore. This is ruining me in every way possible.

Please tell me what to do. I want something brutal, but not for example to break my electronics. Even my parents wouldn't forgive me for wasting that much money, and I wouldn't forgive myself

18:57 UTC


About a month no gaming

I’ve been a gamer since I was a kid and it’s pretty much always been an addictive behavior for me. Especially after 2020 with the release of Warzone, I became addicted to BR games and then extraction shooters.

I’ve had a ton of fun and I don’t regret any of it, but I can’t help but feel like it’s one of the reasons I feel “behind” in life at 31. I finally found a career I want to pursue last year, and I started going to school for it this month so I knew that I should quit gaming beforehand.

I sold my Xbox in mid-December. I did a little bit of single player gaming on my laptop afterwards but lost interest very quickly. Since then, I’ve had zero desire to game.

I should note that I started using Twitch a few months ago and I’m still watching quite a bit of it. I found a few communities that I like, and have made a couple of friends, but I’m losing interest in streams as well because I just don’t really care about gaming at the moment.

That’s it, just noticed I hadn’t gamed in a while and that I feel I’m growing out of it, and thought I’d post an update.

18:11 UTC



Sold my pc last week because no matter what I went to play I’d turn it off straight away. Lost all interest but it’s how ive spent a lot of my home life doing. I was sitting on the couch today and I felt pretty agitated because I didn’t know what to do with myself. So I just got up and went for a run, I have never enjoyed running unless it’s on hiking paths. I felt like I needed to get up and get out of the house. It’s not a bad thing and it could be my replacement for gaming

16:52 UTC


A question about *watching* instead of *gaming*

Hi there! I am super glad to be a part of this community and I think I am genuinely very proud of each person here quitting gaming. It baffles me how world doesn't realize how bad this addiction is

Sorry this post is longer than I thought it would be, it's both a "Newcomer" and "Advice/Question" post. Thank you for your understanding :))

I am now quitting for life and I know I can do this, for once lately I quit for months - almost a year - to prepare for my exams. Life got so much better, but I didn't have any idea how bad this addiction might become, so I got back after doing very well with my finals

So now, 2 years later almost, I am stopping this. In less than 30 days my steam account (the main platform for my gaming) will be deleted

What's interesting is that I think I was about to quit, because gaming got so boring and I could control it in a way. I hate playing big RPGs now due to just how much time and effort-for-nothing they take, hence why I didn't complete Skyrim/Witcher 2 etc.

I LOVED Mafia and The Last of Us, because these two are very short and have great stories. It's as if developers actually respect you

Now it was going well, my playtime was about 17 hours per 2 weeks, not so much. I didn't want to quit and had struggles like "What should I play? Do I even wanna play?" (I still think it might've gotten bad anyway, if I didn't quit)

Then I've discovered Civ6

Some of you know about it, if you don't - then you didn't miss out on anything. It HOOKED me, BADLY. So badly, that my hours skyrocketed. In less than a month I got about 100 hours, I quit after realizing just how miserable it is

Then I relapsed lately, because I thought I can control it. Fortunately I saw that I couldn't. It's a horrible addiction, I've fully realized it and I am now quitting for life (shame that my 2 week streak was gone though)

I know I can quit, I did it before for a long time. And now I am quitting for life

If you think about it, it's not a hard thing to do - just don't play? That's it. It might take a toll on your productivity and mental state, but so will consistent gaming. So it's worth to quit, if thinking strategically

However, I am still inexperienced, I am only 19

So here is where I want to ask for your advice

Is it bad to watch gameplay videos? It doesn't take me more than an hour every couple days in total. But I wonder if it messes up your brain the same way gaming does? Does my brain get fried from dopamines like with gaming?

Then should I totally quit even watching civ6 etc. gameplays too?

If you read the whole thing, thank you, means a lot, best of luck to you 🙏🏻

14:05 UTC


Today is the first day of the rest of my life

Hello Stop gaming! New reddit account has been created with subs that will hopefully keep me away from gaming. I've been trying to get away for a while and think changing environment like this could be beneficial. I had managed a few months without gaming but had a small relapse playing old school RuneScape for a few hours across the last few days but when it was always the default reddit sub I seemed to see I think it could have been inevitable.

