
Photograph via snooOG

A genre of science fiction and a lawless subculture in an oppressive society dominated by computer technology and big corporations.

What is cyberpunk?

A genre of science fiction and a lawless subculture in an oppressive society dominated by computer technology and big corporations.


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    871,480 Subscribers


    The most cyberpunk things learned today:

    Iquos(E-cig): Have an ID registration on the device linked to your email and telephone number.

    Vagus nerve stimulation: If you give an electric stimulation at your vague nerve you can improve different "skills".

    We are going in to it boy.

    11:49 UTC


    dystopian world of New York 2329 Noire

    11:48 UTC


    I'm putting together a team of like-minded people

    Looking for:

    • Proactive, energetic, and positive folks who love taking initiative.
    • Tech enthusiasts and innovation seekers.
    • People who value community and mutual support, and are eager to collaborate and grow together.

    Team Focus:


    • We're all about fun, energy, positivity, and ambition.

    Opportunities and Resources:

    • Money
    • Connections
    • Knowledge
    • Equipment


    • Staying secure during tough times.
    • Being there for each other with strong support.
    • Accelerating the emergence of longevity technologies with our efforts in tech and finance.

    Shared Benefits:

    • Sharing device power.
    • Swapping connections and task results.
    • Making amazing dreams come true.
    • Exchanging valuable information.

    Let’s do the unimaginable with cutting-edge tech. Together, we can create something extraordinary!

    11:19 UTC


    Underdog Rising Presents: The New Future Shock [Cyberpunk Concept Hip Hop Mixtape] [Collaborations Directly From r/Cyberpunk & r/makinghiphop] Six months ago, I asked this subreddit if anyone would be interested in a Cyberpunk-themed mixtape. Here it is. Embrace the tech/don't lose your humanity.

    1 Comment
    11:19 UTC


    I'm putting together a team of like-minded people

    Looking for:

    • Proactive, energetic, and positive folks who love taking initiative.
    • Tech enthusiasts and innovation seekers.
    • People who value community and mutual support, and are eager to collaborate and grow together.

    Team Focus:


    • We're all about fun, energy, positivity, and ambition.

    Opportunities and Resources:

    • Money
    • Connections
    • Knowledge
    • Equipment


    • Staying secure during tough times.
    • Being there for each other with strong support.
    • Accelerating the emergence of longevity technologies with our efforts in tech and finance.

    Shared Benefits:

    • Sharing device power.
    • Swapping connections and task results.
    • Making amazing dreams come true.
    • Exchanging valuable information.

    Let’s do the unimaginable with cutting-edge tech. Together, we can create something extraordinary!

    11:18 UTC



    Hi folks, I’m looking for book or comic recommendations of cyberpunk and terrorism. In the Cyberpunk 2077 game there’s also a whole yarn about Johnny Silverhand which is not entirely believable but is kind of the thing I’m looking for.

    10:29 UTC


    A simple black and white. Trying my hand at drawing cybernetics. (My own art)

    09:41 UTC


    A Climate Crisis and Food Insecurity. Entering into the mid 21st century

    Hey, everybody.

    I saw a post here about dystopian food done by a guy in college and thought I'd start up another conversation on a similar tone but about something else entirely. Not entirely sure what exactly I'm going to be doing here but I'll let the words flow.

    Currently as it stands Global Warming is increasing temperatures of the earth on average at an unprecedented rate. With various projections seeing a rise of temperatures from 1.8°C to 5.6°C by the year 2100. As it stands currently scientists estimate that we will breach the limit set by the Paris Climate Accords of 1.5°C as early as the end of this decade or within 5 years.

    Various sources such as the US Department of State to the UN FAO have estimates that by the mid 21st century due to climate change global food demand will increase by 50% while production for many crops is set to decrease. With the world population reaching a peak of around 10.4 billion by the end of the century, mainly in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Which mind you, are fairly large regions. Sub-Saharan Africa in particular being larger than China and India combined.

    Anyways, there's all these experts around the world talking about dealing with issues such as food insecurity and world hunger. Yet, nothing ever seems to be done about it. Not that they aren't trying but that these are often difficult problems to deal with. Estimates that don't even account for climate change set issues such as food insecurity to rise to around 1.3 billion by 2050.

    So what's going on? Is it war, corruption, or overpopulation that's causing these issues? Maybe, but I wouldn't say that's necessarily the case. For this discussion I'll be talking about the impacts of climate change and how they can damage crops. As early as 2030 could see crop yields for staple crops such as maze and wheat to decline by an average of 24% by the end of the century.

    For many developing nations struggling with things such as food insecurity and malnutrition. It can be a vicious cycle where to even afford to feed their people they can be forced into unfair contracts and deals with wealthier and more powerful countries. Today, this is taking form through various state owned corporations that often conduct these deals, however multinational corporations such as shell and bp have similarly exploited countries. But this could change as the need for heat-resistant crops rises the Monsantos of the world.

    Neo-colonialism is an interesting topic to think about. But for many of these countries there is often no other choice. As climate change worsens and yields for crops begin to fail it makes you wonder. What will happen to these people?

    Today, we live in a world where our toys and clothes are often produced at the cost of someone else's life in a developing country. But what happens when our own crops begin to fail? Where food goes and who it goes to is often to whoever can pay the highest price. In an open market the poorest nations are worse off. You could argue that by selling their food that they benefit themselves. But for what? Some of the world's worst famines occurred in similar situations, India, Ireland, etc.

