
Photograph via snooOG

NoSurf is a community of people who are focused on becoming more productive and wasting less time mindlessly surfing the internet.

NoSurf is a community of people who are focused on becoming more productive and wasting less time mindlessly surfing the internet. https://nosurf.net/

We believe that the internet should be used as a tool to better our lives rather than serve as a source of mindless distraction and shallow entertainment.

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I am deleting Reddit, peace.

I deleted today twitter and now I am deleting Reddit. Nice to meet you all, have a succesful and fullfilled life. Peace

1 Comment
12:09 UTC


[SUGGESTION] [META] Pinned post that lists down apps made by this subreddit that helps reduce screentime or helps us to be mindful of our phone usage

I'm not sure if people will consider this suggestion as a good idea but I want there to be a pinned post that lists down apps made by Redditors on this subreddit that helps us reduce our Screen Time

So far I have encountered two.

It makes me wonder if other Redditors have made similar apps since I think these apps have original and creative ideas to help you in being mindful about your screen time or social media usage. Is there are more, and more in the future, I think their efforts deserve some recognition.

I know it may be counter productive to rely on filtering apps when we want to "NoSurf" but I thought these apps are fun to use and actually encourage you to be mindful of your usage. Also to support the developers of these apps. Anyways just a suggestion on this subreddit.

1 Comment
10:43 UTC


how to get over social media jealousy?

honestly it is the worst feeling for me when im seeing so many people, friends groups, couples and even families doing so much with their lives it reminds me often of how i have wasted my entire life due to situations out of my control and the fact i cannot make up for that lost time either

either i have to accept it is what it is and that i probably wont ever have all that someone else has but it fucking SUCKS that i have to not only need something like the internet in our day to day lives but then its oh so tempting to browse websites when i dont or shouldnt need to thus leading me to feel quite envious and bitter about my pointless existence

the fact that i can browse former friends profiles and realise that they never once showed an ounce that they cared enough to spend real time with me or that whatever friendship i had with them meant nothing bc they have other better friends to spend time with and they dont know how much i want to be doing with them just as they are showing what they are doing yaknow?

but the i think about the other end of the scale and in a way at least my life is a bit more peaceful than theirs and i dont have an huge to overshare so much nor would i need to take dozens of photos and post them online bc no one would comment on them anyway bc im a literal nobody

yet i cant seem to get over these fomo feelings of envious that people younger than me are getting to do more than i ever got to at their age bc when i was their age we werent online at all like we had no social media until my teen years and even then i couldnt be arsed with taking photos and uploading them like everyone else was doing so what gives?

i cant not need the internet bc we need the internet for basic tasks and if we have spare time sometimes its nice to have a video on in the background to pass the time by

when people say i dont want to be xyz age im not lying i mean i will age anyway its natural theres no avoiding it but im just so ready to be done with my life at this point

on one hand i dont need to cater to fake friends but on the other hand sometimes its fucking lonely that i cant just call someone up and go to a fun place with them on the weekend

10:06 UTC


What are some things to do that aren't looking at a screen or meaningless content consumption?

I'm spending way too much time on the computer and on social media and I've noticed that I feel terrible every day, partly because the whole day has felt like a waste, and partly because the social media dopamine cycle is getting boring. I'm tired of being addicted to scrolling reddit and my attention span rotting away, and I feel that the modern internet landscape has killed my hobbies and made everything outside of scrolling more frustrating and boring.

What are some things I can do outside of the internet? This seems like an obvious question, but I'm having a hard time figuring out things to do all day and my screen time average is getting way too high. I'm preferably looking for things to do indoors that don't require expensive equipment, but I'm not against buying things.

I've been reading more books lately, but I feel like doing something else every now and then. I also like baking, but I can't really bake more than I eat which means I'm not able to do it it a lot.


09:51 UTC


time to delete instagram

literally nothing is funny in instagram anymore, same comments of people spamming the same stuff it wasnt like that few years ago now it just a garage dump there.

09:50 UTC


Positive changes

Hey, Which positive changes have you noticed since spending less time on phone/internet. For what is it worth doing it?

