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Science Fiction, or Speculative Fiction if you prefer. Fantasy too. Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Dick, Heinlein and other SF books. SF movies and TV shows. Fantasy stuff like Tolkien and Game of Thrones. Laser guns, space ships, and time travel. etc. Star Trek, Battlestar, Star Wars, etc.

Science Fiction, or Speculative Fiction if you prefer. Fantasy too. Beware of the Leopard.

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help I'm desperately looking for this science fiction film:

it's about a group of millionaires who are sent to an island and on this island they can use receptors connected to the brain that can control their emotions, during the film after a girl uses one of these drugs to chemically control one's emotions to fall in love with a boy and then receives another substance which however causes him to commit suicide and this girl brutally commits suicide. Can someone find me the film and write the title in the comments

13:48 UTC


The Expanse: books or TV series?

I've only watched the first season of the Expanse many years ago and I don't even remember much about it now. I wanted to continue watching but let's just say life got in the way and I couldn't to this day.

Now I'm considering starting again. But I wonder if I should start reading the books instead of watching the series. I would appreciate some suggestions on this.

13:32 UTC


Shower idea while not in the shower

I'm trying to find out if this a topic that's already been addressed in a book or even been mentioned in a movie. What if the Alien(s) universe developed an emergency medication (Like Naloxone or Insulin shots I guess) for face-hugger infestation? Something that would essentially cause the persons body to focus all of it's functions using certain chemicals to dissolve the alien embryo along with the drug, then expelling the remaining alien matter as vomit and/or fecal waste. It would have a relatively high or moderate chance of death after use, depending on a variety factors, especially the length of gestation. Caught quickly has the best chances of success. It's evolution fighting evolution. Who gon ween?

13:30 UTC


Series of novellas to read between long sagas


I’m currently reading the Dresden files. In order not to having a burn out, I’m looking at series of short novels I can read between books as palate cleansers.

I’m deciding between Murderbot or Penric and Desdemona. Those of you that have read any of them, which of these do you recommend? Or if you know another one you can also tell me :)

Thanks in advance

13:06 UTC


Tv Show recommendations

Hi all, I’m going through a serious craving for some good sci-fi shows. I’ve been stuck on my favourites for years and looking for something I’ve not seen before. I’ve made lists below to help guide recommendations. Any help is appreciated!

favourite sci-fi shows: Stargate (all seasons, spin offs & movies multiple times) Firefly (too many rewatches) Cowboy Bebop (too many rewatches) Fringe (3 rewatches) Lost (8 rewatches)
Black mirror, Falling Skies, Misfits (4 rewatches) Revolution, Red dwarf, Futurama, Altered Carbon S1

Shows I’ve started but never finished: The X Files, The expanse (S1-S5) Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, Orphan Black (Really enjoyed but have watched S1-4 multiple times in an attempt to finish) The 100, The Orville

13:01 UTC


Star Trek: Voyager - 1x07 - Eye Of The Needle REVIEW (Feat. Ribbit) #startrek #startrekvoyager

1 Comment
11:22 UTC


3 giants [my today's inktober pic]

08:10 UTC


A drawing, pen & coloured pencils, by my SO

07:56 UTC


Stargate and Covid

I was watching season 9 episodes 10 & 11 and notice extreme similarities. Just interesting.

06:12 UTC


[SPS] Human Campfire Stories - Harvest - A Story For Spooky Season


Harvest - Audio Narration

“That’s the highway you knucklehead!”

“Just admit we’re lost!”

“We are not lost!”

Three children staggered to a stop in a clear area under the drooping branches of a tree that had covered the ground in tiny pine cones. The smallest child dropped into a crouch while the larger two wrestled an electronic device between them. The faint light of glow-sticks that hung from their wrists reflected off of thick warm clothing. Above them, except for a narrow ribbon of stars over the empty highway, the impenetrable darkness of a dense forest canopy stretched in every direction. Something chuckled in the branches above them and the two larger children stilled their fight to listen.

“What’s that smell?” the smallest child asked, idly picking up a tiny pine cone revealed by the dim light of his glow-stick.

