
Photograph via snooOG

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ARCHIVED: Rewatch Threads


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Dreamt about Lost last night

I had a dream last night that I was going back to the Island with a bunch of people. It was a bit scary.

I haven’t seen Lost in a year, I probably need to take a break from you guys 😂

14:15 UTC


Best Explanation Videos?

Hi! I just finished watching lost and wanted to watch an explanation video. Do you guys have recommendations? I know rewatching the series can help me understand but I also want to hear other's theories/opinions on the series!

14:03 UTC


update: my friend made me a cardboard cutout of matthew fox

the scales a little off lmao but because of the picture it was impossible (the legs were missing and with ai the quality was really bad). i’ll be printing out the 3 today but her printer broke

12:37 UTC


Charlie claire and aaron

Why was charlie so intent on becoming a father to aaron? He even gets like super protective around anyone whos nice to claire or also wants to take care of Aaron even though hes not his son. What was it about his character that made him want to try so hard to be one? If claire wanted to get rid of Aaron its interesting to see that shes intent on taking care of him.

09:56 UTC


Lost Season 6 premiered 15 years ago

09:40 UTC


Oh my, wow!

I’m so emotional right now, the shows end was so cathartic, I wish I could truly articulate how poignant and beautiful this show is! I can’t believe it’s over, in the end everyone(well mostly everyone) that we came to know, loved, grew with, cared and rooted for came back for one another! I’m sure I will pick up more next time I watch but for I will let go and move on, I think I sobbed at least five or six times, this is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched, the themes of love, losing loved ones, grief, the persistence and indomitable spirit of humanity and the nature of life and death itself were so hauntingly and thoughtfully layered together, woven into an inextricable story that was nothing short of perfect! There are many mysteries still unexplored and unanswered but though during the finale a part want just one more season I know that part of the ephemeral beauty is the unknown to have that gnawing question left at the back of your brain. This show was nothing short of amazing and brilliant and I know I’ve repeated this sentiment, I just can’t get over it, there will never be another show like this again I should think, this show has changed me and I happy it came into my life. I can’t say I truly understand the end quite yet but there in lies the shows brilliant beauty! Sincerely -A Forever Changed Watcher

07:12 UTC



I just finished the show for the first time and I don't understand why. What was the point. Did they die in the plan crash or was everything real? Like what is this 😭 I enjoyed the show but what just happened. It feels like a fever drean.

05:32 UTC


Should it have been Sawyer?

Okay, so in the penultimate episode of the series, 3 important characters die. One of them is Sayid.

It happens when he takes the bomb and rums away with it and sacrifices himself for the group.

My question is would that have made more sense and a full circle moment for Sawyer, not Sayid?

03:16 UTC


Cindy Chandler?

How did Cindy, the flight attendant form Oceanic Flight 815, come to live with the others at the temple? Can someone shed some light?

02:15 UTC


Kate is badly written?

Kate's backstory is... her father sometimes beats her mother, she doesn't like the guy obviously and while he never touches her, and apparently her mother still really loved him, she kills him... and then goes on a rampage escaping through the US and hurting the people she comes to care for because really escaping is all she's about now. Ok... how the fuck does she get there? Like how does she start down this road? Her trauma and how she copes with it doesn't fit her backstory at all, i know a lot of people can lack empathy and only center on their own perspective often due to a lack of people to relate to who've had it hard early in their life, or themselves, ignorancy and a lack of relatability is what's behind that behavior, but Kate had to endure seeing her father's abuse on her mother and she... comes out this way? She only does good things cause she thinks she's a good person, despite being a truly deeply horrendous human being. And i WANT to get it, Sawyer and Jack are each respectively understandable with their backstories, their flaws and patterns of coping with their trauma FIT. Even without the flashbacks in mind you have a feeling of the frustration or pain that's behind them at their worst. But Kate is just so... out of place, and lacking in depth, which connects being so nonsensically horrendous in her choices and ideas... i beared with her for a long time but at some point i realized she's a confrontional irrational attachment seeking robot that goes on loop until idk now she has adopted a child, who's like an extension of herself, so she doesn't really change her robot program, just gets a "me have baby" line of code added to the other two things... i mean technically she gets her attachment seeking satisfied by getting baby, how deep, going full circle on the hard on robotic unjustified characterization... The actress really did a good job on selling this... thing. But at her core, from her childhood of witnessing abuse, to becoming a selfish, destructive full grown woman totally unaware of how actually truly awful she's become... it lack a little something, just a little punch in the got of her backstory, WHY not ler her have been abused in some way? SOME way to tie in her escapism lifestyle and conflicting interest towards romantic attachments? Let her be a LITTLE relatable beyond just the performance, it'd been better, going even a LITTLE deeper always makes stories better, doesn't even need to be on the flashbacks, on her dialogue and character arc minimum... but no... we get... what we got with her. For many she's very dislikable, but she doesn't have reason to be unempathetic and evil, but she lacks redeemable qualities all the way through, cause she always destroys what little good she says or does in very awful ways. Can we agree she needed a little extra work to make her whole as a character? She just has a big hole at the very core of her characterization and character development...