08:03 UTC


How to handle screentime on a Chromebook?


I'm pretty annoyed with myself right now, lol. I was making so much progress in getting my screentime down, but then I went and fucked it all up.

Previously, I had a problem with screentime on my tablet. I'd spend hours on Discord, Reddit and YouTube each day. Then I managed to start cutting it down and it went great - I was down to an hour or less some days.

I would use my Chromebook for what I called "productive screentime". That is, everything device-related that is productive. Duolingo, eBooks, writing, emails, productive YouTube-watching [E.G: videos on how to write better], etcetera. I didn't count these things as screentime and, so as to lower the number of screen hours on my tablet [there is a display in the settings for it], I used my Chromebook for them.

Again, it was going great. Then I decided to put Discord and Reddit on my Chromebook so I could use them productively without it impacting my screentime bar graph. It went fine for the first while, but then it devolved and I'm back to aimlessly scrolling, although it isn't quite as bad as it was originally.

What can I do to control my screentime on these apps? I do still want to use them occasionally because they can be very useful [aside from Discord. That can go entirely]. The only way I've found to limit my access is to set up a child screentime thing, but it won't let me set that up - it says that my account "already manages a family group", whatever that means.

05:41 UTC


the last step: deleting my reddit account.

this is a crucial step on my no surf journey. first, got a dumbphone. second, disabled history and other youtube features. third, worked torward desaturating colors of pc screen, coldturkey blocker, stayfree, black and white tablet screen. fifth, also got a digicam, mp3 player and started journaling. in this meantime, also started watercolor. it was going so well these last 5 months, until one day i spent 7h on reddit going online every 10 minutes to keep up with a crazy munchaunsen patient. it consumed me. i can't do this anymore.

today, i register right here, right now, the sixth step i'll take: delete this reddit account, that never mattered to me, but makes me want to be constantly online and updated on, literally, TERRIBLE things happening to people.

keeping this registered so i'm ashamed of ever going back with another account.

i will be strong and i can do it. i will cut the ropes.

1 Comment
04:53 UTC


How can I control surfing when I don't have any external motivation?

I am, unfortunatley, somebody who has a very hard time self motivating. External stimultation/motivation is sometimes a nessecity for me to do anything. For example, I try to work from home I spend most of my time on my phone instead of actually working. When I'm at the office, or my gf is over(or I'm over at her place) I have much easier time doing things but when I'm alone I have almost 0 self regulation, and regularly spend the entire evening/day staring at Youtube. Any advice on how I control myself when I'm not with anybody and left to my own devices(Pun intended) would be appreciated.

1 Comment
02:37 UTC


Notice how your cravings for instant gratification (e.g., social media) arise when you feel an uncomfortable sensation/feeling within you (e.g., anxiety, stress, boredom, frustration, loneliness) ❤️❤️

Identify this habit of yours. Then, break it, and you free yourself completely.

What to do instead of going back to instant gratification:

Whenever you feel any unpleasant sensation within you (e.g., you are disappointed by something or you feel anxious about everything on your to-do list), RAIN

  1. Recognize it (is it anxiety? is it stress? Where in your body do you feel it the most?)

  2. Accept it (the feeling is already within you; trying to distract yourself from it or trying to reject it is only going to make you suffer more---you don't have to keep doing this to yourself. Peace is beneath the pain within you. Peace is not outside of you)

  3. Investigate. Listen to it (ask it: "What are you trying to tell me? What do you need the most right now?"). Then listen as if you were listening for a top-secret message being whispered by a tiny kitten (listen with utmost care, attention, and Love for yourself)

  4. Nurture it (love yourself through the pain. Remind yourself of what you are capable of doing. Remind yourself that if you don't know what to do, you can always seek help. Just love yourself here, however feels most healing to you)

Cheerful morning and day! ❤️

01:56 UTC


I’m less anxious and happier overall but more isolated too

I quit instagram avout 4 months ago and I saw a friend group I hadn’t seen since I quit, and they all looked surprised to see me and like they forgot I existed almost: it was weird and I felt a bit like “hey it’s me remember ?” And they were almost at a loss of what to say.

