
Photograph via snooOG

This community exists to help people of all ages overcome their addiction to porn.

This community exists to help people of all ages overcome their addiction to porn. The creation of /r/pornfree was inspired by a bunch of 'IamA Porn Addict AMA' posts. Here is a collection of those posts

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Please report any inappropriate articles or comments. We mods aren't always around and appreciate the help. Thanks!

Watch the "Your Brain on Porn" video series:

Learn how porn affects the brain by watching this new, updated version of the original YBOP 6-part series.

When you feel an urge:

Urge Surfing is a technique that uses a simple guided meditation to get you through the tough times. Visit this site or Download this MP3, and play it whenever you feel an acute urge.

Concrete tips for quitting porn:

You know you want to quit, but you don't know how. This post is for you

For female porn addicts:

Are you a woman who wishes to overcome her addiction to porn? Welcome to /r/pornfree! You may also wish to check out the /r/pornfreewomen subreddit.

For partners of porn addicts:

Have you been affected by your loved one's porn or sex addiction? Be sure to check out COSA and S-Anon, both of which are support groups for partners and families of porn and sex addicts.

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Most likely over 30 days clean from the hub

Now keep in mind, I do blow a load whenever I am urging, but I refrain from porn. I decided one morning to lay off of it and believe me it was hard. I deleted all types of social media, and downloaded Reddit just to share my experience so you can have highs hopes too! What I did was masturbate whenever I felt like watching, and then refrain from masturbating too much. Now, whenever I think of porn, I think it’s nasty and completely neglect the fact it exists. Sometimes you may stoop over a picture that can be arousing, but I simply close out of whatever it was, and keep myself distracted. I think about beating in the moment and imagine the regret I will have afterwards. Anyways, I hope this helps out anyone who is striving to quit porn!

20:11 UTC


Welp, I'm Back

I've been subscribed to this sub for a very long time. Over the past few years I've made substantial improvements to myself. Got a good paying job/career, started lifting weights, etc. I met a woman in early 2022 and we broke up last summer. It was the longest relationship I've been in and I was pretty gutted by the breakup. I've since gone back to being a habitual porn user. Sometimes I'll go once a week, other times several times a week. Each time is a binge lasting hours at a time. I'm in therapy now working through a lot of the underlying issues that exacerbate my need for porn but I'm still having a hard time getting through the weekend without it.

I've tried web blockers but I'm always able to find a way around them. So now I'm going to try to unplug my desktop, put it high up on a shelf in my closet, and hopefully having to plug/unplug everything constantly will help me quit. It happened today, after the last time I watched porn I put it on the floor in my closet and took down my entire computer station. Today I had everything back up in no time. If anyone has any creative solutions to put up additional barriers so that I'll be less likely to use please let me know. I'm just not sure what to do anymore and it's starting to feel hopeless.

1 Comment
19:51 UTC


Day 4

Day 4, going strong. Feeling slight urges, but ima do my best

19:49 UTC


Week 1 - Been a rough week emotionally and relapsed 3 times

This would be the second entry for my "journal". I said in the post last week that I'll do this weekly so I can hold myself accountable and also recap what happened in order to try and reorganize and be better next week.

It's been a rough week, as the title says, I'm broken up with my gf and it's been pretty lonely. Also uni is stressful and I'm quite behind with studies. Overall life only seems to get more and more difficult, adding responsibility over responsibility and making me more overwhelmed and unable to cope healthily, so I turned to porn.

Can't say I learnt something new, just that I'll have to try in those moments of emotional vulnerability and overwhelming feeling to calm down and not act on urges to escape from reality, cause it will only feel worse afterwards.

Thank you for everyone that reads this, relates to it and/or supports me through this journey! I wish you all good luck and strength as well!

19:36 UTC


How can I fix the ads I am getting

I am trying to quit porn but my ad recommendations aren't helping. I
always get those fake lust game ads on youtube and reddit. I also get
dating ads on youtube. Today I was shocked when I entered playstore
books section and saw that I was recommended erotic books there. How can
I fix my ad recommendatiomns?

19:29 UTC


Don't worry about streaks so much

I've been in and out of this community for about the last 10 years or so. One thing I think that hasn't been emphasized enough is: don't worry about streaks. I'm serious.