    Even during these famines they often were given some sort of food. It's not as though, these countries are expected to starve. In Ireland they were given potatoes. In India they left some but often very little food, that when disaster struck millions died.

    Yet as it stands today it makes me wonder, are we reaching a similar point? So what could we be looking at for possibly billions of people without a consistent access to food? The UN has for the past decade or so been distributing foods it often refers to miracle foods. One of them is called Plumpy'nut. A peanut-based paste aimed for treating severe-malnutrition in starving children. It's a success story, but it often makes me wonder. Is that enough?

    We're also seeing the rise of insect based alternatives such as cricket powder to add to things such as bread to deal with similar issues. Then there's the classic soy based alternatives. While I might be able to still enjoy a steak dinner for a little more maybe the grade is a little worse, but in other places of the world due to no fault of their own they might spend hours in line to get their weekly ration of insect bread. While I buy their meat, fruits and vegetables.

    We live in a global world, yet the benefits of it are often along strict lines that for many people they often see nothing at all. There are all these experts yet they often say nothing at all. It can be politically dangerous to put yourself in a position. To raise an alarm bell or to say anything at all. But for others it's just another Wednesday in the office. It's not an issue that they need to worry about, or that they personally benefit from it's own existence.

    Anyways, if anyone wants to talk about this write a comment below.

    01:46 UTC


    Introducing Neals


    About a decade ago, ytcracker (Bryce Case Jr.) released an album titled Introducing Neals, telling the story of Neals, a hacker in the dystopian city of San Secuestro. As the communication giants gain more power and merge into The Syndicate, they outlawed any form of encryption, and removed privacy laws under the guise of protecting children from predators.

    Neals is released from prison into this world, finds love, and creates a new encrypted P2P internet to get around the ISP firewalls

    Upon it's release, Bryce attempted to kickstart an animated feature, but the funding fell short. He made three music videos, out of what he had.

    While rap doesn't come up when talking about cyberpunk, I think this album, and the world they create, should definitely be considered part of the genre.

    1 Comment
    01:19 UTC


    Looking for books and docs about cyberpunk history. Any ideas?

    21:45 UTC


    What should I pick up for my first manga?

    1 Comment
    21:26 UTC


    Is "Nobody wants to die" worth 28usd/109PLN/21,5GBP/26EUR?

    No spoilers please, just is it worth it?

    21:22 UTC


    He went Cyberpsycho!

    Poor Pepe..

    1 Comment
    21:06 UTC


    I previously asked for your ideas for the cybernetic upgrades screen of our game Sodaman, and you gave me some great suggestions. I wanted to show you the changes we made with your help and thank you ❤️

    20:55 UTC


    Fake Teaser for the Corvette Zora: Years in Development, Release Date Unknown

    18:33 UTC


    Is Idiocracy cyberpunk?

    I watched the movie the other day and it kinda dawned on me later, it's got high tech low life, corps controlling everything. Is it a cyberpunk setting/movie?

    16:50 UTC


    Bean-detective in dangerous city (banner for website). Art by me

    15:45 UTC


    An android and its electric sheep (OC)

    13:53 UTC


    The first two minutes of PSR's most recent video are an awesome cyberpunk soliloquy

    13:48 UTC


    Antihacker, Antimalware, Anticrime Advice & Security

    1 Comment
    05:54 UTC


    (Worldbuilding) Food of the Dystopian Future

    I'm a college student, and as a college student, you're pretty poor. If you're pretty poor, you might rely on these for sustenance. How might we make these a little bit more dystopian? I suppose we could remove some of the color, color is for the middle class, we could make it a little more of a soulless MRE look.We could even add the self cooking feature that most MRE's have, just to add a twitch of futurism. What if the ingredients were made with GMOs, or growth hormones. It could be grown in an underground hydroponic farm because the surface world is too polluted or overtaken with cities to grow healthily. Or, even more disturbing, it's a soylent green-like substance molded to look like food and all the tastes are chemical approximations, like expecting grape juice and getting grape kool-aid. Honestly, I think the best representation of what I'm thinking is Soy Food from Deus Ex, an MRE-like self heating pouch of soy paste, the best food you can get in the game.

    02:12 UTC


    Earlier I posted renders of a mega skyscraper. Now I put it into a cityscape (OC)

    I made a video on how to make this whole scene in Blender 3D. Also a 4K wallpaper version on my Patreon.

    01:17 UTC


    What's the most cyberpunk dystopian thing you've seen IRL?

    I'll start: an advertisement for a dating service in VR. The ad was digitally rendered in VR chat with a moving picture, and it was for meeting people, in VR, as your avatars.

    00:41 UTC


    Shadowrun: Falling Point - Window Washer Espionage by Jori Bolton

    00:29 UTC


    Are there any cyberpunk or cyborg elements in eastern mythology or the Bible?

    We have Talos the automaton in Greek mythology. And Pandora was a created person, and her box can represent the dangers of curiosity and technology. But I'm looking for more Eastern references specifically.

    23:52 UTC


    I found this at my local game store. It looks cyberpunk or Metal Gearesque. It was a steal at 2.99

    Anybody know this series? The art looks badass tho.

    23:45 UTC

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