My goals are to get back on top of my education, currently a 2nd year computer science student who feels like they do not know enough for the position they are in! I'm currently going to the gym once a week and also going indoor bouldering with my friends once a week. I am aiming to read at least 10 books throughout the rest of the year and I also want to learn to cook as it is quite pathetic how little I cook currently.

I found myself playing games a lot to try destress but I'm not convinced how effective that was anyway, would love to hear any ideas you guys have to help relieve some stress, I think my goals will help a lot but often if it's later in the day say I finish work and get home about 10:30pm I struggle to have something to destress me a bit before I try sleep.

11:39 UTC


Videogames is all I've known, is there even a reason to quit?

Videogames is all I've known. I got first pc at 6 years old, the years from 6-12 I played Nintendo DS and browser games like AQW and Roblox. It was all I did with my friends and when I got home from school, I played alone by myself.

In the ages 12-16 I got an iPad and ps3. All I did in the after school club was play the newest free iPad game with my 2 friends, while the other kids played different kinds of sport and socialized like normal people. at that time I also began playing COD and GTA online when I got home from the after school club

from 16+ is where I lost all grip in life. I was so absent from life that I lost out on lifes milestones, while everyone had sex with each other (the legal age is 15 in my country) got into relationships and gained friendships, I was moving in the direction of the bitter Incel I am today, I hate that I lost the opportunity to experience sex for the first time, with a person who loved me, I hate that I felt unloved all my teenage years

I am now 21 and resentful of all the things I've missed out on, teen love, friendships, partying. Ive lost all my youth. And im still as addicted as I ever was, everyday I come home from university starts my ps5 and waste my life away, I've just failed my exams in university because I can't put the controller down.

Real life has always been a thing that happened between gaming sessions, I've grown up in a middle class home so I always had time to use all my time playing video games.

Is there any reason to quit now? I already lost a big chunk of my life, now there is only slaving away at a job I will probably hate

Can someone whos been in similar situation help me how to cope?

09:41 UTC


Finally decided to quit gaming altogether

Long time lurker here. I almost never post on Reddit and just read but wanted to share my experiences.

I’m 30, and I’ve been gaming for at least 20 years. I’ve been busy playing a Pokemon emulator on my laptop the last few weeks and realized what an endless loop and waste of time it is. You spend soooo much time grinding and leveling, without much reward other than a false sense of accomplishment. Not just with this game. Lot of modern games are like this but do it even better.

My previous gaming addiction was with Elden Ring. Again some same concepts like leveling up and grinding, but it’s even more difficult to escape that game because of all the bells and whistles: graphics, epic music, and especially an even bigger sense of accomplishment because most of the bosses are designed to be incredibly challenging.

Also as an adult I’ve realized every time I play, I feel a sense of wanting to rush through a game because in the back of my mind I know there’s other more productive things i could be doing with my life. It seems like I’ve lost that sense of enjoyment when I played as a boy/teen.

I have so many thoughts and opinions on modern gaming and the direction it’s going, but wanted to start here. I just want to finally escape gaming so that I can work on being the best version of myself and doing work that matters to me. Hope this resonates with anyone.

01:44 UTC


Try sudoku

I've been having a lot of fun with sudoku recently. It was something I always struggled to learn and get into, but I started playing it a few days ago and it's been a good alternative that satisfies the craving without having much negative impact. It's challenging in a way that I find immensely rewarding, but I've yet to spend more than 15-20 minutes playing it. Great way to pass the time. Plus research indicates it improves concentration and working memory.

00:48 UTC


What's the most surprising change you experienced after quitting?

For me, I've noticed that music is a lot more enjoyable to listen to again. For the past several years, music has been less and less appealing to me. I'd still listen on occasion, but it was just not the same. I assumed it was just a product of getting older, but music sounds just as vibrant as it used to again.