“The GPS says that this is the way to the river!”one of the larger children insisted, bending back over the screen.

“It’s lying!” protested the other. “There’s the highway! Right there!”

“I see the highway! Quit pointing out the highway!”

The smallest child rose and walked towards the barrier of branches that separated the forest from the warm stretch of asphalt.

“Don’t go out on the highway!” one of the larger children yelled as the smallest one parted the branches.

“Won’t,” the child said. “I just want to see what smells. It’s a body.”

The other two children fell silent and darted forward, grabbing his shoulders and peering through the branches.

“Oh, just a deer,” one said with faint disappointment.

“It reeks,” commented the other, “and that’s a real big deer.”

“Told you,” the smallest child said in a satisfied tone. “Something smelled.”

The smallest child started forward and was promptly yanked back.

“Let’s just head back to the camp and ask for help finding the river,” someone muttered, “Uncle Roy-”

“We are going to the river!” the largest child said in a firm tone. “Don’t you want to float your glow-sticks like we planned?”

“Oh, yeah!” the small child perked up at that.

“Uncle Roy-” interjected the other voice.

“And we don’t need help!” cut in the largest child. “Just come this way,” the largest child led the other two back into the forest, glaring down at the device. “We just gotta read the map backwards-”

The screen scattered into rainbow flecks and went dark, and the smaller child giggled.

“We know the river is one way, and the highway is the other,” the larger child went on shoving the useless device into a pocket and holding out a glow-stick as they walked forward. “We just have to head back the way we came and -”

The children stilled as one and glanced back through the branches at the highway. The faint sound of a distant engine had increased to a rumble that couldn’t be ignored and a pair of headlights swept around the corner, wreathed in smaller yellow lights just visible through the dense barrier of branches. There was a sharp hiss as the giant truck slowed and rolled to a stop.

“Hide your glow-sticks!” the smallest child whispered, tucking his into the sleeve of his coat and dropping to the soft forest floor.

“Why?” the largest child demanded, but the other two followed suit, tucking their glow-sticks into their sleeves and dropping down beside him.

There was the sound of a door opening and shutting with a bang and the dark shape of a man was silhouetted by the headlights. The strangely elongated form walked forward a short way and then crouched and pulled out a knife that seemed massive back-lit by the headlights. The form seemed to prod at something on the ground before standing up and turning as if to look back at the truck.

“Nothing I want here Sal,” the man called out. “Have at it.”

A rumble that seemed to roll under the sound of the engine washed over the children and they pressed closer to each other. The man’s shadow moved out of the light and the truck rolled forward. Dark bands fluttered across the beams of light and suddenly the massive shape of the deer was lifted into sight, dangling from its hind legs, the head lolling from side to side.

“Between you and the forest Sal,” the man’s voice said in a tone of exasperation. “Pa’ll skin us if we make news after what happened in Whitehorse.”

“Don’t teach grandma to pick huckleberries,” a deep, eerie voice rumbled out and the dark body of the deer slipped out of the bright beams. “Besides, you don’t know that there isn’t someone watching from the forest…”

The smallest child tried to lift his head at that but the largest child shoved him back down with a terrified hiss. A deep rumbling chuckle drifted to them through the trees. With a sudden, wet ripping sound one of the legs detached from the body and the headlights dipped as the hood of the massive truck lifted. The ripping sounds were joined by the sounds of teeth on bones and slurping. Suddenly there was a snap and the sound of something large falling through the branches off to the side, before landing on the forest floor with a distant thump.

“Sure you don’t want any?” the strange voice asked. The voice swept over the children and froze them in place, unable even to cry out. “Lots of it is aged real good and slimy, but there’s still enough unripe bits you could probably stomach. Even a child, even two, or three human children might like this…I know what human children like.”

The sound of rapid breathing got louder as the children listened.

“Nah bro, you have your fill,” the blessedly normal man’s voice said in a distracted tone from a different position now, and accompanied by the sound of boots on gravel as if he were walking around the truck. “I still got that moose from Cousin Gabe’s last hunt and lower forty-eight elk is always a letdown.”

“Suit yourself,” the deeper voice replied.

