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Why are the leprechaun movies so hated? I'm watching the first one right now and it's hilarious. Like it's genuinely so good.

Do people just hate fun now? Why can't people just enjoy the crazy stuff happening? And the picture quality is excellent for 1993. The Blu-ray looks beautiful. It doesn't have that much film noise like a lot of older movies have.

17:47 UTC


I just want to make sure that Youtube does not "clean" or edit its horror movies

I am asking because I want to see Wolf Creek and it is free on Youtube.


Does Youtube edit out the gore and the bad stuff in their free movies ? I don't want to watch it if it is edited. I watched Jeepers Creepers for free on Youtube, it looked fine. I just want to make sure.

Also, I am talking about the official Youtube Movie Channel that has these movies.

17:34 UTC


Top 10 Horror Games That Will Haunt You in 2024

17:29 UTC


I just watch Saint Maud!

Saint Maud (2020) is a film about a devout Catholic woman who wants to save the soul of her patient. This film spent a good chunk of the film establishing the plot and everyone's motivations before anyone dies. I do recommend that people watch this film. There are two deaths in this film.

17:08 UTC


Ugly Americans tv show

Ugly Americans was a very popular show in Latin America. For those who don't know, it’s an animated series set in a reality where humans co-exist with demons, monsters and wizards. It's a pretty hilarious horror-comedy with colorful characters, good writing and witty jokes. Too bad it only has two seasons.

17:03 UTC


Disappointed on Cannibal Holocaust !!

The last words on film describe what i mean "who are the real cannibals", i think the story is somehow stupid and non sense, the stupidity of some individuals trying to film a disturbing movie by killing animals and doing some disgusting acts, then in the end karma punches totally deserved what they got but being honest i wanted something more brutal, for me wasn't disturbing i've seen worse in all aspects, i was expecting more gore but not on animals i don't prefer that stuff.

1 Comment
16:57 UTC


It took me 13 years to find this movie

I got Dead in 3 Days from blockbuster either in 2011 or 2012, I forgot the title pretty quickly and I only rented it once. I have been searching for it for so long and when I wasnt looking for it I randomly found it on Tubi. What do you think of this movoe ? I didn't rewatch it yet, I remember a party scene, scenes in docks, a long haired female killer that was revealed at the end in a cloudy forest in a house. It's a forigen movie, german specifically and plays out like a murder mystery, I saw it as a kid in my bedroom. What do you think of this movie ? What are your lost movies you are looking for ?

16:49 UTC


Being that it's easter, I assume everyone shall be watching the terrifying Easter classic, Night Of The Lepus.

Everyone turns to Jaws as the go to 70s creature feature but they are all forgetting Night Of The Lepus. It predates Jaws so it came first. Never before or since have bunny rabbits been so terrifying! You wouldn't believe the movie came out in 1972 as the effects are so realistic. Honestly, after watching this classic, next time you see a bunny rabbit you'll flee while screaming your head off in pure terror!

16:34 UTC


Recommend some horror to help me combat my depression

I'm crushingly depressed. The woman I loved cheated on me, abused me to the point of a mental breakdown, and then left me unemployed and homeless. I spend all day searching for jobs so I can try to get back on my feet, and all night trying to escape from my depression. Recently got lost in You'll Never Find Me, The Empty Man, and The Devil's Candy. Rewatched The Thing and The Void for the 100th time. Tried to watch Midsommer, but had to turn it off partway through because it hit a little too hard.

Recommend something I can escape into for a couple hours, and maybe even find some inspiration in.

16:24 UTC


Fun/dumb horror movies to watch with drunk friends.

Hey guys I have a group of friends I have a lot of horror movie marathons with. Just looking for any suggestions of campy/gory/funny horror movies to watch with them. Any suggestion is helpful, doesn’t have to be an obscure pick. So far I’ve got re-animator and basket case. Cheers.

Edit: also open to any fucked up movies. (I am just looking for an excuse to talk about Bones and All. I adore that movie)

15:56 UTC


Who Is The Person That Got You Into Horror?

Hey everyone,

I was just thinking about this the other day and I can only imagine that it went through my head either because of the new Godzilla movie or because Joe Bob's back. Anyways, come to think of it, I think I was into horror ever since I was a kid (I am now 36).