22:18 UTC


A small trick to deal with cravings

Hi everyone, I wanted to share a simple trick or technique that some might find useful for reducing cravings when they arise.

The trick: When an image pops up in your mind (which is often what triggers the cravings, some visual thought of some gameplay), imagine it instead from a third-person perspective, actually sitting down in front of the computer and playing the game. So you're not having the visual thought of just the in-game stuff, but you're including yourself sitting there in front of the computer. Try including the sounds of the keyboard and mouse etc. as well.

I don't know exactly why that change in perspective makes a difference for me, but it does. If I were to guess, it might have to do with breaking the immersion of the thought.

Changing the thought in this way seems to take some of the 'magic' out of it. In the case of quitting a video game, I'd say that's actually what we want, to get rid of cravings when wanting to focus on other things. Considering that, you can be selective with this. You don't have to use this and break the immersion on other things like movies etc. if there are other forms of fiction/media you want to continue engaging with and enjoying the immersion of.

This is only intended to reduce the pull toward the activity of playing that game. This is where other pursuits and activities you enjoy come in. Then hopefully you can do those things with less inner tug-of-war and more enjoyment.

Note that this is something I discovered for myself only recently, so I don't know for sure how well it works long term. But it's a thing you can try out and continue to use if you find that it works for you.

21:26 UTC


Psychological tricks used by the gaming industry use to trick players into addiction

I've been thinking about how to recognize the psychological tricks used by the game industry to make gaming more addictive and transform players into zombies. Recognizing these tactics could be useful to learn how to deal with them and understand our response. I don't know if there's a list about these already somewhere, but feel free to add your own insights to this post.

Daily Rewards: This one is pretty obvious and it absolutely sucks. Log in every day to get a reward, Log in 5 days in a row? Get a bigger reward. This tricks you into creating a habit. It's a filthy tactic that works wonders (for them)

Hyper-Immersion: Graphics, music, sound and colorful shiny effects to keep you deeply engaged, making it hard to pause or leave.

Infinite Loops: Endless games or repetitive activities (e.g., grinding) keep you engaged. Rewards at the end of every loop to always keep that next (bigger and bigger) carrot on the stick.

Cosmetics: Who doesn't want to look cool? Skins and cosmetic items in games are a social proof mechanism that make you feel appreciated, powerful, admired, etc.

Hoarding Sytems: Loot, loot, loot. Who doesn't love that feeling you're getting something for your hard work. You see an item drop, with a red color on it's name, a shiny texture and a loud sound and boom, you just feel like you hit jackpot. Dopamine gets released, you feel proud with your new acoomplishment, but it wears out fast and you want it again and again.

FOMO: Fear of Missing Out. Limited time events with items and rewards.

Seasons: Fresh content to keep your brain amazed and confused every couple of months. Character resets sometime, so that you have to start over and over.

Ladder/Ranking/League System: Probably as old as the first game. A high-scores table or any modern version of this to make you feel better than people below you, but wanting to go up more and more. On modern bronze->silver->diamond sort of games, makes people associate it with their self worth. You're not really "worthy" until you're Supersonic Ultra Legend or whatever rank your friends are at.

Open Chat / Open Mic: Having social interactions increase the chances you'll return to a game, either to curse someone (thinking it's stress relief when in reality it's the opposite) or to celebrate how ""good"" you are or the play was. This one was never interesting to me, always had voice chat off.

Leveling Sytem and Game Progression: Constantly makes you feel stronger than yesterday but weaker than your full potential, so you're always on the grind to reach the next level. Endgame is either a gacha low % chance time-sink betting system on a digital item like dungeon rewards, and/or PvP combat which gives you enough win and lose ratio to keep you oscillating between feeling powerful/frustrated and wanting more (looking at you WoW).

Skinner Box Mechanics: Repetitive tasks with small rewards (e.g., farming materials or XP) mimic psychological conditioning.

I'm sure there are many others out there. Any others you can think of?