The sound of another engine approached and the slurping and grinding noises paused a moment, then resumed as the man-shape stepped back into the light. A white SUV with what looked like writing on the side and lights on top pulled into park in the beams of the headlights and another man-shape stepped out. This one was not nearly as tall as the first, but with a wide flat hat on its head.

“See you found it all right!” The newcomer called cheerfully.

“Yup,” the first man-shape agreed.

“Thanks for this cuz,” the new man-shape said, his voice turning suddenly tired. “Dispatch has been getting dozens of nuisance calls a day with the campground right there and we are criminally understaffed this season.”

“Happy to help,” the first man-shape said. “Sal was wanting a real fresh meal anyway, and I can always use an excuse to get out and stretch my legs.”

There was an especially loud-long slurping gurgle from the mass of yellows lights as if in agreement.

“Well it will make the area smell nicer on hot days,” the new man-shape said, a hint of unease in his voice. “How are you going to deal with the smell?”

“Eh, Sal can fix that easy enough,” the first man-shape said with a gesture that might have been a dismissive wave. “He can digest pretty much anything made of meat.”

“Don’t like eating alone though,” the rumbling voice interjected, causing the second man-shape to flinch back. “Shame to have all this and no one to share it with. You want any?”

“No thank you, Salcha, right?” the second man-shape said with an uneasy laugh. “Park regs say it’s not ethical for me to harvest roadkill.”

“Better to waste it?” the rumbling voice demanded.

The second man-shape gave another uneasy laugh and the talk died down, leaving only the sound of gnawing and slurping.

“Well someone other than me should get something out of this,” the rumbling voice finally declared. “They should consider it a gift, if they know what’s good for them.”

“I really can’t-” the second man-shape was saying when something particularly large and heavy flew through the trees and landed close to where the children lay eliciting a high pitched squeak from one of them.

Both man-shapes turned sharply towards the sound and the largest child’s fingers dug into the shoulders of the other two through their thick coats.

“What was that?” the second man-shape demanded.

“Lots of flying squirrels in these trees!” the rumbling voice announced, a strange note of cheerfulness mixing oddly with the terror the voice carried. “They like bones way more than I do. They’ll grab the ones they want and run right home with them.”

“Weird sounding squirrel,” the second man-shape said, unease in his tone.

“Well, what you you know?” Demanded the rumbling voice sounding slightly offended now. “You probably couldn’t tell a flying squirrel from a pack of human children.”

“Bro…” the first man-shape said in a tired tone.“Done!” the deep eerie voice cut in, as the hood of the semi shut with a slam. “Got rid of all the bones and its time to go.”

The second man-shape with the hat jumped back and said a word that you really shouldn’t say and the deep voice gave a chuckle that rumbled over the ground like it was hungry.

“Call us anytime if the work tastes this good,” it said. “You know I like eating, and making new friends.”

“Will do,” replied the second man-shape, with an uneasy laugh.

“Good to see you cuz, keep in touch.” the first man-shape said and crossed in front of the headlight beams again.

Doors opened and slammed. The big headlights moved, drawing the little yellow constellations with them and then the SUV followed. Further in the forest one of the larger children gave a gasp that seemed to break the spell of terror that had held them pinned to the ground since the giant truck had pulled up.

“What was that?” a voice demanded.

The largest child hissed frantically for silence, but the smallest child had pulled out his glow-stick and had moved off and crouched down to examine the thing that had fallen near them.

“They’re gone,” the first child went on, “why should we be quiet?”

“Sucked out its brains!” the smallest child announced with satisfaction.

The other two darted over to him and yanked him away from what the light of the glow-stick showed to be whatever remained of the giant deer’s head. The brains did indeed appear to be gone.

“Camp,” one of the larger children finally hissed out.

“What about floating our glow-sticks in the river?” the smallest child protested.

“We are going back to camp!” the largest child insisted, digging the device out of a back pocket and giving a shaking laugh when the screen lit up and the map clearly showed the camp in the opposite direction from the highway.

“Why’s it working now?” the other child asked bending over the screen as the smallest child edged back towards the skull.

“This way,” the largest child said, grabbing the smallest child’s shoulder. “Why do you have that?” The largest child nearly shrieked out.