Usually when I met with them in the past they would enthusiastically comment on my posts I would make or what I’ve been up to based on my posts. But there was a bizarre lack of starting point for conversation and they seemed a bit more distant from me as a result. I have an unsettling feeling about this. Not like all is lost but something is wrong.

When you delete socials you need to call, text and visit people to keep your relationship alive I guess.

1 Comment
22:15 UTC


Scared if I delete tik tok I won’t have anything to talk about


I have been dabbling with the idea of deleting tik tok and granting myself permission to scroll maybe once every 2 weeks and then deleting. I have this fear however if I delete it indefinitely, that I won’t have anything to talk about with people. It’s how I’ve connected with so many people in my life and have things to talk about.

I have had this irrational fear that I have nothing good to say or can’t come up with anything to say, however I was just ignored as a kid and was made to believe this. Im actually pretty chatty but get stuck in cycles of not wanting to speak at all. Maybe it’s overload. I’m also introverted kinda so. It’s so many emotions and feelings and I just feel bad a lot of the time. However, tik tok makes my ocd really bad and have gotten stuck in spiritual psychosis bc of it. I got out, thank god. But ive let it cause harm to my life. I have also learned so much and credit a lot of my knowledge to this app. It’s so hard. Not having it I feel like I will be empty, but having it also makes me feel empty and quite paranoid and I can’t stand how bad my attention span is.

Has anyone struggled with this?? Or something similar. Would love to hear thoughts and any advice y’all have. Thank u 💜💜💜

21:23 UTC


Found a way to improve myself and be more productive than ever

For a long time, I have had difficulties staying focussed on one thing and being productive

I used to waste a lot of time of my day with scrolling, gaming or just doing things other than what I acutally need to do.

6 months ago I got into Universtity (after 5 years of full-time working) and realized that I REALLY need to start investing my time into my studies, as I wanted to perform on a good level.

So, I tried out different strategies to keep myself from getting distracted and now, after about 1-2 months of trying around, I have found a method that helps me a lot and keeps my energy up.

I do the pomodoro method with 25 minutes of concentrated work and 5 minutes of break (IMPORTANT: Don't start browsing reddit or Instagram. Optimally, lie down, close your eyes and let your brain rest for 5 minutes. This is the best way to encode things, except from sleep).

I usually listen to some Nature Soundscapes , as they get me in a good mood and help me focus. Link below if anyone is interested:

It has helped me immensly and I actually got great grades so far.

Thought I would share my experience :)
Have a great day!

1 Comment
20:20 UTC


Now got an old screenshots from 2020 now in my head

It was some old weird gacha account from 2020 and it said inappropriate things, i deleted the pic but its now in my head

1 Comment
19:40 UTC


Finally! After 6 years of addiction, here is something that actually works for me.

Disclaimer I want to be very careful with statements like “I found the answer” because I’ve had that feeling before and have always slipped back BUT this has been working for 3 weeks now and nothing ever has gotten me this feeling of freedom yet. Of course this may not work for everyone.

Backstory: I (26, M) have been struggling with phone use since I’ve turned 18. I started working as a Nanny for a family who gave me an unlimited internet plan and just fell down a deep dark hole. At certain points I had 10 hours of screen time per day on my phone alone (not counting my laptop). For me it’s mostly Instagram, YouTube and Reddit.

I hit a turning point when one day I tried to remember any single thing I had done that week and it couldn’t. Scary shit.

Here are just a few things I have tried since then to battle my addiction:

  • Grey scale
  • flip phone
  • screen time limits (that my partner set, I didn’t know the passcode)
  • the app “one sec” (makes you do a breathing exercise before you can access an undesirable app

These are all great options and have collectively helped somewhat, but I’ve always fallen back into it.

Over the years things have gradually gotten better, but recently I had a couple really bad weeks and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I needed something radical:

The Solution:

I ordered a $20 padlock with a timer and repurposed an old wine crate as a lock box. I physically lock away my laptop and phone for large parts of the day now.

For example: I know I have a college class from 5pm-7pm and usually when I come home after class I’m tired and I just start doom scrolling. Even if I do it just for a little bit I start to internally hate myself and then I never want to stop scrolling because that would mean having to endure the reality - that I’m not in control of myself.