01:54 UTC

01:48 UTC


Bringing the Family Back Together (Early S3)

I'm an OG watcher and I don't remember seeing anyone comment on this before BUT...

I was just watching the trippy Boone scene from Further Instructions.

First of all, Boone is clearly the MiB here, right? He's condescending and mean spirited towards Locke in a way Boone himself would never be. That's not a great insight in itself, but...

Far more importantly, one of his lines of dialogue is about how Locke has to "bring the family back together". Yet the way the scene is directed, there's clearly something darker at hand about bringing the family back together that Locke can't grasp.

In context, the line is obviously supposed to be about reuniting our Losties, but when you consider that not only is MiB trying to kill Jacob, he's trying to FIND him as well... All the later season six Jacob/MiB lore maps really well on to this scene. Locke really was playing his part in bringing the family back together.

Also notable that just two eps later MiB as Yemi says to Eko "You speak to me as if I were your brother." I think from the Cost of Living, it's clear they knew that smokey was an intelligent being, and also that monster = dead people. But I wonder did the writers already have locked down the idea of smokey having a brother, and the two of them being trapped in a dark family drama...

Also worth noting, Cost of Living has Colleen's funeral where the Others all dressed like Jacob and burn her body, presumably so MiB can't impersonate her.

Crazy to still be getting "holy crap, it all connects" moments from Lost after so many years.

The early run of S3 eps gets criticised a lot (and not without justification) but there's some really cool stuff in there too.

01:45 UTC


john possibly has one of saddest, most heartbreaking, gut wrenching stories of any fictional character I’ve ever seen.

when it was revealed that he was actually dead and not resurrected, my heart completely broke. sorry john

01:16 UTC


kiss mary kill, male lost characters

do we agree

01:14 UTC


Shoutout Elie Moses (Lost First time reactor on Youtube)

Like myself, a lot of you probably enjoy watching people react to Lost for the first time. Its always fun reliving the entire experience through someone elses eyes.

I stumbled across this reactor that was just starting Lost sometime last year so that gave me an excuse to go through the journey again and he was by far the most locked in first time watcher/reactor I've seen on YT and there are some other really good ones out there. He just finished the The End a few days ago so I just wanted to shout him out for being somebody that fully embraced this Lost religion and culture. Linked his channel below for anyone interested.


00:58 UTC


Hugo is incredibly attractive

He has such a beautiful face and hair, and a very likable personality. He’s easily the most attractive male character in the show for me.

00:44 UTC


Powerful documentary

I just finished watching Lost for the first time ever. I saw the hype through the years. Then I thought I’ll wait for it to end and watch it all in one go.

Then I saw how so many people were unhappy with the ending. That made me hesitant to watch because it’s quite a heavy series as the first 3 seasons are like 20+ episodes.

However, things happen exactly the way it should and so I decided or the universe decided it’s time for me or that I am ready to watch it.

It is so powerful for people who are awake and are in a spiritual awakening journey.. there are many nuggets that were dropped regarding the… Concept of soul family traveling together and learning from each other. Concept of dharma. Concept of reincarnation. Concept of parallel universe. Concept of everything happening at the same time past present future. Concept of past lives and remembering it.

This is one of the best show. The ending could only be understood completely by certain people who sees through the mere acting and staging of the series.

Quoting Desmond. None of this matter.

We just need to be with the people we love. Hence these souls keep meeting each other.. I am so glad I finally watched it.

00:38 UTC



So, I’m on like my 7th rewatch and I’m watching ep 18 in season 1 and when Hurley is in Australia Sam’s wife tells him he used the numbers to guess how many beans were in a jar. She says that the jar must’ve been as big as a pony, but still, that’s over 4.8 billion beans. Who’d put that many beans in a jar? Seems excessive.