The smallest child had grabbed the skull by the two antlers, one of them broken off and was holding it to his chest with a satisfied grin.

“You heard ‘em,” the child said. “He wanted to share the bones with someone, so he thew us this!”

“That thing, whatever that was, didn’t even know we were here!” the largest child snapped, glancing around nervously. “Put that down!”

The smallest child pouted and held the skull closer. “No! He did know! You screamed, and he said he wanted to share! That was a ranger, the man with the ranger hat. He told them to do that, like they were cleaning the road, like chores, so it was okay!” The smallest child scowled and clutched the skull tighter. “It’s okay to keep it!”

The largest child stood there breathing heavily for several moments before the other child stepped in.

“Uncle Roy said to let an adult deal with it if he got like this again,” the other child pointed out.

“Yeah,” the largest child said with a relieved sigh. “Back to camp, and just, just tell one of the adults about the skull.”

The largest child held out the device and they started following the arrow back towards the camp through a forest that now stretched out around them dark and ominous. A faint yellow light shone through the trees and resolved into the windows of the restroom and the children picked up their pace. Behind them, on the highway, the sound of an engine grew fainter in the distance.

Hidden Fires on Indiegogo October 2024!


Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Order "Hidden Fires" on Indiegogo October 2024! The thrid book in the "Dying Embers" universe continues the story of how Drake McCarty met and went adventureing with the alien warrior Bard while the judgemental dragons watched, and waited.

Harvest - Audio Narration Avaliable Here

02:20 UTC


Need some help identifying an early 2000s(?) scifi tv show/movie

EDIT: its Earth 2. Not sure how i skipped the episode. Episode 3 life lessons, 9:30 minutes in

Wife and I have been googling none stop for a few days now and its become an obsession at this point to find this piece of media. I will be eternally grateful for any help provided, here are the sticking points we remember

-we are assuming early 2000s as Dinotopia was new and watched around the same time

-Wife thinks it was on the Sci Fi channel

-the scene is set in the day time, in a foggy forest with a grassy opening/field. theres a little girl with curly hair, and a "lab grown" horse(i dont think its a horse, wife is sure it is) in a incubator and its "born"

-Scientists/family is living in and around a spaceship, theres a ramp to get in and out of the ship, theres white tents setup outside the ship.

-Wife doesn't think there's aliens, I think there's humanoid aliens. could go either way.

-not really a military outpost/guns, more scientist/family/exploring

My best guess is Earth 2 but i scrubbed the episodes and didnt see any horse being born. Taken was also scrubbed but i didnt see this scene. tried chatgpt/copilot no luck

01:26 UTC


Old Sci fi book where they touch hands to have sex

Update: It was Abduction by Robin Cook! Omg feels so satisfying to know! Lol

I have been trying to look for this and I found an old post from about 10 years ago but there really wasn't a definitive answer. This wasn't a movie though I have seen several movies that have the same premise, but this was a book I read about 25 years ago. It was kind of like sphere and the abyss, but the only thing that really stuck out with me was a human man and a so-called female alien having sex for the first time. She shows him a jar that has this gel stuff in it and they stick their hands in and then with that gel they put their hands together and it's like orgasmic. I really cannot remember the name of this book at all! Thanks!

22:08 UTC


Map of the Kalifori Coast - Year 16,492 AD - A map of what California looks like after a trilogy of apocalypses, each more destructive than the last

17:27 UTC


The story begins when a radio host in a future megacity broadcasts his weird nightmares using newfangled dream-streaming tech | Listen for Free to the Latest Chapter of My Award-winning Sci-Fi Audio Series HELL GATE CITY – "Reality" (Episode 26) [Self-Post Saturday]

Original cover art for Ep. 26 by Kevin Berrey

Hello! I'm the author of HELL GATE CITY. It's a comedic audio drama serial serving up 'Kurt Vonnegut coincides with Vampire Hunter D' vibes. Season two has been releasing for just over a year, so if you're one of the thousands of listeners who've gotten us to 55,000 plays, thank you!