So now, I lock away my screens before I leave for class until the next day at noon and BOOM! No doom scrolling, no stress eating shitty food, my sleep is SOOO much better and the next morning I can get up early and be productive before the wine crate unlocks. It’s different every day of course, but I challenge myself to lock it away more and more. My record is 21 hours!

When I unlock the box, there are literally hundreds of messages and emails sometimes, I was surprised how quick it was to answer everything if I’m staying on task. Most days it only takes me 30 min.

One super helpful part of this is the fact that I bought a $20 flip phone in case someone really really needs to reach me right away. That way I’m not nervous to lock away my phone. If there is an emergency, I am reachable.

The craziest thing about this is how slowly time suddenly moves. Those couple weeks have felt like an eternity. I have never been more productive and happier in my life. I can focus on things again, I sleep way better, I eat better, I even stopped procrastinating with stuff like dishes, gardening, laundry, ect!

Anyway, just something I wanted to share that will hopefully help someone else.

Feel free to comment or ask questions!

TL;DR Bought a lockbox and a flip phone and it’s working!

19:16 UTC


I think I lack a sense of fulfillment

I've made an attempt to stay away from surfing the internet, or watching TV today and overall its been a pretty great day! I've read a ton of my book, meditated, sat outside in the sun, made and ate some good food. But now I have no real idea on what else I should do, and I've started to feel not as good as I did before. I think the closest way to describe it is I lack a sort of fulfillment, and direction in life. Like there is something to be said about really focusing on something, like I think my mind really craves that, and unfortunately the place I usually go to is social media, or Youtube. But now that I'm making an attempt to stay away from those things, I have this empty void in my stomach and I have no real idea how what I should do now? Or should I even find something else to do, like is life just going from one thing to the next. All just feels sort pointless, in a way?

Does anyone else feel like this? Not even sure if this makes any sort of sense to anyone else haha.

18:11 UTC


Trying to be somebody in the real world, but failing

So I'm afraid that I'm too late to write my thesis. I had at least 7 months to start writing it, but now due to depression, loneliness and of course internet + p0rn addiction that caused attention problems I only have about a month and a few days to finish it, and I haven't really started. It's a topic I know a bit about already, but I haven't done much research on literature to include in the thesis yet.

During this time I worked as a student, but not in my field, and I felt like I didn't belong in any workplace, and I even got let go from two jobs. The longest period I worked in a single company was a month and a half, and the two bosses I had made me feel afraid, it seemed like I never did anything right. But in the end they gave reasons why I'm not the right fit, so at least that.

I got another job right after I got let go from there, the work was fine but I got let go there too less than a month after, and for a fake reason. I'm afraid of working, it's been nearly 2 months since I lost that job and now I'm just going out for the day so my family doesn't know I got fired. When I left the house I tried to write my thesis too, but nothing came of it bc I couldn't find a library to go to and so that no one would see I was there, everywhere else was just full of distractions. I wasted so much money on gas too

I planned on meeting ppl last year to have new friends to talk to over winter so seasonal depression wouldn't affect me and I could go out on the weekend, but I didn't. So now I'm just a 24 yr old that never went out in a night club, how lame am I. My social life just never got better after high school, I feel so unloved and different from others.

If I don't write my thesis, I'll have to return 4 grand dollars to my school, and I really don't want to be broke bc I desperately want to move out of my narcissist familys house.. I don't know what to do. I burnt out on writing anything bc I spent the last two summers writing these assignment the last minute instead of partying and doing things 24 year olds do

16:47 UTC


Do THIS WHILE you are in University!!!

Guys, I am begging you. Don't find yourself like me, an almost 40 year old, who is isolated and alone, in the middle of nowhere. Yes, I'm married with a kid, and I wouldn't change that for the world. But THIS process is so much easier if you have people around you and an actual social life. We don't realize it at the time, but university campuses are an experience we will NEVER have again. We will never be surrounded by people the same age as us, going through the same issues, figuring out adult life.