00:26 UTC


I have a false memory of the ending that I thought I'd share (ending spoilers... of course)

I combined the season 5 and 6 finales in my head. And I thought that the in the end is when they stop the plane crash with the bomb. And then the scene when Jack lays down to die and sees the plane leave the island, I thought that was flight 815. And that Jack stopped the plane crash, and he was watching his original plane fly over him. And it was the ultimate call back, ending where he started.

The actual ending is pretty symbolic for the same reasons anyway, and I prefer the way it is. I can't imagine all of the, "it was all for nothing" comments if it actually just ended in stopping the plane crash.

Just thought I'd share

22:18 UTC



Is now my new favorite word that I will use as much as possible.

That is all.

22:17 UTC


Can somebody explain?

First time watcher here. I am at season 3 episode 8 (Flashes before your eyes) and I'm confused.

Can somebody explain the time travelling that Desmond experiences. No spoilers please, thank you.

22:17 UTC


What drug does Locke take in Further Instructions?

Locke prepares some sort of psychedelic drug and builds a sweat lodge in 3×03 so he can communicate with the island, but it's never specified what exactly that substance is. Anyone has any idea what it might be?

20:48 UTC


Finished the Show for the first time

I have been watching the show for over 2 months, finally finished it. Here is my honest opinion -

The show was good for me not too good not too bad. Maybe I had much more expectations with this. I know many people may find this show interesting & emotional, but time travel is risky & I felt it didnt connected the plot very well. There were so mant open threads they couldn't manage to connect. I saw the Easter eggs also, again not too much exciting.

The show was willingly stretched, it could have completed within 3 seasons max I felt.

The core story of the show lacks the genuine background & concept, which is very important when plotting a mystery science fiction.

The ending was good, again not the best.

Actors were pretty amazing, emotionally the story was great.

A 4/5 for me, not going for a re-watch for sure.

18:11 UTC


Raised By Another

Or could you say Raised by An Other! Today on the podcast we discuss Claires backstory and go in HARD on the utter utter arsehole that is Thomas! We also get to discuss the fantastic reveal of Ethan not being on the plane, the moment Hurley says 'one of them wasn't on the manifest... he wasn't on the plane' still gives me goosebumps to this day!

What are your thoughts on Raised by Another and do you agree with our epsiode rankings so far?


17:23 UTC


Claire season 5 and 6

What they did to Claire in season 5 and 6 was an abomination, bad writing and waste of potential for her character

17:19 UTC


Rewatch of "LOST" (3.15) "Left Behind"

Have you ever watched a movie or television episode and had maintained an opinion of it for years? Only to change your mind after an umpteenth viewing of it? That is what happened to me after a recent rewatch of the "LOST" Season Three episode, (3.15) "Left Behind"

I might as well begin with the episode's "B" plot. This featured a "B" plot that involved Oceanic survivors Hugo "Hurley" Reyes and James "Sawyer" Ford. Following the events of the previous episode, (3.14) "Exposé", Hurley informs Sawyer that the rest of survivors are in the middle of a debate on whether to banish the Alabama-born con man from the camp. Hurley reminds Sawyer about the benefits of living within a society and suggests that Sawyer start making efforts to make amends for his past actions.

All I have to say is . . . who had written this episode? Honestly. For years, I thought it was a decent, but not exactly mind-blowing episode. But after this latest viewing, I honestly do not know what to think of it. I might as well start with the "B" plot. What can I say? I found it annoying and pointless. It is not that I had any sympathy for Sawyer at this point in the series. To be honest . . . I did not. I did not care for Sawyer until Season Five. If Hurley believed the Oceanic camp needed a leader to fulfill the absence of Jack, Sayid and John Locke; he should have stepped up and volunteered for the role, himself. If he was capable of pushing or manipulating Sawyer into stepping into the leadership role, he was capable of assuming the role of leader himself. Instead, Hurley pulled this stupid con job in order to manipulate Sawyer into assuming the role. All this plot managed to achieve was solidify my belief that Hurley was definitely a man child . . . at least through most of the series' run. And Hurley's efforts proved to be a waste of time. By the beginning of the next episode, Jack, along with Sayid, Kate and Juliet, had arrived at the Oceanic camp.