My uncle introduced me to Godzilla as well as 80's horror movies such as The People Under the Stairs and Creepshow (which was his favorite) and he also would bring me VHS taped from tv copies of the Universal Monster and Vincent Price movies. Since I looked up to him like an older brother (he was quite young), I think that had a lasting impact on my love for horror and also why I probably knew who Lon Chaney (and Lon Chaney Jr was at the age of 9!).

He passed away when I was in my teens and I still miss him greatly. I even dedicated my PhD to him since he encouraged me to keep at it with school when things were rough with my parents. Even now, in my 30s, I think of him every single time I watch Creepshow or Day of the Dead and I absolutely know he would be loving this resurgence in Godzilla films!

Anyways, how did you get into horror? Did anyone introduce you to specific films that got you hooked ever since?

15:54 UTC


Scares that ONLY work because of the camera?

15:53 UTC


I just finished Season 1 of The Exorcist (TV series)

This show is so good. I vaguely remember when it was announced that they were making a TV show, but never knew where it aired. Maybe it's just severe disappointment with Believer, this show hit everything I was wanting to a follow up to The Exorcist. For half of it seems like a stand alone story and then >!it's revealed the mom is actually Reagan!< and everything that happens with that.

Why when they have this to work with, Universal didn't bring on Jeremy Slater to handle the Exorcist trilogy they paid $400million for is just baffling.

15:44 UTC


Other than the obvious ones, what are some movies where the main protagonist is a Preacher/Priest?

I've watched The Exorcist, The Rite, Stigmata, First Reformed, and Midnight Mass. Also, I've read Preacher, the comic series.

To help, I have Tubi, Hulu, MAX, Netflix, and Shudder.

15:10 UTC


Can we discuss “The Fourth Kind?”

I keep getting deleted by Reddit, but I think it’s worth discussing. It’s one of my favorite horror movies ever. And I just want to know what other people thought about it. It’s one of my favorite horror movies ever. .

15:05 UTC


Rhys Wake-Waterfield HAS To Be One Of The Most Self-Cpnfident People I've Ever Seen

For those unfamiliar, he is the director for the Winnie the Pooh horror films. The second movie hasn't even been out 3 days and he's already talking about a third one.

Not to mention plans to transform other childhood classics like Bambi and Peter Pan into devilish nightmares. He doesn't even care about the criticisms. That's not to say he doesn't see and acknowledge theme, but they aren't stopping him from continuing to make more of these movies.

14:47 UTC


I love how As Above So Below was pretty much a scary National Treasure (spoilers inside)

Love the humor at the start with Scarlett desecrating Flamel's tombstone. And George and Scarlett having the cliche "we were close and adventured together but we had a falling out" thing.

I also like how they tried to insert a bit of romance towards the end with George telling Scarlett that week in Turkey was the best week of his life and Scarlett going all the way back to return the stone just to save George and absolutely cobbling one of the wall demons whenever she pass it. Also the way they did the manhole cover revelation and the way they climbed out of it was amazing

14:07 UTC


Has anyone seen Underwater?

I randomly just seen a review of it on YouTube when I was watching one of my horror review channels and this movie came up I’ve never heard of it I guess it’s one of those movies that got chewed up and spit out by the pandemic ….but I love deep sea movies did anyone see this one ?

13:40 UTC


Weekly Thread: Soapbox Saturday

Welcome to Soapbox Saturday, your weekly gripe session for anything about the genre. This is your chance to vent, rant, and unleash your frustrations about the latest scares, plot twists, or disappointments in the horror genre. Whether it's jump scares that fell flat, or plot holes that you can't overlook, this is your space to let it all out.

As usual, be mindful of spoilers and tag them appropriately, and be respectful of others' opinions. Any comments that break sub rules will be removed.

13:01 UTC


I finished "Dabbe: The Possession" and it was terrifying .

i kinda underestimated the film bc the poster is giving cheap quality... until i watched it.

Please suggest some more foreign horror movies like this .

I have seen these movies The wailing Train to busan Let the right one in When evil lurks

12:45 UTC


Lovecraft’s “The Reanimator” read by Jeffrey Combs

I heard this on internet radio today and almost pooped my pants. This is like hearing James Earl Jones narrate a Star Wars audiobook.