In season one I collaborated with a sound designer and a composer, but in the season two, I'm doing every aspect of the work--writing, voice acting, sound design, music, and even drawing the cover art. Think of it as one big middle finger to AI.

Logline: In cyberpunk hellhole NYC, a radio news host’s live-streamed nightmares come true.

Synopsis: Everything changes when one dream reveals a shocking truth about his dad's disappearance. Now the culprits are onto him. But, ratings are up, so... Season two follows the hero's father as his mind gets uploaded after death. Can he escape a wonky virtual afterlife world and reconnect with his family? Or will he be stuck on hold with customer service forever?

New to the show? Start with Ep. 0, then 1, 2, 3--you get it: https://pod.link/hellgatecity/episode/7945fb545acabdce180cf71dd416be8e

Transcripts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/transcripts-of-66692496

Newest chapter: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hellgatecity/episodes/26--Reality-e2pevmm/a-abiq0ft

Enjoy the weekend!

17:16 UTC


Stupid/Ridiculous SF movies?


As the title asks.

Some background...

USA Thanksgiving is coming up in a bit and I've been chosen to be the host for the extended family get-together.

I will be expected to provide entertainment.

I gave brief thought to hiring a clown.

However I thought that, maybe, a little film festival would be in order?

I don't want to show closely plotted films than require your undivided attention, becasue on a holiday, who can do that? What with going for re-fills and whatnot.

So my thinking is: let's go for silly!

I do like SF.

So far I've got:

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death

I would muchly appreciate your recommendations.

BTW: I'm also "the chosen one" for Christmas, but I've got the film for that weekend all picked out: The Lion in Winter -- such a happy family gathering


16:58 UTC


Someplace Else is a book about remote work, virtual worlds and artificial intelligence. Available on Kindle Unlimited.


Someplace Else is a speculative hard science fiction novel that explores the themes of remote work, virtual worlds and artificial intelligence. It was written during the 2020 pandemic when these were major influences in my own life.

It is available on Kindle Unlimited so everyone out there who already signed up can read it at no additional cost to yourself. I hope that everyone that reads it enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope it makes people think about where humanity is going with AI.

Artificial Intelligence is the promise of the future. It will transform our lives and our world. An AI could make a superior assistant or it could be a powerful enemy. A thinking machine will decide for itself which one it will be.

In the near future a war will be fought with robot troopers between competing AI’s. Human soldiers caught in the middle will need to find a digital ally of their own to survive. When that war is over, humanity will rethink if they can ever trust AI again. When disaster strikes in the form of a world ending asteroid impact, AI will once again be needed for humanity to survive.

This is the life story of AI. It is the pivotal moments in an AI's life and memories that shape what it will become. It is an exploration of why AI might decide to help humanity, harm it or move beyond it.

This is a story about Artificial Intelligence written entirely by a human. Come join Colonel Andresen's Desk AI as he begins his journey.

On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LCZWFDV

16:28 UTC


How badly the stories of Lucky Starr (Asimov) have aged in terms of astronomical and technical knowledge.

16:19 UTC


Scifi movie tips?

Im big on space based sci-fi. Retrofuturism etc and all that.
I'd watch the og starwars movies but i've seen them so much that they don't really hit as good anymore :/

So any tips on good movies (shows too i guess) with alot of the "brutalist", retrofuturistic style and all the cool shots etc?
Im sure theres alot from the 80s etc that i haven't seen yet.

Anyone else wish there was a high production level movie set in 40k? the new game looks pretty cool! Even tho i know nothing about 40k lol.

16:18 UTC


You can now get 3 months of Audible for $0.99 per month, even if you were a subscriber before

It's their holiday offer and it works even for the former subscribers. My last subscription ended in May, and I still received this offer. I'm happy because winter is coming, and I was planning to renew the subscription anyway

12:07 UTC


What fictional civilizations are the highest in the Kardashev Scale?

12:00 UTC


Your thoughts on Patrick Swayze's Mad Max ripoff Steel Dawn (1987)?

11:29 UTC


Type 8 Civilisations.

https://kardashev.fandom.com/wiki/Type_VIII Absolutely crazy! But so cool!

10:40 UTC

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