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Just watched The Cave

It's a good movie overall. But I feel the creatures got weird. The movie is terrifying alone with just cave diving! I feel if they just continued with the basic fear of the cave diving it would have been better.

Also, was it just me or did it feel like they were hinting at the end that the 'monster' made people into modern day vampires?

02:11 UTC


What is your horror must-do when in LA?

I'm headed to LA for two days for work. I'm definitely visiting the Academy Awards museum as I hear they have a screen used Gremlin on display (and the Dykstra Cam)

What are you favorite Horror must-dos? Halloween shop, filming location?

My work schedule is fairly firm, so I can't fit in a two-three hour studio tour, but I can drive to a location, grab a selfie and go.

01:53 UTC


Saw Longlegs at an early screening, kinda disappointed.

I'll try to keep it spoiler free, or at least marked where I can't talk about it without spoilers.

Like most of us, I was pretty hyped going in to this, but I did try to tamper expectations because the hype is getting out of hand. I'll say upfront that it had great atmosphere and aesthetics, but unfortunately I feel like that was about all it had. If you got in part hyped up because of the excellent vibes from the trailers, well...that's about all it has to offer. Similar vibe throughout the movie, but it was extremely weak on substance.

Quick cast rundown:

  • Maika Monroe was absolutely wasted. She feels completely catatonic throughout the whole movie, which I thought might be a personality affect for her character but then a plot point happens which you would think might change this, and it just...doesn't. I don't blame Maika for this, I blame the script and Perkins. The entire plot happens to her, unlike in movies that may have inspired this like Silence of the Lambs or Seven where there are great procedural elements that involve the detectives/agents actually figuring things out. In Seven you might make the argument that the entire plot is orchestrated by John Doe, but that's kinda the plot twist towards the end that reveals the hubris of the detectives and makes it really entertaining. Harker just had zero agency in this and it was a shame because I would have really enjoyed seeing Maika flex in that sort of Agent Starling role.

  • Blair Underwood was great, he had some well timed comic relief lines and was appropriately unsettling in a key scene.

  • Nic Cage was... Nic Cage. It wouldn't surprise me if most of Longlegs's mannerisms were there on the page, but it also felt like Cage just doing his normal ultra-hammy shit. Works fine in a dumbass movie that has no stake in being good, but damnit I wanted this to be a better movie. The facial prosthetics were awful IMO, it looked like he had bee stings or maybe ate some bad shellfish. I noticed they also didn't bother nastying up his teeth at all, so you have this terrible contrast between a face that looks like Afghanistan (bombed out and depleted) but perfect Hollywood chompers.

  • Alicia Witt was very unsettling, loved her.

Plot-wise, yeah I kinda covered that talking about Agent Harker. It's so odd because there seemed to be a lot of things brought up early that just kinda evaporated and went nowhere.

Spoilers for a bit: >!Agent Harker is apparently psychic, or maybe just "highly intuitive", but does this do anything for her? Does she use this in any way outside of the opening scenes? Didn't seem like it to me.!<

!You've got these cipher letters left behind, and then she solves them (again, she is given the solution, she doesn't figure it out on her own), and then they...become meaningless. She comes up with a really contrived solution to the pattern of murders (I guess it only works if you lay out the calendar in that exact pattern, eh?), but what does it give them? The fact that a murder will happen on the 13th? They already basically knew that, due to the dates of the previous murders. What was the point?!<

Argh, it's just a shame, because the basic plot premise could have been really dope. It has a great oppressive atmosphere throughout - I kept thinking about The Dark and the Wicked - but wasn't written or directed nearly as well as others that have managed to carry the same vibe but also have everything else on screen match it.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention, and I'm sure this will be a point of contention in this sub and elsewhere for awhile, but jesus christ about 90% of every "scary" thing that happens is set up as jump scare with blaring music accompanying it. Absolute cheap and amateurish shit if you ask me.

TLDR: Overall about a 7/10 just based on vibes, but plot was extremely weak.

01:47 UTC



Someone on here said the movie was confusing with too many story lines so I thought it was going to be mid. I went to watch it and it was great! Soundtrack fire, acting amazing from everyone involved, and story line easy to follow lmao. It’s okay to like popular things guys!

01:35 UTC


August Underground's

I'm a gore, exploitation, body horror, and extreme horror afficionado.