I am begging, no pleading. Here is what you do. QUIT Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all social media. And then, just start talking to your peers. If you are afraid of missing out because you don't have socials, just honestly ask for peoples numbers. It doesn't have to be weird.

In fact, the bolder you are the more likelihood people will actually give you them. People are not going to assume you're hitting on them, especially if you tell them you don't have socials.

Just please don't get to this point, where you are trying to figure life out when your close to 40.


14:21 UTC


Libido after nosurf

Has anyone noticed an increase in libido after quitting or reducing internet usage due to an increase in dopamine? Just curious.

14:20 UTC


I deleted all social media apps and games from my phone & it brought back my love of reading and general motivation in life!!

I've been wanting to do this for years, but could never find the impetus to just pull the plug on all social media on my phone. I do a job that requires many hours of undivided, careful attention and problem solving in solitude, which was being disturbed by social media and games on my phone. It had gotten to the point where I was on instagram for four hours a day, a figure which would've been horrifying to my teenage self (I was adamantly against social media throughout high school, but got into it at university due to peer pressure and the nature of my work/marketing/networking).

Many of my peers use social media to market their work, and it has become a standard in my field; something to opt out of rather than opt into. I realised recently that none of my work actually comes through social media, but rather through word of mouth and email. I was spending all my time on there dodging creepy DMs from middle aged dudes and doomscrolling through everyone else's stories and posts, wondering why I wasn't achieving as much as them.

Cut to now.. I've been off of social media for two months. I deleted all my alternate reddit accounts, dischord, goodreads, letterboxd, tiktok, twitter, pinterest, etc. I didn't delete my main instagram account, but I did archive all my posts except for the most professional/boring and least informative of my personal life. I don't plan on posting in the future. I'm not in a position where I can delete Instagram and Facebook, as my work relies on people being able to search me and contact me, but I don't bring these things into my office (I don't need to use my laptop for work). Instead, I have Instagram and Facebook on my laptop, and every evening I spend 10 minutes (timed) replying to messages and DMs, and honestly I ignore people sending me memes as I find it negatively impacts my night when I look at memes and watch reels. I still don't know how to tell people to stop sending me these things without being an arsehole.

I have so much more free time now that I'm able to get my work done quicker and more efficiently. I have gained hours every day that I previously thought weren't available to me!! I'm so happy!! I have time to go to the gym, to read, to start a hobby, and to hang out with friends and call family members!! In the past two months, I've read like 6 books. Previously, I would read 6 books in a year!

On the flip side, I'm also feeling more sadness than I used to. However, I see this as a huge success. Previously, my prevailing mood in life was a numb sense of contentment. I found myself dissociating daily and I would try desperately to make myself cry or feel ANY emotion at all, to no avail. By subtracting the barrier of the screen, I've somehow opened up access to my own feelings. When I initially deleted social media, I cried so much. It was like my body was catching up on emotions that I couldn't access for years. My mental health has improved tenfold, and it's made me realise that I'm probably not a mentally ill person, I just had fallen victim to an addiction and it was creating all sorts of anxieties, compulsions, and deficiencies. All my emotions - the full range - have returned and feel enhanced. I'm no longer content with my life. I take public transport and I look around and I feel depressed and ashamed of society. I feel like I see everything now! I feel so much more drive and motivation to have a positive impact on society and change the world around me, and my personal life in the process!! This has potentially been the most important change for me.

Last week, I was curious to see how many hours I was buying myself back over the span of a year. I did the maths, and I realised that previously I had been spending up to 3 months a year on social media!! THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NUTS!!!!! I was completely horrified, as I never realised it had stacked up like that. I then did further calculations and realised that since getting social media when I was 18, I had wasted a total of 18 MONTHS OF MY LIFE!! I was so disgusted with myself, I fully wanted to throw up lol. 18 precious months that I could've spent developing my prefrontal cortex before it's fully formed 😂 I still have two years left before the dreaded 25 where apparently it stops developing. I'm gonna make the most of it and try to break away from this absolute timesuck.