The prevailing advice suggests that you should track the number of days in a row you don't PMO and aim for X number of days. But I think the unfortunate reality is that this creates the mindset where you feel like a failure if you relapse and that you've lost all progress. But it's not true.

If you had been pornfree for X number of days and you relapse, you're not starting over from 0. You have the experience of being pornfree for that length of time, meaning you can learn from that and you can do it again.

But I've found that if you focus on streaks too much you will wind up feeling like a failure when you relapse, and that feeling only serves to feed the addiction. You will also relapse, but don't beat yourself up so badly, because it's a marathon, not a 400m sprint.

Before I wrap this up, I want to share what I'm choosing to consider a victory this week. I alternated days between being pornfree and relapsing. So, I was pornfree MWF and Sunday, but relapsed the days in between. This is in comparison to basically relapsing every day the previous week. I didn't do this intentionally - it just sort of happened. I'm viewing this as progress, because we should celebrate every day we're pornfree and view relapses as a learning opportunity

So I challenge all of you this coming week, month, year, stop worrying about streaks so much and celebrate each day you're pornfree, even if they're not in a row, and don't view your relapses as failures. Eventually you'll be able to go days, weeks, and I hope forever without porn, without even trying.

Good luck everyone!

1 Comment
19:14 UTC


Day 1 - It's easy when you are happy

One day or day one ? This is my day one.

Today was easy. Went out with friends, social life is really the antidote to this addiction.

I know from experience that it's on the rainy days when I'm alone and feel like shit that I have to stay the most vigilant.

I'm soo pissed for only being on "day one" tho, I decided to stop hoping "this time it will work" and decided to be more proactive about my issue.

See you tomorrow.

18:32 UTC


Unpopular opinion: I quite like the flatline period

Mid 30's M going on two weeks PF. Back when I was watching P daily, I would get hard at almost anything remotely attractive during my day. At the time, I thought I had gotten back some of my vigor of my 20's, or I even thought I was hypersexual at one point.

This makes it extra ironic that I never pursued women and in the two times I had sex—once a few years ago (!!) and the second the day before I started PF two weeks ago—I couldn't get hard.

Two weeks in, my biggest relief is the freedom from constant sexual thoughts. I can see a woman bending over in a store or a flight attendant walking down the aisle and it's as if I saw an office worker or professional athlete on TV or whoever else just going about their day or job.

It's also nice to have some fullness in the balls back (same streak of no masturbation as going PF).

All in all, this flatline and recovery period is exactly what I need at this stage of life. :)

1 Comment
17:56 UTC


Going to be porn free for next 20 days

Guys I decided to be porn free for next 20 days What are the suggestions would you guys give me on how to overcome the sudden jerk What are the impacts will I get on being porn free Is it really connected to brain fog, focus all these things Tired of using too much porn Being 10 years on porn feeling ashamed and need to overcome it Wish me luck

16:47 UTC



I've been aware of my own mental wellbeing through the day and realized that I still turn women into objects of sex. Not by purposefully looking at them in a sexual way but by trying not to. As if a woman's body is an object of sex when its literally a human just existing. But I can tell when I'm watching a show or movie and a woman appears my mentality changes and I treat as if their bodies are a trigger I can't even look at. There is no attraction or desire to look at them sexally at all I'm not fighting the urge to check out a woman. This type of oversexualization of people just existing makes it difficult to just enjoy things and movies I've always loved.

Does this type of oversexualization go away overtime in recovery or should I be doing something specific to reach that mental wellbeing?

16:32 UTC


21 day relapse

Was going strong and seeing lots of benefits but unfortunately I came across something on IG yesterday (fully clothed) that caused me to relapse. It almost felt like when I was a teenager. So I think my brain was recovering because it had such a strong effect on me and was so good I kept thinking about it all day and then relapsed to real 🌽 today.

It's such a confusing thing to deal with because it feels so good but the shame and failure comes with it. I know now how much it affects my focus and energy though so I'm motivated to stay away and learn from this experience. What I've noticed is I have a kind of OCD with it where if I'm watching it I feel like I have to watch all the videos I like incase I don't get to watch them again, I go on binges and one video isn't enough. Even though it's more than enough to get me off, I'm always thinking that theres another one I can switch to and keep it going. It's a type of FOMO. It's a never ending pit so the only way for me is to avoid it altogether. IG is the gateway for me, 100%!

