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Tips to push through plateau?

Hi everyone! I’ve been dieting to lose weight for the past month, and I’ve been really good at sticking to my plan so far, which is surprising given my past experience with diets! However, I’m stuck at a bit of a plateau now, and I’m finding it pretty demotivating.

The first few weeks the weight was coming off nicely and I’ve lost about ~10lbs total (with the usual caveats that a lot of that was probably water weight etc), but the past week or so it’s been an almost total standstill. I’m 26F 5’10, moderately active, and I eat around 1000-1200 each day, so I feel like I couldn’t/shouldn’t eat less if I want to actually maintain this diet and not fall off into a binge. Every time I eat out or eat something I didn’t make, no matter how tiny of a portion, my weight creeps up. Even if I’m undercounting my calories by a good amount, surely it shouldn’t be enough to actually make me gain weight, and it’s certainly substantially less than I was eating before while maintaining my starting weight. I know bodies sometimes behave weirdly and weight fluctuates for a bunch of reasons, but it’s so frustrating going to bed hungry each night and then seeing the same number on the scale each morning that I could cry.

I’ve noticed that this has affected me a lot mentally - my prior progress was keeping me super motivated, but now I feel grumpy, low energy, and dejected all the time. I’ve noticed that cravings have become significantly more prevalent, and it’s become way harder to resist small temptations. I know a lot of this is mind over matter, so besides physically breaking the plateau I’d love to try to get back into a good mindset too. I’ve continued to stick to my plan so far, but I’m really worried I’ll reach my breaking point soon if this continues.

I’d really appreciate your advice on this. What are your best tips for getting through a plateau? Have you ever gone through something like this? What would you recommend changing, both physically and mentally? How can I get back to feeling motivated again?

Thank you so much!!

19:29 UTC


Losing weight on psych meds + hashimotos + EDS

Heya! I’m 29, 5’7, and 332lbs. I gained over 100lbs in just over a month because of an antipsychotic I was prescribed in high school that saved my life, and I’ve been struggling to lose the weight ever since. I’ve since changed meds several times but do have to continue taking antipsychotics and they make it VERY hard to lose weight, especially because I have hashimotos that continues to attack my thyroid no matter what I do. Despite this, my thyroid levels are within normal range. I also struggle significantly to be active because I dislocate my joints very easily and have severe untreated chronic pain.

Over the last three months I’ve been very, very careful to track every calorie and weigh every thing I eat. I eat 1500 calories most days and don’t go higher than 2000 on the others, about once a week. I eat at least 80g of protein every day, eat a lot of veggies, and try to keep my carb intake lowish. I drink a gallon of water every day for my POTS. I don’t feel hungry, I don’t feel under fed. I’d struggle to eat more than I am.

I go to the gym and ride the bike for 30-45 minutes and do very light lifting 2-3 days a week.

Despite all of this I’m still only losing about a pound a month and I haven’t lost any inches. I don’t drink calories, I get enough sleep, I don’t eat food I’m allergic to, I’m not stressed. I’ve had very thorough work ups and my endo cannot say why I’m not losing weight.

I’m happy to get advice. This is something I’ve struggled with significantly my entire life. The only time I’ve been able to lose a significant amount of weight is when I had an eating disorder in high school and was eating 900 calories or less and was working out for 3 hours 5 days a week at high intensity with a lot of heavy lifting.

1 Comment
19:09 UTC


16 Months to get a revenge body

Disclaimer - my goals are mainly to lose weight and gain muscle for health and fitness reasons, and entirely for myself to feel better in my own skin

However... Next August I'll be attending a wedding that my cheating ex-fiance and his new wife will also be attending, and I'm not going to lie, I would love to look my absolute best.

My question is, if you had 16 months to make your dream body, what would you do? What steps/stages would you work in?

For context I am 29F, 5'3, 187lbs. I know the basics of cut down calories, move more, eat more protein etc. I'm not looking for a tailored plan, just for some inspiration of what other people would do with my timescale :)

18:57 UTC


Question for for women like me

Hey guys,

I'll be starting my weight loss journey this month. Signed up for a 2 year program to finally help me lose weight and hopefully permanently.

