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Dedicated to the works of H.P. Lovecraft, this is your stop for all of his outstanding works and weird fiction in general!

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!


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New to Lovecraft?

Where do I start?

HP Lovecraft wrote short and unconnected stories. Technically speaking you can read them at random. However for the best experience it's recommended that you read them in chronological order by date written or in most cases, just pick up a book and read left to right.

If you really just want to read the 'greatest hits' then you can browse the subreddit's top picks.

Where can I read Lovecraft?

With very few exceptions, Lovecraft's entire body of work is in the public domain and can be read online for free from numerous sources. We suggest the HP Lovecraft Archive.

What book do I buy?

Please consult the spreadsheet for an overview of a large number of physical books. The most popular collections are generally the Knickerbocker edition and Barnes and Noble varieties.


The HP Lovecraft Archive

All Lovecraft's stories can be found here

Reading Club Archive

The subreddit's favorite picks

Brown University's HPL Collection (manuscripts, letters, etc)

Complete archive of Weird Tales magazine by /u/legofan94

Spreadsheet for help determining which physical collection to purchase.

Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein

On an Underwood No. 5

Tentaclii : H.P. Lovecraft blog

The Complete Works in various eformats here.

Reviews of Lovecraftian games by /u/Avatar-of-Chaos

S.T. Joshi answers reddit's questions:

Part 1, Part 2

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247,073 Subscribers


In the Walls of Eryx map?

Does anyone know of a map of the maze the protagonist gets lost in? I may attempt to chart one out if there isn't one already. Thanks.

17:42 UTC


James Lovegrove or Lois H Gresh?

So there are two separate series that pit Sherlock Holmes against the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. I'm two books into Lovegrove's series and plan to read Gresh's as well. How does everyone feel about mashups like these, and which author do you feel handled this specific one "better"?

Bonus points for awesome mashup suggestions as well

17:33 UTC


The Music of Eric Zahn by H.P Lovecraft

14:08 UTC


Noctuary and The Spectral Link by Thomas Ligotti

Just found this audiobook on Audible and was just released on Jul 16th. Has anyone had the chance to read or delve into his new work? And if so, would it be recommended for someone who's fond of "Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe"?

10:47 UTC


Multiple parts?

I have always wondered why stories like the white ape/the facts conserning the late arthur jermyn and his family and The lurking fear were split into parts. Were they published at diferent times or was this just the case in the issue where i read them.

10:35 UTC


Tales of an Eldritch Wasteland is now available for purchase!

TALES OF AN ELDRITCH WASTELAND is now available for $2.99. Enjoy a bunch of fantastic short stories and novellas involving my characters from Cthulhu Armageddon as well as other Lovecraft mythos folk. Some of them are cosmic horror, some of them are occult fiction, and others pulpy adventures.

"There are a million tales of the Mythos. Here are some of mine.” - C.T. Phipps

Author C.T. Phipps wrote the post-apocalypse meets H.P. Lovecraft novel Cthulhu Armageddon in 2015 but he had been a fan of the Cthulhu Mythos for far longer. Having written stories ranging from Assassins in Acre to detectives in the Dreamlands, he’s tackled every part of the sinister tentacle-filled world that has been influenced by authors ranging from authors Robert E. Howard and Brian Lumley to film directors George Miller and Stuart Gordon.

TALES OF AN ELDRITCH WASTELAND collects over a dozen of his short stories, novelettes, and novellas set both before as well as after the Great Old Ones’ rising. Stories of action, horror, and everything in between.


1 Comment
02:40 UTC


Pickman-rolled (eldritch never gonna give you up parody)

We’re no strangers to yog-sothery You heard the whispers From shuddersome shagai! Truth’s convocation I could never speak of Man’s coming fate I don’t want divined

I just want to tell you why I’m reeling God, you won’t comprehend

I Never will give in, shoggoth! Never concede to yog sothoth! Never run away from horrid truths Never should’ve stayed that night In that cacodaimonaical site Never should’ve spyed on their blasphemous rites

I’ve known you for so long Our minds been shaken but you will never fathom what’s inside We both know what’s growing within We know it’s tartarian claim And we will never capitulate

And if you ask me what’s out there screeching Don’t tell me you’re blind to your coming time

I Never will give in, shoggoth! Never concede to yog sothoth! Never run away from horrid truths Never should’ve stayed that night In that cacodaimonaical site Never should’ve spyed on their blasphemous rites

And if you ask me why I’m weeping Our transmogrification you must understand

1 Comment
01:26 UTC


Has the unnamable

Been ever adapted as an illustrated book story?with pics?