A lot of my drive comes from me being perverted towards real life girls and pictures of them and being able to look at them for as long as I want where in real life you'd have to look away. So at the end of the day it reinforces a really pervy side to myself that isn't useful, I'm not proud of and is insatiable anyway. Back on the wagon straight away. Thanks for reading

16:14 UTC


Advice on how to start getting clean with any methods and advice from people that have.

I really want to get away from porn entirely because I think it's a burden on my mind and I don't want to constantly think about it or even be tempted to go to it. I'm looking for any advice on how to start a road without it

1 Comment
15:43 UTC


No erection to porn either?

Is it still pied if I’m not getting erection to porn either, I went from vanilla to Milf porn- incest- race play- rape fetish ( I am ashamed of this one) to hentai over the period of 6 years until I stopped getting erections at all without stimulating my penis for like 10-15 minutes which would give me a 60-75% erection. I’m 23. Isn’t this too much damage? Did anyone manage to return back from this point? Like no erection to porn either?

14:59 UTC


I suspect my porn addiction is sub consciously causing my panic attacks

I suffer from dpdr as well.

I often wonder if it’s related to my porn addiction, I PMO to porn twice a day and usually at night. That usually ends up with me having shit sleep. I’ve been living like this since I was 10 but the panic attacks and “unexplained” anxiety are only recent.

Anyone here have panic attacks/dpdr that went away after quitting porn?

1 Comment
13:10 UTC


How long did it take you to enjoy the little things again?

I remember enjoying podcasts and music a few years ago. I also recall being able to sit down and watch a long YouTube video without feeling empty and dead inside. I can't wait to get back to that again. Can you relate to this? And if you do, how long after breaking your addiction did you feel joy again in the little things?

1 Comment
13:01 UTC


Worried that I’m way too deep to break the cycle

It’s so tough and I feel like my brain is so addicted pulling back just isn’t possible

1 Comment
12:46 UTC


Day 7

Gonna make it a great day. Stay strong everyone

1 Comment
12:40 UTC


day 98 - still feeling like hell

i am trying to focus on my goals and going forward, i haven't even entered a porn site in 98 days, the stuff that has looked more like porn in these days has been instagram, which i try to use less and i have also unfollowed all triggering content.

Even though i should be happy for how it's going, i still feel extremely demotivated, dead inside, i don't know if this is a flatline but it's getting harder and harder, i'll try to keep going, hoping that things get better

12:13 UTC


This app…

This app constantly makes me relapse, I really utilize this app for actual reasons but all it takes is one small course off and BOOM I just find myself back tracking. Back to day zero.

1 Comment
12:09 UTC


Physical restraint beats digital or emotional

I've had my partner set a new password for the home PC, given my son my tablet for keeps and locked my laptop inside its case with a padlock - the key is kept in a place unknown to me. The only device I still have 24-hour access to is my smart phone but I've uninstalled the VPN and it was never my preferred method of accessing porn anyway. But that one's going to be the most challenging. It's only day six... but so far, so good.

11:14 UTC


I cannot do it. Goodbye!

Over the past decade, I've tried everything in my power to quit. I just cannot do it. My life circumstances make it impossible.

I am physically disabled, I live in a dysfunctional family, having an insane mother as my caretaker, I don't have a significant other, a job or any friends, I live with constant chronic pain, I cannot even afford the surgeries I need. I have generalized anxiety, OCD, depression and numerous other health problems.

I have tried porn blockers, willpower, reading numerous articles and books on how to quit, I joined online groups, watched tutorials, vlogs etc., I tried praying everyday, reding the Bible, begging God for help, I tried everything that is humanly possible considering my circumstances.

I simply cannot do it. It is time to accept this fact. A wise man knows when to bow his head and accept defeat.

I will be leaving this sub and give up on trying to quit. I will stop fighting this addiction because I have found that everything I've tried was an exercise in futility.