I got a question for my fellow women. It's ofcourse about periods, I won't go TMI, but I am a bit worried about something.

My periods have normally been regular without much change. (I use the pill). But the last 5 months I've had no period at all. While it has happened before that I didn't have one for 1-3 months, but now it's taking a rather long time to return. I'm not pregnant and have been to the doctor and told her my problem. She and I both thought it could very well be because I gained quite a lot of weight in a rather short time. I'm 168 cm and weigh about 94 kilo's.

I am a mother of one, but would love to have a second child in the future. I'm just now rather worried something might be wrong with me (besides being overweight). But I also am almost 100% sure it could be because of my weight that I'm not getting my period.

Has anyone else experienced getting back to normal periods after weight loss or should I go back to the doctor? Apart from that, I'm feeling fine.

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


First 7.7 lbs

So, I went through a really bad breakup and gained almost 60 lbs in 17 months. That's a lot for a woman who used to be under 120 lbs.

I said "that's enough" at 140 lbs.
I said "no more" at 150.
I said "omg" at 160.
I closed my eyes at 170
and at 178.8 lbs, I said "I am NEVER going to see 180".
That was March 18 of this year.

This morning I weighed 171.1 lbs, and I am now keen to see 16* again from next week. :D

I have hypothyroidism, so unless I am careful, I easily gain weight, and I am in perimenopause, so I really thought this would be hard. But I am feeling very determined this time, AND it isn't as hard as I thought! NOT AT ALL!
Have kept myself at a 900-1000 calories deficit by eating +/- 1200 calories a day and working out almost every day/walking a lot. I eat 3 meals a day, at 7am, 12 and 5 pm. I walk around 10000 steps a day, sometimes up to 25000 steps and I run 3 times a week and do core training 3 times a week.

I really enjoy moving my body again, after years on the coach. My body aches are lessened already. For me, eating more meals, but smaller meals was a game changer. I tried OMAD and 2 meals a day a few months ago, but couldn't stop eating when I had the chance, so I gained weight.. 3 meals made it easy to eat no more than 1200 calories without feeling (too) hungry. I decided to not eat at all after 5 pm, as I have trouble stopping while at home in the evening. I find it easier to not eat at all than to eat a bit at night. So far I feel amazing and it works! I don't know why I thought it couldn't work.

Any tips or thoughts from those who have done it before me? My goal is to reach 120 lbs again by november, and I thought to keep a 1000 calories deficit for at least 2 months now in the beginning.

1 Comment
18:05 UTC


Black Coffee

Is it customary for black coffee to be listed as containing saturated fat?

I have noticed an unusually high amount of saturated fat in my diet, and upon further investigation, it appears that a significant portion of this is attributed to black coffee.

Over the course of four days, I have apparently consumed a staggering 1332g of saturated fat solely from black coffee.

I am surprised by this and find it difficult to believe that black coffee could contain such a substantial amount of saturated fat.

I am seeking clarification on this matter as it seems implausible.

18:14 UTC


Question about rapid weight loss

Hi! I started my weight loss journey 15 days ago and I have had great results...too great honestly. I am a 19 year old male and I am 6 foot. I weighed 223 pounds at the start and after 15 days I'm down to 208. This means I lose 1 pound per day. This seems to me to be impossible and it has left me confused. I have been following the general guidelines of brightline, so no refined sugar, no flour, no preservatives, and no snacking. This is what I have been eating generally... Breakfast: 6oz of protein, 6oz of fruit, 1oz of grains Lunch: 6oz of protein, 6oz of vegetables, 6oz of fruit, 2oz of fat Dinner: 6oz of protein, 6oz of vegetables, 8oz of salad, 2oz of fat

Most meals I am not able to finish because it is so much food so I am not starving myself. This weight loss just seems extremely fast and scientifically impossible. Can someone please explain what's going on?