I had a lapse in willpower a week ago, and redownloaded a game that I had liked to play previously. In that one evening, I did so much damage to my sleep schedule and attention span that I literally felt hungover the next day. I have such an addictive personality, I played the game for 8 hours straight and didn't sleep til 3:30 in the morning. This is why I personally cannot have easy access to these small, consistent dopamine hits in my life. If I let it, it will ruin my life.

I still have this reddit account, which I only have on my laptop as well, and set a time limit for too. I am excited to see if I can fulfil more of my potential in life now that I am stepping away from this addiction.

If you read this far, I am impressed! Thanks for taking the time, and I wish everyone on this sub the best of luck!

12:10 UTC


Would a "brain reset" really work? Where I temporarily don't use my device at all.

I have a very deep rooted internet addiction which includes but is not limited to: gaming, reddit, google, youtube, chatting.

When I try to use my computer for a necessary task, I end up doing unproductive things instead. When I try to stay away from my computer, I end up going to my computer anyway.

I've been trying for 2 years and it seems impossible to break out of this addiction.


If for 1 month I completely avoid using my computer, even if that means avoiding a necessary task that requires the computer, then would my brain reset and once I get back to my computer I can focus much better on the necessary things without having strong urges for unproductive things?

Why dont I just try it? Because its hard and it has real downsides as well. So, would this really work?

11:16 UTC

1 Comment
10:47 UTC


Thinking about the use of the word 'feed' for digital media

From the Oxford English Dictionary:


  1. an act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby.
  2. a device or pipe for supplying material to a machine.
  3. a line or prompt given to an actor on stage.

It's quite disturbing to frame the digital media that a large plurality of the world consumes in this way. We know all too well of the financial motivation for online platforms to hold your attention for as long as possible for as much money as possible, which appears to now be driven by AI-generated, algorithmically-served slop engineered to be as addictive as possible.

I’m tired of being force-fed digital silage for profit, of becoming part of an assembly-line of personal data, of having opinions and speech pre-supplied as if reading a script.

I wish I had actual answers or some kind of epiphany to share, but I’m here after all. I can only conclude with the following thoughts. You are not weird, you are not broken, and although you do have agency and responsibility to make positive changes, you are being exploited. Most importantly of all, you’re not the only one.

Apologies for the rant

10:10 UTC


Can't Look Away From The Trainwreck

I hate all of it. Everything is annoying me. I hate reading peoples stupid comments, I hate seeing their stupid profile pictures and usernames, I hate seeing stupid videos of people oversharing, making fun of someone else, or just trying to get attention in general.

Even "helpful" videos annoy me, I hate the voice people use in videos and the way they film themselves. I hate looking at other strangers faces all the time and hearing them speak. I hate their photos and captions.

I hate the way people you know in real life make themselves into someone they're not on their social media. Or show off whatever they just bought or what theyre doing. Or give their stupid, useless, unhelpful political opinions. Like wow you're really saving the world with that repost to your story, Jessica. Its all pretentious, self righteous bullshit.

I dont care about celebrities and influencers vapid lives. I dont want to hear them being applauded for learning how to flush the toilet. I dont care what controversial tweet was dug up from their past. Or what they're being cancelled for. Or why you think I should care.

But i feel like I can't escape it either.

08:13 UTC


5 mins into scrolling social media, already angry and depressed

Spent 5 minutes scrolling and already frustrated. Seeing people you considered friends not inviting you places, sadistic people who've hurt you deeply having success.. I was happy and content before logging in and seeing all this shit.

Hate being an artist/musician and NEEDING social media to get gigs. It feels that the more I post, the more my career gets better. Every time I start posting again,, someone gets interested in my music or hints at wanting to book me. My career suffers if I don't post. I hate this shit with all my heart.

Also I don't want to sell my life and my privacy in order to progress my career and being respected as an artist. I am not from the US and smartphone culture took a LONG time to be engrained in our culture. I see many people here saying that smartphone boom was in 2012... What??? I got my first smartphone in 2018.

I feel so fucking ridiculous and narcissistic spending hours in my room doing ridiculous faces and posing in absurd positions, then narcissistically watching my face trying to filter it, and then writing a thirst trap caption saying ridiculous things.... And then waiting for the likes.... The whole process feels soul draining and so fucking narcissistic to me.