I do not possess any external outlet to replace it. I cannot exercise due to chronic pain and disabled body, I cannot afford to buy video games or a gaming PC because I'm too poor, I cannot find a significant other despite having signed up on dozens of dating apps and sites, I cannot find a job, I cannot do anything.

Goodbye, everyone! Thank you for all the useful info you've provided. I wish you the best on your journeys!

11:01 UTC


Struggling with "giving in" to watching porn, me being increasingly unable to control myself - need advice

Every time i succumb to the urges to watch, it feels like my brain and body goes on autopilot to complete a course of action I had repeated for n times.

After a relapse, I could always think logically about how to respond to an urge next time, but it feels as though when the urge eventually arrives, I become powerless and start brainwashing myself into thinking that I deserve porn.

Then, I go through the pain of having a little voice at the back of my mind saying that I should stop watching. In the meantime, I'm all "captivated" by the porn, unable to close of that tab and get back on track, and when I finish all i'm left with is just regret and contempt at myself for being weak-willed. Knowing that I would tell myself, that I won't even seek porn in the first place the next time urges come, but by then I'd forget my mindset during the post nut clarity and try to bypass the porn blockers I set up, peek at the porn, try to resist it then give in, mentally depleted.

I'm sick of this, because I had made progress in nofap and had seen the light it brought me, but now with every relapse I'm literally regressing closer to where I began.

This inability to control myself, I noticed, started affecting other areas of my life like exercising and studying. I'm doing less of those things because I can't seem to get myself to (too tired or too difficult), but those are the things that make me genuinely fulfilled and content. By slacking off each time i feel worse about myself and in turn i have less motivation to get anything done afterwards.

Please give me some advise ppl, I've been stagnating in this state for a while now, and starting to feel depressed. I don't know how to stay consistent and not spiral downwards after a failure, or even avoid failing in the first place. I'm 16 by the way.

10:30 UTC


There’s a certain pride that comes with not going on the Hub anymore.

There truly is.

I don’t doubt in my mind, that not going on the Hub and all those websites, is a net positive.

It’s a norm really, now that I think about it.

And now that I think about it, I’m going to improve on myself.

1 Comment
09:41 UTC


I lost after 29 days.

In short, I was coming from a 50-day clean period, however, unfortunately I ended up relapsing, having to start over, and managing to stay clean for 7 days, but I relapsed again and had to start over again. And in this last attempt, I had managed to stay clean for 29 days, but today I ended up slipping again.

If it was a while ago, I would beat myself up for failing, but I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself. I lost, and that's it, let's try again!

08:20 UTC


day 103

I think I got nighttime erections back

07:00 UTC


Day 1

Day one of no po*n. I'm not addicted but I will stop this before it becomes a serious problem. I'll keep ya'll updated here.

1 Comment
06:58 UTC


the urge to relapse is getting bad

over 2 months clean now. idk why but the urge to watch porn is the worst it’s ever been, fuck man i miss my favorite porn stars and keep thinking about the amount of good scenes that have probably come out since i quit. i try to stay strong by reminding myself of how far i’ve come, how i’ve been healing and how ashamed i will feel if i give in. any advice? i will stay strong and beat this thing💪🏻 its been a tough but rewarding journey, i have no intention of backtracking my progress

04:38 UTC


Are there benefits from leaving porn? Or do i have to leave masturbation too?

04:30 UTC


Bladder pain from gooning

The last time I masturbated a few days ago. Did it for a few hours and now it hurts in the area with my bladder. I think it's from trying to constantly hold my cum in. Has this happened to anybody else? Pretty scared I messed myself up for good.

03:50 UTC


Porn withdrawal syndromes and daily tasks

Hello there,

So, I'm serious about quitting porn (cold turkey)
I have no problem with that actually. I've done it before for a long period of time, but relapsed due to psychological breakdowns.
But the problem now is that I have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders in this period of my life and I already have some daily tasks at hand to finish, but quitting my dopamine dose will destroy my focus.

Every time I try to quit, my body refuses to focus and I have a heap of pending tasks and postponed plans already.

I want to hear some good strategies here from people in the same situation.
How do you focus on your tasks while dealing with porn withdrawal syndromes?

Thanks, in advance.

03:28 UTC

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