18:12 UTC


Loose skin

I’m 24, I have had 40 abdominal surgeries all but one being because of Gastroschisis, the other one being a c-section in 2021. I have ended up being very healthy despite how sick I was growing up but unfortunately getting to a healthy place as lead me to a lot of weight fluctuations throughout my life, I’ve gone down from anywhere between 190 even up to 245 (a mixture of steroids and birth control) I have since stopped all those medications and have gone down to 213 and feel great other than all the loose skin I have from pregnancy and weight fluctuations. I would like to avoid anymore abdominal surgeries/procedures if possible but am looking for tips on how to tighten my abdomen back up (I don’t expect to have it back 100% to normal but definitely want less) TIA!

18:12 UTC


After doing everything BUT calorie counting, I finally gave in and it's working and feels easy

So this is probably not news to people in this subreddit, but I wanted to put it out there just in case.

I've been yoyoing with the same 10 ish lbs for the past few years. In 2021 I lost 10lbs in a couple of months (from 127 to 117) by calorie counting and walking. Then I stopped calorie counting and slowly gained it back over the course of the next year.

I've been "on a diet" since the beginning of 2023 but was really resistant to calorie counting. I did different types of fasting (OMAD, 16:8), just "trying to eat healthier", reducing portion sizes etc, and wasn't losing weight. Finally I gave in and started religiously calorie counting things and 2 amazing things happened.

First, I've been losing weight daily since I started calorie counting (5lbs down since feb). Second, I feel waaaay more full and satisfied.

I was losing when I did omad bit after 2 weeks of that I was burned out and thinking about binging like no other. Switched to calorie counting and now I'm satiated most of the time.

I have made sure I'm eating a lot of filling, high volume, high protein, low calorie foods (fruit, vegetables, protein pancakes, Greek yogurt, spray oil instead of normal oil, monk fruit instead of sugar etc) which helps a lot.

18:04 UTC


Has anyone else noticed that they see changes in specific areas of their bodies first before anywhere else?

Hi there! We all know spot reduction is a myth, but there's something interesting I've noticed about myself while losing weight. Even though fat loss happens all over, I swear I see the biggest difference in my back first! Like, my clothes are starting to hang a little looser there before anywhere else. Now, I understand everyone's body is different, and weight loss can show up in various places first. Some people lose weight in their face, others in their midsection the fastest. It's all about genetics and body composition, right? But this got me thinking; maybe where you see initial changes says something about your body type or how your body stores and burns fat. Is there any science behind this, or am I just imagining things? Does anyone else out there notice weight loss happening in a specific area first, even though they know spot reduction isn't a thing? Curious to hear your experiences and see if there's a pattern!

17:24 UTC


Should I quit the gym?

So i (20M) am a student at University in the UK. I am constantly busy and have tried several different gyms and several different memberships. All of them I just couldn't stick with due to 2 reasons:

1: I hate hate hate the gym. The atmosphere at the gym isn't for me, I get bored very easily working with a routine and I am not getting the results i want.

2: I am always busy and can ever find time for the gym. I put my own mental happiness first and I feel like with the limited free time in my day to day life, I would much rather be at home chilling for an hour or two rather than going to the gym.

I want to be slim. Not skinny per say but slim and 100% not muscular. I am 5'7/5'8 and I would say around 80kg. I'm not fat, I would just say chubby if anything. Anytime i go to the gym and start seeing results, it is just muscle i gain on my arms, my chest etc etc but nothing to my core which is the only result i want to actually see.

So based on this information, should I just cut my losses with the gym and maybe potentially just start going on long walks or runs and put all my focus into my diet. In my head, surely if i just ate normally like homemade food, stayed away from fast food and sweets and did a bit of running and walking then surely I would lose weight, not spend my money on the gym which i lack the motivation for AND get in the body shape I want?

Is my thinking correct and should i cut ties with the gym? If you think I should stick with the gym then what motivations or what should I do to actually enjoy it?


17:15 UTC


385lbs, 182cm, 31, M, struggled with weight my entire life. Best bit of advice?

Title says it all, really.