Decided to watch Mordum and Penance the other night. And I have to say I'm taken aback. I can't say I enjoyed them per se, but I've never had any film that thoroughly made me think I was watching something other than a movie. Both films had me feeling like I was watching a serial killers home movies, and it was fucking brilliant.

Both are extremely hard to sit through, but holy shit, I have never had any movie make me feel the way these ones did. Absolutely depraved, disgusting, and abhorrent, but the concept was completely brilliant. Fred Vogel is a genius.

01:28 UTC


Finally watching an Elvira movie!!

Of course she is infamous, but I have somehow made it 3+ decades without seeing any movie or show of hers! Tonight, watching Elvira: Mistress after Dark!

Not exactly what I expected 15 minutes in, but absolutely hilarious.

01:19 UTC


What’s a plot or character decision you want to defend?

There are so many horror movies which have dumb characters who dumb things which lead to their deaths

But there also decisions which aren’t dumb which get a lot of hate for for one reason or another.

I’ll start it off with a quiet place. There are a lot of decisions that are dumb in this movie. That said I’ve seen some people say why not live under the waterfall or near the river. Like that’s an actual option. What if it’s rains would you prefer to be underneath a house where they have warmth and cover and electricity. It’s so insane to me how many comments I saw when this released about they should just abandoned a fairly wee constructed safe haven.

As if we don’t also see a stranger commit suicide by alien.

00:52 UTC


Annie should’ve been the final girl on Friday the 13th

In Friday The 13th, I feel like Annie should've been the final girl instead of Alice. After the opening scene/credits, Annie was the first one to appear on screen, she had that cheerful, good-girl vibe going on, and she pet a dog and talked to him, which I found endearing. She was the first one that had people (even Crazy Ralph) feeding her all this information about "camp blood", and how it's "cursed", even warning her to quit the job. She was the introduction.

So it was a real bummer that she ended up getting killed early in the movie, especially when I found her to be more charismatic than Alice. But in the end, I guess that just makes Annie's role more interesting in a way. Because some people would compare her to Marion from Psycho, Tina from Nightmare on Elm Street, or even Casey from Scream.

1 Comment
00:39 UTC


I see your “I have no mouth and I must scream” and raise you SCP-7179

People were saying that AM was the scariest, but to me this is scarier. This is the scariest concept I’ve ever read, an SCP about eternity. If you’ve never read SCPs before, they’re fiction written as reality from a secret (again, fictional) government foundation that tries to contain them.


00:38 UTC


While horror has always been a popular target for ratings boards or censors due to the genre's tendency to push the envelope, has there ever been an instance where a mandated re-edit was to a movie's benefit rather than its detriment?

There's been no shortage of film's screwed over by either executive or ratings mandated re-edits (Nightbreed, The Keep, Event Horizon, etc.) but I'm legitimately curious if there's ever been a case where a forced re-edit improved a movie in spite of the director/writer's wishes to the contrary.

00:36 UTC


Thoughts on 'Freddy's Nightmares' [the TV series]? And how does it compare to other anthology horror shows with the same format- like 'Masters of Horror' and 'American Horror Stories'?

Looking for a new horror anthology to watch. I'm a huge MoH fan- with my favorite episodes being 'Imprint' and 'Cigarette Burns.' I personally think American Horror Stories has more misses than hits- but I did really like 'face lift.'

00:01 UTC



I just watched Sinister (Blumhouse with Ethan Hawke) and it gave me The Ring feels. I’m currently trying to unsee it lol. Seriously, anyone else like it but got a bit creeped out? I don’t know what it was, maybe just the ending because there was no escape?! I thought it was good. I didn’t lose interest.

23:57 UTC


Favorite Horror Anthology tv shows?

Hi there,

I do a podcast that covers Horror Anthology shows, and I’m looking ahead to see what show my cohost and I are going to be covering next.

Right now we’re nearing the end of Tales from the Crypt and it’s been a lot of fun. The other shows we’ve done are Are You Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps, so more kid friendly shows are totally great - we’re open to everything.

What are your favorite Horror Anthology shows? I’d love to take a look at them.

23:56 UTC


Wow, just found "Evil" - best horror TV show since "Hannibal".

I'm a Brit and I'm late to "Evil". It's been streaming on CBS/Paramount+ since 2019, but is mystifyingly unavailable in the UK (it's 2024: why?!). I had to buy the first two seasons on Prime and, while the fourth is now "airing", seasons three and four are still completely unstreamable (legally) in Britain.