09:21 UTC


I read the original screenplay for HELLRAISER: BLOODLINE

Even if it probably isn't a great script it's still helluva lot better than the film's final cut!

While a lot of the content of the film is from the original draft, so much was cut out, it's no wonder things didn't make sense. For example in the 1996 timeline, Angelique was going to kill John to prevent him from creating the machine. But she couldn't get to him, so she uses the box to call her Clown Demons, but is surprised when she calls Pinhead. Pinhead reveals that the machine can be used to open a permanent gateway if manipulated right, so Angelique changes her plans and tries to seduce John to make the machine their way.

Also Paul has a love interest named Corraine Cotton, a descendent of Kirsty. And in the end, Paul makes a somewhat emotional sacrifice when activating the machine and killing Pinhead. And the final scene cuts back to when Lemerchand completed the Box. His wife asks if it is done and he says it is done.

The narrative doesn't start with the future timeline. It tells the three stories in the order of the timelines.

09:01 UTC


我前两天做了一个特别可怕的梦。I had a particularly scary dream two days ago.

我梦见黑夜里在一个破败的房间里,床上坐着一个晚期病人,低着头,生命垂危。 在房间的墙上布满交错的血管,血管里血液在混乱地流动着,突然,一条粗大的血管破裂了,鲜红色的血液喷涌而出,瞬间淹没了整个房间。I dreamed that I was in a dilapidated room at a dark night, with a terminal patient sitting on the bed, his head lowered, and his life was dying. The walls of the room were covered with interlaced blood vessels, and blood was flowing chaotically in the blood vessels. Suddenly, a thick blood vessel burst, and bright red blood spurted out, flooding the entire room in an instant.

08:14 UTC


Rope Curse 1

Anyone know where I can find rope curse 1 with English subtitles? I’ve tried several websites as well as Asian ones but I just can’t seem to find what I’m looking for here. Any help would be most appreciated..

1 Comment
07:09 UTC


What’s the best horror movie from before 2000 that has never had a sequel, prequel, remake etc?

There are probably many but I realise I can hardly think of any. Seems like there are three things guaranteed in life: death, taxes and a continuation of any half way decent or successful horror film. It's curious how rare it is for any good horror movie to be truly standalone.

05:57 UTC


Help finding an old movie

Looking for a movie I saw as a kid. It's at least 80s probably older. All I remember about the movie is that it was about a couple who moved to a rural/small town, insular community where something was being done be the women of the town. It ends with the husband having had his eyes and tongue removed because he found out what was going on, and then he was left in a cottage to listen to l either music or an audio book. I think it was the latter.

05:43 UTC


Best mind-fuck horrors?

I am a big fan of movies like Mulholland Drive.

Movies that you have to watch a few times or literally analyze to figure them out.

Or you think you got them figured out and then they surprise you again lol

Any good horror movies that are known as iconic in that sense?

05:04 UTC


1989 Alien From The Abyss - Has Antonio Margheriti Made Any Good Horror Movies?

I love Asylum Films movies, they have a soft spot in my heart. I have to say Alien From The Abyss makes Asylum Films movies Oscar worthy. The premise was beyond belief stupid. A company dumping nuclear waste into a volcano that’s literally all they do. Two members of Greenpeace try to infiltrate and tape this dastardly deed.

This leads to the woman being chased into the jungle for an insufferably long time.

The alien is somehow drawn to what the company is doing. It’s large except until final five minutes you just see a long claw. Sure it was scary and the killing was gory.

The only good thing was the thug Colonel played by scene stealing over the top acting by Charles Napier. I expected him to use a cigar at any moment. Note I did google and I don’t know if Batman 66 series actor Alan Napier and Charles are related. It seems they are not but not entirely sure.

The director Margheriti has lots of movies he directed they do appear to be B films and horror are any good?

This is on Midnight Pulp via Amazon Prime.

1 Comment
04:59 UTC


I need more Analog Horror!

I found Local 58 on YouTube a few years back. I have enjoyed Haunted PS1 demos for a couple of years now and wait with anticipation for Eek3 2024. I have watched every V/H/S movie as they’ve come out and enjoyed those for years. What else should I be looking at? I think Analog Horror is super interesting and fun and I just want people to point me toward more of it! Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
04:59 UTC

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