I’ve recently become a dad and I’m trying my best to get my health in order in a long-lasting, balanced, way. Want to break the cycle and make sure I model healthy eating habits to my daughter. At my lowest weight, I was 250lbs, which is still technically still obese but I certainly felt a lot better. I don’t remember a time I was at a healthy weight - I don’t think I ever have been.

Some things to note:

  1. I have tried every diet out there and have a pretty comprehensive knowledge of nutrition as a result.

  2. I think I might have some form of food addiction causing compulsive behaviours. I have been in therapy before for my eating habits and this has helped me to get into a pretty good place of understanding regarding my triggers.

  3. I manage my food intake really well (though often restrict quite heavily - I have a really busy job) until I get home from work and put my daughter to bed. Once she’s asleep, I binge. This is a cycle that is proving very difficult to break.

I obviously have a lot to lose. And this is daunting. I’m doing my best to manage the “you’re probably going to fail” voices with the tools given to me through therapy.

My plan is counting calories via Fitbit, building in exercise (swimming, walking, mainly for mental health purposes) and conducting weekly weigh-ins.

My question is this - what is your biggest piece of advice when it comes to losing a vast amount of weight / keeping it off? In need of both knowledge and inspiration!

Thanks :)

16:49 UTC


Help re TDEE - very skinny boned

Hi. I’m 6ft. Gone from 65kg to 79kg in a couple years gaining both muscle and fat.

I was Skinny fat at 65kg. I am v skinny boned compared to almost everyone I know.

I have gained good muscle and can now bench happily around 90kg now starting at 40kg bench been my 1rm a couple years ago.

My trouble is. I’m about to end a bulk. On this bulk I have gained a tremendous amount of fat around my belly region and this is averaging around 2000 - 2500 calories a day.

Most TDEE cals out there say 2500 is maintenance but I know that to be untrue for me given how much fat I’ve gained from around 2000 alone.

I always hit my recommended protein each day too.

I was wondering when I cut. To maintain most muscle. And given 2000 is making me fat. Is 1500 cals for cutting ok.

Or any other tips as I don’t seem to have a standard boned body haha


16:39 UTC


Feeling decent and celebrating a little bit

I've lost 18 pounds in the last 12 weeks.

I was not working between the end of December and the beginning of March, and had all the time and energy in the world to take care of myself. I was doing 18/6 IF, walking 5 miles at least 3 times a week, and gave up drinking except 1 night per week, went on meds to tackle my binge eating disorder -- and ironically, I didn't lose that much weight. I felt a lot healthier but the scale was only trickling.

Then something bad happened, and I had to get 3 jobs... now it's all I can do to keep up my morale by snacking frequently during the 14-15 hour work days; I also feel the return of my binge eating urges, but so far have not had any major binges. I have so little time to unwind and get in bed before my next shift, I'm back to drinking a beer or two every night. And there's NO time for walking, nor any energy for it, not even on a day off -- even though none of my jobs are physical labor, I stand on my feet in one place for most of the day every single day. I HAVE to rest in any down time I get because my feet and knees just hurt all the time. So I just lost all my positive changes and good habits overnight because of a financial emergency.

And you know what? I lost 18 pounds so far in 2024 anyway. I definitely credit all those positive changes I made before that made my body healthier even though the scale didn't move at the time. Victories come in different flavors. Celebrate and embrace your positive changes even if they are short-lived. We're all gonna make it. And I'm gonna get back to fasting and walking, once I settle other areas of my life.

18 pounds down... fuck, something like 130 to go. At least I get to put a new hole in my belt : )

16:33 UTC


Tips and advice on how to restart calorie deficit and weight loss (a tiny rant included)

Stats : SW: 82 kg (180.7 lbs) , GW: 62 kg (136.6 lbs), CW: 71.2 kg (156.5 lbs), Ht: 5'4"

I've been working out since Nov 2022 and was on a calorie deficit till Apr 2023. I was about 77-76 kg by then and started going to the gym from Apr 2023. I moved to maintenance of ~ 2k cals per day since May 2023 and saw my weight go down to 69-70 kg in Dec 2023. But mind you, I had to take a couple of weeks off every 3-4 months either because I was stupid and pulled a muscle or had some injury.