Anyway, this show SOUNDS like it should be terrible: a psychologist, wannabe priest and tech expert investigate exorcisms and other paranormal events? As a fan of intricate, multiple-season story arcs, I was sceptical: every episode seemed very monster-of-the-week. The typical CBS procedural... "CSI meets The Exorcist".

But man, was I wrong; this show is FREAKY. Since Hannibal ended, this is the ONLY show I've felt had the same vibe: top-notch acting, incredibly graphic violence, and bizarrely unexpected storylines.

First shout-out has to go to the acting: the three leads give absolutely stellar and mesmerising performances. Considering this was originally on network TV (before jumping to streaming), the quality is phenomenal: Katja Herbers (the psychologist) and Mike Colter (the seminarian) are particularly good. The best way I can describe their portrayals is WEIRD: every time you're sure their characters will react one way, they'll surprise you by going somewhere different.

The lead, Katja Herbers, is especially hypnotic. On the one hand, her acting is solidly dependable - she carries the show. But on the other, her performance is just off-kilter and unexpected enough that, every few minutes, she gives you a WTF? moment. She has the weirdest facial expressions, and her line readings are sometimes delightfully odd. But it works. This woman is a top-tier actress. Her sexual chemistry with the male lead (the seminarian) is palpable. I get others will know her from Westworld and The Americans, but I genuinely predict that this woman is on the verge of superstardom.

Plus, for fans of LOST: Michael Emerson plays a major role, and is just about as quietly chilling as you'd expect him to be.

Second shout-out is to the writing/storylines: by the third episode, it becomes clear this show is anything BUT "monster-of-the-week". There are ongoing plotlines involving massive demonic cabals and Vatican-level conspiracies that are intricately woven between the episodic plots. Characters from previous episodes come back pretty quickly. Previous storylines you thought were one-shots end up having lasting ramifications. I'm still only on season one, and my particular favourite is the lead character's mother: you assume early on that she's just background fodder, only there to babysit the kids; as the show progresses, her role becomes delightfully insidious.

In the first season alone, stories so far have involved a fucked-up demonic little ghost-girl that appears in a VR headset, a creepy-ass viral Christmas song that causes mass hysteria among students, and an incel being influenced by a demon to shoot women. As I type that, it all sounds so ridiculous, and it is: the show sounds STUPID on paper, but it plays all these stories with a completely straight face. The effect of that is that it quickly turns creepy. In lesser hands, it would be silly: but the calibre of the writing and acting gaslights you into being freaked out.

If you haven't checked it out already, "EVIL" is a solid watch for fellow jaded horror fans in search of something that won't necessarily scare you, but will at least unnerve you with its weirdness.

23:50 UTC


For fans of The Coffee Table

I recently watched another film that just like The Coffee Table is not horror proper but gives a feeling of anxiety and loss of control.

I don't know in which countries it's available but I watched it in Netflix Poland. The movie is called "No matarás" in Spanish, and in English "Cross the line". I don't want to say much so I won't spoil it's but it's about a normal guy who gets carried away by the moment and ends in a situation spiraling out of control.

Not going to lie, I hated this movie but I can't stop thinking about it.

23:41 UTC


Can someone recommend…

A lesser known/underrated horror movie from this year to watch this evening? I’ve seen most of the heavy hitters- omen, late night, humane, infested, maxxxine, new life, stop motion etc. but looking for a solid under the radar hit. Any ideas? I’m stumped. Thank you all, bloodhounds.

22:58 UTC


What would you cut out?

If you could cut out one part or sequence of a horror movie what would it be? Mine would be the scene in JC’s The Thing where the Thing was building a space craft under Blair’s shed. IMO in looks too campy and kinda takes me out of the horror. Love the rest of it though.

22:25 UTC


Whoever is in charge of the Long legs PR: Bravo.

Whoever is in charge of the “longlegs” ads, trailers and TV spots: bravo.

I hate horror, movies, but I honestly want to see this one (I won’t, because I need sleep.) This might be the best small movie, PR campaign I’ve seen in a while. It not only sounds terrifying, but also really interesting. Every trailer has been top notch. They are definitely doing “tell don’t show.”

The heartbeat ad I just saw where they say it was the actresses real heartbeat after seeing Nicolas Cage in character the first time got my heart pumping.

That’s it, just wanted to show love to whoever is behind it.

22:08 UTC


Creature features with massacres that match Piranha 3D?