Since "Left Behind" happened to be a Kate-centric episode, I might as start with her flashback. In it, Kate meets Sawyer's old flame (at least two-to-three years before she met him on the island), Cassidy Phillips, while the latter was attempting to sell questionable jewelry. Kate comes to her aid before a potential customer could inform the cops. After Cassidy guesses that Kate, who was a fugitive, also did not want to attract the cops; the two women become fast friends. Cassidy agrees to help Kate distract the local law enforcement and U.S. Marshal Edward Mars, so that the fugitive could contact her mother, a waitress at an Iowa road cafe Diane Janssen. You see . . . Kate wanted to know why dear old Mom had ratted her to the cops after she had murdered her father.

I rather liked Cassidy and it was good to see her again after her previous appearance in a Sawyer flashback from Season Two. But I found Kate's agenda very annoying. Why on earth would she be shocked at her mother's decision to inform the police about her murder? Was the audience really expected to sympathize with Kate over Diane's action . . . and becoming perplexed about it? Because I still feel no sympathy for Kate. Audiences learned in the Season Two episode that Kate had murdered her father, Wayne Janssen, in (2.09) "What Kate Did". Diane had a very good reason for snitching on Kate. As she had reminded the latter, Kate had cold-bloodedly murdered Diane's husband, blew up her house and committed insurance fraud to cover up the fact that a murder had been committed. Worse, Kate had lied about the real reason she killed Wayne. She had killed him for her own personal and selfish reason. And yet, in the end, Kate had decided not to forgive her mother for ratting her out? Fuck that! Diane had a chance to rat her out a second time in this episode. Only she did not bother. Kate had her good moments as an individual, but her complaints about Diane in this episode only convinced me how incredibly selfish and delusional she could be.

I finally come to the episode's main plot. While being held captive by the Others for less than a day at their compound, Kate Austen peaks out of a house and spots the group packing to leave. Seconds later, someone tosses a gas cannister, which knocks her out. Some time passes before Kate regains conscious and finds herself handcuffed to the Others' rogue member, Dr. Juliet Burke. Kate is not particularly fond of Juliet, due to the latter being an Other and for developing a close friendship with the Oceanic survivors' leader, Dr. Jack Shephard. While Kate insists upon returning to the Barracks to find another Oceanic captive, Sayid Jarrah, and Jack; Juliet insists upon heading for the Oceanic beach camp. The pair experience a series of adventures involving an encounter with the island entity, "the Smoke Monster", while arguing over Jack and the reason behind Juliet's estrangement from the Others.

I have a question. Why did Kate ask Juliet what the latter had done to piss off Ben and the Others? Juliet had murdered Pickett - right before Kate's eyes - in order to save her and Sawyer. Had she experienced memory loss or something? Had Damon Lindelof and Elizabeth Sarnoff really concocted this ridiculous plot to handcuff Juliet to Kate? According to a later episode, Ben had conceived this handcuff plan. But why? Hold on. I know why. Ben had expected Juliet to use this situation to gain Kate's trust - and through the latter, the Oceanic castaways' trust. Yet again, WHY? All Juliet had to do was agree with Kate's plan to return to the Barracks. Both would have easily found Jack. After all, she had managed to gain his sympathy and friendship during his captivity with the Others. It seemed so pointless to handcuff Juliet to Kate and try to gain her trust. This whole scenario struck me as unnecessary and infantile. As for the catfight in the rain? Very sexist and I suspect, typical of this series' showrunners. And Juliet's encounter with the Smoke Monster? Pointless, because she never encountered it again.

Looking back on my recent rewatch of "Left Behind", I cannot believe I had accepted it as a tolerable episode that could pass muster. Because I find it difficult to accept this . . . at least now. There were too many idiotic plot points and situations for me to regard it as nothing more than an example of one of the less than exemplary episodes from "LOST".

16:29 UTC


List of the heights of all Lost actors?

Was wondering if there's a list of all Lost actors/actresses ordered by height. Does anyone have such info?

16:27 UTC


What are some good scenes where the music is fantastic 🎶

15:27 UTC


A rare Ben miscue

Why would he send their surgeon (Ethan) to inspect the crash and potentially in to harm’s way.

Ben didn’t know Ethan’s fate and maybe it could have been to look for pregnant women (never stated), but he sent a valuable person to do a job that should have been done by a lower value person.

14:08 UTC

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