I was on my maintenance calorie since the start of the year and have just move to a deficit this past week. I did notice my weight creeping up since the start of the year. As for gym, I do 3x a week and hit 10k steps a day.

My initial idea (back when I first started in 2022) was that I'd wait till I hit 75 kgs, add resistance training and then loose till 70 kgs, go upto maintenance calorie build muscle and then restart the deficit. If you squint your eyes and look from far away, I think I've done exactly that. And I do see muscle gain (or, I'm delusional). Like I can feel my triceps and maybe my biceps and even quads.

My problem is that I can't seem to get below 70 kg. And it's kinda getting to me mentally. Like, my body looks nice (on most days) and I'm happy with my progress. But, there's a part of me that's like maybe I should have just continued the calorie deficit till I went below 70 kg? Also I need some perspective on how a non-beginner (gym and otherwise) can expect to continue weight loss and what steps/strategies I can use to do better?

Anyway, thanks for taking time to read the post till here. Any sound advice is much appreciated!

16:27 UTC


Someone please help me understand how I'm not losing weight

Hey all. I'm 27M 6'2" and I currently weigh 235 pounds.

I've been going to the gym frequently for about the past decade, but have been serious about it for probably the last four years.

I have always struggled with my weight. I love to eat, and in large portions. In October, I decided it was finally time to seek out my "dream physique/weight", so I started watching what I ate very carefully.

From October to February, I ate in a surplus to help build muscle (roughly 3,600 calories a day).

In February I started my cut. I weighed 247 pounds at this point. For my cut, I eat 2,400 calories a day, and have been strict with it since Feb. 1. The cut started off great, I lost weight quick.

Since March 15th, I have been stuck between 233-235 pounds and I can't make any sense of it. I lift for 90 minutes a day, and I follow it with an hour of cardio. I only take Sunday's off. I'm easily burning over 3,500 calories a day, but the scale simply will not budge.

Any ideas on why I can't seem to lose a single ounce in 3 weeks?

16:25 UTC


1000 calories burnt in 1.5 hours on treadmill accurate?


Hi! Like the title post says, is this accurate? I’m 5’6 male 138 pounds looking to shred a few pounds by summer. I am really close while working out 3x a week on calisthenics. I also just started jogging a bit again but looking to focus more on calisthenics and strength. My end goal is to be 135 pounds and feeling strong enough to hold a handstand and have low BPM which is why I have been trying to lower it (average 120 bpm) on the treadmill.

This treadmill is at a slight incline, set at 3.0+ speed. I have been doing this 5 times a week for almost 2 weeks now while watching YouTube and shows. I hope this is accurate or close enough because I love eating large volume meals and snacks throughout the day about 1700-2000 calories

16:17 UTC


36f mom of 3 weight not budging

I am at a complete and total loss here and feeling super defeated. Looking for any advice or motivation. I am a mom of 3 little kids, all under the age of 8. I have been working out fairly consistently (several times a week at least 30 min each time) alternating between strength training and walking on the treadmill, started in December. I’ve really ramped up exercising since January and doing at least 30 min of movement about 6 times a week. I’ve also completely overhauled my eating to focus on maximizing protein and portion control more veggies and water.

I feel like at this point, the weight should be falling off. Instead, the scale keeps going up. I try not to weigh myself anymore, but I keep going between 208-221lbs. I can’t get under 200 for the life of me. I’m 5’7” and have never had an issue dropping baby weight gain.

Is this normal? Everyone says if you do it “the right way” you can lose about a pound a week. I’m not losing anything. Pants won’t budge.

I work a high stress full time job and get lack of sleep from the kids, wondering if this is causing me to hold on to weight?


16:16 UTC


What are the red flags when it comes to dieting and losing weight?