13:37 UTC


Nemesis, by H.P. Lovecraft - Gothic Poetry W/ Dark Organ Music

09:31 UTC


Gou Tanabe Mountains of Madness manga questions.

Hello, I just ordered Gou Tanabes Delux manga rendition of HPs At the Mountains of Madness and i was just wondering if anyone has any idea if he's doing hard covers for any of the other works he's made of Lovecrafts world. I would like to buy his other works in standard paperback but if he's doing delux for CoC of SoI etc... I wouldn't mind waiting for that instead. Thanks :)

03:36 UTC


Are the pulps library editions

Comics?they have pictures or just words?

20:55 UTC


I just bought gou tanabes the outsider

From the first pages I say what's this?I don't think it sticks to the story

20:30 UTC


i would like to share a music artist inspired by lovecraft theme he's called paul shapera

i'd say this are my favorites albums




he tends to make music that tells a series of stories and does many music stylistic genres.. steampunk,steampunk, cyberpunk, solarpunk,opera..etc i think i'm just a fan his music can be a journey

05:46 UTC


Some what new to the Cthulu mythos.

Ever since i was young I've known a little about the cthulu mythos. On a whim i looked up Cthulu books on amazon and now after reading a majority of "The King in Yellow", I'm enthralled. Yes i know that it wasn't written by Lovecraft but if his stories are anything like this, consider me a fan. I bought from Amazon one of the complete mythos books with a majority of the stories for about $15, now i cant wait to read them.

03:48 UTC


Voodoo Short Story

I'm trying to track down a short story I read in a mythos anthology as a teenager. The basic plot is that a pHD student in anthropology goes to perhaps Haiti, to study Voodoo cults. It predictably goes downhill from there, he ends up getting drugged and joining a ceremony, which ends in some kind of massacre that he participates in, to try to summon something. Spent ages trying to find this, does anyone have any ideas?

22:14 UTC


In what Story does the Outer God Kaajh'Kaalbh appear??!!!!!

It says on Wikipedia that it appears in a short story by Philip Jose Farmer titled "The Freshman" but I bought a story collection that has The Freshman in it and I read the story but there was no mention of Kaajh'Kaalbh in it and it's driving me insane how there's barely any info and what's there seems wrong and incorrect

21:11 UTC


Best opening line in a Lovecraft story...? - Colour Out of Space

'West of Arkham the hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has ever cut.'

I love love LOVE the opening line to Colour Out of Space. Beautiful, and just takes me to a place I know in my mind and soul. Gotta better opening line in a Lovecraft story?

19:27 UTC


I REALLY want you to watch THE MIST (2007)

Ok, so I know the Mist is King's work, but I argue it is some of King's most Livecraftian work out there.

08:46 UTC


On Lovecraft and Forbidden Knowledge

I find in my reading of various weird fiction stories, particularly dealing with various forbidden texts, that the authors of these stories deal with the idea of forbidden knowledge differently depending on the story. Does anyone here have rules of sorts when dealing with forbidden knowledge in cosmic horror?

I find the concept of forbidden knowledge to be a semi living entity, sort of like The One Ring in The Lord of the Rings franchise. Tomes like the Necronomicon actually want to be read, their contained knowledge used towards whatever sinister ends the relics require. Secret histories tend to reveal only what truths are relevant to the particular tale being told, and the Necronomicon has been the MacGuffin in so many stories that I can't help but feel if it were printed it would be a great and unweildy tome indeed.

I'm just sitting here wondering about how authors deal with reconciling the ever changing needs of story with the nature of arcane lore in cosmic horror stories. The living entity thing is my personal explanation, but I'd definitely be interested in hearing other takes on the subject.

06:11 UTC


According to your knowledge of this universe, what is Cthulhu really capable of doing?

I have always heard either that he is tremendously powerful and what is seen in his story is just an avatar in physical form that represents his true form or that it is not that big of a deal. He was hit by a boat and is down in the hierarchy of power, so Cthulhu what can you do? is it planetary? universal? multiversal?

