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Award Winning SF author Nancy Kress answers questions from the Reddit Scifi Community

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Are there any books out there about the establishment, by force, of a totalitarian world government?

Looking for novels about the New World Order conspiracy theory. Specifically were “elites” work and scheme behind the scenes to topple sovereign nation states using brute force (coups) with their own private shock troops and/or were the elites do all this during the chaos of a world war that they themselves trigger. I’m looking for main characters on the elite side trying to impose the global world government totalitarian new world order, government officials fighting back or becoming unwitting and/or willing pawns of the schemes of the elites, and main characters like freedom fighters hiding out in the woods and waging guerrilla warfare against the elites and protecting civilians from being exterminated or enslaved by the shock troops of the elites .

20:30 UTC


What do you think would happen if a person was raised in an isolated environment?

Kind of like the Truman show but less drama more data.

Assume you raise a human being from infancy in a closed environment. Provided food, shelter, everything they needed to survive.

However provide no companionship, education (including speech) or concept of a world outside their own.

Would that person live a full life or know that there was something missing? Obviously this wouldn’t be healthy for them but I was thinking of the idea of humans colonizing other worlds sending fertilize embryos that were grown and raised automatically or something similar.

20:21 UTC


What are some of the most expensive or cheapest sci-fi series of the last few decades?

20:18 UTC


Rate the Role: David Duchovny as Fox Mulder

5 Stars = Best, 1 Star = Worst

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18:47 UTC


Caught this on Amazon Prime last night. It's a sci-fi rom-com that is similar in tone and humor to When Harry Met Sally. My wife and I both thought it was a lot of fun! Highly recommended for your next date night!

17:05 UTC


NEON SINS - Sci fi Short Film

16:12 UTC


Nuclear pulse propulsion vimana. Oil painting by me

15:58 UTC


Which sci-fi movies do you think I would like?

I didn't watch much movies and TV growing up so I've not seen many of the classics, and also not many recent ones apart from the most well known. When I've tried going through best of lists I've not always enjoyed the suggestions. For example I found The Fifth Element silly and not engaging.

Some examples of sci-fi movies I've seen: I love Cloud Atlas and Everything Everywhere All At Once. I enjoyed Interstellar and Inception but mostly the visuals and music rather than the story. Matrix is of course a classic (the first one). Back to the future is fun. 2001 I found interesting but not entertaining.

I'm a very non nostalgic person so I'm not gonna like something because it's campy or reminiscent of other stuff. Rather I want the movie to stand on its own.

If you suggest something please include some short motivation for why you think I'd like it.

15:57 UTC


Anyone know this film?

My mind is playing tricks on me.... I remember the ending of a film where a dark haired man was addressing versions of himself in a large hangar. I don't know if it was a time travel movie or a cloning one. It seemed he couldn't stop new versions of himself being created and they all had to disperse in different directions. They were in a pretty sorry state - grizzled, sunken eyed etc. There were a lot of them.

For some reason I thought this was the ending to Primer which I had watched many years ago. Obviously I was wrong! so now I'm wondering is what I described a real film or did I just make it up??

Thanks for any help !

EDIT: I think I watched this maybe 6 or 7 years ago. Probably set around the 2000s or 2010s

15:13 UTC


Best sci-fi audiobook?

I’ll be doing an extremely long drive next week. Would love any recommendations for stories that are particularly great in that format.

14:51 UTC


What are the best space stations in Scifi

There are and have been many Space Stations in Scifi but which are the best? Which are the biggest? The most advanced? And most gracefull?

14:50 UTC


Is Red Rising YA fiction?

11:55 UTC


[SPS] A review of 'Earth's Last Citadel' by C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner

10:22 UTC


A double bill at San Francisco's Paramount Theater in 1955. Notice the deep sea diver's suit on the right, they really knew how to promote back then...😉

09:59 UTC


Suspended Tranquility

09:19 UTC


SciFi podcast recommendations

I’m looking for some good SciFi oriented podcasts. Which are your favorites and why?

08:59 UTC


I would like to recommend Chindi, by Jack McDevitt

I was searching for first contact books, and then j found this. Premise is that humanity has been searching for aliens... but all they get are the ruins of past civilisations, or medieval age people.

We follow a bunch of well meaning but utterly untrained enthusiasts who are considered kooks for thinking that advanced alien civilisations exist out there, and are on their way to find one.

Surprisingly, they succeed in finding entirely new alien species and some very interesting stuff

Unsurprisingly being utterly untrained this ends incredibly badly.

What i like is the fact that these are not linguists, archaeologists, or military men. No training, no equipment, and no government backing.

These are very enthusiastic amateurs, and past all their bumbling, you feel an intense sympathy for them and their desperation to, in the end, find something new and unique in a world that considers that kind of wonder mostly gone.

The descriptions of the alien ruins are great too. Sometimes they veer off into clichéd, but it can sometimes give you that sense of walking into a long abandoned home, and gazing upon the works of the previous occupants.

08:55 UTC


Huxley Trailer

Official trailer for HUXLEY: THE ORACLE, the next prequel story in Ben Mauro's post apocalyptic sci-fi universe! The Oracle Empire is at the height of its power, Max is a young recruit in the Ronin army sent out on an important mission deep into the wasteland with his team. What they discover could change the course of history forever. The AI wars have begun. Directed by Syama Pedersen of 'ASTARTES' Warhammer fame and the renown UNIT IMAGE animation studio, dive deeper into the world of HUXLEY in this exciting new story.

06:36 UTC


Last Emperox by Scalzi - a total let down?

I finished this series recently. I realize I'm treading on fragile ice here with Scalzi fans, and I'm one. Old Man's War was one of my favorite books. I enjoyed Red Shirts. I thought the first two books in this series were solid sci fi fun and going somewhere.

But Last Emperox, my lord talk about just giving up and wrapping up a series in the most rapid, trivial and shallow way possible. It was just like, yep it's over kids. Thanks for paying. Scalzi did apologize for it and it's fair for an author to take responsibility and say things weren't great in trying to wrap it up, and honestly I do not try to keep up with his social media and blog where I am sure there is a file on this.

But it won awards? Why? Was there really nothing better? I don't get it. I feel like if I'd known the series would end so poorly, I wouldn't have invested any time in it to begin with. Do others feel the same way?

I mean this book has a 4.4 rating on Amazon. People do seem to love it. Different audiences within the sci-fi reading community?

06:01 UTC


Can't Find A Good Sci-Fi Show!

Hello Guys. It's been around a month since I finished my last good show, and i just can't find a good show to watch, especially since I'm in a sci-fi craze atm. Does anyone have any great shows they could recommend? Thanks.

04:19 UTC


No hypersonic voice powers?

As somebody who only watched the original movie and held off reading the book until recently was anybody confused there was no sound weapons in Dune 2?

00:31 UTC


Alright I just finished Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space.

I really enjoyed it, the first ~25% was hard to get through. I had been on a waitlist for it for a while and finally got it!

My takeaway: I’ve read Peter Hamilton’s Pandoras Star and the subsequent novels, and I feel like they have some certain similarities. I don’t really want to do a comparison but I just wanted to mention my feelings on that. Particularly because despite similarities they’re very different books.

I did not like Sylveste as a character, not that he’s poorly written, I just don’t like him on a visceral level. I liked Volyova and Khouri, I’m not sure why but I found them much more relatable.

Now my question is, should I continue the series? I have Redemption Ark available but I’m feeling lackluster about reading more of Sylveste but I’m wondering if he’s more likable without the Star Stealer influence? I do want to see where the story goes but that’s my main hiccup. Thoughts?

22:28 UTC

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