I was listening to a podcast (maintenance phase) and they were talking about the TV show The Big Loser. I didn't know about this show (I am not from the US) and I thought it was really horrible. Putting people struggling with their health in a competition environment of a reality TV Show, being overly aggressive towards people as a way to give "incentives" to lose weight, not addressing emotional and mental issues from people with trauma... A shit show.

And they also talk a lot about other stuff. So I was wondering, what are the red flags that we might not see when it comes to losing weight? The obvious for me are extreme fad diets, but some others might not be so obvious and we might get drawn to it without realizing it.

16:03 UTC


★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Track With Me Thursday: Find new accountability buddies! April 04, 2024

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1 Comment
16:00 UTC


Good progress?

Hi all,

I’ve finally got my butt in gear to really lose the weight this time as I was horrified when I realised just how heavy I had gotten. I am getting married next May so that is my motivation, as well as just feeling healthier and fitter in general.

I’m 160cm and my starting weight on 11 March was 93.1kg.

As of today I’m sitting at 91.1kg (yesterday I was 90.5kg), but my period is due so I think I have a bit of extra water weight as well as normal fluctuations.

That means I’ve lost 2kg in 25 days. I feel like the weight loss should be happening a bit quicker as I have a lot of weight to lose and I have completely overhauled my diet and lifestyle (my goal weight is 75kg for now so about 18kg to lose).

I’m currently sticking to eating 1500 cals (or just under). I have a salad for lunch that fills me up for the whole afternoon, I’ve cut out all my afternoon snacking, and we generally have very veg orientated dinners. I’ve been walking the dog for around 45-60 minutes at lunchtime, and exercising on a stationary bike at home for roughly 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Should I up the amount of days / time I am using the bike? I am really struggling with my energy levels this week due to really bad PMS so haven’t got on the bike once!

Thank you

1 Comment
15:34 UTC


Day 4/365 Days Challenge: Walking

Distance Today: 3.92 Kms

Total Since Day 1: 16.06 Kms

I was having second thoughts about going to walk today, considering my upper back was acting up a bit. But I still went.

I decided to change the way I walk today. So I went from medium to a bit slower pace, while breathing deeply most of the time. I had read somewhere that breathing deeply clears lactic acid from muscles faster and helps recover from muscle soreness quicker. Don't know how true that is.

But I am pleased that I went for a walk despite having doubts about it. I read somewhere that discipline is all about showing up, even when you don't want to.

Having said that I do realise that I have to move up from having an endurance of a wet paper towel, to that of a normal male of my age. That's going to take time, and a lot of discipline.

Walks for me is to build that discipline. So that I can do it daily, and eventually start Calorie counting.

Sharing daily to keep myself accountable.

Thanks for patient reading.

15:19 UTC


Gained 0.7kg in one day, is this normal??

I have been eating in a calorie deficit for a while now and have been losing weight constantly as expected. I do CICO and IF (14hrs). Yesterday I ate a little bit less than usual and weighed myself today after the i finished the fasting window and to my surprise i gain 0.7kg.. Im confused as why that would happen considering I ate a while ago. The only thing i can think of is that i am usually dehydrated because i always forget to drink water but yesterday before starting my fasting window i had a lot of it so perhaps my body is clinching to that?? What should be my actual weight the one from yesterday or the one with 0.7kg?

edit: i dry fast

15:10 UTC


Hard to look at “before” photos, even from happy moments

I was always overweight, even as a child. Because I thought being overweight was going to be my reality, I grew to love my body as best as I could, and I have many photos of myself from these happy moments (eg graduation, vacations, photos with friends and loved ones).

I recently lost 40 pounds (left a toxic work environment and started training for races) and while I am so much happier with how I look now, it is so painful for me to look back on old photos of myself, even when I know that they were “happy” moments.

DAE experience this? I try to show myself self compassion but it’s so hard when I look back and so many moments of my life (including a my 6 year relationship) are documented from when I was bigger.