It was considered a form of torture to be forced to stay in your house while watching all your friends having the time of their life from the window....

07:41 UTC


"Lock my phone" but for laptops

The Lock my phone app on android can lock you out of your phone when you are at a certain location. Is there something like this for laptops ?

1 Comment
07:22 UTC


PSA to all 'doomscrollers' & 'phone addicts': I made an app that lets you earn screentime based on your step count.

I just launched an app called Stryde available on iPhone. The main concept of the app is that you can earn screentime based on your step count.

At first glance its really simple but it truly does help you shift your relationship with your phone.

While some other screentime apps become too restrictive, Stryde naturally "gives you an out", where you have the ability to earn time back. This leads to two main things happening:

  1. you don't want/need to be on your phone as often. The app helps motivate you to get outside, & get active

  2. you don't just disable the app when you hit your limit.

I got frustrated with other apps, because as a self diagnosed phone addict, as soon as I'd hit my limit I would just go & disable the app blocker. Even during testing of Stryde I noticed myself striving to "earn" my time back. I was able to justify the time I spent on my phone & felt less shitty about the time I did spend on my phone (which was much less than my average).

If you're interested in checking it out it's called Stryde & is available currently exclusive to iOS.

Search it up on the iOS app store or it can be found here

Let me know what you think. I'm super open to feedback & really interested in any suggestions or feature requests you might have.


John - Founder of Stryde

01:15 UTC


Work Distractions

My work is all done on a laptop. Currently, if work ever gets dull, I have my personal laptop on the side with youtube videos playing. I'd like to be more mindful and not just jump to watching things when I get bored. But wondering what others do when work gets boring instead of watching mindless entertainment? Is it a matter of acceptance?

22:36 UTC


Anyone else surf because they're scared of existing?

This, I've realised, is what keeps me(16M) here. Even after months now of weaning myself off the internet, cutting my screentime from 15+ hours to 5~ hours, this is what's got me stuck.

Online, nothing I say or do really matters in the sense that it's all drowned out by everyone else. There's billions of us here. But in my life, I don't have immediate access to billions of accounts and posts. It's all more or less the same people. I live with the same people, the same highly dysfunctional family. Everything I do matters, it stays, and it forms one singular chain of events.

I've been so afraid of "taking up space" with my me-ness that I lie about what music I like, what wallpaper I like, hobbies I like, everything. But recently, I've been going through the most intense positive disintegration I've ever went through. This is lasting months and I know I've still barely scratched the surface, still got a ton of stuff to overturn and pick at.

I've realised I have just as much of a right to exist as everyone else. I'm allowed to exist. I'm allowed to "take up space". This is my life. I can make room for myself and others, it doesn't need to be one or the other. My experiences are just as valid as everyone elses. My existence isn't bad.

But it's scary. My family is highly dysfunctional and I'm the scapegoat. On top of that, I'm transgender which my family, the government, and the media all do not like.

But fear isn't bad. Fear is good. It's an opportunity to grow. I'm on my own but that makes room for more personal development. They don't accept me but they don't even see me -- they don't know me or want to know me, they just see an idea of me. And why does that matter? Do I live for them or myself? What's the middleground between selfishness and self-sacrifice?

I'm so close to leaving the internet entirely but this fear is holding me back.

21:53 UTC


It’s great to just think

I’ve not come anywhere near breaking my phone/internet addiction BUT there have been times when I just go outside and think. Or I write. Or I write what I’m thinking. It’s kinda like meditation but not, instead of focusing on the present and nothing else, my mind wanders all over the place, but it must have benefits to let your mind just wander, just as meditation does. Kinda like another form of brain exercise. And it’s so much more rewarding to come up with ideas, rather than waste hours scrolling through short media, 99% of which is forgotten.

Anyways, not sure why i felt the need to share this. Maybe it’ll inspire some people to try it out, just letting your mind wander with no distractions except your own mind and natural environment.

I hope to spend a large amount of the time I would’ve been mindless scrolling doing this, I think it would be a powerful habit.

20:20 UTC

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