A community for sharing information and discussing ways to seize the day. Many people spend their lives living in the past or dreaming of the future. While the past can teach us lessons and having goals for the future are vital, everyone's life can be improved by learning to live in the present. Share and discuss your ideas for living each day to the fullest, Carpe Diem!
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I know it's immature. That's what they always told us.
"Don't put gum under your desk, put it in a wrapper and throw it in the garbage."
Well I say PHOOEY to that. I made sure to hide it real well, even smoothed it out a bit so it hardens to a wider surface area, the engineering skills I've learned since junior high have served me well in life, I'd like to see any 11 year-old think of that!
So what is the worst that can happen? The hapless employee stumbles across my well-laid trap. It is just then, he receives a call, his wife is going into labor, what is he to do, he has to get the gum off the bottom of this table, his wife and baby will have to wait!
Right now I'm happy with my life but it feels so wrong...I don't know if I want to work till I'm 67 and than retire I always think that I'm doing it wrong that I have a unknown talent or that I have another Destiny. I feel like I'm missing a part of..well me. I think I could do more out of my life than just having an absolute normal life (Working a Job in an Office,Marrying in the 30s,Retire in the 60s,Death in the 80s) I think I could do better than that ...but honestly I don't even know what I really want. As I said this feels like I'm having another destiny and while I'm living my life it is right next to me and I don't even see it and miss plenty of oppertunities.
I hope you could unterstand what I mean and maybe you have the same problem. I could really need advices.
TGIF Carpe Diem motherfuckers! Peace
Very enjoyable video on the purpose of life, filled with good ju-ju to inspire you and motivate you! Living well is truly an art and ceasing each day, taking in all life has to offer, is only done thru conscious choice. Enjoy this one!
Whatever you seek cannot be found in a list, but is right within you
Wrote a small poem on positive thinking. Hope you like it
The ultimate quest to discovering your high state in life
Thank you!
Saturday Oct 15, 4:40AM
For the last few months - well, ever since I left university - I've been cruising. Each day is wasted waiting and wishing for something to come along and fix my problems. And the funny thing is that I know I am the only one with that capacity. I tell myself that tomorrow I will start on the path to my future; to fix any one of these problems that seem to haunt me. Whether it's a doctor's appointment or even daily exercise, I find some lame excuse to put it off. One more episode on Netflix, or a few more days to really enjoy myself before I make it to the dentist.
And each day I spend at home I make no progress towards any of the goals I have in mind. It would be amazing to have a girlfriend to hang out and hit the beach with, but I haven't been working out since I busted my rib and don't feel "myself" enough to give that a go. I want to be in the gym again, and even back in the pool - I always hated swimming but I've competed for so long it's a part of me, now almost lost. But to do these things, I need to see a doctor about the rib, which can wait a few more days...
I am the sole cause and creator of my problems, and its damn time I go about fixing them to get on with my life. I want a cool girlfriend, but who wants someone not in a good place in life? That's why I'm starting this journal, to log my progress towards my future and more importantly hold myself accountable for each day that unwittingly passes. For each day that is wasted is one that could be spent in the arms of a lovely girl, a crime against the hopeless-but-hopefull romantic in me.
We are the creators of our own destiny, our own love, and our own passion. The way I envision mine is not in my mother's house playing video games till the sun shows its face again, but instead a real life...
The way forward is easy - it seems hard to me, because I don't want to ever do much of anything. But each step is incredibly simple and straightforward. Make a call, get an appointment, and show up. These things take minutes, but until they are done they might as well be trees fallen over my path forward. It's time to stop moping, to take the leap over each tree one, two, three at a time, and most importantly,
Carpe Diem.