15:09 UTC


I'm feeling frustrated and struggling with diet (M 30, 192 lbs, 5'10")

Hello, this is a throwaway account as i am embarrassed to admit this. I am struggling really hard with losing weight. I have yo-yo dieted a lot. I work out frequently but can't lose the weight. I calorie count but I keep making mistakes and either underestimate or overestimate and get hungry very frequently (I believe this is emotional rather than physical) and have been frequently ordering out and succumbing to cravings. I recently got myself into meal prep and thought I did the calorie calculations correctly but it turned out I messed up the numbers and was undereating by at least 500 cal more than what i should be eating.

I'm struggling really hard and dont know what to do. I saw my doctor and I have no issues with my bloodwork.

15:00 UTC


Can resistance training keep you warm as you lose weight?

Hi all!

Some of you may be familiar with running cold as you lose weight. I've certainly been there, glued to the fireplace late into the sunny season.

I'm noticing, however, that this time around, it doesn't seem to be happening. I'm feeling mostly fine, sometimes a bit cold but nothing major. I'm wondering if strength training could be the reason - it's my first time following a strength training routine along with cardio and diet changes.

I've googled this but couldn't find anything, so I'm wondering if anyone here has had the same experience?

14:59 UTC


What’s everybody’s favorite low calorie snacks/meals?

Hey everyone! I'm recently starting my journey to lose weight and i've found it hard to find meals for breakfast/lunch that i can make in the morning, as well as low calorie snacks from the grocery store. I find often that I end up snacking during the day because the only low calorie lunches I know are really salads, and sometimes they aren’t very filling.

I'd like to know what's everybody's favorite low calorie snacks/ meals that they have found helped them during their calorie deficit? Any really good grocery finds would be helpful!

14:47 UTC


Being a picky eater and needing to loose alot of weight (sorry if it's long)

I need some help with loosing weight. I am a 19 years old male, 5 foot 5, and I weigh 198.4. I am an extremely picky eater with food selectivity and I only eat certain foods and nothing else. I have alot of trouble with textures and I can't even drink water because of the texture (plus it makes me gag). I drink Sprite Zero instead, usually 2 cans per day. The meals I eat are really consistent such as 3 pieces of Red Baron cheese pizza, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Bowtie pasta with I can't belive its not butter Spray. Other foods I like are French Fries with Ketchup, Corn Dogs, Hot Dogs with Ketchup, Pasta Roni Angel Hair Pasta with Herbs, Farm Fresh Mozerella Sticks, Breaded Chicken Nuggets. The only healthy food I eat is Watermelon and that only when it's in season. What should I do? I want to loose drastic weight in a short amount of time and reach 150 pounds. If you need any more information or have any questions I'll be here in the comments.

14:44 UTC


Anyone have any “trust the process” stories?

I’m nearing my goal weight and the process is getting very slow. (I’m 5’10” 152lbs and my BMI is 22, so well within healthy range).

Albeit, the process is slow because I’m in a very small deficit (300 cal a day) but this deficit was getting me monthly 3lb losses just 3 months ago, and now I’m eeking by with 1-1.5lb loss a month. (I know this means I’m getting sloppy somewhere, I just haven’t pinpointed it yet).

However, I know that I need to “trust the process.” I’m practicing good habits and living the life I expect to live going forward, so my body is going to do what it’s going to do. It’s just hard seeing those monthly losses dwindle.

Do any of you have any good “trust the process” stories?

14:41 UTC


Tips to stop eating holiday treats??

ANY tips would help. I've been on a consistent healthy lifestyle change for almost a year. But I cannot stop eating chocolate when I'm home from work in the evenings. My daughter/husband got a ton of Easter candy over the weekend, and when they eat it, I can SMELL the chocolate from across the room. I end up breaking off little pieces of the bunnies or grabbing a handful of malt chocolate eggs every time I pass the cupboard. The extra sugar in my system is making me crave it more and more, which has led to me eating more food in general throughout the day to take my mind off it. Last night I had three cups of tea (herbal and black) in an attempt to not have a piece ( I did anyways). I can't tell them they can't have it. Just because I have a food addiction doesn't mean they should suffer for it. But I need to stop and it's going to be several weeks before it's all gone, so any suggestions would be appreciated!

14:24 UTC

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