05:39 UTC


Any good Bown Jenkin stories?

This freaking rat man unnerved me lol. I was wondering if he shows up in any other stories?

03:13 UTC


Best Lovecraft Book for a New Video Game or Movie?

If you could choose a Lovecraft book to adapt into a video game or movie, which one would you be most excited to see and why?

00:44 UTC


Would this qualify as Cosmic Horror?

I just had a thought about a short story of what a ordinary person would go through if they find out a random person has the power to annihilate everything instantly but chooses not to for insane reasons.

00:45 UTC


Alan Moore’s Providence Act 3

Well, I finally finished the series and I’m glad I stuck with it. That ending was something else and I liked how it tied in with NEONOMICON. Two tentacles up!

As a Texan whose mother died fairly young, the second scene with Robert E Howard really got to me. I visited his house some years ago and parked in the same space he was in when he opted out.

21:44 UTC


Mountains of Madness — Elder Pass


Mountains of Madness is a First-Person Horror Exploration game inspired by H. P Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness, developed and published by Deep Dive Project, released on the 14^(th) of June, 2024, on Steam. Updated as of 12^(th) of July, 2024: version is 1.16.

Made in Unreal Engine.

I received a review key.


The graphics are fair, with brown and grey earth colours and the snow representing the barren cold desert. The audio is okay and prides itself on its ambience, but the volume is quiet. I had to turn my volume up to hear everything.

Professor Dyer

The story follows geologist William Dyer, leading the Miskatonic University Expedition to collect deep-level specimens of rocks and soil from Antarctica with a drilling device—underearthing strange fossils. The prologue accounts for the first two chapters, reciting passages directly from Lovecraft's novella—with deviations from it, while the gameplay assumes the story in chapter three, near Lake's camp—at a cave. The narrative scenes could be a touch louder and in a clear font. However, the notes are okay; the font works on a sepia background. The gameplay carries the story in leaps.

The explorative gameplay begins as a pseudo-Metroidvania, finding and teaching the tools' functions, some of which are self-explanatory. Dyer makes observations of fossils or records journal entries with his notebook. Or leave a paper trail with blank sheets of paper. Mountains of Madness' world is gigantic and labyrinthine; you can easily get lost in its branching tunnels. At the Old Ones' city, the gameplay adds stealth sometime after meeting with the Shoggoth. The Shoggoth is light-sensitive—only when using the flashlight's high setting. However, I never met it in these situations; it gives off a glitchy sound behind the wall in an adjacent room. It's eerie, slowly walking and the flashlight can't penetrate the darkness. I'm not even sure the Shoggoth responds to noise.

Deep Dive's interpretation of the Shoggoth is interesting—goldish pigmentation and red eyes; adapted to traverse land.

Old Ones' City

There are quite a few holes in the geometry, and climbing stairs isn't manageable for Dyer's short legs.

Mountains of Madness does have other deviations. Although he wasn't exactly on top of all the latest technological developments, Lovecraft takes pride in being scientifically accurate in his story. The choice of aircraft used by the game Danforth is an Antonov AN-2, a Soviet Unity Airplane. The AN-2 doesn't make sense for the story's setting as it's from 1946. Lovecraft penned At the Mountains of Madness in February and March of 1931. A D-1422 is likely. However, neither has the operational ceiling to reach the height of these Mountains—towering over 20,000 feet. Pabodie would have to modify the aircraft heavily. The communication equipment at Lake's camp is World War II German Communication Equipment: the link cites every radio by name. Teletype is possible. Then again, I'm not an Aviation or Radiocommunication expert.

Latest Technology

Collapsing Cosmoses

Although, amateurish, Mountains of Madness is a fine adaptation of Lovecraft's maddening tale of the Miskatonic University Expedition to the White Continent.

Ending B

Mountains of Madness gets a recommendation.

13:08 UTC


Any good lovecraftian short films?

Doesn't have to be exactly lovecraftian, it can be inspired by it or some other cosmic horror writers as well... I need something good and unique, and if someone recommends me a found footage one in that genre, then my day is made... Every suggestion is welcome

07:23 UTC


Other Cthulhu Mythos recommendations not written by Lovecraft?

What are some other authors or titles on Cthulhu Mythos that is not written by Lovecraft himself?

Especially higher recommended or must reads

07:11 UTC

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