20:21 UTC


The normalization of addiction

A Tarkov streamer gave me severe existential dread last night when I learned what his life has been for the past month, possibly even the past couple years.

Someone who plays for 16-20 hours a day, getting little sleep and sitting for 10 hours without moving regularly.

Its complete slavery. fully under the control of craving. Though it is seen as honourable and noble now, they're putting in the grind to become a content creator, to be number 1, to be successful.

And here I am, playing the same game, supporting the content by watching on youtube.

I don't want to be like them and I don't want to support their addiction anymore. I'm just as much a slave to the content they create as they are enslaved by their desire to play the game.

19:59 UTC


I’m too poor to keep gaming

I feel like there are more important things in my life right now. Ensuring I have a lot of skill with personal projects when I graduate with my degree. Taking care of myself and going to the gym. Wanting to continue pursuing hobby creatives like digital art. I always felt like I was running out of time.

Last night I played a shooting game while also pausing to draw. Afterwards, I just realized that the ratio of happiness with gaming is not the same anymore. It feels like a damn addiction. Having my fingers drawn to the WASD keys, hand on mouse, opening Steam and looking at games I could play. It’s just such a waste of time considering I have much more important things to focus on. The stress of thinking about homework, studying for school, exercising, hobbies and learning advanced CS stuff. There’s no room for games.

Not until I have a nice car, a nice place to live, and financial freedom. This false curtain of pleasure from gaming left me feeling empty last night.

If. i remove gaming, like I did in my previous heart breaks during the sad period, I would have so much more time. Just like when i used to wake up at 6-7 am and just go straight to the gym. I did so much in one day during that time. Gaming is such a bad addiction for me. I hate it. Unless someone asks me to play with them or Im streaming it with my platform, I ain’t gaming,

19:37 UTC


Escapism vs Healthy Gaming Habits

Do you think escapism can turn into a healthy gaming habit someday with or without quitting cold turkey?

Im asking this because i dont like to change my routine even slightly and also i think im gaming still for the sake of nostalgia, failed at work/school, past unsolved trauma/depression.

I thought if i even quit gaming or reduce it drastically i would have a better future planning but turns out it isnt possible. I feel already limited and isolated from friends and getting less time with family at same household but as soon i start to talk to my parents i remember stuff from the past like how they were harsh at me at times and me taking it as a verbal attack.

Also my therapist tends to be passive lately due to his heart disease and his age so i get support from outside but very limited as there is not a secure connection at the moment either.

I feel very hopeless in regards of being prepared for the future financially and psychologically.

17:54 UTC


Could someone offer some advice

I'm really not sure if i am suffering from an addiction . 31M, been gaming since I was around 7.

For the last decade, i almost exclusively play single player games.

However, I have extremely bad FOMO if i start a game and don't finish it (unless i absolutely hate it). If this happens and its 'unfinished', it will occupy my thoughts daily and make me depressed . I start thinking I'm missing out on good content or experiences. and start to feel bad like i've failed or something is missing. I guess it sounds a bit obsessive compulsive?

Its turned the hobby into a job and causes stress. My lifestyle isn't great right now as I am long term unemployed and don't go out much and have no other hobbies. So i believe that's why gaming has such and impact because it is a big part of my life and not completing a game seems like a big deal to my brain.

I also have thoughts like "will i ever be able to play my favourite games again? will i get to experience them if i play newer games instead. There's not enough time in life to play them etc" basically worry.

I've never written this out or expressed it to anyone and it feels a bit silly saying all this. Its seems like such a petty first-world problem yet it has such a hold and impact on me .

I don't even want to quit gaming, I just want the negative worrying thoughts and self-pressure to do X Y and Z to stop. Do i need to quit for it to stop?

If anyone reads this and responds, thank you.

16:24 UTC


Stepping back big time.

Gaming never truly made me happy. It was the dopamine chase that I was craving like a drug user. Time to face reality, and take a massive step back and focus on other important areas of life, and of course to enjoy living in the moment.

Edit: 28th January 15:40

Both Steam and EA and all the games have been removed from my PC.

09:47 UTC

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