Just finished watching Under Paris and enjoyed it, but it left me wishing it went way further with the whole triathlon thing.

In my experience, there’s not much in the genre that really matches the carnage of the massacre in Piranha 3D. It’s ridiculous, gory and hilariously over the top. Is there anything I’ve missed out on here? I’m talking specifically creature features/monster movies.

21:47 UTC


What’s a detail you only noticed in a re watch or when someone mentioned it?

I’m reading a thread on scariest movies and signs came up… not necessarily the scariest for me now but oh boy, as a kid, it freaked me out.

So someone mentioned the birthday scene with the alien walking across the alley… IT WAS IN PLAIN SIGHT THE WHOLE TIME

What, 22 years later? I notice.

What’s something you only noticed in a film after re watching, or reading online with someone mentioning it?

21:30 UTC


Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x12 "Helpless" This episode always felt like a horror movie to me.

20:02 UTC


Looking for reccomendations

Hey yall. So about this time every year I start looking and gathering horror movies I have never seen for my 31 days of Halloween thing I do. I started this as a way to get out of my little 80s and 2000s horror bubble and watch movies I might not have other wise seen. I am looking for recommendations for this year's project. I would prefer movies that have dvd/blu ray releases over streaming but will stream if I'm seriously interested in the suggestion. I've seen a lot of the classics so almost all the major franchises have already been done. Thanks for your reccomendations

19:34 UTC


Recent horror twists.

Hey horror fam. Firstly, I hope you all are enjoying your summers so far. Secondly, my wife and I need your help choosing a movie to watch tonight. We’re in the mood for something with some twists or even just a twist ending but that is specifically from less than 5 years ago. I feel like we haven’t seen any good horror movies with twists in recent memory and although I’m sure some suggestions will jog my memory I’d love to hear some of your favorites as well. I’ve literally never been let down by this community when it comes to recs so thank you in advance for any suggestions, much love y’all!

19:21 UTC


WHat do you think of the Karnstein Trilogy by Hammer Horror?

That's the Vampire Lovers, Twins of Evil, Lust for a Vampire, and Doctor Kronos, Vampire Hunter.

I think Twins of Evil and Lust for a Vampire are both excellent, with some great characters, lots of good scenes, great soundtracks, and a fun, slightly trashy feel to them. The Vampire Lovers and Doctor Kronos are both quite good, but not brilliant.

The Vampire Lovers is an adaptation of Carmilla by J Sheridan Le Fanu, and the other 3 films are basically spinoffs from The Vampire Lovers.

Also, what do you think of the modern films by Hammer? Wakewood, The Quiet Ones, and others? Those films don't seem that popular.

18:58 UTC


Nintendo Horror game teased 😳

So i was browsing around X/Twitter when I noticed a video called "Emio: The Smiling Man" popping up in the video game news market. I went to check it out and the link sent me to an age restricted, short creepy survival horror teaser for an upcoming Nintendo game coming to the switch. It's quite a surprise and has me wondering what Nintendo is up to.

It's not the first time they dabbled with dark horror elements. As you can notice in Majoras Mask, Twilight Princess, Metroid and many others as well.


18:49 UTC


How can I get over my fear of horror? (or at least have the fear end once the horror stops)

So, I am a person who is by all means a quote "Small baby man".

I get super paranoid and have trouble being in the dark after horror and I'm 27. I want to get over that, but I don't know if it would be a smart or safe move to force myself into the deep and just go for it.

I have ALOT of horror games from The Evil Within 2 to classics like Amnesia The Dark Decent.

Even have Alien Isolation. Got them all free over time with giveaways and junk. I have ALL of those but I'm too scared to play them BUT get this I WANT to.

Ya you read that right I WANT to, but when I try, I only last maybe (if all is fine and calm at the start) 15 minutes depended on the factors of said game.

18:34 UTC


Is Nope scary?

Is the movie "Nope" actually scary or just weird and unsettling? I'm not super into horror movies as someone who gets scared easily haha, but I like Jordan Peele's creativity. For reference, I have seen Get Out and Us and I didn't think they were scary. Is it on the same horror level as those?

18:18 UTC


Does anyone else get annoyed when the media doesn't know much about a film they're reporting on?

For example: I've seen quite a few articles, for 28 years later, refer to the infected as "zombies" or "undead".

Maybe it's a nitpick, but it does annoy me quite a bit.

Anyone else?

17:59 UTC


LONGLEGS: Ruth Harker

17:51 UTC

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